Heroes Prison

Chapter 3

(System Announcement): You have discovered Heroes Prison, experience +100

Huang Yi observed his surroundings. This was a huge stone room akin to a torture chamber, and there was a flickering magic lamp on the ceiling, the surrounding walls were made of blocks of stones that were few metres high. There were blood stains on the walls, and there were some gigantic torture tools including metal hooks, ropes, sharp metal heads, etc. There were still leftovers of some meat on the top, and there were some files dancing around it, greedily devouring the blood stains. There was a deep stench of decay in the air.

The only exit in the room was on the left and it was a corridor there went to the bas.e.m.e.nt. He was unable to gauge how deep it was as he could only see endless darkness. From the depth of the darkness, there were interment sounds of horrifying cries, and made the whole torture chamber even more creepy.

Huang Yi looked carefully at his surroundings and saw a line of small words:

Heroes prison was constructed by the death G.o.d during the beginning of times and it locked up many convicts within the 5 ancient generations (From left to right, oldest to newest times: Primordial, prehistoric, ancient, venerable and old-aged) (Translator"s Note: The timeline is important, as creatures from Primordial times are generally more powerful). It had a long history and its presence even strike a fear in the G.o.ds.

From such a short summary, Heroes Prison was not as simple as it thought, as any convicts here must be quite powerful to be even a.s.sociated with the death G.o.d. Huang Yi was just a level 1 newbie, and if he wanted to kill these convicts by his own hands was impossible and it could only use other methods to achieve his objective.

Huang Yi checked himself. He was wearing a plain clothes, with no weapons and there was a ring on his right index finger.

He touched the ring and he can feel what was inside it immediately. It was a storage ring and could be used to keep items. But there was nothing in the ring now.

At this moment, there was a majestic announcement:

(System Announcement): The player from China (Blade) is the first person to successfully convert his cla.s.s. The reward is 1000 reputation points and obtained the ONLY achievement - (First to convert), China reputation value +1."

Now, the fastest player had already finished a cla.s.s change. And Huang Yi just started the game into this setting, and was behind the pack. He did not mind as he could always level up later. His priority was to complete the rare quest and meet up with Mr Huang Sa, and do his best to obtain his freedom.

He turned his head to the quiet and deep corridor and walked towards it.

"Sasasa" Huang Yi"s footstep resonated in the dark walkway, and walked in an unknown direction and pa.s.sed by many cells since the primordial times. There were howls occasionally coming from the darkness and seemed to be from a strong presence trying to relieve his anger. The atmosphere of Heroes Prison had a suffocating feeling.

Huang Yi was always checking his surroundings, but since it was too dark and could not objectively understand the situation, he could sometimes feel some bats flying over him, some snakes or rats crawled past him and gave an eerie and terrifying feel.

After a few minutes, there was some light ahead, and at the side of the wall, there was another magic light. There was a change in the surroundings as the both sides of the corridor revealed bigger prison cells and at least 10m tall. The doors were locked and had dust and spider webs all over it and only revealed a key hole.

"Hu! Hu! Hu!" there were some rhythmic sounds coming from the cell next to him and sounded like the wind just blew through.

Huang Yi slowed his footsteps and through the gap of the door, he could see a hairy body moving up and down in the darkness!

He went closer and realized that it was not a wall, but a leg! But the leg was so huge and looked like a wall!

Huang Yi followed the huge leg and in the darkness, he could see a huge shadow.

Its horns were locked up securely and it seemed to be sleeping. But the way it was sleeping, its big body was snoring and sounded like gusts of wind, and gave an intimidating pressure.

There was a board on the steel door with a few descriptive words:

Lycan. Bei En Huo Le (Level 128, No. 8723)

In the old-aged times, it was an overbearing existence and in the chaotic battle, it has destroyed 13 bone dragons that was controlled by the 8th commander En Shi from the Death G.o.d Shrine. It had committed a grave sin and was locked up for eternity.

At this moment, the huge shadow felt Huang Yi"s presence and opened its eyes and stared at him coldly.

A few mouse and a small snake were frightened and escaped from the slits of the door. There was a snake which was moving very slowly and it ended up as food when the lycan stretched out its long tongue and coiled the snake. The monster was slowly enjoying its food and the sound of it made one shiver.

Huang Yi had a deeper understanding of Heroes Prison after watching this scene. A random convict was already so powerful. And there were many unknown monsters that were locked up. And he could imagine the difficulty of completing this quest.

Huang Yi continued on and looked at the description of each convict:

Death Envoy, Lucifer (Level 172, No. 2780)

In the venerable times, it was a strong opponent that could use death fireb.a.l.l.s. It burnt 35 prison envoys. It had committed a grave sin, and locked up for eternity.

Time Hunter. Gan Feng (Level 143, No. 7221)

In the venerable times, it was one of the ten demon hunters. Because it had illegally killed 33 prison envoys, he had been captured and locked up for eternity.

Wild Poet. Kasadin (Level 154, No. 4770)

In the old aged times, he was a famous roaming poet. Because he had sneaked into the Death G.o.d Shrine to steal the souls of the dead people, he had been captured and locked up for eternity.

There were many huge cells when he pa.s.sed by, and there were many huge demons locked up it each cell. Although he could only see the outline, it was nerve wrecking. They used to be so powerful that even the weakest convict is at least Level 100 and above, and their common point was that they had offended the Death G.o.d Shrine.

Death G.o.d Shrine, as the name indicated, was the people that were serving the Death G.o.d. Since it was a very well-known G.o.d, its other factions were not small, and these convicts offended them due to some small matters and they were locked up forever, tortured and never see the light of day.

However, after he had looked at so many descriptions of the convicts, he could not find one who had directly offended the Death G.o.d himself. Maybe they were still too weak, and could not even reach the state to offend the Death G.o.d.

He walked a long time as Heroes Prison was very wide and had many paths, like an endless maze. Huang Yi had walked so long that he got lost while finding an exit.

Suddenly, he stopped and stared at the description board in front of him.