Her Boss

Chapter 45


I stared at him for a while and there was something about this baby boy that seemed familiar but I just couldn"t pinpoint what it was. He had a familiar brown hair with a light complexion. His eyes were a sea blue, his nose were pointed and had small pink lips. He had big adorable eyes like someone I know of.

My heart started racing as realization hit me...




Anna"s POV...

No, it can"t be. No no no... It"s all in my imagination. This little boy in front of me was the exact same replica of me. Although he had brown hair and a light complexion, every other features copied mine. No! "B... but, I... he... you... it"s..." I couldn"t make sense out of what I was saying as I stared deep at my duplicate.

Mr Brown eyes took slow steady steps towards me but I was unable to move an inch as my gaze were fixed on the little boy. "A... Anna, he"s our son. He"s Alfred."

At the mention of his name, I immediately shot him a look which made him move back a bit. His mouth opened like he was about to say something but he immediately shut it as my look softened while staring at the big adorable sea blue eyes that were glued to mine.

"Al... Alfred?" No it can"t be. That name? Why that name?

"Yes... Alfred"

"Can I hold him, please?"

"Yes, sure. Of course." He slowly handed the baby over to me. I looked deeply at the little boy as tears began to roll down my cheeks. I... it"s true. He"s my son. But how? I can"t remember ever having to date someone even more get married and have a child. I watched as his adorable eyes roamed my face and he took his hand into his mouth and sucked it. He looked so adorable doing that and I couldn"t help but notice how his eyes were not just a sea blue but a mixture of brown and sea blue on the second eye. It looks... rare but genuine. I got lost inside his eyes that I didn"t realize he touched my wet cheeks with his little hands probably in attempt to wipe away my tears. It only made me cry more. Not painful tears but joyful ones that slowly crept down my cheeks. Alfred... I"ve always loved that name. It was the name I said I would give to my child if ever I gave birth to one. It"s too weird to be a coincidence. Alfred... my baby boy. I pulled him in into a tender hug and he cuddled me in return. Aww... so cute. I placed kisses all over his face and his hands and the unthinkable happened...

"Mamma" I nearly choked on air when I heard it. Did he just... I looked up when I heard a gasp come from Mr Brown eyes here, hmf! I thought he left. He wore a shocked expression and when his eyes met mine, he quickly averted his gaze and so did I.

I looked down at the handsome boy on my laps and he just stared at him then gave me a toothy grin. It was so contagious that I felt myself smile back at him. "Mamma" then he hugged me tightly. I did same as I kissed his brown hair.

When he finally pulled away, he was crying. As little as he is, he has such fragile emotions? He"s just like me! "Hey baby, don"t cry okay? Mamma is here for you, don"t cry any longer." But he didn"t stop, it only intensified. "Alfred baby, look at Mamma." I tried coaxing him, "I am here for you now okay? Don"t cry anymore or Mamma would cry too. I love you okay? I love you so much." The last part came out as a whisper only Alfred could hear but it seems Mr Brown eyes heard me too but I just ignored him and focused on my son.


Ben"s POV...

It"s been a month since Anna got out of coma and for two weeks now, I"ve been visiting her and using the opportunity that she wanted to see ONLY Alfred to see her too. Yes, that"s right. She only wants to see Alfred and has been treating me like trash ever since but I will NEVER give up on her. I won"t give up on her. She doesn"t remember anything about us but I"ll win her heart again. I won"t let our relationship be destroyed. So far, she only knows Ella and her family but me, how could she forget me? How could she forget us? After all we"ve been through, after all we"ve shared? She just throws me away like I"m some sort of garbage or something and it hurts alot. It f.u.c.king hurts and it"s hard to keep up. But I can"t give up on her. I must make her remember me again. I must make her love me again like she used to. I"ll hold onto her and our son. I"ll protect them even if it costs my life.

I was currently watching her as she walked in the garden, though her steps were slow but she was gradually catching up. She sat under a tree and I watched as she played with our son. She seems so happy just with her son and without me. She doesn"t even want me anywhere near her and it hurts as h.e.l.l. It makes me want to rip my head off just thinking that she"s happy without me. "I won"t give up on you Anna, I won"t. I will fight for your love. I will fight for us to be the way we were before you left me. I will make you mine again" I said while wiping the tears off my face.

"That"s how I like it Son. Fight for her. Don"t lose up. She needs you now more than ever and do not let her down. Prove to her that you"re her husband. Prove to her how much you love her and want her and Alfred in your life. Be patient with her, okay? She"ll gain her memory soon." Ms Williams said as she took a seat beside me while watching Anna and our son as they played in the garden.
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"I love her so much and it hurts watching her treat me like a low life piece of s.h.i.t! She literally called me a b.a.s.t.a.r.d and a heartless beast. Do you know how painful it is to hear the love of your life, your wife say such hurtful words to you? I cry every day, I cry every night, mom but she"s becoming even more hurtful each day with her words. She makes it difficult to keep my calm, Ms Williams. She drives me crazy. I have sleepless nights because of her. She attacks me with every chance. She insults me and there is nothing I can do. What did I ever do wrong to deserve such unfair treatment? What did I do? Am I that bad mom, am I?" I was now sobbing into her shoulder and she comforted me.

"I don"t know what I ever did to deserve this"

"Ssh... you did nothing Ben. You"re innocent and so is Anna and Alfred. None of you did the wrong thing. It"s just life been unfair to us, son. Don"t get disappointed because of how she"s treating you. You would have done same if you were in her shoes. Don"t get disappointed because of this. Rather this should motivate you to fight harder for your love. Fight harder for your family. Don"t give up on her. Don"t lose hope. She"s a fighter, Ben. She will love you again, trust me."
