History of the Dewitt guard, company A, 50th regiment National guard, state of New York

Chapter 10

One might draw a grand comparison between the way in which our men were treated in the different prisons of the South, and the treatment of rebels at the hands of our Government. We who have seen the worn-out, hobbling rebel prisoner, go forth exchanged, after a few months"

imprisonment, a strong and healthy man, cannot but feel the contrast when we see old friends, who, months ago were freed from Southern prisons, even now unable to stand the burden of any daily toil, and still wearing in their deep-lined faces the marks of past hardships. And when we think of those who once filled the vacant places in our homes and in our hearts, who might now be with us but for such hardships, we can reflect only with shuddering upon the treatment they have received, and feel grateful that we are at peace again. Verily, many a tale that we might tell were better left untold.

On the morning of Friday, Oct. 7th, one of the guard on the outside of the fence discovered a hole, through which it was evident some of the prisoners had escaped. The alarm was given, but it was too late. On investigation there were found to be 16 prisoners missing. They had made a tunnel about four feet under ground and sixty odd feet long, large enough to allow a man to crawl through. The night in which they made their escape was very dark and stormy, and taking advantage of this, they completed their excavation, crawled through, and were free.

This mode of escape was afterwards often tried, but the above is the only instance in which any reward was obtained for the great amount of work thus expended. A fellow put into practical operation one day a novel method of escaping. It was customary on the death of any of the rebels, to carry them to the dead-house; here the bodies were placed in coffins, marked, and a register kept. From the prison they were carried to the burial-ground, where the coffins were placed in long trenches, with a head-board marked to correspond with the register kept at the prison. One day one of the a.s.sistants at the dead-house arranged with one of his fellows to be placed in a coffin, and have the lid lightly nailed on. He was carried to the burial-ground, and unloaded with the other bodies. As soon as the cart drove off, our sharp fellow easily kicked the lid off and made good his escape.

Our camp life was beginning to be very monotonous. Each day the same routine was observed, and we were at our wit"s end to produce some sort of amus.e.m.e.nt. We were provided, however, with the following incident which served us as a fund for some days: On the night of October 15th, all the camps being quiet, and no sound coming through the still night air, save the steady tread of the guard, or the hoa.r.s.e, hollow cough of the prisoners, at 11 o"clock we were all suddenly aroused from our slumbers by the report of the alarm gun, the long roll soon followed and instantly the officers were out ordering the men quickly into line, each Company was marched on the parade ground on a double quick, the line soon formed and every thing was in readiness awaiting orders. Presently an orderly came riding up a.s.signing to our Regiment a position, then quickly to another camp he went, and we started at quick time for our position, just as we set off the battery came thundering down the road, the bugle sounded, men dismounted, pieces were unlimbered, quickly loaded, and ready for action. From the opposite direction came more field pieces which formed a battery just in front of our halting place, then by us rushed a Regiment, and to us again came the orderly, and we were divided, one Battalion went in one direction and the other in an other. Thus the different commands were manoeuvred for about an hour, finally a rest being allowed, the men began to enquire if we had not been "sold," as it was evident there was no disturbance in the prison camp nor any signs of an outbreak. But no one could give a solution to the problem, until the next morning we found it was all done by our Brigade Commander, to see what reliance could be placed on the men in case of an emergency.

In pursuance of orders received a day or two previous, our Regiment, together with the entire Brigade, started at noon of October 19th for the general parade ground, to take part in a Brigade review, it was an informal affair and only occupied two hours, it was a sort of preliminary or drill to fit us for a grand review to take place some time in the next month.

Messrs. Tolles and Burritt came over from Ithaca, reaching camp the morning of October 20th, to take views in and about the camps, they succeeded in getting a great many fine views of the different positions occupied by the troops.

