Hitsugi no Chaika

Chapter 1

Chapter 1

Perhaps such a picture even in h.e.l.l could not be found.

Around not grow a single blade of gra.s.s. On the ground lay only rocks and sand, but, despite the sharp elevation changes after each turned out that this relief lasted continue without any changes. Everywhere rising white haze cover half of the landscape, and the air was thick smell that followed the vision began to fail, and the sense of smell.

The colors were dull and almost not changed.

We can say, with a normal life here nothing is tied.

Moreover, this is the place, though, and “empty”, different from the cold and lifeless wasteland … the smell and the heat served as a warning to anyone who dared to come here. This land has been poisoned.

And yet … in the heart …

– Eh …

Toru ACURE relaxed.

He rested. He had no idea that his body may be so obmyaknut.

Such chances were given to him rarely.

Thor was young. His appearance drew the t.i.tle of “young men” … even though someone could call him “boy.”His black eyes and hair can not be called remarkable, facial features a bit more attractive than most, but no more. It is unlikely that his beauty turned out to write a ballad … The only real feature of it was printed on the face of universal gravity, rather characteristic for the old than for the young.

Growing up is not determined by a person living for years, and lived experience.

That is why poor people look older than their years. Since the Torah has grown in an environment quite different from the “normal” according to the society, and looked older than his real age.

– Bliss …

Thor leaned against the rock and looked up at the sky.

He trained when standing. He trained when sitting. He trained even during sleep.

Such was his life, as he grew up to the age of reason. You could even say that he trained 24 hours a day, without realizing it himself. Every movement of hands, every move, every breath and exhale. Regardless, his muscles moving consciously or unconsciously, any action imprinted in the subconscious as a workout.

Pisces swim naturally. Birds naturally fly.

So here.

Because of this he was able to restore the form, despite the very long period of idleness.

But … as retribution for their unconscious training, and now he had deliberately ordered the body to “rest.”He had only to forget about your body, and it has started to train endlessly acc.u.mulating fatigue.

It could even lead to the fact that fatigue would have reached a level where he could and did faint.

He had heard that the true experts and masters of their craft were able to give half of his body to rest, continuing to temper the other half of what was called “rest during training” … but in the 20 years the Torah was still a novice, incapable of such a thing.

And that’s why …

– Eh … – he sighed a long, plunging into hot water up to their shoulders.

He felt gradually melted away “fatigue”, acc.u.mulated in the muscles and blood vessels, and the tension remaining in the nerves. With his eyes closed and he did could imagine how his body heat spreads easily, and as the blood flows inside.

He was in the hot spring water.

Here, the white haze hung so close that virtually closed the review, and the landscape was only a few rocks.They were all black chunks of solidified magma, once stranded on the side of the mountain during the eruption of the volcano.

This characteristic haze and odor resistant creating underground water and heated by sulfur.

Initially, on the ground there was nothing around the Torah, but a bunch of stones, but as close to a river, he decided to try to dig at random and stumbled upon a hot spring. Fortunately, the water proved the most suitable temperature for it to relax.

– I think … I have five years not so … – whispered the Torah, looking at the sky, hidden white haze.

The fact that near the village ACURE in which he lived, too, was like a place with hot springs. There they are in their time and relax after all kinds of training.

But after the destruction of the village ACURE hot springs they stopped to visit … Why, because they do not have enough to eat, they had no time even for a bath, so often they bathed in rivers and ponds.

It is because the Torah thoroughly enjoyed the first visit to a hot spring for 5 years.

– Um …

Of course, the Torah into the water naked.

However, this does not mean that he was defenseless. His body could at any time to come back from holiday in the state of full combat readiness.

– …

Thor squinted and held out his hand.

To dig the key is not filled up, they strengthened it by several large stones, laid out around the spring. In the largest of these stones Torah folded his things.

He walked groping them and quickly found what he was looking.

Throwing Knife.

Usually it was used for, in fact, throwing, but he had a handle that allowed them to fight and how an ordinary knife. Of course, he was far more brittle and rough, compared to any conventional blade, but in an emergency they can be, and repulse the attack, and try to attack the enemy. His favorite stilettos Torah near the water did not leave. They were equipped with sophisticated mechanisms, which could deteriorate from high humidity.

– Akari? .. – He whispered softly, tearing back the stone, turned around and peered into the white mist. – No, it does not seem …

At some point, he felt close to someone’s presence.

Half-sister Torah, Akari, at this very moment is to handle the collected sulfur.

She is versed in the pharmaceutical industry, or rather, in the preparation of mixtures with a mortar and pestle, and sulfur could make the gunpowder, poison and even smelling salts. And for them the Torah with such mixtures are very valuable. Their disadvantage is always painfully felt, and the stock has never pulled a pocket.

And that means …

– Is that you, Seagull?

And then, as if he had just been waiting for this, and, white steam slightly parted, revealing the figure of a girl.

Her body was tiny.

She gave the impression of a gentle creature that could crumble in strong arms. Her arms and legs looked thin, and in general in the muscles, it was uneventful. Not that she seemed exhausted, but the bulge on his chest looked so modest that left the impression has not yet had time to form. Perhaps excite her body would start only after several years.

The corners of her eyes were sharp, giving the cat’s eye view, but they did not seem strict … causing, rather, the a.s.sociation with a charming kitten.

Her features resembled its impeccable work of art, to which nothing can be added, and from which nothing can be taken away, so as not to upset the balance. Moreover, it is difficult to imagine that this person may change with age. At this very moment it reached a peak of adorable that it might seem as if she was born with that same person and will always be such a girl.

Long silver hair and amethyst eyes only strengthened this impression. Usually, she wore a black-and-white clothes, like a mourning dress, but now her figure concealed nothing, and the dazzling image of infinitely innocent naked virgins reflected in the eyes of the Torah.

Chaika Trabant.

