Hey, Don't Act Unruly!

Chapter 4

☆No Discord, No Relationship

The police officer and the plastered man proceeded into the house. Gao Yulan didn’t dare to stop them because the plastered man had offered to speak here or at the Police Station.

Who would want to drink tea at the Police Station!? Gao Yulan of course choose her home.

“Let me see Identification first.” Although she was bewildered Gao Yulan pretended to be calm, to try to gain the upper hand and not be tricked.

The plastered man put his ID onto the coffee table and the police officer also took out his ID showing it to Gao Yulan. The plastered man’s name was Yin Ze, and the police officer was called Lei Feng.

Gao Yulan returned the ID’s and expressionlessly  asked: “What proof do you have?”

In fact as Gao Yulan sat down she looked carefully at Yin Ze’s face.  His eye’s were clear and bright like stars and even though he was in a wheelchair they shined grandly, also his figure was quite tall. Gao Yulan’s brain abruptly remembered last night when she had tried to touch his face, then kicked his legs, and picked up his dog and ran away.

When she had been drunk everything had been crazy and she didn’t remember anything in the morning, but when people came to calculate her debt, she finally remembered. How was this supposed to help her now?

“Evidence? You want to say you didn’t do it? Then how is my family dog Mantou here at your home? “ Yin Ze asked.

Gao Yulan looked to the ground at Mantou’s tail as it played around, and stupidly said: “How would I know how it came here? I was drunk and then saw it in my home. Perhaps I saw it in my yard yesterday and decided to pick it up? Also how do you know this is your dog? You call it Mantou, well I call it Baozi.”

Mantou hearing its name looked up.

Gao Yulan imitated Yin Ze and opened up her arms into an embrace: “Baozi, Baozi, Come!”

Mantou shook its tail and sat beside Gao Yulan’s leg and rubbed against it warmly.

Gao Yulan raised her head with a “how about this” expression proudly.

Yin Ze laughed coldly: “You trained my dog to follow your orders. Are you proud of that?”

Gao Yulan choked and said: “Anyway if you only come to my home with only spoken proof, even bringing a police officer is useless!” She gestured to her arm: “You look at me compared to you, my slender arms can steal your dog, but to beat you up till you’re in a wheelchair. Who would believed that?”

“Yo, so arrogant. But with reasonable truth.” Yin Ze then exaggerated his stomach wound and facial expression, then suddenly toke out a leather bag with doc.u.ments: “Evidence? You look at it?”

He reached into the paper bag and fished out several pieces of paper and said: “ You first came up to me and stroked my face, I asked you to stop but you didn’t listen. Then you got angry and kicked me, I then fell down a flight of stairs and twisted my leg. Then you took Mantou and ran. Then a taxi had pulled over and you had jumped in to run, I didn’t have time to chase, but I wrote down the taxi’s license plate number.”

He displayed the pages side to side: “ Officer Lei, helped me contact the taxi driver, and ask about the drunk woman that was holding a puppy, and what address they had gotten off at. Then we came to the neighborhood, and ask the security to find you. You see, the taxi driver had made a testimony, as we were afraid you would not admit to it. Also I had asked for the surrounding eyewitnesses contact details, and three eyewitnesses had also made a testimony of you using violence and stealing my dog.”

Gao Yulan was flabbergasted, not able to even think. Do you really have to bring so much to support yourself? And to have gotten witnesses, and testimonies in such a short time?

The Yin Ze continued to say: “These are my medical exam papers, with my injuries that you had cruelly inflicted upon me. I have a fractured ankle, ligament sprain, and am now covered in plaster. I’ll have to sit in this wheelchair for about a month and this is the medical bill.”

Gao Yulan looked at the five digit medical fee. Is this a sweat shop?

Yin Ze was not finished, and continued to attack: “You had also exposed yourself, you said how could I be beaten up so badly that I would need to be in a wheelchair. May I ask, How do you know that I wasn’t sitting in a wheelchair beforehand? I had said that you had beaten me up, not that I was beaten up till I was in a wheelchair.”