At inspection on the morning of October 23d, orders were issued to each Regiment, to hold themselves in readiness to fall in at a moment"s notice. It was understood that Governor Seymour was in the city and would visit the different camps during the day. It being unknown at what time we would have to fall in, our boys went about the camp with their equipments on, ready to take their places in line at the first call. In the afternoon at 3 o"clock the roll was sounded and our Regiment was soon in line, presently Gov. Seymour and a few members of his staff, accompanied by some of the post officers, pa.s.sed and were saluted by the Regiment; there was no pretentious show of any kind, merely a recognition and compliment to the Commander-in-Chief of the State forces.

On the evening of October 24th, our boys arranged one of their characteristic performances--a minstrel show. We had indeed acquired a great reputation during our life in camp for being possessed of an inexhaustible store of fun, and had the material for engaging in anything that might offer which could be turned into a source of amus.e.m.e.nt.

On the evening mentioned we built a staging of rather large dimensions of material furnished us by the Quarter-Master of the Regiment, sticking bayonets in the ground with a candle placed in them to serve as foot-lights, seats were provided for our audience, and every convenience added as far as possible in order to make our entertainments popular. We were richly rewarded on this occasion as our performances had been growing very much in favor, and on this night many came up from the city in carriages until we had an audience of which many a more worthy showman might have been proud.

It would be impossible to enumerate all the sources of fun that were introduced and carried out, but it is sufficient to say that there was not an hour in the day but that one might enjoy a hearty laugh over the pranks of one or more of the boys.

The 2d of November was a great day among the different Regiments stationed at Elmira. A grand review had been ordered to come off at noon, to consist of all the troops not on duty, to be reviewed by General Diven and staff. There were nine Regiments and two Batteries on the field, viz: the 12th Regulars, 1st V. R. C., the 54th, 56th, 58th, 77th, 98th, 99th, 102d Regiments N. G., the 4th Regulars, and Rochester Batteries. The line was formed at noon, on the large field in the rear of the regular parade ground. Soon after, General Diven and staff came on the ground, receiving the customary salute from the Batteries. We were marched in review, first at common time, then at quick time. After going through some minor evolutions, we were dismissed, reaching our camps just before 6 o"clock. Everything pa.s.sed off well, and the reviewing officers expressed themselves highly satisfied with the appearance of the men, and their proficiency in drill. There were about 4,500 men of all grades, who took part in the review, and those who witnessed the parade considered it a fine affair, as well as being a creditable appearance of our State troops.

It was now drawing near the time when a great many of the Regiments were to be mustered out of service, having served the time for which they enlisted.

On the 3d of November the 54th Regiment was mustered out, and left for home. On the 5th, the 56th, 77th, and 99th Regiments were also dismissed from service, and each set out for their respective homes. This made our duties very much harder, as no troops were furnished in place of those leaving; consequently those who remained had to do double duty. We did not mind that much, however, as we knew our time would soon come for going home; although it would be near the middle of December before our 100 days were completed, yet our time was out with that of the remainder of the Regiment, who were mustered in some 20 days before we were.

The evening of November 16th was occupied by our Company in giving an oyster supper as a complimentary entertainment to the officers of the Regiment. The table was set and supper served in our cook-house. Among our guests we had the Colonel and staff, and nearly all the line officers of our Regiment, together with several members of other Regiments. Everything pa.s.sed off finely, and both guests and hosts seemed to enjoy the evening"s fun to the fullest extent.

It was fully expected by the authorities that the Regiment would be relieved from duty by the 20th of November, but all hopes of reaching home before the first of the following month were given up, for we certainly could not be spared until some Regiment should come to take our place, as there were barely men enough to do the duty required, and even those were virtually over-worked. It made little difference with us, however, as we had some time yet to serve, but then we had expected to be relieved from duty the same as the rest of the command to which we were attached, and felt some little disappointment at the delay. All were anxious to be home at Thanksgiving, the 24th of November, to eat the time-honored roast turkey and plum pudding, but we found it was of no use to raise any expectations, as they were not to be realized. We were not forgotten, however. There arrived from home the night before several boxes and barrels, well filled with all the delicacies, as well as substantials, that are necessary to makeup a grand Thanksgiving dinner. These were spread and partaken of by our boy with seemingly as much pleasure as if we had been at home.

