Hitsugi no Chaika

Chapter 2

Chapter 2

On the basis of its machines were large Gundo.

Rather, all the magical mechanisms have been only their species … in other words, any device that is designed to facilitate the work with magic, extremely time-consuming craft, can be considered Gundo. Any such device has taken a similar form if to rid it of all redundant functions. If you go further, you can come to the most primitive form Gundo – Staff of a certain length.

By the same logic, all the tools are a kind of sticks – the most basic of the possible tools.

– What it’s still complicated contraption, – said Thor, who was sitting next to the driver’s seat and looked forward.

Their car, “Svetlana” model was equipped with a large windshield protects the driver from the wind. If necessary, the head can be removable top cover, but in general, the driver almost nothing separated from the outside world.

Although this and the car was military, it is not designed for the front and for the transportation of goods, so its design was developed with an emphasis on ease of embarkation and disembarkation, as well as on the quality of the review. Protection provided in the background.

As a result, a review of both the driver and sat next to him a.s.sistant was very broad. Looking up, you could see and treetops and the sky full of stars.

It was late at night. They drove along a forest road.

Usually the machine at a time not taken – too risky. Over the road along which they were traveling, not hurt, then cared for, and it could well be large stones and fallen trees, to meet with that machine could turn over. The car had a flashlight to illuminate the road, but it was not much brighter than the fire and in such darkness hardly helped.

But the Torah squad still drove the car forward, regardless of the night. Naturally, they did so in order to get a little off the knight’s squad named Alberic Gillette. Let them were “foot”, but opponents had a car, and, most likely, the newest model. If they had used their vehicles only during the day and went on good roads, they would certainly have caught.

Another plus ride at night lay in the fact that they probably would not have noticed at this time.

– Although we call it magic, it is not all-powerful, right?

– Completely agree, – he said sitting in the driver’s seat and remains in good spirits srebrovlasy magician.


– It is a pity that we have only you know how to use magic …

Since the machine is a kind of Gundo, for their work must be connected to the engine magician – man, specializing in the use of magic.

In other words, drive a car, without the magician was impossible. Although the squad has got the Torah and “legs”, a gull could use them.

– Maybe take rest?

– Yeah … – Seagull yawning drawl, as if remembering that wanted to sleep. – Rest, relaxation.

With that, she stopped the car, took her hands off the steering wheel, then unhooked the cord wrapped around his neck.

– By the way, yes, because magicians use such printing, – said Thor, looking neck seagulls.

To connect with Gundo, magicians have used special emblem applied to the neck. On the connecting cords it had the same emblem, but in mirror image, and combining the two logos with each other, you can set a mental link with the magical mechanism.

– You can take a look at it?

– ..

– On your printing.

– And … p-authorize – Chaika said, stumbling a little, and then nodded.

Thor is undoubtedly took her hair in his hand and lifted, exposing the small print on the back of the neck.

– …

Seagull somehow blushed, but did not notice the Torah.

– How many small details … our no such … – he said, referring to the logos to connect to komboklinkam on the palms.

Although the printing and meant for different energies, perhaps the principle of their work was very similar. However, the Torah was not an engineer and knew nothing about cars, so no details are known.

– You can touch it? – He asked with interest.

– And … ah ?! – Seagull trembled.

– You can not?

– P … I allow – Chaika said, blushing even more.

– No, if you’re uncomfortable, then do not force yourself.

– Permission granted … – I repeated Seagull with some irritation in his voice.

– Hmm …

Torah thought that this seal, as opposed to his own, was very fragile, and touched very carefully because most fingertips.

– Ah ?!

– Uh ?!

Seagull winced and uttered a thin cry that the Torah reflexively pulled his hand and looked at her.

– W … what is it?

– In … all is well, – said Gull, but it could not be said that she was telling the truth. Her face flushed, and she was like trying to shrink into a ball of shame.

And here…

– Brother, – came a voice from behind.

– I’m here, Akari. Let’s change …

Replica Torah cut short.

Hammer Akari described horizontal arc through the air.

– Ah ?! – Toru quickly crouched, then spun to Akari and said, – What are you doing ?!