Gao Yulan looked at him, and slowly replied: “You’re thinking too much, it was fair to speculate that anybody that came wounded saying I beat them up, was injured. Not thinking that, would make that person a fool.”

Yin Ze cursed on the inside and squinted his eyes while looking at Gao Yulans eyes.

Although Gao Yulan was guilty, she didn’t show any weakness and stared back.

Two people stared at each other, and finally Yin Ze laughed: “You"re really interesting, I like interesting.”

He patted the testimonies and medical receipts: “In short, you have to compensate for my medical fees and my mental suffering, or surrender to this police officer and be put in jail.”

Gao Yulan then remembered that there was a police officer sitting in front of her.

The police officer had sat in between the two but didn’t seem to be even there, from start to finish he had not said a word.

But then because it was the end he finally opened his mouth to talk: “The evidence is undeniable and if you cannot reach an agreement with Mr. Yin, and he insist on sueing you then I will have to arrest you according to the law.

Real or Fake?


Gao Yulan weighed the situation and no matter what, she was in the wrong, they had come prepared with good evidence and she can’t settle this dispute. The five digit medical fee was really too high, she didn’t have any money, and currently was unemployed, she seriously couldn’t compensate his losses.

Thinking of this, Gao Yulan’s hate for Wen Sha rose even more.

She had framed her then got her fired, causing her to go buy alcohol and get intoxicated. Oh! And it was also Wen Sha’s phone call that had caused her to go out and look for men!

How can she have so much bad luck to run into these kinds of things?

Gao Yulan looked at Yin Ze, then looked at Officer Lei Feng. She couldn’t think of a method and really couldn’t pay either.

She secretly pinched her thighs and blinked her eyes, moisture began to well from her eyes. She gave a pathetic look: “Yesterday night I drank a lot and don’t remember what had happened. Everything Mr. Yin said I don’t remember. If it really is like that, I am willing take responsibility. Having said that, in fact, I’m really a pitiful person. I was framed and forced to leave home alone, then while living in A city alone, yesterday I had the darkest day of my life. I was framed again and lost my job, the company had set me up. Officer Lei, I ask you here can I file a case of being framed?”

Lei Feng looked blankly, How did the subject change so quickly?

Gao Yulan continued adding oil to the fire and talked to about everything that had happened yesterday and more. Like how she was alone in A city, with no friends, no parents. All her the hard work for the company, but they still dismissed her. How the colleagues had despised and ridiculed her. She had a lot of grievances which she spoke of vividly. Half of it was true, while she cried.

She finished, and asked Officer Lei: “Officer, you said that the police would take care of these things right?”

Lei Feng’s face turned dark, this woman didn’t seem to be faking it, and he didn’t know how to feel about it. He looked at Yin Ze not knowing what to say. Yin Zhe said: “Do you have proof?”

Gao Yulan took out her purse and fished out Wen Sha’s business card: “You look! This is the company and this is the woman that had harmed me. The whole company knows about this. Yesterday I felt depressed so I went to drink at a bar I’ve never been to. Then this woman called me while I was drunk and provoked me by saying she won’t clarify with the company and the only way for the company to know that I didn’t like woman was to get a man. Then while I was drunk I made a mistake.”

Yin Ze looked at the business card carefully, then acted out: “Seriously pitiful, as pitiful as me.”

His emotional and smooth voice, made Lei Feng shut up . This Yin Ze’s words were vicious.

Gao Yulan had seen the Police Officer’s expression soften, then the victim spoke and the whole ordeal changed.

Gao Yulan couldn’t help but stare the the loathsome man, he seriously was a horrid annoyance. She cursed in her heart and then saw Yin Ze wave to Lei Feng and said: “Officer, I’m not sueing her.”

Gao Yulan blankly, couldn’t believe it. A miracle?

Yin Ze then pointed at the medical bills and said: “You still have to pay me back or I will sue you.”

