Her Boss

Chapter 16


"Since it"s silly I guess you don"t mind letting me know huh?"

"Wh..What? I.. uhh. It.. it"s nothing really just uhh..some silly argument with my rommie" *clap* what a brilliant lie. Ugh.. I really am no great liar. Hey what?! You really are not expecting to tell him the truth are you? I mean seriously I"m not willing to let him know I"m still crushing and h.e.l.l he"s so d.a.m.n hotter now. I wonder what his chest looks like. He probably has like 6, 8 abs?.. who knows? *chuckles*" you really think I"m hot?" "Wait...what??!" oh s.h.i.t he heard.

"And uhh.. the crush aspect" smirking. Of course he heard that too. Great job Sherlock, rolling my eyes.


Anna"s POV..


He pulled up in front a huge house. One could tell it"s a four bedroom duplex. Does he live here alone? In this mansion? Holy s.h.i.t! This is amazing as h.e.l.l. He definitely has got to have a girlfriend or even a dozen maid who lives with him here.

"You might not want to catch some flies" he said using his thumb and index finger to push my chin up. I was still in shock of the house in front of me I didn"t realize I was already inside with him. "Y.. you live here?" swallowing hard "alone?"

"Yup" popping the "P". "Actually Ms Williams lives with me. She"s been more like a mother for the longest of times and uhh... well you"ll get to see her eventually"

"No girlfriend?" I blurted out then covered my mouth quickly but it was already too late.. he heard already.

*chuckles*"Nope" popping the "P". "Just us two plus you now of course"

"yeah... right"

"I"ll show you to your room after a quick tour". "To my room". I actually have a room here? *it"s just for a week Sherlock* my subconscious mocks me.

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---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------AFTER THE TOUR----------------------

"Last but not the least... *drum roll please* the ultimate..."Your room"" he said dramatically. "Wow! It"s... so... wow" I said admiring the mini house in front of me. It"s a large bedroom with a queen sized bed, white sheets, dark blue duvet and pillows, in each side of the bed are two bedside tables with lamps on them. The moon illuminated in the room adding more beauty to it. At the far end of the room is a walk-in closet and I swear my clothes can"t fill quarter of the numerous racks. h.e.l.l! This is Amzing.

"It"s so nice... Thank you so much"

"Anything for you Kitten" and I felt my cheeks burn from the nickname.

"Uhh.. CE- i mean Ben, my uhh..my clothes.. they aren"t--"

"We"ll go shopping tomorrow and maybe grab a few things from your old house and say bye to your "Rommie" yeah?"

"Hmm.. I dunno really. I don"t feel like I should leave her there all alone for this week you know? We"ve been really close since I can remember and I don"t want to stay away from her. Even for a day. I dunno if you get me.. it"s just.. I really am fond of her and I don"t--"

"You can always visit"

"No you don"t get it. She"s everything to me now and I don"t want to stay away from her. One week is way too long and you know that and i--"

I was caught short when his lips came crashing down on mine. It felt so genuine. His lip is soft against mine and h.e.l.l he stole my first kiss.