This impact was not so decisive, but this is even more dangerous. Toru felt good when the opponents are sincerely trying to kill him, and his body reacted to these attacks almost reflexively. But in the absence of such sincerity, he barely had time to dodge.

– Enough already constantly attacking me!

Why she suddenly decided to attack him? Well at least she tried to hit the Torah, which could dodge her blow – it appear in its place a less experienced person, and everything could come to an end, or heavy bleeding, or instant death.

– “What are you doing?” This question is fit to ask me – Akari said in his normal voice. – What are you doing, brother? Late at night … – Akari looked up at the starry sky overhead. – Girls – Akari pointed at the Seagull hammer. – Shamelessly …

– Come on wait a minute, and then “shamelessly” ..?

– Caressed her hair and neck.

– A…

And then the Torah finally understood how the picture looked the part, and why so Seagull blushed.

– N-no, you do not understand, I just …

– All I knew. You do not need to say it out loud, brother. I am deeply aware of your simplicity. I know you all, down to the very last moles.

– What ?!

– Do you have a rather large on the right thigh.

– How did you know that?!

– Hee-hee-hee.

– Do you even smile, when you laugh, watch scary .. Ugh, that is, are you sure you really understand everything?

– Of course. I admire how easy and clear your worried heart.

– The h.e.l.l you do not understand! – Howled Torah. – I mean, it was simple curiosity! Okay, maybe I need to be a little more sensitive, but I did not touch anything except the hair and neck!

– If you did this to me, I would become pregnant.

– How do you imagine it ?!

– Clean the mind can even extinguish the flame. I love and respect you, brother, that the intermediate steps and processes are unnecessary – I can get results in any case.

– Pori Do not rubbish!

– Imaginary pregnancy? – Said finally entangled Seagull, bowing his head in bewilderment.

– You could say that.

– No, I can not, – he said Toru dissatisfied, staring with his half-sister. – For me to remain a mystery forever, what’s going on in your head, if you think it’s called “get results”?

– Girls are full of mysteries, brother.

– Yeah, and you’re just one of them and will take place, – said the Torah and sighed.

As usual, the words Akari is unclear whether it was really so attached to her brother or just mocked him.

– Okay, let’s not talk about it.

Having said that, the Torah pulled out a small container on his foot sheet of paper. Unfolding it, he saw a map, hastily painted in black on a blue background.

It was a map Ferbista.

– Since Akari woke up, and we have just a break, let’s discuss what we will do next.

– More .. – Seagull tilted her head movement so innocent that it might have been a little birdie.

– When we get to the next town … Ratisuna, then make a break in the “flight”.

– …

– …

Seagull and Akari looked at each other in response to his words.

– From the constant bustle, there is no sense. After the tear off to a safe distance, we will have to return to our mission. Namely…

– …

– …

Seagull and Akari looked at the Torah.

It is unlikely that they objected to his words. They just stared at the Torah and waited …

– So, wait a minute, – said Thor, glancing at the Seagull. – Is not the employer has yet to say ?!

– … – Seagull blinked in amazement. – A. Forget.

– Oh, you … – handed the Torah, a long, sighing.

As if trying to comfort him, Akari put her hand on his back and said:

– Brother … you struck me to the core.

Of course, on her face, as always, there was not a single emotion.

– Struck? Than?

– The fact that you are making plans for the future, brother.

“… Still, she had not even thought to comfort me.”

However, a couple of weeks ago, the Torah was really only a parasite who lived by his sister, unable to do anything.

– Do not think that I give instructions, because I wanted so much to do! – Irritably replied Thor.

Whatever it was, the next target was a certain detachment of the Torah “Dominic Skoda”, which they said Guy. According to him, she, too, were “the remains”.

Naturally, they did not trust him implicitly.

However, other clues they had, but also, thanks to the information Ki they could find, “Svetlana”, their new car. Therefore, they concluded that the second part of the information is likely to be true.

But, of course, they did not immediately move in the direction of the forest, where they were sent Guy. They decided on the safe side first visit the city Ratisun and gather more information out there.

If in the forest near the town really lived the “hero”, they would have heard rumors in the city appropriate.