After many disappointments and vexatious delays, orders were issued on the 1st of December to the effect that any Company having the proper papers drawn up and showing no deficiency as regarded equipments, should be mustered out on the 2d day of December, or as soon thereafter as all necessary papers were completed.

You may imagine that a great amount of writing was done during that night, as the next morning found us ready for the mustering officer.

Quite early in the morning we began to pack up and make preparations to break camp.

At 10 A. M. the Captain was in possession of the Quarter-Master"s and Ordinance officers" receipts for arms, accoutrements and camp equipage returned, and at 11 A. M. we were mustered out of the United States service, having been Uncle Sam"s boys in blue just ninety-two days. We soon after set off for the Depot with what baggage we had, and at 7 P.

M. reached Owego where we had to remain until morning.

At about 7 o"clock we were in sight of home and soon at the Depot, here we were received by a large number of citizens and marched directly to the Armory where we were welcomed home in a short speech by _M. R.

Barnard_, neatly responded to by _Captain Blood_, after which we separated to don a citizen"s attire and citizen"s employment.

Although our three months" work, in the mere point of dollars and cents, was a loss to every man, yet I doubt if there is one who regrets having spent this much time in the government service. Each man received a regular discharge which in years hence he may refer to with somewhat of pride at the thought of having done even his mite in serving his country and contributed a little towards suppressing the rebellion. We were regularly enlisted in the United States army, and subject in every particular to the same treatment and usage as any of the men in the government employ. Our duty, it is true, was not attended with any of the dangers which accompanied the duties of the men in the field, yet it was work that had to be done, and could be as well performed by State troops as to take veterans from the field. Our Company as a whole were well treated in every instance, enjoying many advantages which the social position of the members secured to them, and we were allowed privileges which were hardly expected; in fact our standard of capabilities was raised so high that our men were constantly being detailed for some special duty, requiring men of more than ordinary intellect and foresight to accomplish. Soon after moving to Barracks No.

3, two of our men were detached from the Company and placed in the capacity of chief Clerks at Brigade Head-Quarters, another was made Clerk and a.s.sistant to the Post Inspector, each retaining his responsible position during our stay in camp. Another was appointed to the position of Ordinance Sergeant, while a fifth member held the rank of Sergeant Major for a number of weeks, during the absence of the regular occupant of that office. Any one at all acquainted with the duties devolving upon an occupant of either of these offices, may judge of the honor extended our Company, and the preference shown its particular members, by the appointments to such positions of responsibility and trust.

It may be a fact worthy of mention, that there was not a duty imposed on our men that was not promptly fulfilled; every detail called for was forthcoming, and that, too, without hesitation or caviling, which was so common among a large number of the Companies. This is the more noticeable, as during the last few weeks of our stay at Elmira our boys were called on to do double duty. There were so many of the Regiments going home, and no provision made for supplying their places, yet every duty was cheerfully performed, although some men did 40 hours actual duty out of 48.

Every man had a pride in keeping everything in and about our quarters scrupulously clean. Our cook-house, with all its cooking apparatus, presented the appearance of a model kitchen, and each tent was swept and arranged with all the care that could have been taken by a tidy house-wife.

In appearance and proficiency of drill, as a Company, we soon attained a place second to none, and which we easily retained against all compet.i.tors.

Through the exertions and faithfulness of our officers, we had the pleasure of receiving from Captain Carpenter, the Post Inspector, the compliment that we were finest in appearance, and most proficient in drill, of any of the Companies stationed at Camp Chemung.

Our officers were ever watchful to promote the comfort and best interest of the men, striving in a hundred different ways to lighten the duties imposed on the men, providing everything in their power to relieve the sick, besides, at a personal expense, contributing many articles of food or camp furniture, so that, by their exertions, the irksomeness of our duties was destroyed, and every man considered it more of a pleasure than an obligation to obey their commands.

We were sorry to part with many of our own Regiment, as well as members of other commands with whom we had formed an acquaintance, much to our profit, but our work had been done, and we were honorably discharged, returning home feeling that the time had been well spent, and with no regrets that we had been in the United States service for three months.

