Heroes Prison

Chapter 1

This was a prison cell, dark and moist, with a decaying smell lingering in the air.

A shadow was sitting cross legged in the darkness, with a serene expression like a Buddha statue.

There was nothing in the cell, not even a person who you could speak to. This continued on every day, every year, until you die. There were a lot of convicts who were too depressed and committed suicide.

But this person did not give up, and he was waiting for a chance.

At this moment, the first ray of light in the morning shone through the palm-sized window in the wall. This was akin to a holy ray of light which penetrated the darkness in the cell. The light covered his body, and his hair looked like they were dyed golden yellow, as though he was a warm, sacred and nirvana Buddha

Suddenly, he opened his eyes, as though he had finished his nirvana. His liveliness almost made the dark cell shine like him.

"Time to eat!" as though the icy cold sound heard was within his expectation, and a tray was laid on the ground at the entrance, through the metal grill door.

The shadow started to smile. The chance he had been waiting for was finally here!

He stood up and quietly emerged out from a dark corner and strode over slowly. His appearance was eventually revealed.  His body is a bit thin, and he was a teenager.

The teenager looked at the tray. A bowl of rice and a plate of green vegetables was on it. It was a simple meal but to a convict who was hungry during the previous night, it was delectable. He held his bowl of rice up and ate it in small bites. Every mouthful was very slow, as though he was enjoying the texture of every rice grain.

Outside the metal door, there were two prison wardens staring at the teenager, with a baton in their hands to defend themselves. They were watching his every movement, as though they were guarding against a ferocious beast in a cage.

After eating a while, the youngster stopped abruptly. He put down his rice bowl, retreated into the darkness of his cell, and all these were so peaceful.

He was starved the whole night but he only finished half of his rice, and did not touched the plate of green vegetables at all.

The two wardens breathed a sigh of relief, and quickly kept the tray. They left the place immediately as though they were not willing to stay here for even a moment more.

The teenager walked back to the depth of the darkness, and sat cross legged, with his delicate and pretty face revealing a weird smile.

At the next moment, he stretched out his palms below his mouth, and started to vomit slightly.

This grain of rice was so normal, look exactly like the many millions of other grains of rice. What was hidden inside it had pa.s.sed through 3 scanner machines, repeated checking by 5 prison wardens, and finally the 2 wardens in front of him earlier. He had eaten it earlier into his mouth but kept it hidden between his teeth, and did not swallow it.

Because this grain of rice tasted a bit different. That was why he did not eat the vegetables because he did not want the taste to mix up.

This grain of rice was a hope created by the tight cooperation of many people and execution of numerous projects, in order to successfully pa.s.s through the security of the prison, to send it into his hand.

The teenager pinched the grain of rice lightly and it broke. Inside it was a roll of paper as small as a sesame seed.

He smiled slightly, using his long fingers to softly rub the paper with balanced strength, as though he was caressing the sensitive parts of a woman.

After rubbing a long period of time, the paper had finally expanded into the size that was slightly smaller than a fingernail. The teenager took a deep breath and used all his attention to look at the paper.

There was only one word on the paper - "bird"

His eyebrows started to frown, and in the darkness, he was motionless as though he was a wise man who was deep in though, and trying to a.n.a.lyse what was the meaning of "bird".

Bird usually has 2 meanings. One is to say it was an animal, the second is to indicate it was an organ on an animal.

Coincidentally, the teenager had this organ. He thought for some time, and finally with a notion of suspicion, with a guess, with some worries, he slowly pulled down his pants and looked down.

In the darkness, his organ was quietly in an obedient state without any abnormality.

He pulled his pants up and frowned again, and a.n.a.lysed it deeper.

The word "bird" obviously did not mean an organ, the only explanation was that it meant an animal.

"Pupupu!" from his little window at the top of the cell, there was a soft voice.

The volume was very low, as though it sounded like the wings of a dragonfly. If one did not have sharp hearing skill, they would not notice the sound.

The teenager had naturally heard it. He lifted his head and glanced at the small window.

At the window, there was a mini bird was flapping its wings quickly and there was a small ring hanging on its long beak.

He was stunned when he saw the ring. He watched it motionlessly and his eyes started to be filled with tears.

n.o.body would know that how many people had sacrificed in the process, through how many detailed planning was conducted and how many careful attempts they made for this little bird to appear in front of him!

The name of this prison was Rose Prison. And its other name was the world"s number one prison.

The name of this teenager was Huang Yi, and his other ident.i.ty — Rose Prison Number 1 convict.

Rose Prison locked up the world"s top criminals, the elites of the business world, influential political figure heads, super notorious hackers, nuclear professionals and top a.s.sa.s.sins… In order to lock them up, Rose Prison had utilized the world"s strictest defences and it was so tight that they did not allow any connection between the convicts and the outside world!

The prison was located on a deserted rose island. Other than wild roses, the island was surrounded by the oceans. There were marines patrolling 10 miles from the island around the clock. On the island, you would have difficulty moving around as every 5 to 10 steps, there was a guard post and there were guards everywhere. No one was allowed entry into the island, and visitors were not allowed. In order to break this layer of security, one could only enter through the air!

The second layer of defence was the metal detector areas. If it detected any metal flying by in the skies, even if it was a finger small metal, it would automatically shoot out a laser to attack and prevented any form of man controlled machines in the air. To break this layer, only the birds or insects could achieve that!

The third layer of defence was the anti-bird net. The whole Rose Prison was covered densely by such a net. This net was even more secured than the airport in France such that each hole was only 5mm wide, and only allowed moths, b.u.t.terflies or insects as small as flies to enter!

And Rose Prison itself was a dangerous place. To prevent prison break, all corners of the prison had hidden traps prepared, and these would mercilessly attack any object that pa.s.sed through it. In the entire prison, only harmless little bugs could enter!

Even if the bugs were unwilling to enter Rose Prison, as the materials used to construct the prison had Yellowstone mixed with it. The surface of Yellowstone was a natural enemy of the bugs!

To summarise, Huang Yi was disconnected with the outside world, and people from outside could not possibly communicate with him, and not to mention sending an item into his hand!

But Mother Nature is amazing, with the many varieties of interesting living organisms, there was something that stood out of the birds - the hummingbird!

This type of bird is the smallest of its kind, its weight is only 2g, and similar to a moth, not eye catching, and could be easily mistaken as an insect.

However, the hummingbird has an outstanding ability that a lot of insects and other birds don"t. It is the only one that hover in the air and fly backwards. This allowed it to manoeuvre around the various complicated obstacles on its path.

The most important factor is that hummingbird has the strongest memory storage among all the birds and insects. After taming the bird, it could pinpoint the exact location that you want it to search for through a few thousand cells, and deliver an item.

This is Mother Nature"s best masterpiece and also Huang Yi"s angel.

At this moment, that hummingbird lowered its beak and as though it was pre-trained, and slid the ring down.

Huang Yi raised up both hands to catch it steadily into his hands.

An object that was from the outside world has entered the cell!

However, this was one of the many billion stories that was happening in the world at the same time.