Hero without Blood or Tear

Chapter 65

[45] The jewel is mine. (1)
Editor: Aaghna

Caroline was completely overpowered by me. No matter how powerful her clan was, it was useless since my sword went right through her. But her blazing eyes did not die.

“I am not his daughter!”

Yeah, you can"t easily believe that even if there were suspicions from the start. Who would accept the denial of nearly 40 years of their life in just a few minutes?

“You must be sad.”

I licked my dry lips and pushed the sword further in with more force. Caroline screamed in pain as she struggled to stop me.


I pushed the hilt of the sword deeper. The sword drove Caroline to the edge of the cave wall.

Her forehead was wet with cold sweat, perhaps because of the pain that she was experiencing. The blue-haired woman eventually couldn"t stand the pain and vomited blood.


The blood splattered everywhere.

Caroline"s face was covered with blood. She couldn"t stop coughing up blood. It seemed as if blood had flowed into her airway. Her face was a mess filled with tears, a runny nose, saliva and blood.

“Oh my. Your pretty statue-like face is all messed up.”

I removed a handkerchief out of my pocket.

“Ugh! I don"t need it!”

Caroline flatly refused me. Either way, I wiped her face carefully.

“…rather kill me Commander. I"m ashamed of this insult.”

“What"s embarra.s.sing is that you don"t know your own lineage.”


“By the way, at times like this, I must act like a gentleman.”

I pulled down my cape from my shoulder. This was because Caroline"s armor was broken and her clothes were torn, revealing her sensual figure; her big chest and her narrow waist.

Her snow-white flesh contrasted against the black garment. It was fascinating, but I didn"t look. I just covered her up with the cape.

“To tell you one thing, I have no intention of killing you.”

Of course, I don"t intend to let you go.

“Then what are you up to?”

“I just want you to listen and watch.”


“The conversation between me and Odgarsh.”

Caroline frowned at my words.

“What the h.e.l.l are you up to?”

“What am I up to? He, who is as pure in body and mind as I am, does not know such things.”


Caroline, you laugh too loudly. And your thoughts towards me are very harsh. By the way, laughing suits you very well. Perhaps it"s because of the ice-like impression you always have.

“If you watch till the end of my conversation with Odgarsh, Krulark will free you. After that, you can do as you please. You can run away, or you can come at me again. We give you complete freedom.”

I flashed some magical images in front of her. This was made by Schwarzertoyel. The images of Odgarsh and Schwarzertoyel fighting in the mountains were vividly visible.


“Yes, Your Majesty.”

“Do as we promised. You can use Ruble-Raynae to free her once the deed is done.”

Krulark nodded at him then asked in confusion.

“Commander? Are you sure?”

“I will not kill you, but I will release you if you watch the conversation,” I said to Caroline, who seemed to be unable to believe what I said.


I nodded and picked up the sword that had fallen beside me.

“I"ll borrow an arm for now.”




She struggled in pain. I calmly picked up Caroline"s arm that fell to the ground.

“As expected, you"re a lunatic! A f.u.c.ked up Commander! Ack!”

“I won"t ask you to understand the reasons for my actions. I will make sure to give it back later, so you don"t have to worry.”

It was not a big deal to attach an arm back. I went out with the rest of the undead, leaving Krulark behind. A pile of stones 15 meters high was blocking the path, but the undead politely lifted me up.

“Get rid of all the demons in the way!”

The demons on the path have all been killed. There was no difficulty in summoning the dead bodies of the demons. I added them to replace the undead that exploded.


The skill of summoning the undead, which had been stagnant, has finally upgraded by 5 levels. The breakthrough was made by using a command on the corpse of an elite demon. I went straight to the fifth level.

I will now be able to summon four new powerful undead. Afterwards, I laughed at the thought of using them in battle.

“Hahaha! Let"s go.”

As a test, I summoned five dullahans from the corpse of the demons. When I left the area, there was a huge fight going on the side of the mountain. The demon king Odgarsh and Schwarzertoyel were in an intense fight.

The snow was pouring down as the two of them tussled around. With the destructive spells, the trees around the area fell and countless debris flew in the air.


I observed closely. Odgarsh, the king of demons prevailed in this battle. Schwarzertoyel was once powerful, but now he was way past his prime.

The demon king on the other hand is as strong as the rising sun. At this rate, Schwarzertoyel would definitely be defeated.

“Hmm…what shall i do?”

I thought about it briefly. Should I stand and watch Schwarzertoyel"s death? There are some merits to his death. I shook my head remembering that there"s something even more important than the "merits".

