Hegel's Confession

Chapter 18 No One in the Residence

Chapter 18 No One in the Residence

Suddenly, a news report came out from the car"s radio: "The city"s waxwork museum will resume normal operations tomorrow after the reorganization. Some wax figures that had not existed previously will be added. For those who are interested, you don"t want to miss it. . ."

As I slowly gathered my thoughts, I remembered that the museum had been closed due to damage. I didn"t expect it to return to normal so soon. I wanted to find time for a visit there when this case was over.

Xiao Teng had been waiting for me at the gate of the hospital and couldn"t wait to meet me after seeing me. "Zhuxuan, tell me quickly about your progress."

As I walked into the hospital, I told him about the clue that I"d found in the skincare clinic. "I hope it"s not a fake name," he said as his eyes lit up. "That"s really good news."

Chu Haoran was searching Wu Jun"s computer and was little shocked when he saw us coming in. "You come at the right moment. I just found a clue," he said.

"Did you also find the name of Ji Fengjun?" Xiao Teng could not help walking over.

Chu Haoran squinted his eyes, and said, "You also found the woman?"

I was immediately relieved, although I was still not sure the female model whom Xiaohui"s female a.s.sistant talked about was Ji Fengjun or not. However, Wu Jun and Zhao Yu undoubtedly had relations with her. Finally, we had found a suspect.

We set out to return. Xiao Teng hurried back to his seat and opened the computer after we just had entered the office. After failing to find the name on the Intranet of the Public Bureau in A City, he tapped the keyboard quickly again. I looked at the computer and lost my thoughts. "Can"t you find it?" I said, "Then it must be a fake name." I was a little disappointed.

Xiao Teng shook his head, and said, "Here are the names of the people of the city; maybe she is an outsider. But if you look it up on this, you"ll find where she is from. It will be all right soon."

Watching Xiao Teng"s fingers flying on the keyboard, there was a crackling sound in my ears. Soon I heard him scream and say, "Found it! It"s her real name. Check it out!"

Sure enough, all the information about Ji Fengjun appeared on the screen. She was indeed from another province. Her age was really twenty-six. We found her living place in the city and contact number according to the ID card. . .

While Chu Haoran and I waited quietly, XiaoTeng finally pushed the computer forward, and said, "Got it. This is her address."

"In the suburb?" I muttered, and thought something was wrong.

Xiao Teng nodded, and said, "Yes! It"s written clearly on it. Ji Fengjun came to this city a year ago and she has always been there."

Chu Haoran seemed to understand my guess, and said, "Do you think that the suspect should not live in the suburb, according to several missing people"s workplaces?"

I gave him a noncommittal affirmation. Xiao Teng, however, was not convinced, and he said, "Maybe those people were deceived by her to go there and they never came back later. After all, men all have a curios mentality, and the more mysterious things are, the more interested they will be."

Hearing this, I couldn"t help looking over and glancing at him, which made Xiao Teng wave his hands quickly and say, "Don"t look at me. I don"t even have time for sleep; there"s no time for curiosity."

At eight p.m., we set out for Ji Fengjun"s address in the suburb. In the meantime, I wondered if I would ever see her, but I had a strong feeling that the answer would be no.

According to the address, we came to a bungalow because there was a suburb, so the light was dim and things could only be identified by flashlight beam. There were many such bungalows around here, and only a few buses went into the city. Although it was such a remote place, many people lived here just because the rent was low.

We listened through the large iron gate and found that the inside was super quiet. Chu Haoran jumped over the wall and opened the gate. We tiptoed into the yard and soon found three bungalows inside, which were on the left, right, and opposite the gate. Xiao Teng pointed to the left, and we strode closer to it.

We knocked gently at the door first, but there was no reply at all! Just then, however, a warning voice behind us arose. "Who are you?" a man"s voice demanded. "How did you get in here?"

In the moonlight, a middle-aged man appeared behind us us. He was wearing a vest and shorts, and he was holding a stick in his hand. What surprised us was that there were still people living in the opposite room. I came to my mind, and said that we were the police and had come to investigate the area.

The middle-aged man obviously didn"t believe us, and said, "Cut your f.u.c.k c.r.a.p! You"re just thieves. Get out now or I"ll call the police!"

Xiao Teng took out the certificate, and said, "Look at this clearly before you talk."

Being too far away from us, the middle-aged man could not see it clearly, and he rushed towards us angrily, waving his wooden stick to drive us out. Chu Haoran had seen the situation from the beginning, but he kept silent. He looked right at the middle-aged man, and a few minutes later, he grabbed the stick from the man and put him on the ground. Then he said, "See clearly, this is the certificate." He took the certificate from Xiao Teng and let the middle-aged man look at it up close.

"My G.o.d, you are really the police. I"m so sorry. I didn"t mean to hara.s.s you. I thought you were thieves! But this room has not been occupied for a long time. What do you want to investigate?" The middle-aged man"s att.i.tude suddenly completely changed, and his original anger was replaced by a smile.

Chu Haoran looked down and quickly let go of him, and said, "It"s not your fault; this is our oversight. Do you know who lived here before? And where is the landlord now?"

After making sure that we were police, the middle-aged man gave us frank answers. He said that he had been living here for three months, during which he had only seen a woman come here once. But the woman was wearing a hat and walking with her head hanging down. He had the contact number of the landlord, but he knew little about other things.

After letting the middle-aged man go back to have a break, Chu Haoran opened the door of the opposite bungalow. Although this was a suburban bungalow, it was installed with a burglar-proof door. I looked at him doubtfully, surprised at this in my heart, but didn"t expect that Xiao Teng would smile callously at that time. "The policeman who can"t unlock the door is not a good policeman."

When we went into the room and turned on the light, the area got bright soon. This was a sixty-square-meter bungalow, which included a bedroom, a kitchen, and a hall. It looked neat but dusty. It was obvious that no one had been here for a long time, and certainly, no one had tidied it up.

After having a thorough examination of the bungalow, we ended up with disappointment. There was nothing here, including few clothes or commodities. It seemed that the people who lived here had moved away long ago, but it was strange that the address of Ji Fengjun had shown up as here.

 "Cheer up. At least we have the landlord"s contact number," I said to them as I sat in the pa.s.senger seat and looked out the window. I was also kind of comforting myself, too.

Xiao Teng quickly cooperated with me, and said, "That"s right, and now that we have identified the suspect, it"s only a matter of time before we find her."

After we got back to the city and Chu Haoran had parked the car in front of a restaurant, only then did I realize that I"d had nothing for dinner and I was too hungry. During the dinner, I heard a conversation again from a distance! In addition, the conversation I overheard was about the opening of the city"s waxwork museum tomorrow.

"The waxwork museum! Zhuxuan, I remember that you wanted to visit the museum when you"re free; why not have a visit when we finish up the case?" Xiao Teng asked after hearing the conversation.

I nodded but replied nothing. Although it was the same thought as mine, I could not figure out when the case would end. We"d just identified the suspect. We still needed to find her before we could proceed.