Most often it is, the Torah employer seemed that way. Speaking more precisely, the saboteur Torah considered her his mistress. However, not only was the gull under him, but did not have many important knowledge, which is why their relationship shifted from the category of “mistress-servant” in a rather confusing category.

– So … – Tohru began, and then suddenly moved to cry – what you doing ?!

No matter how close their relations were not, they are not exactly of the type in which you can, without warning, to appear on each other’s eyes in the nude.

Torah Scroll down sharply on the ground, turning his back to the approaching girl.

The underwear Torah it has already seen (because it is in this respect quite indifferent) … but in a completely nude yet.

– Thor …

He heard a splash of hot water.

Seagull entered into the same water in which it was located.

Well-developed sense of the Torah played with a cruel joke. He felt fine, she approaches him … and stopped very close. They were so close we could touch each other’s hands. Turn around it – and he had nowhere to look away.

– What are you thinking ?!

– …What? – She asked in surprise.

Her voice did not feel a drop of obscenity – she said the word, like a child who had just learned it.

– Well, you know … – the Torah did not know what else to say.

Seagull was a princess of the north, the Empire Gas.

We of the royal family and n.o.bility only a system of values different from the usual. The powers that be constantly feared attack murderers and always kept near a guard – and in the bathroom, and a walk … and even during the retreat with a spouse or lover. Thor had heard that sometimes the role of hired bodyguards and commandos.

It is unlikely that a person would be embarra.s.sed to undress in front of his dog.

It is possible that not only the gull from the outset not had for the Torah no romantic feelings, but do not even feel shame in front of him.

“But even so, I somehow can not stare at you!”

Since the Torah is still a young man, then, in spite of all its principles, the body could not help to respond to the nakedness of the young girl.

– Thor …

But she did not think any of his agony, or at all mocked them, because after that her fingers touched the back of the Torah.

And what’s more …

– Thor …

He felt her breath on his neck.

Generally, Seagull barely got out before his shoulders … but the water in the Torah on his knees, and head Seagull is even higher. Their relative growth was such that if the Torah turned before his eyes were neck and chest Gulls.

– Thor … – whisper sounded almost close.

And judging by it, Seagull slightly bent.

It was as if she was going to kiss the Torah in the neck …

– … – The Torah is something quietly muttered.

And in the next moment …


At that very moment, as the Torah Seagull turned to his throwing knife he made a sharp sound.

Seagulls teeth literally dug into it.

– …

– …

Between them hung an awkward silence.

I do not move the Torah, and did not move Seagull.

Finally, seagull frowned and, without taking arms Torah from his mouth, he said:

– What are you doing?

– It’s me you need to ask, – said Thor, drilling Seagull look. – What was it, Frederick?

– Sudden Attack, and what? – Immediately responded Seagull … rather, something that has taken its shape.

Somehow the voice of the creature remained perfectly clear, though his teeth and continued to chew on the blade. Possibly, the mechanism different from the human speech.

– Why do you look like?

– In terms of? I just naked.

– So I ask – why are you naked?

– Because we wash ourselves? You’re naked and himself because of this?

In her voice as if through a “what’s wrong with you?”

– No, but it is certainly true, but! – Toru cried in despair. – But I’m asking about why you naked attack me while I wash!

– I told you, it’s a surprise attack – there is an answer on behalf of Frederick, releasing finally throwing knife Torah, and stepped back a little bit.

Every time it begins to speak, a little, but still very real teeth appeared between the charming lips. Do not subst.i.tute uspey Toru the knife, they would have dug deep into his neck.

– I thought you were in the water at least you come unarmed. You do realize that there is no adequate person will not wash with the weapon, the Torah?

– Look who’s talking … And anyway, someone who really, and you’d better keep quiet about the “adequacy” !!! – Exclaimed the Torah.

It is hard to think of anything more insulting than to hear the doubt in his own adequacy of this girl.

After all, Frederick did not even people.

It was Dragoon and belonged to Fail. These creatures possessed magic that gave them the ability to change your body freely, for example, to increase its cover and armored skin before the battle. Many knew dragoons only on such fighting form … but he might reduce his body.

For example … become a human girl.

– What a pity … I thought I could tear your throat.

Frederick said the words, it is not straining as if she was not allowed to play some entirely innocent prank.

After a single case of the dragoons began hunting for the Torah.

She did not hide the fact that he was going to kill him. But not because they hated him or acting on someone else’s orders, but simply because the more she had nothing to do.

So … despite the fact that it was kind of like the Torah in the unit, it could disappear at any time for an indefinite period and moodiness are not inferior to the cat. Apparently, she was trying to, not as a human being, to simulate the human value system, but moving in the wrong direction … In any case, the Torah was already tired to mess with this girl-Feil.

– Yet, the Torah – Frederick asked, still in the guise of The Seagull. – When did you realize it?

– … From the very beginning, – he replied. – However, finally I found only at the last moment.

– But I really tried to repeat the face and body of Seagulls.

– … Really, you’re very like her.

Even now, as he stood in front of her, it can be easily mistaken for Seagull.

Of course, its appearance is not repeated body Gulls in the most minute detail, but as she approached from the back, in the Torah have not been able to see them. Even her speech was intermittent, and distinct difference in tone between her and this Chaika was not felt.

– Whereas? The aura, or what?

– Ah … – Torah scratched his cheek. – Chest.

– Eh? Chest?

– At Seagulls chest smaller.

– Eh? True? And I thought, well, I remember everything.

– Her clothes packed. If you have seen it only in ordinary clothes, you do not know this.

– Thor?

– What?

– So, you saw naked Seagull? I knew it.

– I’ve seen her only in his underwear! And that means “just knew” ?!

Although the Torah and understand that to argue with this monster is useless … he could not stop to answer it. It seems to work is that she looked like a man, or rather, like a girl.

– So in fact even Akari said that you are the greatest tyrant in the whole Ferbiste.

– Enough to take her words seriously!

