Hero without Blood or Tear

Chapter 35

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Chapter 35

Furthermore, he did not even know what a Golden Bull, the main subject of this event, was .  His usual opinion was that such details were for his aides to deal with, rather than himself .

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Although Pajemut has always emphasized concept of ambush and betrayal and was being highly regarded by Valer due to his brain power, he really didn’t deserve such a regard .  All the important plans were devised by his aides, after all .

He was a man who would be just satisfied by parading his power and death spell without much reserve at the most decisive times .  In fact, refusing to fight when there was no ambush or betrayal was just like being cowardly stubborn .

“Your highness, Golden Bull implies… . . ”

Pajemut has finally understood what Golden Bull was from his aide’s explanation .

“S*** .   d.a.m.n it .  Why seek it from me?”

“Hm… According to their message, that item is in your possession, my lord . ”

“That piece of paper that I didn’t even realize existed, just a moment ago?”

Pajemut was in a fit of resentment and his heart was about to blow up .  It was rea.s.suring to him that his opinion that Roelin was a b**** was absolutely proper .  It was the first time that he was faced with such an incredulous situation like this, in his entire life .

“Would it be that she is just provoking you?  Your highness has recently conquered the southwest of the empire with flying colors .  It’s certain that Roelin must be coveting it .  It appears that she wants you to share the prize .  As she is about to make a move in such conditions, it must be that she has been patiently waiting for such an opportune time . ”

“S***!  That f****** b****!”

At last, Pajemut sat on his throne grabbing the back of his neck .  Then his subjects swarmed towards him, shouting your highness!  Your highness!  He rejected every one of them and screamed with a charged look on his face .

“Alright!  I have been patient as long as possible .  We will enforce our ally camps at Roselant and its borders!  I shall mobilize 10,000 soldiers!”

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Surprised at this proclamation, Wallenstein, who was listening quietly, interjected .

“My lord!  If you do that, there will be a big hole in defending the southwest part of the empire .  It is difficult even now, but with 10,000 men!”

Wallenstein has been losing sleep at night recently .  He has been very concerned about someone attacking the southwest of the empire, taking advantage of the weakened defense in that area .  Fortunately, his empty bravado has been working, but there was no guarantee that someone, who will see through it, won’t appear .  However, Pajemut rejected Wallenstein’s opinion at once .

“Southwest?  Hahaha!  What can a mere human do that make you worry!  Wallenstein!  You are a small man!”

“That isn’t the problem!  Your highness!”

“Quiet!  You talk too much since long ago, just do as I say!  Why are you always so opinionated every time?!”

“… . My apologies, my lord . ”

“We have enough defensive forces even if that crazy woman of that Sisterhood Society crosses the Rhine River .   The human feudal lords are no problem at all, either .  No need to be too concerned since every one of them can be obliterated at once .  They are all trembling with fears since the last battle at Harfheim, so no need to worry too much about it .  What is important right now is none other than that prost.i.tute who walks around, spraying rose scent!”

Wallenstein felt the situation to be moving in a stranger direction .  And he felt the confirmation of what he has been thinking inside to be coming true .

“There is someone .  Someone, who we do not know!”

Even the usually confident Wallenstein was having fears, at this time .

Having received the Golden Bull from Philip’s minions, we returned to Vitenbaire . And there was a great big party .  There were writings on the wall with the following message .

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The vampires and I were in pouring and drinking party mode .

“Master .  Congratulations .  With this, you have come one step closer to your great plan . ”

“Thank you .  Phaffenheim . ”

Phaffenheim was in Heidelbert, but he came down to Vitenbaire after having received a message through a crystal ball, while en route to returning .

Since the Golden Bull has been obtained, the area right here, where the devil king Pajemut’s forces were, became more critical .  At present time, the highest priority was the devil king Pajemut’s military camp .

“Pay special attention .  Phaffenheim .  I feel the power of one great strike . ”

“Will fight to the death, my lord . ”

Phaffenheim was one of the greatest talents in the empire .  He can be entrusted .  And the result of that trust came within the next three days .  Phaffenheim came to report something while getting ready to go meet Margareta .

“My lord, something unusual thing happened at the Pajemut’s camp recently . ”

“What is it?”

“Nearly 10,000 soldiers are preparing to mobilize . ”

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“Here is the newly updated camp layout .  It is not complete, but it should give a fairly good representation . ”

I shook my head as I looked at the devil king’s camp layout .

“Huh… it gets stranger the more I look at it?  This is a layout that is totally unstable, militarily .  Could it perhaps be a high level trap?”

As such, the current camp layout showed many weaknesses everywhere .  If I had 10,000 forces, it seemed that I could just cross the Rhine River, and deliver a devastating strike .

Although it would not be possible to drive out the southwest devil king’s entire forces, I was quite confident that I could overtake one city and hold the fort .  If that could be done, Pajemut would be in big trouble .

“I have never wanted military forces as I do at this moment . ”

“I, too, feel the same, my lord . ”

“Why is Pajemut mobilizing 10,000 troops . ”

“I’m sorry my lord .  I have not been able to find that out yet . ”

I regurgitated my previous plays .  But nothing was enlightening .

“Hmmm… . . ”

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“Krrrm… . . ”

The G.o.ds of war were completely lost in studying the map .  The question was, why the devil king was continuing to dig holes, like this .  Then I arrived at a conclusion .

“Has driving a wedge between Pajemut and Roelin led to this level of achievement?”

However, Phaffenheim was pessimistic .

“No, would they be that dumb-headed?  After all, they are devil kings . ”

“…Yeah, I suppose?”

“Of course .  If the friction with Roelin worsens, it would be wise to just forego part of the southwest, and give it to her .  That is because by mobilizing the forces this way, it is possible to lose everything . ”

I could only nod my head at the obvious opinion .  I have been thinking too conveniently .  After all, he was the devil king, the 12th in the line of power, he couldn’t be that stupid .

Thinking back on the past battles, Pajemut has always employed crafty schemes as a brainy devil king .  I fear, certainly the reputation of blood and death devil king was not in vain .

“Is this the devil king?  There must be some deep-thought out plan, but cannot figure it out as if it is hidden behind a thick fog . ”

“Yes, you’re right .  The ent.i.ty, the devil king must truly be feared . ”

All of a sudden, a bad ending from the past came to mind .  There was no way that I wanted to repeat that .  Having felt the fear from Pajemut, the feeling of indolence, from having obtained the Golden Bull, has been completely lost .

I was about to drive out Pajemut from the empire’s southwest, and attack Pfalz to Friedrich .  It certainly was not an easy task .

 Let me squeeze it tightly .  I must force myself to the limit .  I made up my mind with unshakeable determination .

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