It was Schwarzertoyel"s secret. I needed to figure out why Schwarzertoyel could not leave this mountain and what was the agreement he had between the 1st and 2nd demon kings.

“Follow me.”

I lead the army of the undead towards him. After exchanging fierce attacks, they broke and are now facing each other. It was a good time to cut in.

“Hey demon king Odgarsh!”

He looks my way. What is with the look on his face? Weird.

“I am Vallerstadter Valler, Schwarzertoyel"s ally.”

“Hmm? What business does a lowly commander have with this king? No! This man has the insolence to make my men part of his undead army!”

When he saw the Dullahan next to me, he seemed quite upset. He seemed to be suffocating and heartbroken with anger. But on the surface, he didn"t show it.

“I have an offer for you.”

“What? You little b.a.s.t.a.r.d, is that how to talk to the king?”

“But before that, I"ll tell you one thing.”

“Huh?! That"s totally up to you. So, what is it?”

“Your dear Caroline is dead.”


Demon king Odgarsh never thought of something like that happening. To him, Caroline was the key to his dead brother"s secret power.

He didn"t even a.s.sign any dangerous missions to her. He even made sure that she had escorts to follow her. Besides,  Caroline was a strong woman that cannot get beaten just by anyone. It was quite a surprise that she"s dead.

“You son of a b.i.t.c.h! You expect me to believe that?”

Instead of answering him, I opened the magic zipper and threw Caroline"s cut arm in front of him.

“Look, it"s your daughter"s arm.”


“The demons you sent my way have been wiped out by me. The same thing happened to your dear Caroline. They foolishly attacked without knowing I had planned something already.”

Demon king Odgasrsh seemed to have forgotten about the fight as he was in a deep thought. Schwarzertoyel watches the situation as he warms up.

-Hey, what are you up to?

He whispered with magic.

-Just watch. I"ll save your life. Just know that you owe me a big time for this.

– You really think you can do that?

-Yes I can.

-…okay. if you do succeed, I shall reward you with my honour.

Schwarzertoyel"s voice showed signs of exhaustion. The fight against the demon king must have been quite tough.

— Believe me, I"ll not only save you, but I"ll also water that demon properly.     [TL: meaning that he will deal with him]

He bragged to Schwarzertoyel then spoke to Odgash, the demon king.

“She was strong, but she was no match for me.”

“I can"t believe it! She cant die that easily….”

“She has immortal powers, right?”

Hearing my question, the demon king Odgarsh was speechless.

“How do you know about that?”

“That does not matter. What is important is to know how to kill one who has immortal powers.”

This is how to kill someone with immortal powers. After acquiring a part of the person with immortal powers, turn that body part into a weapon.

It was because the immortals could recover from any kind of injury but they couldn"t recover from injuries caused by the weapons from their own body parts.

When I had a battle with demon king Odgarsh in the past, I cut off his horns in the first battle.
In the second battle, I defeated him with a dagger I made from the horn that I cut off.

I explained to him.

“I punctured Caroline"s heart using her sharp bones from her severed arm. It sure was hard to kill her.”


A wave of air exploded around Odygarsh causing snow to flutter in all directions. He jumped down from the black horse he was sitting on and walked towards me.

“Do you know what you"ve done?!”

The demon king, Odgarsh was genuinely angry. With every step he took, the earth rumbled.

“Do you know what you have done?”

The demon king"s pole axe burned brightly like white lightning.  If I were to be attacked with such lightning, I would disappear without a trace. Schwarzertoyel was startled as he watched.

-It"s hard to protect this body! Get out of here!

But I didn"t bat an eye.

“Commander of the undead! I"ll make you pay for what you did!”

I answered coldly as his anger increased.

“If you do that, then you will regret it. You will never know the whereabouts of the "awakening ritual" power that you seek.”


At that moment, the fearful aura disappeared in the blink of an eye. The demon king Odgarsh shook his head as he tried to calm down.

“Yes. You, how much do you know?”

“Well, I think I know enough to help the great king. If you don"t mind, I would like to make a deal with you.”

I was determined to use demon king Odgarsh as a bait to lure out the truth. He thinks Caroline is dead anyways, so he will accept without any hesitation. And Caroline would hear the truth. This is the moment when the truth that has been hidden for 40 years is revealed.

How wonderful is this plan? Just the mere thought of it made my body shiver with joy.

Today, a beautiful princess loses the one person she trusted the most. Who will she turn to now?

A prince charming on a white horse? No, that"s just unrealistic.

Because there"s no one but a black-hearted commander beside the grieving princess.