Gao Yulan secretly grinded her teeth together, but Yin Zhe wasn’t finished, he winked and continued: “This affair of yours sounds like fun, after hearing about it I’ve decided to help you out, alright? You just need a guy to pretend to be your boyfriend, and show off right? How about me? But while I’m pretending don"t take it too seriously or I’ll be at a loss.”

Lei Feng coughed, Yin Ze and Gao Yulan both looked at him at the same time.

Yin Ze face was full of expectation, Gao Yulan nevertheless resolutely said: “No.”

“Oh! That hurts!” Yin Ze expressed his thoughts, Lei Feng rubbed his temples seeing this.

“You have to give me a good reason!” Yin Ze sorrowfully acted: “I’m pretty talented, and have pretty good looks, and I’m pretty good in the kitchen. You’ve had pretty bad luck finding men, and now a guy has fallen from the sky and you ignore it?”

Gao Yulan pointed at his broken plastered leg, and his wheelchair before slowly saying: “A puppy that can’t protect a man and a broken man.”

Yin Ze choked and stared at her.

Gao Yulan turned to look at Mantou’s watery eyes and asked: “Right?”

Mantou barked “Wan” in agreement.

Gao Yulan laughed and carried Mantou.

A plot!

Yin Ze turned to glare at his dog acting cute, that had just betrayed him, and said to Gao Yulan: “ The two of us really are the same, you try to s.n.a.t.c.h a guy and s.n.a.t.c.h a dog instead. Interesting.”

Gao Yulan’s smile stiffened on her face and groaned “heng” before throwing Mantou into Yin Ze’s embrace and began to show them the door: “Officer Lei, He already said he isn’t suing, there shouldn’t be any problems. You two should quickly leave.”

Yin Ze protested, saying that it was important to get to the truth of the matter. And how it would benefit Gao Yulan to have him act a her boyfriend so he can play around, but Lei Feng and Gao Yulan did not care about it. They cleaned up and were sent out of the door.


Yin Ze going out with Lei Feng shouted back: “You will come and find me, just you wait and see!”


Hearing his voice she exerted strength and closed the door shut.

Sending them away Gao Yulan seriously thought about it and she really did have bad luck. Wen Sha’s matter and then Yin Ze came. Officer Lei Feng’s expression was also helpless, she was on her own.

What to do if Yin Ze really did come back and demand money?

Gao Yulan thought for a while and couldn’t think of anything, she was currently renting the apartment which was really good. But she didn’t want to move away and escape, so she decided to ignore it. Anyway the soldiers will block and the water will flood. If Yin Ze came to demand payment, then kill time and discuss later.

The next week, Gao Yulan was muddleheaded. She didn’t have any bank savings so she had to hurriedly find a new job, but there was no suitable job. She bit the bullet and still sent out resumes. However a week later there still wasn’t any phone call back or anything.

Actually a couple colleagues had contacted her about her situation. She seriously explained how she was framed and she didn’t like Wen Sha, but everyone was helpless and the rumor had spread really fast. Even the client company knew about it and had called to ask. Even colleagues had gone so far to ask about the rumor, this made her sad knowing it would be known to more people and n.o.body could help her.

A week later Gao Yulan received a phone call from a good colleague.

“Lan Lan, Come back to the company, your boyfriend went to find Wen Sha.”

“Boyfriend? Find Wen Sha?”


“My boyfriend?” Gao Yulan had a foreboding premonition.

“He’s pretty good looking, tall and laughs like a ruffian.”

“Legs broken and sitting in a wheelchair covered with plaster?”

“No, not right.” Her Colleague felt baffled: “Lan, Lan, You have a couple boyfriends?”

Gao Yulan took a deep breath, although there was no plaster or wheelchair, but he laughed like a ruffian and was pretending to be her boyfriend at the company to have a little fun. There was only one person.

“That isn’t my boyfriend, that"s Mantou’s father!”

Author’s Note: Writing, Editing has caused me insomnia, my brain is not able to sleep till I finish chapter. I also think: this author is the best, right???????

Thus you can’t question me!!!!!!!