Heavenly Star

Chapter 523

Chapter 523

Ye Wuchen"s palm pushed up, and a thick white flame flew away from his palm and rushed straight to the night. During the flight, the flame turns into the gorgeous shape of a flying phoenix, accompanied by a loud and extremely loud sound of the Phoenix.

The fire dragon bead turned into the source of Ye Wuchen"s power of fire and gave him endless power of fire elements. The wind killing bead turned into the source of Ye Wuchen"s power of wind and gave him endless power of wind. Jiuli Phoenix inflammation is the strongest fire that ye Wuchen can use. Jiuli sky fire and the strongest wind Phoenix Sky crack roll are combined. It is dominated by fire and supplemented by wind. However, the combination of the strongest fire and the strongest wind is not as simple as one plus one, but the power is increased by geometric multiples after combination.

The speed of the strongest wind soon caught up with the night Ming who was bombarded upward. At the moment of touching his body, the power of fire and the power of wind exploded magnificently on his body, such as sprinkling a huge fireworks in the air. At the same time, it was accompanied by a sad cry that almost broke the sky.

With pity and resentment, ye Wuchen finally looked at Yeming. Ye Wuchen bowed his head and looked at Xueye. With Xuanwu"s ability, he should be enough to stand in a stalemate with Xueye. Blood night focuses on brutal attack, while Xuanwu focuses on defense. The two would have been a lasting stalemate. Therefore, he asked Xiang Xiang, who also reached the saint level strength, to help Xuanwu. With her s.p.a.ce transmission ability, she can perfectly make up for the weakness of Xuanwu"s action ability. But when he looked down, he found that he was wrong

Instead of Xiangxiang, he became Xuanwu... He took advantage of Yeming"s overconfidence to hit him hard at the fastest speed, but he didn"t expect that the battle below would end so quickly.

At the moment he lowered his head, he saw that Xuanwu"s body firmly resisted the blood saw of blood night. No matter how the blood saw turned, waved or torn, it could not really break the defense of Xuanwu and get rid of the resistance of Xuanwu. Xiangxiang, who had no worries at home, turned around luxuriantly after a short silence. Suddenly, the distortion of s.p.a.ce began in front of Xiangxiang"s body and spread forward in a straight line, all the way to the body of b.l.o.o.d.y night.

Dimensional rupture! Ye Wuchen"s pupils shrink suddenly... Power can resist, weapons can resist, elements can resist, but what about the fragmentation of s.p.a.ce? s.p.a.ce breaking means that all materials in the s.p.a.ce are broken. Unless the body can fully bear the strength of the broken s.p.a.ce, it can"t resist the damage caused by the s.p.a.ce breaking.

Even the saint level"s strength still can"t!


A huge blood hole was opened in Xueye"s chest in the stalemate with Xuanwu. Xueye"s whole body was stiff, and the pupils flashing blood light suddenly became lax. The blood saw in his hand fell powerlessly below. Then, under the attack of Xuanwu"s power, the pet.i.te body flew out like a feather brought up by the strong wind and sprinkled blood all the way.

Heavy injury, real heavy injury, the broken s.p.a.ce brought the fragmentation of her internal organs. Even if she had the strength of Saint level, she would die under such serious injury. Even if she could hold her breath, she would die soon. He used dozens of swords and one move of the strongest wind fire combination to defeat Yeming, while Xiangxiang... Only used one move.


The devastated and unspeakable earth was suddenly lifted by a huge force. A huge black shadow with a huge air wave rushed out of the ground and fell on the ground. At that moment, his body shook and then shook his head. He was. .h.i.t hard by Ye Wuchen in the middle of his head. Even though his physical tenacity did not suffer any real damage, he was directly dizzy underground. At this time, he finally woke up, but there was still a serious sense of dizziness in his brain.

And immediately, if he was stabbed by a needle, he suddenly woke up completely, because he just saw the scene of blood flying and landing miserably in the blood night.

Qian Chong was stunned, and then suddenly gave a loud roar that made the earth tremble. His huge body burst out at a speed far faster than before, rushed crazy to the direction of blood night, and then fell heavily to the ground.

Looking at the blood night"s pale face and the flesh and blood blur in her chest, almost all internal organs were broken into countless blood holes, and Qianchong issued a sad and fierce roar again. He suddenly turned around, and a fist that could shake the sky and earth roared to ye Wuchen with crazy hatred. When the fist arrived, the air was immediately discharged, and the s.p.a.ce was seriously distorted driven by the huge force.

Ye Wuchen didn"t move, and the Xuanwu roared to meet him. During the rotation, he hit Qianchong"s huge fist. With a loud noise, Qianchong retreated for several steps, and the floating Xuanwu was directly knocked out. At the moment when Qianchong retreated, ye Wuchen appeared over Qianchong under the power of fragrant s.p.a.ce, and his fists full of the power of Wuchen bombarded his head again, but this time, His fists did not hit down at the same time, but hit him left and right on the right and left of his head.

"Boom -"

Qianzhong"s defense ability and attack ability are equally terrible, but if we must say that his weakness in defense is his head... Of course, this is also the weakness of almost all creatures. No real man can live without his head.