December 26th a delegation of the Company attended the funeral of M. G.

Phillips, a late member. January 5th.--Annual meeting and supper at Captain Esty"s. Washington"s Birth-day, February 22d, 1865, was duly honored by the Company by a parade. May 28th--Attended the funeral of the late Lieutenant George Fisk. June 27th--Were inspected at Trumansburg by Colonel H. D. Barto. July 7th--A number of members were expelled for violation of By-Laws. Attended the funeral of Captain Bartholemew, at Etna, who was killed in the United States service.

August 3d--Attended the funeral of Major Belcher, who died from disease contracted while in the army of the United States. Target shoot August 15th, 1865. The prizes were taken and awarded as follows:

1st. William S. Crittenden--a splendid Revolver, presented by Captain Esty.

2d. Walter C. Steel--a pair of rich, gold-lined Silver Goblets, presented by Lieutenant John C. Hazen.

3d. L. S. Mackey--a beautiful Silver Castor, presented by the Sergeants of the Company.

4th. Sergeant E. M. Finch--an English silver-steel, pearl handle Pocket Knife, presented by L. R. King, Esq.

5th. Geo. R. Williams--bottle of French Perfumery, presented by Geo. E.

Halsey, Esq.

6th. John Young--a magnificent box of Herring, presented by J. B. Taylor & Co.

7th. Geo. M. King--a Gla.s.s Pipe, presented by Messrs. J. B. Taylor & Co.

After the prizes were awarded, Captain Esty was presented with a magnificent sword, belt, sword-knot and case, by Capt. B. R. Williams, on behalf of the members and ex-members of the Company.

The Company was reviewed and inspected by Colonels H. D. Barto and K. S.

Van Voorhees, at Trumansburg, Oct. 19th, 1865. January 23d, attended the funeral of Chief-Engineer Joseph Sidney, U. S. N., who died while in the service of his country.

We now come in the history of the Company to the dedication of the new Armory and Drill-Room, which are located in the Cornell Library building, and which were dedicated by one of the finest entertainments ever given in Ithaca, February 10th, 1866, at which time the Company were a.s.sisted by Miss Louise St. John, Mrs. J. S. Granger, Miss A.

McCormick, Mrs. Joseph Esty, Jr., and Miss Frankie At.w.a.ter; also Gen. H.

A. Dowe, Gen. William Glenny, Col. Charles F. Blood, Col. K. S. Van Voorhees, Capt. B. R. Williams, Quar. Mas. J. C. Heath, Hon. B. G.

Ferris, Hon. James B. Taylor, F. M. Finch, Esq., F. K. Andrus, Esq., Charles Curtis, Esq., Edward Hall, Esq., Thomas Crane, Esq., Edward Moore, Esq., L. V. B. Maurice, Esq., Elijah Cornell, Esq., and Master Fred. Summers.

The entertainment was liberally patronized by the citizens of Ithaca, enabling the Company to cancel a large proportion of the indebtedness incurred in furnishing their Armory. The expenditures of the Company in this direction, and expense attending their exhibition, was six hundred and twenty-eight dollars and fifty-four cents.

The present indebtedness of the Company is less than two hundred dollars, which amount they hope to cancel entirely by the profits on the sales of this History.

The furniture of the Armory will compare, we think, with any room in the Library. A fine photographic likeness of each of the officers of the Company, taken by the celebrated Artists, Messrs. Beardsley Brothers, occupy a prominent position. The Drill-Room is one of the finest in the State. For the present superior advantages enjoyed by the Company, they are much indebted to Hon. Ezra Cornell, whose name is connected with every enterprise which has in view the prosperity of our village.

We have endeavored to give, as we stated at the commencement, a full, true and concise history of the DeWitt Guard, our task is completed; and in closing, we only ask that a generous public will remember the present and former members of this Company, who sacrificed so much for their country in the hour of her peril, and to bestow honor where honor is due.