Heavenly Star

Chapter 513

Chapter 513

Chu Qingyun... It was only today that he knew his father"s name was Chu Qingyun. Because Chu cangming never told him who his father was, who his mother was, and how they died... Never. Later, he grew up and thought it was a painful memory that Grandpa Chu cangming never wanted to touch again. At this moment, he suddenly understood... Why grandpa didn"t tell him the truth

Because it was a great revenge that would never be avenged. Chu cangming is ashamed of being a sword G.o.d, but he can"t avenge the killing of his son. How can he bless his grandson with this powerless pain and powerless resentment. Let him never know, until everything becomes very light, very light, he no longer cares.

More than 20 years ago... Cangming sword... Chu Qingyun

The time coincided with the time when he was just born... And the cangming sword at that time should be pa.s.sed on to his son by his grandfather Chu cangming... That is, his father.

The man who killed his father and his mother is the G.o.d of the land!

He has never seen his parents, and he will not have any deep feelings with them, but the weak blood relationship does not mean that he will be indifferent to the hatred of killing his father and mother. On the contrary, he will be more resentful to the people who take away his parents" lives who are eager to see his father and mother and get their parents" love since childhood.

His heart was completely disordered. Cangming"s sword clenched in his hands was shaking violently, and faintly sent out a trace of sad sword sound.

Xing Tian"s face sank for a moment, and then suddenly smiled low: "ha ha, ha ha, it"s interesting. It"s so interesting that you are the man"s son! Hahaha, it"s so interesting... Is there anything more interesting in the world? Hey, when the man named Chu Qingyun died, he begged me to let go of the woman, but I was afraid that he would be lonely on the road, so I helped them... "He moved his wrist and smiled more insidiously:" well, your parents died in my hand. It"s just that I sent you a family reunion today. I haven"t done a great thing for many years. "

Interesting, the five G.o.ds will begin to find everything more interesting. A man from Tianchen mainland, which is enough to surprise them, now, there is another good play of revenge.

Chu Jingtian"s face was black and frightening, and his eyes were more terrible and deep than ever. He removed his resentful eyes from Xing Tian and looked at the cold cliff with the same look: "don"t interfere! Don"t interfere! "

He repeated it twice, twice, in a decisive tone that lengya had never heard of. He knew lengya and knew that if he fell into the downwind, he would do it. Lengya looked at him and looked away. In the face of an enemy who kills his father and mother, if it is him, he must want to avenge himself rather than borrow the power of others.

Chu Jingtian looked up at the sky and whispered silently. When he lowered his head, his eyes had been closed, and cangming sword pointed flat.


Chu Jingtian"s feet suddenly heard a loud explosion, which also made the six G.o.ds frown imperceptibly at the same time. At the foot of Chu Jingtian, several cracks spread out on the golden ground. The tenacity of the ground here is far from that of Tianchen continent. It is in the palace city. Every inch of land is protected by divine power. Even if they want to destroy it, it is not so easy. What"s more strange is that it undoubtedly needs great power to destroy the ground here, but while the ground is broken, they don"t feel much power flow on Chu Jingtian.

With this skill, they knew that they still underestimated the man who had aroused their great interest before.

Xing Tian didn"t call out his weapon, but he held out his hand with earth colored gloves and sneered, "let"s start."

The huge breath of G.o.d rose from Xing Tian. The open square before the temple condensed in an instant, and the air and sound were dispersed in an instant. Under the release and shrouding of huge energy, the G.o.d guards in the distance felt something extremely heavy on their body and heart, and they could hardly breathe.

Vatian moved his lips and made a voice that only he could hear: "it seems that Xing Tian has put away his mind to play. He should also feel that this human is unusual. Hey... If he loses, it would be very interesting."

In front of Xing Tian, Chu Jingtian slowly closed his eyes, pressed down the surging waves, and his heart became empty again. He took a long breath, his eyes suddenly opened, and his calm eyes seemed to be deep at once. Occasionally, there will be a sharp flash of light. His wrist moved slightly, cangming"s sword gradually moved down and pointed to Xing Tian, which was only more than ten meters away from him. The sharp blade released a awe inspiring blue light under the emission of light.

Only from the momentum, Chu Jingtian fell to the absolute disadvantage, but unexpectedly, he seemed not to be suppressed by Xing Tian"s divine power, which was difficult to accept. The momentum stalemate lasted only a very short time and was broken by Chu Jingtian. He waved cangming"s sword, his body suddenly turned into a gray shadow, and rushed to Xingtian with strong resentment. The tip of cangming"s sword did not point to Xing Tian, but drooped slightly. In his half floating impact, the cangming"s sword that did not touch the ground brought a long row of golden sparks and gullies to the golden ground.

