History of the Washington National Monument and of the Washington National Monument Society

Chapter 15

New Bedford, Ma.s.s.

Lowell, Ma.s.s.

Nashville, Tenn.

Newark, N. J.

Salem, Ma.s.s.

City of Roxbury, Ma.s.s.

F. A. A. M.

Patmos Lodge, Maryland.

Grand Lodge of Maryland.

" " Ohio.

" " Mississippi.

" " Kentucky.

" " New York.

" " Virginia.

" " Alabama.

" " Tennessee.

" " Florida.

" " Pennsylvania.

" " Arkansas.

" " Georgia.

" " Dist. of Colum.

Subordinate Lodges, Philadelphia.

Roxbury Lodge, Ma.s.s.

St. John"s Lodge, Richmond, Va.

Washington Naval Lodge, No. 4.

Arthenia Lodge, Troy, N. Y.

Lafayette Lodge, 64, New York.

I. O. O. F.

Grand Lodge of Ma.s.sachusetts.

" " Mississippi.

" " Kentucky.

" " Indiana.

" " Iowa.

" " Virginia.

" " New Jersey.

" " Ohio.

" " United States.

" " Maryland.

Philadelphia, Penna.

Eureka Lodge 117, New York City.

Troy, N. Y.

Germantown, Penna.


Grand Division of North Carolina.

" " Connecticut.

" " Illinois.

" " New Jersey.

" " Ohio.

" " Rhode Isl"nd.

Philadelphia, Penna.

Mount Lebanon Lodge, B. B. B.

Washington Naval, A. Y. M.

Addisonian Literary Society.

"Cincinnati Commercial, 1850."

United Sons America, Penna.

American Whig Society.

Hibernian Society, Baltimore, Md.

Independent United Order of Brothers.

Uni"d Amer"n Mechanics, Phila"a.

Fire Department, New York City.

Invincible Fire Co., Cincinnati, O.

Washington Light Inft., D. C.

Fire Depart"t., Philadelphia, Pa.

Co. I, 4th U. S. Infantry. 1851.

National Greys, Washington, D. C.

Continental Guards of New Orleans.

First Regiment, Light Infantry, Ma.s.sachusetts Volunteers.

Westmoreland County, Va., Birthplace of Washington.

"Braddock"s Field."

"Battlefield of Long Island." Kings County, 1776.

a.s.sociation of Journeymen Stonecutters, Philadelphia, Penna.

"From the Home of Knox--Citizens of Thomaston, Maine."

Hawkins County, Tenn.

"From Otter"s Summit--Virginia"s loftiest peak."

Oakland College, Miss.

General a.s.sembly of Presbyterian Church, Washington, May, 1852.

American Inst.i.tute, New York.

"Maryland Pilgrims."

German Benevolent Society, Washington, D. C.

Columbia Typographical Society, Washington, D. C.

"Postmasters and a.s.sistant Postmasters, Indiana, 1852."

"Pupils of the Public Schools, Baltimore, Md."

Cliosophic Society, Na.s.sau Hall, N. J.

Wilmington, North Carolina, Thalian a.s.sociation.

Tuscarora Tribe, District of Columbia, I. O. R. M.

Anacostia Tribe, No. 3, I. O. R. M.

Oldest Inhabitant"s a.s.sociation, Washington, D. C.

Young Men"s Mercantile Library a.s.sociation, Cincinnati, Ohio.

Mosaic Block--ruins of ancient Carthage.

From Chapel of William Tell, Luzerne, Switzerland.

Americans residing in Foo-Chow-Foo, China, 1857.

"From the Temple of aesculapius, Island of Paros. Presented by Officers of U. S. S. Saranac."