– Listen, Seagull, – said Toru very serious tone. – Do you understand that your actions could put you at the head of the people who remained loyal to the Empire Gas?

– M …? – Seagull tilted her head questioningly.

It seemed she did not understand what the Torah says.

It is unlikely that she lied to them. It seems that it really was not interested in the revival of the empire.

All she wanted – to collect the remains of his father, and to give them the appropriate honors.

But if so … what was expected of her Ki, when shared information?

It is hard to imagine that he did it out of kindness. But it is not traced and benefits.

– But … wait a minute – in the Torah came up with a sudden thought. – Is there a party that is not for us, no enemy or an ally?

The party, which is beneficial to Chaika continued to operate … in order to stand in the shade, and reap the benefits of confrontation.

It is unlikely that among those who wanted to revive the Empire Gas, were the ones who went on this solely out of loyalty to the Emperor of the d.a.m.ned. All the faithful va.s.sals died trying to protect her from the attack of the emperor, and if one of them had survived, they would have joined the Seagull.

And that means …

– So … – said Toru soulful voice. – In fact, you pretty brutally used?

– M ..?

Seagull again slightly tilted her head to indicate that did not really understand what it was about.

In response to this gesture with a flourish Akari nodded and said:

– Really. You can not be so helpless. If my brother to the point humiliates you, and you did not notice …

– For G.o.d’s sake, shut up – the Torah said, tossing aside Akari quick glance, and then looked back at the Seagull … but she sat with uncomprehending view, his arms folded and his head bowed.

– Mm-m?

– Okay. If you do not understand, then it does not.

Perhaps she was childishly naive. Perhaps just stupid.

But the Torah thought it does not matter.

He would rather help a person stupid, but honest than the one who was trying to find a clever excuse for their actions. He liked the directness of seagulls, which even in the most desperate situations clearly see your goals and desires.

– However, you still better to know exactly what people want surrounding you.

In particular, he talked about the possibility that “the people who tried to revive the Empire Gas”, as they described Alberik really could exist.But at the same time, they are unlikely planned Seagull sit on the throne of the empire, even if it was a relative of the emperor.

Moreover – they might consider Chaika as comfortable a bait for people like Alberic. While she was at liberty, she distracted the attention of.

And from this point of view the action Ki began to seem logical.

He did not expect Gulls that it will become an empress. Just if Alberic squad caught and executed it, it would not be able to divert the attention of their. On the other hand, he could not protect her directly. The bait would not make sense if you can go through it to those who used it.

So he tried to be limited to minimal intervention providing Seagull as much information as it needs to in order to avoid being caught.

“But … if we a.s.sume that this is the case …”

Thor looked from Gulls on standing next to her coffin.

“As it relates to the fact that the gull has been collecting the remains?”

If Seagull yet caught the remains of Arthur came to Gaza in the hands of a hostile state … or rather, into the hands of the Agency to accelerate the post-war reconstruction, “Kliman.”

The remains of the Emperor of the d.a.m.ned were fraught with tremendous force. They can be sold for a considerable sum, and to use as a weapon. As the example of the ruler Delsoranta, in the hands of a magician, they could become a strong source of magical power.

Had he trusted collection of such artifacts Seagull – a man with such a precarious position? Or those people that sought to restore the Empire Gas, the remains are not needed? Do they have another way to get her?

Unfortunately, the Torah knew too little to develop this idea further.

– Heck. How annoying – Torah scratched his head in exasperation. – Well, why me?

“Why I have to think about all this?”

Saboteurs performed on the battlefield thankless job and dirty work … and that’s why all the decisions that they had to accept, concerned only of how to perform the task they data. In saboteurs had no morals, no principles – so, if they were entrusted with the adoption of independent decisions, they would be turned into common criminals. Actually, no. On the basis of their experience and skills they would become even more vile people than thieves or robbers.

– Thor … – suddenly said Gull, pulling his sleeve.

– Yes?

– Thank you.

Thanking him, gull smiled sheepishly.

– P … please … – a little dumbfounded said Toru and nodded.

Smile Gulls seemed to him dazzling.

It was nothing superfluous – only an expression of pure and sincere grat.i.tude.