– I see … – though the Torah and the response was like a cry, he did not cause Frederica almost no reaction.- So, if I just reduced the breast, it would be able to deceive the Torah.

With these words of Frederick put his hands to his chest and several times brought and spread them. Two small, but apparently soft bulge deformed pleasant to the eyes of the Torah …

– Enough already! – He said, again turning back to her.

And here…

– …A?

– A…

He locked eyes with seagulls.

Her violet eyes blinked and continued to look at him.

Momentarily taken aback Torah.

He turned away from Frederica, not to see the body Gulls, but instead it turned out to be right in front of him.The charming facial features and long, but well-kept silver hair could belong only to her. A small chest under the collarbone confirmed that she is the real …

– …

Toru reflexively turned and, of course, again saw Frederick in the form of Seagulls. Not knowing where else to look, he turned his eyes to the sky.

– What is it, the Torah? Blood from the nose go?

– No!

– M ..?

Came back from the Gull dragged along with it the size of a black coffin itself, in spite of the water. It looks like she really could not calm down, if the coffin was not in the line of sight. This is also one of the points where the two differed Gulls.

– Mr Mr Mr … – tried to say something bewildered seagull.

However, would still – she had only met with his own double.

Moreover, its twin was so close to the Torah, as if they were going to at any time to embrace … In general, a fertile ground for misunderstanding.

– No, Seagull, listen … – tried to somehow justify the Torah, but nothing intelligent never occurred.

Seagull in response hesitantly took a step back, then pointed a trembling hand on his head in bewilderment slopes Frederick.

– Chest ?! Increased ?!

– This is exactly the first thing you have to say ?! – Exclaimed almost turned around, but look again to the shy Torah.

“Why so many women around me – it’s not possible … And in general, why they are so careless about this saying? Maybe it’s me that something is not right, I’m just on every detail so worried? Although this is a former princess and feil … I also have to understand that none of them have no adequate conception of shame. “

– Big b.r.e.a.s.t.s. Key. Be sure to teach, – said Gull, approaching Frederick.

– You see, it is very easy to arrange with magic.

– Are you too gone mad ?!

dragoons transformation magic acted only on themselves and all that it recognized the parts of their bodies.Moreover, Toru heard of seagulls that this magic is the unique ability of dragoons, and people could not use it.

– Is your magic not only applies to people who have signed a contract with you, Frederick?

She could enter into a kind of “temporary contracts” by the bite, which allowed her to heal the wounds of others … but for this transformation, which has been concerned about security, “temporary contracts” were not good.

– Contract!

– Good. Then let’s change hands.

– Why are you talking about it with such ease, if you just want to change the food ?!

For the conclusion of the contract of the rider on the need to share with the dragoons Feil hand, foot, or the appropriate amount of flesh.

– I’m kidding, kidding, – said Frederick. – Apparently, the Torah, you are one of those who does not understand jokes.

– … Is this your jokes too weird !!! – He said in response to the Torah, which has wanted to cry from what is happening.

The long war ended.

Naturally, the 300 years of wartime impact on people’s views.

Entire generations have lived my life in its entirety.

It was a simple and intuitive time.

And, of course … all men are making plans for life, given the ongoing war.

“Saboteurs” – one of those who raised this principle in the absolute.

Master of all trades when it came to battles, ready to take on the work, which disdain cla.s.sical knights and swordsmen, crawling in the darkness of the people who lived by war and ready to go to any lengths to achieve their goals … This is what they were. They are not shy or dirty tricks, in which they were accused, nor baseness, for whom they despised. And precisely because they were the people they met in every battle, performing the dark, but a necessary work.

Murder. Incitement. Riots. The raids. And much more.

Saboteurs shone when honest methods could not bring victory in battle.

Naturally, demand creates supply.

At some point, the saboteurs have ceased to appear by themselves and organized themselves in the “village”, where they were trained and then sent on a mission. It was quite obvious the system allows you to “produce” more effective saboteurs.

There was a few schools saboteurs. In response to demand from the rulers brought a lot of fighters who took part in various battles. In the villages, well aware that saboteurs are considered as small coins, and did not oppose this – were frequent cases when natives of the same village met on the battlefield, being hired by the warring parties. But saboteurs treated it with indifference. They were able to do their job, regardless of which side is … and their employers is not too worried.

You could say they have found a balance between supply and demand.

But … a long war ended.

As soon occur world as saboteurs began to be perceived as a “dishonest dogs”, “cowards” and “sc.u.m” and to treat them with hatred and contempt. Most likely, a significant role was played by the rulers of countries, fearing sabotage skills, because they were able to organize riots and unrest. And since many states have resorted to their services, it is perfectly aware of the danger they represented.

Whatever it was, with the onset of peace saboteurs were left without work.

And what’s more … dramatically change their minds about their country destroyed almost all the “village”.

Many commandos were forced to go on the run.

These include the Torah ACURE.

Although it should be called and have not hatched egg saboteur.

After the war ended before he had time to go on their first a.s.signment.

All the skills he honed in his life for use on the battlefield, were useless.

Today saboteurs likened homeless dogs, who threw home.

Their life was not worth nothing. They were created because they were “necessary” … but now this “need” suddenly disappeared. Moreover, they are now training has become too risky.

Torah … angry.

Why was he born?

What was living all this time?

Everything went wrong … and because the Torah did not even try to work all day doing nothing.

And then he had met a girl named Chaika Trabant.

In the course of a series of events that they have experienced together, Thor learned a few things.

What Seagull picking “the remains” of his father, separated into several parts.

What her father was the emperor of the Empire Gas – a key figure of the war itself.

With the support of the Government there was an organization, seeks to capture the princess Seagull.

What is the status of a legitimate heiress could help her resurrect the Empire Gas and once again bring peace during the war.

And much more…

Torah … saw in this a chance.

The war was his liking. She liked him at times more of the world where there was no place for him. He decided to join the Seagull and risks her life in order to find the use of their skills and stop, finally, to rot.

