
Chapter 7

"These folks have a history, that"s sure," I told the others. "And SOME time they were fighters--else why a fortress?"

I said we were free of the garden, but not wholly alone in it. There was always a string of those uncomfortably strong women sitting about, always one of them watching us even if the others were reading, playing games, or busy at some kind of handiwork.

"When I see them knit," Terry said, "I can almost call them feminine."

"That doesn"t prove anything," Jeff promptly replied. "Scotch shepherds knit--always knitting."

"When we get out--" Terry stretched himself and looked at the far peaks, "when we get out of this and get to where the real women are--the mothers, and the girls--"

"Well, what"ll we do then?" I asked, rather gloomily. "How do you know we"ll ever get out?"

This was an unpleasant idea, which we unanimously considered, returning with earnestness to our studies.

"If we are good boys and learn our lessons well," I suggested. "If we are quiet and respectful and polite and they are not afraid of us--then perhaps they will let us out. And anyway--when we do escape, it is of immense importance that we know the language."

Personally, I was tremendously interested in that language, and seeing they had books, was eager to get at them, to dig into their history, if they had one.

It was not hard to speak, smooth and pleasant to the ear, and so easy to read and write that I marveled at it. They had an absolutely phonetic system, the whole thing was as scientific as Esparanto yet bore all the marks of an old and rich civilization.

We were free to study as much as we wished, and were not left merely to wander in the garden for recreation but introduced to a great gymnasium, partly on the roof and partly in the story below. Here we learned real respect for our tall guards. No change of costume was needed for this work, save to lay off outer clothing. The first one was as perfect a garment for exercise as need be devised, absolutely free to move in, and, I had to admit, much better-looking than our usual one.

"Forty--over forty--some of "em fifty, I bet--and look at "em!" grumbled Terry in reluctant admiration.

There were no spectacular acrobatics, such as only the young can perform, but for all-around development they had a most excellent system. A good deal of music went with it, with posture dancing and, sometimes, gravely beautiful processional performances.

Jeff was much impressed by it. We did not know then how small a part of their physical culture methods this really was, but found it agreeable to watch, and to take part in.

Oh yes, we took part all right! It wasn"t absolutely compulsory, but we thought it better to please.

Terry was the strongest of us, though I was wiry and had good staying power, and Jeff was a great sprinter and hurdler, but I can tell you those old ladies gave us cards and spades. They ran like deer, by which I mean that they ran not as if it was a performance, but as if it was their natural gait. We remembered those fleeting girls of our first bright adventure, and concluded that it was.

They leaped like deer, too, with a quick folding motion of the legs, drawn up and turned to one side with a sidelong twist of the body. I remembered the sprawling spread-eagle way in which some of the fellows used to come over the line--and tried to learn the trick. We did not easily catch up with these experts, however.

"Never thought I"d live to be bossed by a lot of elderly lady acrobats,"

Terry protested.

They had games, too, a good many of them, but we found them rather uninteresting at first. It was like two people playing solitaire to see who would get it first; more like a race or a--a compet.i.tive examination, than a real game with some fight in it.

I philosophized a bit over this and told Terry it argued against their having any men about. "There isn"t a man-size game in the lot," I said.

"But they are interesting--I like them," Jeff objected, "and I"m sure they are educational."

"I"m sick and tired of being educated," Terry protested. "Fancy going to a dame school--at our age. I want to Get Out!"

But we could not get out, and we were being educated swiftly. Our special tutors rose rapidly in our esteem. They seemed of rather finer quality than the guards, though all were on terms of easy friendliness.

Mine was named Somel, Jeff"s Zava, and Terry"s Moadine. We tried to generalize from the names, those of the guards, and of our three girls, but got nowhere.

"They sound well enough, and they"re mostly short, but there"s no similarity of termination--and no two alike. However, our acquaintance is limited as yet."

There were many things we meant to ask--as soon as we could talk well enough. Better teaching I never saw. From morning to night there was Somel, always on call except between two and four; always pleasant with a steady friendly kindness that I grew to enjoy very much. Jeff said Miss Zava--he would put on a t.i.tle, though they apparently had none--was a darling, that she reminded him of his Aunt Esther at home; but Terry refused to be won, and rather jeered at his own companion, when we were alone.

"I"m sick of it!" he protested. "Sick of the whole thing. Here we are cooped up as helpless as a bunch of three-year-old orphans, and being taught what they think is necessary--whether we like it or not. Confound their old-maid impudence!"

Nevertheless we were taught. They brought in a raised map of their country, beautifully made, and increased our knowledge of geographical terms; but when we inquired for information as to the country outside, they smilingly shook their heads.

They brought pictures, not only the engravings in the books but colored studies of plants and trees and flowers and birds. They brought tools and various small objects--we had plenty of "material" in our school.

If it had not been for Terry we would have been much more contented, but as the weeks ran into months he grew more and more irritable.

"Don"t act like a bear with a sore head," I begged him. "We"re getting on finely. Every day we can understand them better, and pretty soon we can make a reasonable plea to be let out--"

"LET out!" he stormed. "LET out--like children kept after school. I want to Get Out, and I"m going to. I want to find the men of this place and fight!--or the girls--"

"Guess it"s the girls you"re most interested in," Jeff commented. "What are you going to fight WITH--your fists?"

"Yes--or sticks and stones--I"d just like to!" And Terry squared off and tapped Jeff softly on the jaw. "Just for instance," he said.

"Anyhow," he went on, "we could get back to our machine and clear out."

"If it"s there," I cautiously suggested.

"Oh, don"t croak, Van! If it isn"t there, we"ll find our way down somehow--the boat"s there, I guess."

It was hard on Terry, so hard that he finally persuaded us to consider a plan of escape. It was difficult, it was highly dangerous, but he declared that he"d go alone if we wouldn"t go with him, and of course we couldn"t think of that.

It appeared he had made a pretty careful study of the environment. From our end window that faced the point of the promontory we could get a fair idea of the stretch of wall, and the drop below. Also from the roof we could make out more, and even, in one place, glimpse a sort of path below the wall.

"It"s a question of three things," he said. "Ropes, agility, and not being seen."

"That"s the hardest part," I urged, still hoping to dissuade him. "One or another pair of eyes is on us every minute except at night."

"Therefore we must do it at night," he answered. "That"s easy."

"We"ve got to think that if they catch us we may not be so well treated afterward," said Jeff.

"That"s the business risk we must take. I"m going--if I break my neck."

There was no changing him.

The rope problem was not easy. Something strong enough to hold a man and long enough to let us down into the garden, and then down over the wall.

There were plenty of strong ropes in the gymnasium--they seemed to love to swing and climb on them--but we were never there by ourselves.

We should have to piece it out from our bedding, rugs, and garments, and moreover, we should have to do it after we were shut in for the night, for every day the place was cleaned to perfection by two of our guardians.

We had no shears, no knives, but Terry was resourceful. "These Jennies have gla.s.s and china, you see. We"ll break a gla.s.s from the bathroom and use that. "Love will find out a way,"" he hummed. "When we"re all out of the window, we"ll stand three-man high and cut the rope as far up as we can reach, so as to have more for the wall. I know just where I saw that bit of path below, and there"s a big tree there, too, or a vine or something--I saw the leaves."

It seemed a crazy risk to take, but this was, in a way, Terry"s expedition, and we were all tired of our imprisonment.

So we waited for full moon, retired early, and spent an anxious hour or two in the unskilled manufacture of man-strong ropes.