Let him know her only a couple of weeks, let it all and servant, but he already knew that her awkwardness and character uniquely nor skilful acting or clever manipulation.

It was crystal honest with all its consequences.

Rather, it is really only thought about collecting the remains, so that the Torah and its grat.i.tude for the fact that it is so hard to think instead, was sincere, too.

– Whatever it was, – said Thor, looking away from the seagulls. – As we said so-called “informant” in the forest near Ratisunom lives another hero. Our primary goal – to find out whether she has actually remains.

Operational Detachment agency “Kleeman” led by Alberic Gillette was investigating cases hindered post-war reconstruction, removal and, if necessary, destruction threats. The detachment consisted of 6 operatives.

Alberic Gillette, obviously, played the role of commander of the detachment.

His deputy was a large mercenary named Nicholas Autotor.

Matheus loaf and Zita Bruzasko worked it magicians.

Vivi Holopainen was a.s.sa.s.sin.

Finally, the last was the most unusual member of the squad – Leonardo Stora.

Unlike all the other operatives, Leonardo was no t.i.tle.

He was neither a knight nor a mercenary or a sorcerer, or a.s.sa.s.sin. If asked Gillette, who is Leonardo, he would probably answer: “Leonardo – Leonardo is.”

Fortunately or unfortunately, he was unique.

So they called it only Leonardo Stora.

– Lord … Gillette – Alberic heard a voice which sounded exactly at the moment when he finished the daily training with a blade.

It was late at night. The huge machine called “April” was located in a small clearing near a road. At the detachment Gillette was a respite.

All others were inside the car.

Since the car all this time led Zita, now it’s probably resting, Vivi and Matheus prepared dinner, and Nikolay perebintovyval their wounds.Though “April” was a modern multi-functional machine, while the movement of pa.s.sengers still quite shaken. Any actions that require precise coordination of movement – for example, the removal of medical sutures or cooking – can only be made during stops.

– Is that you, Leonardo? – Gillette said, removing the blade in its scabbard … but he did not look for his subordinate’s eyes. It would be too stupid.

If Leonardo wanted to, he could hide so that Gillette would not have found it in my life. This is the most important of his abilities, and it is thanks to him that he was in the unit Gillette.

– Yes.

At some point near Gillette there was a miniature figure of a young man.

His body was so fragile that it can be easily mistaken for a girl.

In his appearance does not present a single drop of masculinity or muscularity. Feet dressed in shorts were slim, pale and smooth as a girl.

But his frail appearance was conditioned not a disease, and the fact that the growth of his muscles artificially limited, to create a more discreet creation as possible. Suppose that in a fight he was practically useless, but it could move faster even a.s.sa.s.sins, like Vivi, nor did it completely silent.

But the most important feature of his appearance was not that he looked like a girl.

They were sticking out of the top of the ears, reminiscent of animal, as well as coming down from the tail of the pants.

Beastmen. Half-Blood.

So these were sometimes called Leonardo.

Naturally, they were not in any particular subspecies of beings. All of them were once people, but at some point in their “altered” the body with the help of magic.

Savage flair. Feral stealth. Feral endurance. Feral fertility. Feral … in other words – they are the result of experiments to improve the abilities of certain people by mixing with animals.

Like many other technologies that have developed in the country of the Emperor of the d.a.m.ned – Empire Gas, thank magical technology.

But Leonardo was not born there.

Oddly enough, the Empire Gas hardly watched the secrecy of their own development. Information about them is regularly leaked to the outside, and other countries have tried to restore new technologies for sc.r.a.ps of information, even trying to continue the study.

Half Blood belonged to that category of research.

Many countries have carried them, putting countless experiments … as a result of which there were many half-bloods.

In those days, the words “for the sake of victory in the war” could justify any madness. According to reports, in the course of experiments, the laws of ethics were violated countless times. So, of Leonardo himself, “modified”, when he was still in the womb, and the animal’s ears and tail were with him even at the moment when he was born.

And then … the war is over. Since the half-breeds only “experimental soldiers”, the question arose of what to do with them. From Leonardo managed to get rid of, defining it in Gillette squad.