So the Torah and became a slave Gulls.


– The Torah, the Torah …

He felt like someone lightly tapped on his back.

Gull. He knew it, not even turning around.

– Further. Plan.

– Since I have nothing more to do now, I would like to discuss what we will do next – added Frederick.

Toru corner of his eye noticed that she no longer portrayed Seagull and again took the form of a girl with golden hair and red eyes.

If we compare the charming appearance, then Frederick might compete Seagull … but the feel of them came quite different. Seagull seemed a bit lifeless, a bit like a doll, and Frederick on the contrary – restless, like animal, found himself in the body of the girl, cheerful and playful.

By the way, since Frederick free to change his appearance, she was not the “true image”, but more often it is shown on the eyes detachment of the Torah in this form. Apparently, she did not like turmoil that she raised, walking around in the form of a dragoon.

– Let’s talk how to wash finish, – said Thor, who was sitting with his back to the girls.

He sat in the pit spring and looked out.

Seagull and Frederick also swam in the heart of the hot spring.

Actually, both of them behaved so calmly and do not care what the Torah may have no reason to so a.s.siduously avert their eyes … But he could hardly if at the sight of them, he would really be gone nose blood would somehow explain, so he stubbornly continued to look the other way.

– So, I finish the wash in and out?

– Yes.

– And what about you, Thor? You’re not gonna go? So you sit? – Innocently asked him Frederick.

– …

Thor did not answer.

If he could, he would have long since left.

The water in this source was unclear, and he was able to hide from them the lower part of his body with it.

– You … – apparently, Frederick realized silence Torah on their own, as decided to continue the conversation.- Searching for the remains of Emperor Strip, right?

It seems that it is still going to talk about it right here.

Toru felt behind him nodded Seagull.

– The confirmation.

– Why? No, I heard that the remains of the emperor is not bad magic fuel … but there are also other sources?

– … – Seagull was not found with the answer.

“By the way, because we have not told the whole truth about Frederick Seagull?”

Any creature possessing a certain level of intelligence, to acc.u.mulate the magical energy in the process of life. It can be used to do magic … But people often used their own energy only as a “fuse”, and as the consumables used the so-called magic fuel.

His role was played by the remains of sentient beings.

It is easiest to work with fossils, namely, with fossils Feil, called dry fuel … but with proper treatment, you can use and not fossilized remains.

The remains of Emperor Gaza, has earned the t.i.tle of the greatest magician of all time and is rumored to have lived three hundred years, were really superb fuel.

But … on the other hand, they are not essential to name.

You can draw an a.n.a.logy with the prices … of course, if you want to have something very expensive and still fit on the hand, the largest gem does not replace, but if you just want to “pick up something equivalent”, it can equalize a sufficient amount of gold.

If they just wanted a magic fuel, meaning to gather the remains of Emperor Gaza was no.

– Frederick – Torah said, continues obstinately to sit with his back to the girls. – Let me first ask … What do you think about the emperor Arthur Gaza?

– I mean, “what”?

– Do you agree with the opinion of all those states that consider it the root of all evil?

– Well, as you say … – Frederica’s voice did not seem nervous.

It was as if she responded to a question about his favorite color or dish.

– I’m just doing target of Dominica. Yes, I took part in the a.s.sault on the capital of the Empire Gas, but to be honest, I do not feel on this occasion any sense. In the end, after Dominic went to the castle without me … so I could not see his face.

– Clear …

Tohru sighed briefly.

They could continue to hide from her purpose and the ident.i.ty of Seagulls. It was difficult to say anything about what he thinks of Frederick. It is easy to imagine that it could suddenly become their enemy. Therefore it is better to share it with only the bare minimum of information …

– I have a daughter … – but thinking ahead Seagull Torah. – Arthur Gas – father.

Chaika admitted around itself.

Tohru sighed again.

She seemed almost afraid of what Frederick feil. Of course, not Frederick hunted her 24 hours a day, as the Torah, and seemingly looked the same age as seagulls. This partly explains the courage Gulls.

– … Eh? – Of course, it is the recognition of a little surprised even Frederick.

– Her real name – Seagull Gas.

It is clear now that a senseless to deny.

Tohru sighed again, then added:

– In fact, the magic power of the remains are not to blame. Seagull just wants a decent burial of his father.

– “Bury” … – Frederick repeated this word in such a bewildered voice, as if he had heard for the first time. – Ah. Bury. Bury … so? Clear.

By repeating the word several times and digest its meaning, Frederick nodded.

– Exactly. People to this very sensitive about.

– You may think you are something different.

– Eh? Ah … you’re talking about Dominic? – Frederica’s voice was heard uncertainty.

When Dominic Skoda with which this girl feil contracted died, Frederick wanted so much to fulfill her wish, she started to act out the role of Dominica, took its shape and even caused Tohru squad into battle. From the perspective of the Torah, it was a kind of funeral, organized by Frederica for Dominica, but …

– Um … it’s a little different.

– Other? What exactly?

– It was not a funeral – confidently said Frederick. – We’re with Dominica were inseparable. Her desire – my desires. So I wanted to perform them, even in this form. That’s all.

– So is not this a funeral?

– You the emperor himself ordered to a.s.semble his bones?

– No, us…

Of course, the exact answer to this question is not known and the Torah.


– Between you in fact do not have the “contract” that we had? – Frederick continued. – People lie and betray, and therefore without a contract can never say what they really wish, right?

– It may be so, but …

Indeed, Seagull do not remember the events connected with the death of Empire Gas. For some reason she could not quite remember how it escaped from the Empire … and all the other related events.

So, even if the emperor and ordered her “to collect the remains of” The Seagull … do not remember.

In other words, she did not do it because it is the emperor commanded.

Collect the remains was her own desire.

“Clear. A funeral for Frederica seem a manifestation of complacency. “

Indeed, this view is understandable.

In the end, do not wail the dead.

