History of the Washington National Monument and of the Washington National Monument Society

Chapter 17

Drake"s Poems; Catalogue of the Library of Congress, printed 1839; Catalogue from 1840 to 1847, both inclusive; by Joint Committee on the Library of Congress.

Memoir of a Tour to Northern Mexico, 1846-"47; by R. P. Anderson.

All the coins of the United States, from the eagle to the half-dime, inclusive.

Census of the United States from 1790 to 1848, inclusive.

A list of the Judges of the Supreme Court of the United States, its Officers, with the dates of their respective appointments; by W. J.

Carroll, Clerk Supreme Court of the United States.

Proceedings of the General Society of the Cincinnati, with the original inst.i.tution of the order and _fac simile_ of the signatures of the original members of the State Society of Pennsylvania; by Charles L.


Const.i.tution and General Laws of the Great Council of the Improved Order of Red Men of the District of Columbia.

By-Laws of Powhatan Tribe, No. 1, and General Laws of the Great Council of the same Order.

American Silk Flag; presented by Joseph K. Boyd, citizen of Washington, District of Columbia, on the 4th of July, 1848.

The Temple of Liberty, two copies, one ornamented and lettered with red.

The letters are so arranged in each that the name of Washington may be spelled more than one thousand times in connection; by John Kilbourn.

Design of the Monument, small plate, produced by a process called electrotype; by Chas. Fenderich, Washington.

A copy of the Const.i.tution of the first organized Temperance Society in America; by L. H. Sprague, July 4, 1848.

Sons of Temperance in the District of Columbia.

Report on the Organization of the Smithsonian Inst.i.tution; by Professor Henry.

Coat of Arms of the Washington family; by Mrs. Jane Charlotte Washington, July 4, 1848.

The Blue Book for 1847; Congressional Directory; by J. & G. S. Gideon.

Thirty-first Annual Report of the American Colonization Society.

Message of the President of the United States and accompanying doc.u.ments, 1847.

Navy Register, 1848; by C. Alexander.

Coast Survey Doc.u.ment; Army Register for 1848.

The Washington Monument; Shall It Be Built? by J. S. Lyon.

Holy Bible; presented by the Bible Society; inst.i.tuted 1816.

Vail"s Description of the Magnetic Telegraph; by A. Vail.

Report of the Joint Committee on the Library, May 4, 1848, and an engraving; by M. Vattemare.

Morse"s North American Atlas.

African Repository and Colonial Journal, 1848.

Military Laws of the United States, 1846; by G. Templeman.

Appleton"s Railroad and Steamboat Companion.

Daguerreotype likeness of General and Mrs. Mary Washington, with a description of the Daguerreotype process; by John S. Grubb, Alexandria, Va.

True Republican; the likeness of all the Presidents to 1846, and inaugural addresses; by G. Templeman.

Silver Medal, representing General Washington and the National Monument; by Jacob Seeger.

Copies of the Union Magazine, National Magazine, G.o.dey"s Lady"s Book, Graham"s Magazine, and Columbian Magazine, for July, 1848; by Brooke & Shillington.

Const.i.tution of the Smithsonian a.s.sociation, on the Island, inst.i.tuted November 9, 1847.

Harper"s Ill.u.s.trated Catalogue; by S. Colman.

Smithsonian Inst.i.tution--Report of the Commissioners on its organization; Reports from the Board of Regents; by W. W. Seaton.

American Archives; A Doc.u.mentary History of the American Colonies to the present time; fourth series, vol. 5; by Peter Force.

Guide to the Capitol; by R. Mills.

An American Dollar; by Miss Sarah Smith, Stafford, N. J.

American State Papers, 1832; National Intelligencer for 1846 (bound); by Gales & Seaton.

Abstract Log for the use of American Navigators; by Lieut. M. F. Maury, U. S. N.; by M. F. Manry.

Report of Prof. Bache, Superintendent of the Coast Survey; by Coast Survey Office.

_Fac simile_ of Washington"s Accounts; by Michael Nourse.

Claypole"s American Daily Advertiser, December 25, 1799, and the Philadelphia Gazette, December 27, 1799, containing a full account of the death and funeral ceremony of General Washington, the official proceedings of Congress, Executive, &c.; by G. M. Grouard.

Publication No. 1, Boston, 1833.

A cent of 1783 of the United States of America; by W. G. Paine.

United States Fiscal Department, vols. 1 and 2; by R. Mayo, M. D.

Maps and Charts of the Coast Survey; by Survey Office.

Letters of John Quincy Adams to W. L. Stone, and introduction; letters of J. Q. Adams to Edward Livingston, Grand High Priest, &c.; Vindication of General Washington, &c., by Joseph Ritner, Governor of Pennsylvania, with a letter to Daniel Webster and his reply, printed in 1841; American Antimason, No. 1, vol. 1, Hartford, Connecticut, 1839, Maine Free Press; Correspondence Committee of York, Pennsylvania, to Richard Rush, April, 1831; his answer, May 4, 1841; Credentials of a Delegate from Jefferson County, Missouri, and proceedings of a meeting of citizens to make the appointment of a delegate; by Henry Ga.s.sitt, Boston, Ma.s.sachusetts.