– I’m just caught up with you, – said Leonardo, grinning.

– I’m sorry – Alberic replied stiffly smiling.

Leonardo Matheus often acted separately from the main unit. Sometimes they walked in front of him, to scout out the situation, and sometimes tried to approach to gathering information from a different angle. At this time Leonardo was acting on the orders of Gillette, who instructed him to convey them to the latest report, “Kleeman” and receive from the agency new material. Simple reports can be transmitted voice in the magical connection … but the paper still had to carry to the post office.

While the squad Gillette talking to dealers of vehicles in different cities, Leonardo waited Delsorante as new materials come to them.

– And … how’s it going?

– So-so. I had time to read them until you catch up, – Leonardo shrugged. – Information relating to the case, surprisingly enough.

– … I thought so, – said Alberic with a sigh.

Of course, this was not the first time he saw the materials a.s.sociated with the Chaika Gas. He carefully examined all the papers, which he gave together with the task to catch and stop her.

But … all that in them is described, in addition to the name, is that his goal was srebrovlasaya girl with violet eyes, which dragged the coffin on his back.

In general, many of the materials of the Empire Gas, ranging from top-secret reports to the census data, were lost during the a.s.sault on the capital. Even the fact that there was a daughter of the Emperor of the d.a.m.ned The Seagull, was virtually unknown. No one knew who her mother was.

– Actually, I’m usually not very interested in the details, is not directly related to the job, but …

During a conversation with Zita few days ago, they have identified some of the issues that surround Seagull Gas.

How old was she?

How it survived all these 5 years?

How she managed to escape from the capital?

All these and many other questions too serious to dismiss them from the chaos of postwar pores.

Therefore Alberic requested data again, hoping to use them to think about what is happening. Since they are not the only group “Kleeman” who pursued Seagull Gas, he hoped that over time will be some new information …

– It is very strange. It feels as if we lose sight of something important.

Or as said Zita, “they were wrong on a fundamental level.”

Instinctively Alberic agreed with her opinion.

– Or … – Leonardo said. – We are looking at is not where it should.

– … Eh? – Alberic blinked.

– Sorry. I know that half-breed should not express an opinion – suddenly remembered Leonardo.

– We have already more than once were. You can say what you want – with the pressure of said Alberic.

It was an unusual knight in the sense that it never bothered difference in appearance. This is one of the reasons that it identified “Kleeman” agency, do hard but thankless task, but Alberic never regretted it.

– I – Blood – once again reminded of Leonardo.

But this time he said the word, not because he wanted to humiliate himself.

– So, though my eyes and look at your … – Leonardo pointed to his eyes. – I’m likely to see everything a little differently. For example, the night is bright as well for me as day. Darkness for me – this is what the eyes see, when the eyelids are closed.

Leonardo had a night vision.

Furthermore, his hearing might pick up sounds in a much wider range, as compared to humans. Alberic could skip past the ears too high or too low … but the sound from the hearing Leonardo escaped anything.

And indeed, in this sense, he saw the world in a completely different light.

– Different “eye” can see very different things when looking at the same thing. Sometimes it is changing the meaning of what he saw, even then, when the same thing you look from a different location or a different angle.

At this point, Leonardo broke off and looked at Alberic, as if waiting for him reaction.

Alberic nodded and urged him:

– I understand. Go on.

– For example … I must say, this is only an a.s.sumption – Leonardo said. – What if we take the fact that about Seagull Gas there are no materials, and that no one had heard anything about her past 4 years, and look at it from the opposite side?

– On the opposite ..?

– What if these materials do not exist? – Said Leonardo singsong voice.

– What?

– Do I really have had a daughter of the Emperor of the d.a.m.ned?

– …

And the truth is … the question of the agency “Kleeman” asked myself more than once.

Seagull Gas was the daughter of the emperor, whose existence became known after the war.

What if it is a fictional creation, created by someone with a purpose?

– I do not know whether it’s true or not, but it is said that the emperor was a monster, who lived three hundred years, is not it? Do not you think that in such a case, it could decide that the child simply does not need it?

– But why?

If Seagulls Gas does not exist …

So why create this image?

