Heroes Prison

Chapter 11

However, he did not have ability to manage Heroes Prison. The book only allowed him to summon the entrance, and was useless in unlocking the prison cell. If he wanted to do so, he had to personally obtain the relevant key in the stone chamber.

Huang Yi tossed the Book of Heroes into his storage ring and left Second World.

Half an hour later after he had his dinner, he logged into Second World again.

He was going to meet the legendary CEO, Mr Huang Sa.

"Dear Miao Sha, congratulations for completing the rare quest. Now, you are able to choose a mighty race or cla.s.s. However, since you also the holder of the gold ring, you also have an extra reward, and this mystery gift was given to you by a mysterious person. Do you want to receive this gift?" the adorable fairy asked him. After logging into the game, Huang Yi was already out of Heroes Prison and floating in the sky.


"Ok! Later, I will teleport you to your destination," the fairy raised out her small hand and lightly patted on Huang Yi"s shoulder.

Huang Yi started to immediately nose-dive into a certain area in the vast lands, and he was like a shiny bright star that had crashed into the quiet lands.

n.o.body knew what his presence would bring to the game.


After some time, Huang Yi landed on the ground.

In front of him, there was a backyard that was surrounded by white walls and in the middle, there was a circular door. There were 4 large words that were engraved on the door, and through countless amount of rain splashing on the door, the words were a bit damaged and green mould was growing on them. And he could read "Courtyard of the G.o.ds".

Huang Yi stepped through the door.

Inside, there were numerous red flowers growing in the courtyard and there was a spring with mountains in the background. The air also had a scent from Mother Nature and especially refreshing. He took in a deep breath, and he felt a cooling air his lungs, and it was a sharp contrast to the decay smell that he was surrounded with in Heroes Prison.

Next to the spring, there was a stone table, and there was a middle aged man sitting there and playing chess.

Huang Yi glanced at him.

This middle aged man had a white robe and was quietly sitting there. He gave off a simple and down to earth vibe, and feels like he was a hermit that had lived in the deep mountains, and was untainted by the hectic city lifestyle.

However, Huang Yi was always taking notice of his eyes. The eyes were very special because even though the man was about 40 years old, his eyes was akin to a wise old man who always had endless stories to share, and looked like the eyes of an eighty to ninety year old elderly man. This represented that in the real world, he should be an elderly man but in Second World, he was in the appearance of a middle aged man.

"I am very curious. How did the No. 1 convict in Rose Prison was able to enter Second World?" asked the man slowly as he put down a chess piece on the table.

Suddenly the air felt chilly, as this middle aged man spoke openly and directly about the secret of Huang Yi!

Huang Yi and his colleagues outside Rose Prison had worked very hard and sacrifice much time to execute this plan. But it did not escape the experienced eyes of the man.

"Because I have a thirst for freedom, and it could never be locked up no matter what," Huang Yi spoke calmly, as he already expected that his secret would be exposed sooner than later.

The middle aged man continued playing his chess, and did not even looked at Huang Yi. But he still shared what he knew," Huang Yi. In Year 2119, he a.s.sa.s.sinated the Head Chairman of the World Federation, Mr Bei Ye Kang. It shook the world and it became the worst case that the Federation had handled in their history. After that, you were sentenced for life imprisonment and locked up in Rose Prison." The man looked up and glimpsed at Huang Yi," A person like you… do you deserve freedom?"

"That"s right," Huang Yi replied, and approached the man one step at a time, and continued," Ten years ago, there was an explosion in the Pacific Ocean and the nuclear power leak was so severe that it caused the death of 10 billion people. The wold was in chaos, and then ERA company stepped in and set up the World Federation to uphold the discipline of the World. After it had stabilized, the Federation Head Chairman did something despicable in the dark. They sacrificed the interests of the world for their own benefit, and killed everyone who dared to stand up against them. And then one day, his cruelty had even aimed at my organisation. Therefore, we resisted and fought against him."

"Then why don"t you explain and defend yourself in court?" the middle aged man asked.

"I have explained myself. But the jury was controlled by the Head Chairman from the beginning to the end. No matter what I have shared, it was useless. Do you understand how it feels? You had the truth and spread it to the entire world. But the moment I opened my mouth, my voice was drowned in the abusive scolding by the world. They could never hear my voice, and those who heard it choose to not believe it. And those who did believe, they pointed to me as the murderer."

After listening to Huang Yi"s explanation, the man started to frown as though it was the first time he heard it.

Huang Yi inhaled in deeply, and continued," There are numerous people out there who are not aware of the truth, and are deceived by the image of the World Federation. And people like us who know about the truth are either supressed and targeted to be a.s.sa.s.sinated secretly or locked up in Rose Prison. But in the future, there are going to be more victims like me who will end up like me. And prison after prison, the whole world will evolve to the biggest prison."

Huang Yi summarised," There is no need for the World Federation to exist anymore! It was created to take care of the nuclear leak back then. And its only objective was to uphold law and order. After the society had stabilized, it had mutated into a tumour of the world, and suppress the freedom of everyone. The world will end up as a dictatorship, and no different from a prison. To obtain true freedom, we need to change the world and remove the Federation!"

There was quietness after this and the man was deep in thoughts.

There were only chirping by the birds, and the music was so clear and mesmerizing.

"So the World Federation has become obsolete? If the organisation is what you have described, then indeed there is no reason for them to exist," the middle aged man a.n.a.lyzed," but I will have to investigate first as I had become living without any concerns for the outside world."

"I believe you will make the right choice," Huang Yi smiled. "Because you are Mr Huang Sa."

"You should address me as Xue Ge (T/L Notes: Meaning Song of Blood) instead!" the middle aged man had a flash of recall in his expression," I was the same age as you, and that was my name in the virtual reality. Just recalling it was quite memorable." He took out a card and pa.s.sed to Huang Yi.

Huang Yi grabbed the card and there were 2 words on the card "Xue Ge". And then there was nothing else, and it looked like an ordinary card.

However, the item that Mr Huang Sa gifted him was definitely not ordinary.