
Chapter 24

and think it is final. But tell me more about these little temples of yours," I urged. "And these Temple Mothers you run to."

Then she gave me an extended lesson in applied religion, which I will endeavor to concentrate.

They developed their central theory of a Loving Power, and a.s.sumed that its relation to them was motherly--that it desired their welfare and especially their development. Their relation to it, similarly, was filial, a loving appreciation and a glad fulfillment of its high purposes. Then, being nothing if not practical, they set their keen and active minds to discover the kind of conduct expected of them. This worked out in a most admirable system of ethics. The principle of Love was universally recognized--and used.

Patience, gentleness, courtesy, all that we call "good breeding," was part of their code of conduct. But where they went far beyond us was in the special application of religious feeling to every field of life. They had no ritual, no little set of performances called "divine service," save those religious pageants I have spoken of, and those were as much educational as religious, and as much social as either. But they had a clear established connection between everything they did--and G.o.d. Their cleanliness, their health, their exquisite order, the rich peaceful beauty of the whole land, the happiness of the children, and above all the constant progress they made--all this was their religion.

They applied their minds to the thought of G.o.d, and worked out the theory that such an inner power demanded outward expression. They lived as if G.o.d was real and at work within them.

As for those little temples everywhere--some of the women were more skilled, more temperamentally inclined, in this direction, than others.

These, whatever their work might be, gave certain hours to the Temple Service, which meant being there with all their love and wisdom and trained thought, to smooth out rough places for anyone who needed it.

Sometimes it was a real grief, very rarely a quarrel, most often a perplexity; even in Herland the human soul had its hours of darkness.

But all through the country their best and wisest were ready to give help.

If the difficulty was unusually profound, the applicant was directed to someone more specially experienced in that line of thought.

Here was a religion which gave to the searching mind a rational basis in life, the concept of an immense Loving Power working steadily out through them, toward good. It gave to the "soul" that sense of contact with the inmost force, of perception of the uttermost purpose, which we always crave. It gave to the "heart" the blessed feeling of being loved, loved and UNDERSTOOD. It gave clear, simple, rational directions as to how we should live--and why. And for ritual it gave first those triumphant group demonstrations, when with a union of all the arts, the revivifying combination of great mult.i.tudes moved rhythmically with march and dance, song and music, among their own n.o.blest products and the open beauty of their groves and hills. Second, it gave these numerous little centers of wisdom where the least wise could go to the most wise and be helped.

"It is beautiful!" I cried enthusiastically. "It is the most practical, comforting, progressive religion I ever heard of. You DO love one another--you DO bear one another"s burdens--you DO realize that a little child is a type of the kingdom of heaven. You are more Christian than any people I ever saw. But--how about death? And the life everlasting?

What does your religion teach about eternity?"

"Nothing," said Ellador. "What is eternity?"

What indeed? I tried, for the first time in my life, to get a real hold on the idea.

"It is--never stopping."

"Never stopping?" She looked puzzled.

"Yes, life, going on forever."

"Oh--we see that, of course. Life does go on forever, all about us."

"But eternal life goes on WITHOUT DYING."

"The same person?"

"Yes, the same person, unending, immortal." I was pleased to think that I had something to teach from our religion, which theirs had never promulgated.

"Here?" asked Ellador. "Never to die--here?" I could see her practical mind heaping up the people, and hurriedly rea.s.sured her.

"Oh no, indeed, not here--hereafter. We must die here, of course, but then we "enter into eternal life." The soul lives forever."

"How do you know?" she inquired.

"I won"t attempt to prove it to you," I hastily continued. "Let us a.s.sume it to be so. How does this idea strike you?"

Again she smiled at me, that adorable, dimpling, tender, mischievous, motherly smile of hers. "Shall I be quite, quite honest?"

"You couldn"t be anything else," I said, half gladly and half a little sorry. The transparent honesty of these women was a never-ending astonishment to me.

"It seems to me a singularly foolish idea," she said calmly. "And if true, most disagreeable."

Now I had always accepted the doctrine of personal immortality as a thing established. The efforts of inquiring spiritualists, always seeking to woo their beloved ghosts back again, never seemed to me necessary. I don"t say I had ever seriously and courageously discussed the subject with myself even; I had simply a.s.sumed it to be a fact.

And here was the girl I loved, this creature whose character constantly revealed new heights and ranges far beyond my own, this superwoman of a superland, saying she thought immortality foolish! She meant it, too.

"What do you WANT it for?" she asked.

"How can you NOT want it!" I protested. "Do you want to go out like a candle? Don"t you want to go on and on--growing and--and--being happy, forever?"

"Why, no," she said. "I don"t in the least. I want my child--and my child"s child--to go on--and they will. Why should _I_ want to?"

"But it means Heaven!" I insisted. "Peace and Beauty and Comfort and Love--with G.o.d." I had never been so eloquent on the subject of religion. She could be horrified at d.a.m.nation, and question the justice of Salvation, but Immortality--that was surely a n.o.ble faith.

"Why, Van," she said, holding out her hands to me. "Why Van--darling!

How splendid of you to feel it so keenly. That"s what we all want, of course--Peace and Beauty, and Comfort and Love--with G.o.d! And Progress too, remember; Growth, always and always. That is what our religion teaches us to want and to work for, and we do!"

"But that is HERE," I said, "only for this life on earth."

"Well? And do not you in your country, with your beautiful religion of love and service have it here, too--for this life--on earth?"

None of us were willing to tell the women of Herland about the evils of our own beloved land. It was all very well for us to a.s.sume them to be necessary and essential, and to criticize--strictly among ourselves--their all-too-perfect civilization, but when it came to telling them about the failures and wastes of our own, we never could bring ourselves to do it.

Moreover, we sought to avoid too much discussion, and to press the subject of our approaching marriages.

Jeff was the determined one on this score.

"Of course they haven"t any marriage ceremony or service, but we can make it a sort of Quaker wedding, and have it in the temple--it is the least we can do for them."

It was. There was so little, after all, that we could do for them. Here we were, penniless guests and strangers, with no chance even to use our strength and courage--nothing to defend them from or protect them against.

"We can at least give them our names," Jeff insisted.

They were very sweet about it, quite willing to do whatever we asked, to please us. As to the names, Alima, frank soul that she was, asked what good it would do.

Terry, always irritating her, said it was a sign of possession. "You are going to be Mrs. Nicholson," he said. "Mrs. T. O. Nicholson. That shows everyone that you are my wife."

"What is a "wife" exactly?" she demanded, a dangerous gleam in her eye.

"A wife is the woman who belongs to a man," he began.

But Jeff took it up eagerly: "And a husband is the man who belongs to a woman. It is because we are monogamous, you know. And marriage is the ceremony, civil and religious, that joins the two together--"until death do us part,"" he finished, looking at Celis with unutterable devotion.

"What makes us all feel foolish," I told the girls, "is that here we have nothing to give you--except, of course, our names."

"Do your women have no names before they are married?" Celis suddenly demanded.

"Why, yes," Jeff explained. "They have their maiden names--their father"s names, that is."