For what purpose this srebrovlasaya girl acted out the role of the Emperor’s daughter d.a.m.ned?

May be…

– A lot of options – Leonardo shook Precu. – For example, the party of the Empire Gas Revanchists need a figure that can serve as a convenient symbol of the movement.

In these words there was nothing impossible.

Restore the destruction of the country is not easy.

Especially a country ruled by “monster” like Arthur Strip. As soon as the figure of the “monster” to cease to put pressure on the former va.s.sals, they began to rush in confusion, unable to unite with each other.

Therefore … they needed a legitimate heir to the Emperor of the d.a.m.ned.

If Leonardo guess was correct, it appeared that the agency Kliman chasing these people created fake.

In fact, the agency … “Kleeman” more than once caught the people, it seems like “The Seagull Gas”.

But if the princess from the beginning there was only an impostor, then place it could immediately take the other.

Perhaps the revenge-seekers were several such “Gull”, which they used when it is most convenient. If they possessed magical techniques similar to those that were used to create half-breeds, they could change the figure of a man, so that from a distance it was indistinguishable from the original. The material can easily dial unsuspecting children orphaned by the war.

– Really …

If guess Leonardo and Alberic were true, then these people are completely in what does not put any lives, nor their characters. Alberic frowned in disgust.

– It’s outrageous.

– Mr. Gillette. Once again – it’s just a thought that came to my mind on the go – immediately rushed to close the topic Leonardo. – I have no proof.

– It’s something like, but …

But … this explanation well-suited to the situation.

However, it is possible that she Seagull Gas pursued by Gillette squad was only unsuspecting victim, who believed wholeheartedly in the fact that it is real.

– In any case, we will not understand anything until you catch them.

– Come in, not the most pleasant conclusion, but true – said Leonardo and shrugged again.

Ratisun was a relatively small town.

Cities can be divided into the capital – that is, those in which the estate was a feudal lord – and all the rest.

Capitals during the war, carefully defended. They grew rapidly both in size and in number of inhabitants. In addition, they are well equipped with infrastructure – roads and city walls.

In other cities, often feudal lords built their house, but they, as a rule, were still much less capitals.

– But … it’s still a very lively city, – said softly Torah, leaning back against the “Svetlana”.

He was in the parking lot of the city market. In addition to their cars, there were many carts and other vehicles on which it became clear that this place is very popular among traders from different countries.

Apparently, trade in the city blossomed to full flower.

– But there’s something … it all wrong. What does all of this mean? – Thor said, looking around.

– M? – Standing next to him in surprise Seagull bowed her head.

– I’m talking about the big picture. There is sort of like a mess … but there is no sense that the city with the order of the problem. In short … a-ah, h.e.l.l. How to explain something … – Tohru thought some more, and then pointed in the direction of the market. – Here. Do you see that building?

– Market?

– Yeah. Look around. See officials? That’s it, that do not have them. Usually in the markets … and at the city gates, too, are on duty officers, employees of the local governor. Create an atmosphere of seriousness. Taxes – the bread of the rulers, so they are strictly monitored to ensure that all fares, all duties and taxes collected market. n.o.body in their right mind would not trust fees ordinary citizens.

Indeed, even though they pay the fare on the market, when entered Ratisun, the fee was very modest, and gathered her ordinary citizen, who worked at the market.

Naturally, in such a situation to avoid the tax easier … and knowing the merchants, it would be strange if they did not use this opportunity.That is why the feudal taxes usually followed so strictly that send their people carefully watch the process.

But this was not their city.

The impression … that the governor just threw the city.

– I understand, I understand.

– By the way … are you really that bad are guided in the society?

– Strict upbringing. n.o.ble – for some reason, proudly responded by Seagull.

– Yeah, and besides the princess.

– Fully acknowledge.

– But … what about you in this case, I had lived all these years?

– Charm – Chaika said, pointing a finger at his chest.

– If only it were that simple, no one in this world would not suffer.

No matter how good or bad was the man of the meeting with the scammers, criminals and robbers no one is immune.

– And in general, how you managed to escape something? In the capital of the Empire Gas was a real war.

