Her Boss

Chapter 14



She grabbed it and was about to leave when a strong arm held hers. She was startled by the sudden action and quickly defended herself. She was unable to pin him down and was surprised when she saw who it was. It was a creep that had been stalking her since the day she returned back after her surgery. She tilted her head and there was no one around to save her.

"I"ve finally found you" he said laughing hysterically.


Anna"s POV..

"What do you want?" I asked giving him the i-am-too-bored-look. Wow I"ve really got some nerve.

"C"mon Angel. Don"t play all tough on me. I know you want me". Who the h.e.l.l does this a.s.shole think he is?

"Look freak! I don"t know who you are, I don"t know what you want but I can a.s.sure I have something you don"t want to ever see" I say with the calmest voice ever, my eyes void of emotions: no glimpse of fear. It seems my response triggered his anger and soon enough I found myself on the floor; him hovering over me with a gun directed towards my head. He"s got a gun.

"You"re gonna kill me OMG I"m so scared. Somebody save me" I said dramatically. Then a smirk played around my lips "you really think I"m scared of you? Hahaha too bad freak, you don"t scare me a bit." Nice job b.i.t.c.h, your confidence has improved alot and I gave myself a mental applause. Keep it up. That only made him more angry.

He cracked the gun and was about to shoot me when it dawned on me that I"ll soon be a dead meat. I have to do something, say something then an idea popped into my head "Look creep, You call me your Angel. Why would you want to kill your little miss pretty face. Do you love to see a lifeless Angel? I doubt so, don"t you?" Yes my plans working because his grip on me loosened a bit and I took it as a hint and before I could tackle him the door cracked wide open and I saw a handsome hero come to my rescue. Way to go Ben. That was my cue to beat the a.s.shole blue-black. I said rolling my eyes. He looked really furious and I could tell he was going to kill someone.. definitely not me of course.

Ben"s POV..

I"ve been waiting in the car for more than 5 minutes. She"s supposed to be back by now. How long does it take to just grab a bag..jeez girls will always be girls. I said rolling my eyes. I brought out my phone and was about to make a call when it occurred to me that something might be wrong. I quickly got out of the car in search for her. I checked the entire club except one room. If she isn"t here then I"m gonna kill someone. I tried opening the door but it was locked from the inside. Could she be inside? I didn"t take a moment to answer that question before I broke the door with my feet and the sight in front of me made me pale. A man with disgusting beards, yellow teeth, black lips, black shirt and a dirty jeans was on top of her with a gun pointed directly at her head. She didn"t look scared at all but just the sight of him on top of her with a freaking gun cracked the nerve out of me.

I didn"t know when I was on top of him throwing several punches on his face. The gun flying across the room to the bedside. I couldn"t handle this, no he deserves to die. What if I had come a little too late. What if he had touched her? What if he had raped her? NO! Just the thought of that made me more angry and I kept on beating the h.e.l.l out of him. I ran to the other side of the room and just as I was about to pull the trigger, I felt a warm arm pull me back. I turned slowly, my eyes meeting her and the flash of fear in her eyes didn"t escape mine. She slowly grabbed the gun from my hands and threw it far off away.
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Soon the sound of police sirens were just outside of the club and two cops ran into the room. They handcuffed the a.s.shole "make sure he rots in jail". They gave me an a.s.suring look and they left dragging the half-dead a.s.shole out of the room. "I would have lost you" a sigh escaping my lips as I pulled her into a tight hug.