In fact, about oblivion mourn those who survived. We can say they give a sense of already non-existent person, and mourned for his account.

– Do not tell me that you fought with me just because of this – Frederica’s voice began to sound depressed. – Are you ready to risk your life for this?

– “For this?” Wow you call it – Thor frowned. – Seagull is very important. Another may seem pointless, but …

– No, I’m not talking about that, – said Frederick, coming up to the Torah. – I am of you, Thor.

– About me? – He asked, trying hard not to look at the bare Frederick.

– What is the meaning to you to collect the remains of Emperor Gaza?

– I .. I have no sense.

These were the remains of a stranger to him. That’s all.

Be the Torah magician, he would perceive them either as a good source of magical energy, or as the remains of the great magician, but …

– I just want to fulfill the desire of Seagulls.

– Why? – Frederick asked another question.

She did not say so, if sought to corner him.

a sincere curiosity in her voice sounded.

– You with Seagull does not bind “contract”, and you would not lose anything if it did not fulfill her wish, right?

Frederick said the contract between the rider and the dragoon.

Formally, Seagull has hired the Torah, but did not bind any doc.u.ments or evidence that the Torah has to serve it, as opposed to the rider, share authority with his dragoon.

Roughly speaking, their contract was oral.


– However, if you are a couple, I can still understand it.

– Couple?

– If you think its a man who will give birth to your children, I can still understand it.

– Hey, you…

– But it is natural for living beings – retorted Frederic stunned replica Torah. – All they want to live. And pa.s.s on their blood. It is so natural that I did … would not be surprised if it really was your motivation. This is the most important of the things that I do not know about you, Thor.

– …

All this time, he lived to be a saboteur.

And as a saboteur, he knew only one way to bind themselves to the outside world – to be born for the sake of battle and die for them also.

But one day the war ended, depriving the entire Torah that he could acc.u.mulate.

Everything has become unnecessary. All was useless.

– I … I wanted to fight, – said softly Torah.

– How to Dominica?

– No. I wanted to fight, not because he was looking for death. I wanted to battle through to leave something behind. Especially considering the fact that I was still going to die. On the other life and I did not think. I on the other is simply not told.

– …

– So, when I heard the story Seagulls, I went with it – continued the Torah with a tight smile. – Girl, collecting the remains of Emperor Gaza, considered the main villain of the war. The legitimate heir to the Empire Gas. It may also happen that because of it the world will return in times of war. Then the saboteurs will again be something to do.

– Clearly, – batting scarlet eyes, he squinted at Frederick Torah. – But the Torah, you’ve said that “my goal – that is very dear to me man achieved his goal.”

– So … you still remember – Thor frowned.

Indeed, he said these words when they had dinner in a family house in Dominica.

They caused a wave of confusion on the part of Seagulls and Akari. By the way, yes, even the Torah and I explained to them what is the meaning invested in the word “my dear man,” Frederick he is not telling.

– Yeah. Well, what does it mean?

– Seagull gave me a chance to start fighting again and find a purpose in life. Before meeting her, I just rot, lost everything. So I owe her.

– Hmm … well, basically all clear to me, but …

– Are you sure? – Thor’s eye looked at Frederick.

Because she was not a man, her understanding and way of thinking is often very different from the human.Always there was a chance that after she would say “I understand”, it turns out that in fact she realized everything is not so.

– But one simple thing still makes me doubt – Frédéric suddenly turned her back to the Torah, looked at the Seagull and asked – Seagull. You … really the daughter of the Emperor Gaza?

– M ?! – Seagull dropped in amazement.

Not only that, she did not expect this question, it is even less doubt expecting to hear in the address of the most important facts. The question sounded almost like “who are you really?”

– What are you talking about? – I asked in surprise Frederick Torah.

If she is not the daughter of Emperor Gaza, then who?

In general, the Torah learned that she was the daughter of Emperor Gaza, not by itself. He said about this are the people that chased her and knew who she really was. They said the Seagull – the daughter of the Emperor of the d.a.m.ned. That it is so dangerous people that they should arrest her …

If you want to cheat Seagull Torah, then it from the very beginning was to introduce Chaika Gas.


– Look. You do not seem unnatural that Gaza Emperor’s daughter did not perish with the rest of the empire, and continued to wander around the world? – Thoughtfully said Frederick.

– You…

As mentioned earlier, Chaika did not remember his country’s ruin.

She did not know either how she managed to escape the dying capital … or whether it was in the castle that day. At least, so Chaika explained the Torah.

– Are you saying that the gull lying?

– There is a possibility that she may not be aware of this, right?

– …

Torah is not found the answer.

Suddenly, memory loss Seagulls – not just a coincidence, but an excuse, designed to hide the truth about uncomfortable, interfering whole picture issues .. Suddenly, she convinced herself that to trick a detachment of the Torah, as well as myself?

– Do you in fact there is no evidence that the gull – actually the daughter of Arthur Strip, right?

– …

And the truth, no.

Toru felt confused Gull, who was behind him.

It is unlikely that it is a.s.sumed that such a question will pop up right now. Perhaps the a.s.sumption Frederica that she is deceiving herself, knocked the ground from under her feet and forced to dive into uncertainty.

– On what basis do you believe Seagull?

– …

Once again, the Torah found the answer at once.

In fact … the Torah never cared whether Seagull actually really Princess Empire Gas.

He felt that the execution of its desires, and the very process of this performance – worthy goals, and helped her why.

That’s all.


– Although it may be, it is the ability to turn a blind eye to the lack of clarity of what is happening and make you people – suddenly said Frederick to remarkably joyful smile, looking round zamolkshih Torah and The Seagull and apparently understood something. – Interesting yet you have people thinking.

– … These words have now quite pleased – with displeasure said Toru.

She suddenly pulled out into the world a very delicate question, and then closed it with “an interesting way of thinking” … Of course, the Torah is the completion could not calm down properly, and it is a long sigh.

But he had to do it …

– By the way, brother.

