Heroes Prison

Chapter 9

Thank you to Anonymous for your kind donation. This is a sponsored chapter by him.

Huang Yi rotated the 8 pearls in his hands and admired the mesmerizing green glow, and replied slowly," Because you have eaten the Tears of Time, that"s why your eyes are powerful and indestructible. And your 4 clones have turned to dust but only the eyeb.a.l.l.s remained."

"Tears of Time… I did not expect you to know the abilities of such a G.o.dly item. But just based on this, you are so sure that I am Shi Lin?" Lao Si spoke with exertion, and now both his hands have turned to black dust, and only left with the lower part of his body which was still struggling. But he was stubborn and still stared at Huang Yi.

Huang Yi raised his head and watched the dancing flying keys, and answered, "After you left your cell, you were desperate to get your own key, or the key to release someone who was important to you, so that you could gain the freedom of your original body, and regain your powers back. But you lost 4 clones in the process and failed to get the key, so you had to request for my a.s.sistance. The last few days you begged me to get Key no. 11, but when I could not obtain it, you were forced in the situation and asked me to get Key No. 250! Obviously, one of the 2 numbers belong to you! Based on my a.n.a.lysis, you are definitely No. 250, Nine Headed Snake, Shi Lin! Then it will explain everything that happened!"

Lao Si gritted his teeth to endure the pain of being destroyed, and struggled to countered, "If I am No. 250, then why should I get No. 11 Key? Isn"t it unnecessary move on my end?"

"The reason was because you can"t do it!" Huang Yi lowered his head to look at Lao Si, "Even you who is at the Level 250 could only be locked in No.250 cell, then No.11 abilities will definitely surpa.s.s you many times, then why do you still want this key? Who would make you care so much for this convict? Obviously, No. 11 is your master, the Arch Mage!"

When Lao Si heard this information, his expression changed completely and looked defeated. The word "Arch Mage" was like a bullet that was violently embedded in his soul, and he was unable to react from it.

However Lao Si was not disheartened, and asked," The convicts who are in the smaller numbers before 100 cannot be checked, how would I know No. 11 is the Arch Mage? How do I know if he is still alive?"

"Because you have the abilites of Tears of Time, and after your eyes have mutated, you were able to see the past and future! You can see what happened in Heroes Prison, and naturally, you would be able to see that the Arch Mage is labelled as No. 11. After he was locked up, even though you could not get more information, but due to your contract with him as the master and yourself as the servant, your life is tied together with him! If he is alive, then you can be alive. If he was dead, then you have to pay your life! Unless you obtain the Contract of Water to remove the contract between the both of you!"

His brain recalled what he learned from the forum about the top 10 G.o.dly items. If he had never viewed it before, he would never had known about the abilities of Tears of Time and the Contract of Water. From a certain perspective, the author of that post had a.s.sisted him a lot.

Lao Si no longer struggled and his entire body had already turned to black dust, and only left with his skill, and he would be totally destroyed. He finally sighed and confessed, "Yes, I am the Nine Headed Snake, Shi Lin. I never imagine that the old me who was undefeated across many continents in the world would end up in your hands!"

"You finally admitted?" Huang Yi relaxed and continued," Actually I could not 100% confirmed that you are Shi Lin. No matter how many logical a.n.a.lyses I had made, it was just a deduction in the end, and it could never replace the truth. But your suspicions were too much to be overlooked that I had to come up with such a plan to deal with you."

"You would not be completely annihilated… at least your eyeb.a.l.l.s would still remain."

"No, it"s not 2… but 10 of it!" Lao Si sounded depressed," Do you know when I first escaped from my cell, I only dare to send 4 clones in? Because if my clones dropped to less than 5, then I would perish! That"s why I was so patient all these years to wait for your arrival. Even I had the Tears of Time, I cannot see your future that you could kill me! The moment I as the main clone pa.s.s away, then the other 4 would not be spared! The remaining 10 eyeb.a.l.l.s would be like a gift to you!"

"A gift?" Huang Yi frowned, "There are other users for the eyeb.a.l.l.s?"

"Definitely! The power of Tears of Time would not be so easily dispersed after my death. If you consume all my 18 eyeb.a.l.l.s, then you would also possess the abilities from the Tears of Time. What a pity! I can only die in this prison, and never return to my birth land…"

The skull of Lao Si had started to be corroded, and his voice became lighter," When I was young, I led a carefree world. I basked under the sun and just patrol my territory whenever I feel like it. One day, that d.a.m.n Arch Mage captured me and forced me to sign the master and servant contract, then I became his servant and had to do my best for him! Do you know how it feels? You hated this person so much, but you still have to do your utmost best. Everything of you are chained to that person. You want him to die, but if he dies, you also lose your life… You can only save him… risked your life to save your enemy… hahaha… what a ridiculous world… such tragic memories… now…I can finally… be released…released," Lao Si was totally corroded and his skull no longer existed, leaving a pair of green rubies on the ground.

At this moment, the world seemed to be at a standstill.

The next second, there was a world announcement:

(System Announcement): Player "Miao Sha" from China had killed Nine Headed Snake, Shi Lin (Level 250), and becomes the first player to kill another monster NPC who is at least 200 levels above your own current level. Your reward is 1000 public recognition points, and obtained the ONLY achievement: (Beyond 200 levels), China reputation value +1."