Suddenly, the heavy two fists from the head scattered Qianchong"s consciousness. There was a blank in his brain. He couldn"t even feel the pain, but his body hadn"t come and fell, and the same two fists. .h.i.t him on the head




Qianchong"s body is strong and terrible. Ye Wuchen only used less than 20% of the power of Wuchen to make huntian lose his fighting ability directly, but the attack on Qianchong"s head is all-out every time. That huge power can easily crack a kilometer high mountain directly, but under repeated bombardment, it can"t crack a thousand heavy heads.


The night dark in the air finally fell from the air and fell to the ground. Most of his golden hair was burned, his face was green and black, and his gold armor was damaged. Once one of the three saints, now he is miserable. His powerful power made him still not completely die after being so badly hit, but at this time, he was no different from the dead. Even now, he has made ye Wuchen no longer interested in doing it himself.

Ye Wuchen stopped the attack, turned over and fell from the air. Qianzhong"s eyes had no focus, his body shook back and forth, fell heavily to the ground and didn"t move.

Ye Wuchen wiped the hot sweat on his head, gasped heavily, and put his body on his shoulder: "Xiangxiang, let"s go!"

It"s time... It must be time!

But... Where are they... The temple, and somewhere in the temple. He is clearly connected with the pupil, heart and soul. Why can"t he feel his position now.

Ye Wuchen quickly rushed to the temple in the distance. His body just floated into the air. Suddenly there was a huge sound behind him. Ye Wuchen quickly turned around, followed by a slight shock in his heart.


Qianchong... Under his four consecutive heavy blows, Qianchong could not wake up in a short time. Qianchong actually stood up tremblingly. While shocked, ye Wuchen immediately found that his whole body was sweating, his teeth were clenched, and his body was shaking obviously during standing... It was more like an overdraft of his physical strength or some strength.

Qianchong didn"t look at ye Wuchen, but stumbled to Xueye"s side, but he didn"t dare to touch her greatly traumatized body, for fear that a slight touch would eliminate the last vitality held by her strength. He turned and looked at ye Wuchen with a painful begging look, "Please... Save blood night... She"s just a child..."

Ye Wuchen turned around without hesitation and rushed to the direction of the temple. But as soon as he started, a thousand weak shouts came from behind: "I know who you"re looking for... I know where they are!"

Ye Wuchen"s body suddenly stopped, then quickly turned back and said in a deep voice, "how can you prove that you won"t lie to me?"

Where are Ning Xue and Tong Xin now? This is what ye Wuchen is most worried about now. He knew that they were most likely in the temple, but he could not fully confirm that they were there. If it"s in the temple, it"s somewhere in the temple. The location of the mysterious G.o.d must be very hidden. When he can"t feel the location of the pupil heart, there is a great uneasiness in his heart that he can"t find them.

Qianchong"s words, ye Wuchen has believed half. He woke up from his reckless overdraft potential and from his complete vertigo to ask him to save blood night. Let him know that the terrible blood saw girl must be his most important person.

"I"ve never lied. I"ll tell you that I will..." Qianchong still begged. He never had the arrogance of the holy general. For the sake of the blood night, he was willing to beg the man who seriously injured him and almost killed the blood night.

Ye Wuchen pointed to Yeming, who had no strength to move his body, and said calmly and coldly, "kill him, and then I will cure all her injuries immediately."

Without the slightest hesitation, Qianchong turned his body and walked to Yeming as fast as possible. He punched in Yeming"s lax and desperate eyes

Although Qianchong was weak, he was still Qianchong. This fist was still the fist that shook the sky and cracked the earth. Yeming"s body without any protective power was smashed by the heavy blow - and he was killed.

For Qianchong, the lives of a thousand night ghosts can"t be compared with blood night. He doesn"t need any hesitation to kill Yeming for blood.

Ye Wuchen"s heart was mixed with five flavors. He was too lazy to see the tragedy of Yeming"s death. He squatted beside Xueye, stretched out his right hand and put the void on her chest. He didn"t cure her immediately, but temporarily blocked her whole body with the power of Wuchen. In the state of blood night at this time, he had finished it easily without any effort, which was enough to make her unable to use any divine power within one day and one night. Then, the palm sank and instilled the power of the infinite into her body without stinginess, repairing her trauma.

Qianchong was panting and motionless. He looked at ye Wuchen and blood night. Gradually, his eyes were more and more shocked. Because he clearly saw that the heavy wound on Xueye"s chest was recovering at a terrible speed that could be recognized by the naked eye, and finally healed so completely. After a moment, the terrible face of Xueye, which was pale due to premature bleeding, had a slight blood color. Far away, he felt her original more stable breathing sound.

Ye Wuchen stood up, frowned and asked, "tell me where they are."

"Inside the temple... The hall on the left... Attack the nine lights above with nine forces at the same time... The underground will open... They are there... But they are very deep. We are not allowed to enter the deepest place... When you get inside, you have to find them... By yourself." Qianzhong panted. He relaxed because of the recovery of blood night, and his body finally fell to the ground. Ye Wuchen doesn"t stay any longer and goes away like a flying arrow“ Thank you... You... "Qianchong said softly, and finally pa.s.sed out of consciousness, but the blood night woke up and looked at the white sky in the misty eyes. In this most natural state, she has no fear and breath, and her pure beauty makes people feel pity{ Thank you for your support. Your support is our greatest motivation}