– Ah ?! – Immediately I looked up, he saw a Akari.

– What kind of situation is this?

Akari ACURE.

Beautiful girl with slanting eyes.

Usually, her long black hair was tied in a ponytail, “because they are constantly confused and prevented”, but now she loosened them. This makes them even better emphasize its majestic beauty, like a sharp blade grace.

In contrast to the “cute” Gulls that immediately wanted to surround with care and protection, “elegant” Akari was like a wild animal. The muscles of her body was perfectly balanced – all kind of Acar said that she never had to sacrifice strength or speed that she had and that, and another.

Perhaps the wild beast Akari reminded yet another – a true beauty she showed, not standing still, and in the midst of battle, when her body stiffened to the limit.

Akari was diversantkoy and sister Torah.

However, despite similar to the Torah hair color, they are not bound consanguinity.

ACURE village often picked orphans or buys from poor peasant families extra children who are only waiting for death to come. Because people skills directly affect the village of income, these children have gained, like investments.

Because of this, parents, children, brothers and sisters in the village ACURE were often not related by blood.Instead, the family bound is that they all went through the same training in the same village. Given the fact that the village ACURE could send spies to the warring parties, “relatives” could easily be opponents on the battlefield. And in such cases, “family ties” pererubaet without any doubt.

But, going back to what is happening …

– …

Thor stood in the middle of a hot spring.

At this very moment, Akari too was naked, as if to go into the water and join the Chaika and Frederica. At least long hair hid her chest and shoulders. A little help and a towel in her hands.

– I want to know what you did while I was preparing gunpowder, poisons and antidotes for me and you, brother.

Indeed, her hair looked a little dirty. It seems that while the pestle is soiled gray and other reagents. Naturally, all of them need to wash immediately to avoid damaging the hair, so it is immediately go to the source.

– No … I just … I wash …

– Clear. Clear. Washed, then – Akari nodded. – With two naked girls.

– …

In fact, she was right.

Of course, one of them had a body on which the eye really do not catch hold, and another altogether only portrayed a girl, being actually a beast, but Thor guessed that try to appeal to this sense.

– Akari …

– What’s up, brother?

– I did not do anything obscene – the Torah said, looking down at his hands.

Generally, in the days of his childhood Toru do not just have to see Akari bare, and he still did not consider her appearance shameful … But at the same time due to the fact that now beside him were two rather poor on solid terrain girls has all the necessary projections and recesses Akari looked at their background charming.

– Clearly, – said Akari, did not face changing.

Her voice did not sound any doubt, no joy.

Despite his good looks, Akari virtually showed no emotion. If she learned to smile, it would become even more attractive in half … but for some reason on her face reflects nothing. Because of this, even the Torah, who knew her for many years, often could not understand what she was thinking.

– Then why did you drop your eyes?

– Oh, it does not mean anything, I just … Well Arise !!! – Akari suddenly squatted down and tried to look into the eyes of the Torah, causing him to cry out these words in response, and to collect will in a fist, not to look away from the hand. – Whatever it was, nothing obscene I did not do! I do not, and that’s it!

– Clear … – continued to sit, Akari let out a long sigh. – I am disappointed.

– And what do you expect ?! – Exclaimed the Torah, in the hearts of hitting the water.

– I believe that my brother is not so stupid and did nothing when before it would be so much naked female body …

– Yes, you think I’m some pervert?

– Perhaps, one sentence can not describe it … – Akari said, for some reason, pursing his lips. – But if you really want to hear it for the night, I have time to talk.

– I do not want!

– How strange, you ask, but do not want to listen to.

With these words, Akari punched his palm, as if suddenly realizing something. Despite the lack of facial expressions, it often make gestures like art, fully revealing her thoughts … but now it is not so important.

– Stop. It’s called “teasing”. The trick, in which first you annoy controversial speech interlocutor, and then suddenly become helpful and friendly, the location of the winning interlocutor …

– What other trick?

– I am delighted, brother.

– You mean, I use some tricks that are not even taught?

– Thor? Tech?

– Did you stop to interfere with G.o.d knows when and drool! – He shouted Seagull behind his back and sighed.

Glancing his eyes …

– How interesting – Frederick appreciated incident, saying those words too cheerful voice.

The narrow s.p.a.ce, surrounded on three sides by thin like paper walls.

Inside it sat on a small stool Knight Alberic Gillette.

Handsome young blonde with blue eyes.

Cool look and smooth facial features gave the impression of a truly refined. But a person is not limited. And pursed lips, and perfect posture, and in general his whole appearance betrayed the n.o.ble young man from a n.o.ble family.

Booth, in which he was sitting, was intended for negotiation by magic.

Thin walls around it caught the speaker’s voice and caller’s voice reproduced. In other words, it was a special magic Gundo for communication.

– With regards to the “hero” of the kingdom Kenigseg …

There are several types of spells, able to organize remote connection.

However, the mobile base Gillette squad car “April”, used the simplest of them. All the rest were so complex that their use was required not only special Gundo, but also a magician who specializes in working with such equipment. And in view of the limited s.p.a.ce in the car they could not afford either one or the other.

This meant that their spell did not allow any time of the day and night to establish a connection with someone. They need to call in advance to discuss the time and ritual for its commencement should be done on both sides. Without it, we could not even go on a one-way communication – the entire signal would simply get lost on the way.

For the above reasons, this magic used mainly for communication schedule.

– Apparently, one of the eight was a magician named Simon Scania …

Alberic was in touch with the main man “Agency Kliman” Conrat Steinmetz. In other words, with your boss.

Since the link was only a voice during the call, you can with a clear conscience to back chin in his hand or did say razlegshis on the table, but Alberic was so well-bred young men that sat perfectly straight, as if Konrath was exactly opposite him.

– But it seems that even the kingdom Kenigseg not have precise data about its location.

– How is this possible? – Alberic asked, tilting her head slightly.