Xing Tian calmly looked at the approaching gray shadow. He didn"t move until he was within five meters of his body. He lightly opened his raised right hand and grabbed the sword lifted from below and stabbed him in the throat.

His weapon is his gloves. The Khaki gloves are by no means ordinary gloves. They are not only very hard, but also have great tearing force. Xing Tian"s original is soil. His strength has the characteristics of soil and has strong defense ability and collision ability. The heaviness of the body is a relative defect.


When the sword touched the glove, it made an incredible roar. The collision of weapons is only the second, and the most direct, is the frontal collision of power. Cangming sword"s sharp stab hit Xing Tian"s palm, but it didn"t pierce through. At the moment of contact, a strong and incomparable strength made cangming sword suddenly bend a soul stirring arc, which was like a dangerous break. Cangming sword has never been so bent since its birth. The next moment, Chu Jingtian"s body had been shaken away like a leaf in the wind. He folded in the air, landed steadily, and looked at Xing Tian from a distance. His eyes were still indifferent, mixed with a trace of hidden hatred.

Chu Jingtian knew that his strength was at a complete disadvantage. If he fought against Xing Tian, it would be tantamount to digging his own grave.

Cangming sword is still trembling. It is a divine sword. In addition to the forbidden instrument, the whole Tianchen continent can"t find a stronger sword than it. When it comes to the divine continent, it is also special, but it is by no means the strongest sword. At least, every G.o.d General"s weapon is much stronger than cangming sword. Although weapons are auxiliary, if the strength is not far away, the strength of weapons often determines the outcome of the war. On this side, Chu Jingtian also fell downwind.

Xing Tian raised his hand and looked at his palm. He shook his wrist with disdain. This is his habit for thousands of years. Chu Jingtian stabbed him in the face, and there was no trace in his palm. But his heart was not so relaxed. Chu Jingtian"s strength far exceeded his expectations. He had just used nearly 70% of his strength to resist. He just flew backwards for tens of meters and took off his strength and stopped his body unharmed.

Hum, are you really from Tianchen mainland? Why is it so far apart.

It seems that this toy used to pa.s.s the time will take a little effort to play.

However, although the strength shown by Chu Jingtian greatly exceeded his expectations, Xing Tian never thought that he would lose in his hand. He can only be called qualified to let him do it. How could a humble human in the sky continent, or such a young man, be the hands of Xing Tian, the G.o.d of his G.o.ds. In the land of G.o.d, they know that they are G.o.d and human. They can call themselves and others human or G.o.d. However, in their cognition, the "human" in the land of G.o.d is completely different from the people in the land of heaven. They are completely at two levels. These arrogant G.o.ds will generally add the word "humble" when talking about the people in the land of heaven.

If a G.o.d of G.o.ds is defeated by a humble man, it will be a great shame worse than death.

Chu Jingtian"s stay lasted three seconds, then he rose to the sky, stepped on the void, and the blue cangming sword waved in the void. Suddenly, a large blue light and shadow appeared in the air and shot at Xing Tian in an instant. It was a large piece of sword from emptiness to reality, which cut into Xing Tian"s body like an airborne storm. Above the Tongshen tower, his potential was inspired by the man in black, his strength increased sharply, and his understanding of Kendo has advanced several steps. He has condensed the tangible sword out of thin air, which could originally condense the invisible sword. The reason why the invisible sword is invisible is that the density of power is too low to build color. The lethality is naturally different from that of the visible sword.

Feeling the sound of the breaking wind above his head, Xing Xingtian raised his right hand and the palm was shining with an obvious yellow light. Suddenly, the s.p.a.ce was suddenly silent, and then an overwhelming force surged out of the palm. Before Xing Xingtian got close to the sword shadow with great destructive power and impact, Xing Xingtian was blown away like a remnant of gra.s.s, And because of the release of this resistance, Xing Tian"s body stopped for a very short time... All the blue sword shadows disappeared, but Chu Jingtian was still not in any panic. In his mouth, he gently spit out seven words: "sword Divine formula - the way of heaven is impermanent..."

Xing Tian"s raised hand had not been put down. The sword shadow that had just been scattered by him reappeared in a flash and shot at Xing Tian at a speed nearly twice as fast as before.

This was completely unexpected, and even the scene that could not be described by common sense made the calm on Xing Tian"s face disappear all at once. The power of his right hand has been exhausted. In this short moment, he can"t produce afterforce at all. While his right hand is retracted, his left hand slams upward, and a huge thrust as before envelops the sky.

But this force did not break up any sword shadow. Because at the moment when his left hand was raised, the shadow of the sword shot straight down once again had an extremely strange change. It no longer shot downward, but flew in parallel in all directions, completely avoided the great power of Xing Tian, and suddenly detoured, surrounded into a standard circle from different directions, and shot at Xing Tian in the center of the circle.

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