His subordinates: Vivi a.s.sa.s.sin, played the role of a mercenary Deputy Nikolai magician Matheus and “special” operative Leonardo – stood behind Alberic and listened to the conversation. However, clear voice Conrat could hear only Alberic, and the rest had to be content with only s.n.a.t.c.hes of conversation that came before them.

By the way, Alberic was one subordinate – a girl named Zita, is both a magician and magic engineer. She was the only one not behind Alberic, and very close to the other side of the wall – it was she liaised spell and ran it.

– How Kenigseg kingdom can not know about the whereabouts of their “hero”?

The word “heroes” that they mentioned, belonged to a group of 8 people, during the storming of the capital of the Empire Gas in the last days of the war went to the front to finish off the vanguard of the castle and the emperor Arthur Strip. Immediately after that, they (the secret from the public) shared the remains of Arthur Strip into several pieces and took them with them as “trophies”.

None of the eight names were not disclosed.

Each state had its own concerns about publicity names, and so they do not disclose, for political reasons, but the main people of the country and higher army officers, of course, knew them.

But how can the government do not have an idea of where their “hero”?

– About Scania Simone said that he was either a notorious pessimist, or does misanthrope. Soon he fled after the war, and the state army lost track of him.

– He escaped? So he left the army informally?

– Looks like it. Strictly speaking, he is a deserter.

– …

Alberic frowned.

Let their names kept secret, but the characters really considered heroes. In the army to them were not treated badly – on the contrary, they are waiting for rapid promotion and a solid salary. But then, why he decided to desert and disappear without a trace?

– In general, the detachment of “eight characters”, stormed the castle, saying that among them there were many controversial figures, but …

Since the Gaza Emperor penalty could not fail to lock penetrated several units. The exact number of them had not been announced, but “eight characters” formed one of these units.

a.s.sault squad that faced a unique problem – the murder of the emperor Strip. Naturally, they were all excellent fighters … but many had a difficult character traits.

A sane person would not be recorded in the a.s.sault force.

Emperor Empire Gas, Arthur Strip, referred to in different ways.

But how many people without a second thought calls him “a monster”, it pointed to the fact that Arthur Gas possessed such power that there was no creature in the world, able to fight with them as equals. It was believed even if the call to fight Arthur Gaza is tantamount to suicide for a person.

That’s why people who agreed to partic.i.p.ate in this madness, or were so abnormal that did not spare his own life, or at least acted in force majeure circ.u.mstances, which forced to excel in combat at any cost, even if it is almost guaranteed death.

And it is also one of the reasons why the names of the “heroes” were not disclosed. If it turned out that the long-awaited end to the war put the people who are not burdened by high ideals, it would greatly struck by their reputation.


– According to reports, Simon Scania is suspected of murder.

– The murder?

– Of course, I’m not talking about battles. He was suspected of murdering his wife and a friend in the walls of his house. But because the evidence was insufficient, and as Simon Scania extremely talented magician, he managed to avoid the tribunal, return to the front lines … and after half a year to be in the same squad.

– What does all of this mean?..

He that came to the fore as a volunteer in the vanguard, all completely forgotten about the murder?

And after the war has disappeared because of the fear that the investigation into the murder of his wife and a friend will be resumed? Often, criminals could get away with during the war, because very few people like to do their ch.o.r.es, but in peace with their crimes finally tore the veils.

– Perhaps you can learn all the details, just ask Simon himself. Whatever it was, he went missing shortly after the war … But after a thorough investigation of information surfaced that Simon scans saw in town Rademio.

– Rademio …

Alberic glanced back, and Leonardo, a boy with animal ears, pointed at the folded card in his hands.Fragment, which he showed Alberico, just match the surrounding area highway, which was moving “April”.

– If you hurry, you’ll get 2 days.

– But remember, this information is already 4 years.

– …

Alberic sighed so softly that Konrath this did not noticed.

The information was too old.

– Of course, the chances that Simon Scania is no longer there, very high. But maybe, he left the city some trail that can help you.

– Clear …

Frankly, Alberic did not expect the trip to Rademio much, but because the other any useful information they did not have more options to do. It’s been 2 months since then, they have lost sight of its original purpose – Seagull Gas and her minions – and after so many walks through the cities and villages they began to overcome a sense of futility.

It is hard to imagine that the same Gas Seagull better informed agency Kliman … But if Seagull was still trying to collect the remains, then one day it should come to Rademio to find out about Simon Scania. Alberic squad could use this to adjust the trap.

– But … – suddenly she whispered Alberic, feeling a strong desire to share their thoughts. – After what we learned about the rider Dominique Skoda few days ago, and what happened with the Count Robert Abarth, I was beginning to disturb … the fate that befalls the “heroes”.

– Really … – Konrath said. – Even if many of them are people with a difficult character, it really can not be disturbed.

Count Robert Abarth locked himself in his mansion and all day bezvylazno conducted research in the field of magic equipment, lost all interest in the management of its territory. In fact, he gave up his duties as governor.That is why in his land the rivers flowed refugees and questions of tax collection and law enforcement became more acute.

As for Dominica … Skoda recently revealed that she died a few years ago.

It is difficult to say what she thought when she settled in the center of Feil forests, but it is completely abandoned management of the territory entrusted to it, and eventually died in complete isolation, as for a long time no one knew.

– Among those who know about what happened, there is an already a version of the “curse of the Emperor Gaza.”

– “The Curse”, you say? – Asked Alberic, feeling light confusion.

Once the words “magic” and “curse” were used interchangeably … but today they mean very different things, and in any country makes a clear distinction between them. The face that appeared thanks to the Empire Gas, which was able to organize and systematize all the magic in the magical result of centuries of research technologies.

Today, the magic was considered as a full-fledged technological system.

The word “curse” is applied to the everyday beliefs … or, simply speaking, superst.i.tion.

In terms of magical technology, in the absence of a magician and Gundo … maintaining any effect within a few months or years, as well as the sudden activation of the effect, “pledged” a long time ago, a technologically feasible and theoretically impossible.


– We are talking about a man who is said that he lived 300 years, worked alone completely impossible spells, and other stories. I understand where these rumors come from. But…

Gas Arthur was a man of many mysteries.

He ruled the empire for more than 200 years old and left behind countless incredible myths. Alberic did not consider all of these myths are true … but he knew that the man who gave rise to many legends, to be truly great. And the fact that after his death he continued to retain significant influence (and it was not a trivial consequences of death), can also be attributed to the “curse.”

– It is possible that … – Alberic head visited a sudden thought. – His remains any way reduce people crazy.

– Now you’re talking about this?

– No … I mean, not a curse, – he said with a tight smile on Alberic amazed Conrat words. – This is the magic of unprecedented fuel cleanliness, possessing unparalleled monetary and historic value. Naturally, under the influence of such a thing some people can lose their sanity.

When in the hands of a man suddenly thing on the order gets more valuable than those which he was accustomed to use it over and over again properly dispose of it, and eventually kills himself. You do not need any supernatural powers. Price received things giddy and makes go the right way … that can also be called a “curse.”

– Clear. This view also has the right to life.

– In any case, it is much more realistic, “curses” and other superst.i.tions – mockingly said Alberic. – Whatever it was, thank you for the information about Simon Scania. Gillette squad will travel to Rademio and start an investigation.

– Good luck. At the 407 th session is declared complete.

After these words, the magical connection was lost.

Barely noticeable bluish glow of magic that shrouded the walls, went out … then Zita immediately began to dismantle the booth and its packaging.

The wind slowly blew toward the pair, who drew intricate patterns in the sunset sky.

Toru was lying on the roof of the “Svetlana”, their squad car, and thoughtfully looked at the reddening sky.

He sat in a hot spring so long that now his body to steam just lacked the soft breeze.

By the way, Gull, a small body which dried out before, has already managed to move into the “Svetlana”.Frederick, as usual, somewhere has evaporated, and Akari must have continued to work mortar and pestle inside the machine.

– … “I believe”, you say? – Suddenly I muttered Torah.

At first it was just a nice thing to do.

But if you say about it aloud, he suddenly took on shades of suspicious and false.

Believe – hence, no doubt. A question – means, evaluate options, and to challenge the truth.

And therefore…

“On what basis do you believe Seagull?”

When he heard this question, it could not help noticing that there was no good reason he does not.

Torah virtually nothing is known about tea.

At least he knew the facts described only a small part of who this girl was, and even these facts it is mostly heard from conversations, which is why he could not call them bases. The only thing that somehow justify it – is no contradiction has not yet occurred, and therefore false, these facts are considered, too, there are no arguments.

Hard to believe that the gull could tell a lie Torah.

But it did not give reason to think that “The Seagull no need to lie squad Torah, because it does not help her.”

It is possible Seagull still had some benefit, a detachment of the Torah did not notice, and she, in turn, did not realize what deceives them. Since she had lost some of their memories, no one could tell what she was thinking and planning that in a lost fragment.

Thoughts were endless stream.

It is easy to decide what is “believe” and not think about nothing but … “doubt” – a real swamp. One question after another and drags for a deeper and deeper.

– Um …

On the day when the Torah met Chaika, the first time in his life to fight in a deadly battle.

Though all the skills necessary for the battles he had for a long time, but at that time the Torah for the first time felt his breath back and impending death for the first time fought hard. He could not forget the feeling of satisfaction that is felt at the moment.

He thought that because of this will change.

This event gave the Torah a chance to break out of his rotten life. This can not be doubted.

But … if you think about, it does not mean that the Torah should unconditionally believe Seagull.

If he had met Chaika, and anyone else (for example, the same Akari), he would have felt the same satisfaction. The key was the battle is a life-and-death struggle against feil, and not the fact that his companion was a seagull.

– I…

Perhaps … the Torah belonged to Seagull in a special way for the same reason that the newly hatched chicks attached to the first bird, seen in his life. Just because a seagull was with him when he first went through a real battle.

If so, his senses – a simple misunderstanding.

And besides …

– Akari …

Akari feelings differed from his own.

She went on a journey not for the Gulls, and for the sake of the Torah, who went for the Gulls. She had no reason to treat Seagull in a special way. She just followed her stupid brother, because she was worried about him.

If Thor lost his life due to fraud Gulls, he would have deserved such a fate.

But if you look at what is happening through the eyes of Akari, then it does not there is no reason to bet your life. Of course, strictly speaking, a seagull and it was a customer, too, but Akari, unlike the Torah, tolerably well adapted to life in the new era. Unlike the Torah, she could choose a different path in life, rather than remain diversantkoy, no matter what.

I do not get there so that it makes Akari play along with their extremely illogical actions?

And it cost him to think about it …

– You’re such a breathy p.r.o.nounced my name – suddenly echoed Akari’s face suddenly appeared on the Torah. – Do something awakened inside you?

– … Enough so to sneak up to me !!! – She exclaimed Thor, jumping.

Besides the usual clothes to know when sitting on the roof of the “Svetlana” Akari was a white ap.r.o.n. It looks like she took a break from his work to visit the Torah.

– Each time the same thing!

Torah is not the first time amazed at how seamlessly able to approach Akari. Moreover – it seemed as if she is always looking for any opportunity to shock him. Thor himself did not understand that it is so interesting in this finding.

– You so much want me dead of a heart attack?

– Stupidity. Why would I started to think something like that?

Akari picturesque shook her head, trying to show how disappointed.

However, her face, as always, expressed nothing.

– I have long decided that you die during s.e.x – Akari said forcefully, his fists clenched.

– Do not decide for others how they die! – I shouted back the Torah. – And in general … except in such cases, the cause of death – not the same attack?

– Your strong will and insatiable libido and allow us to count on the death from exhaustion.

– Will I have to rel