– Do not ran.

– A? What is it like?

– Outside the country. From the very beginning.

– …From the very beginning? Ah, that is, you are at the time of that battle was abroad?

– Yeah, – Seagull nodded.

Yes, in this case to explain the fact that she lived up to this point, it is much easier. In any case, there was no more need to think about how she was able to escape from the troops or to break through the numerous cordons.


– One?

– Yeah … – Seagull nodded again, but with a little more than a sad face.

Understand it simple. Frowning, Toru asked:

– Are you at all there was no one?

– One. From the very beginning. From the moment that came to her senses.

– …

“One from the moment that came to her senses? One from the very beginning? “

What did she mean?

– Wait, do … – Tohru looked at the pale face of Seagulls. – You lost your memory?

– … I confirm – Seagull nodded reluctantly.

Thor asked her a few more questions, and as a result found that … Seagull remember only events of the past year.

Of the earlier memories were only those that refer to the time of prosperity of the Empire Gas. A s.p.a.ce in the memory, it takes several years was so bleak that Chaika did not even know how much time pa.s.sed between its old and new memories.

– I’m sorry … for silence, – said the seagull, his head hanging. – I missed. Opportunity. Share.

In other words … it is believed that when the truth reveals that partly lost her memory, her words immediately begin to sound suspiciously, and she no longer trusted. She had wanted to tell about it, but so far doubted the ability to do so safely gone.

– Well … of course, I’m not you, after all that has happened to blame – the Torah said, scratching his cheek. – But it is very disturbing news.

– Yeah … – Seagull nodded.

Because of what the seagull could lose part of their memories?


“She saw the death of his father. Maybe that’s why? “

As said, the governor Delsoranta, Seagull has to be dead.

These are the words of one of the “heroes”, personally partic.i.p.ated in the murder of Arthur Strip and pick up a part of the remains.

Then he saw the gulls, when he was in the castle?

But if so … then the time of the attack on the capital of the empire gull still was in the castle.

Perhaps the shock of grief and horror that she felt when she saw her father’s murder, led to the loss of memory? ..

– But … – quietly, almost in a whisper, said Gull. – When awake. Already the end. Father … is already dead.

– Clear …

Thor thought he began to understand why so seagull wanted to collect the remains of his father and bury it.

It does not matter whether she was present at his death. More importantly, because of the memory loss she knew about it only from other people.

“Your father is dead.”

“Your country has lost.”

“The war is over.”

It is unlikely that it could be reconciled with the fact that all these things happened without her knowledge. At some point, she just reported that its future is decided for her … and knew the Torah, as it is annoying.

Remains of Arthur Strip.

Together with them, she would bury not only his father, but all the lost years … and could with a pure heart to see in the future.

– Torah ..?

– Oh, no, no, – he said Chaika, looked at him thoughtfully, then looked back to the market.

And just in time – he saw Akari, we return to the parking lot of the market, where she went to take shape. They needed to register the “Svetlana”, with a clear conscience to leave her and go to buy food and other supplies.

– Thank you, – said Toru Akari. – Well?

– Registration has pa.s.sed without any problems. Place in the parking lot cheaper.

– Yes, and entrance to the city was the cheapest.

– By the way, about this – Akari said, bowing his head slightly. – I’ve heard a very interesting story.

– An interesting story?

– It is said that the local governor is not interested in the city and almost does not interfere in its affairs.

– … Not interested? – Thor frowned.

– She even collects taxes not particularly.

– But it’s …

“How can this all be? ‘

– It is difficult to say whether this is good or bad, but because of the lack of intervention in the city is actually self-government. Due to this there is practically no duties, and therefore market a lively …

– It is a city-bait? But…

In cities baits taxes intentionally undercounted in order to revive the market. This measure will allow the city to attract people who can get hold of valuable information about the world … but together with them in the city could infiltrate spies and scouts, so that the plans to create a decoy of cities were much more complicated than just “temporarily lift restrictions entry and exit from the city. “

Naturally, in such cities ruler could not interfere in what is happening directly, but the staff kept the “eyes” and “ears” that are closely watching the situation.

However, the Torah did not see anyone near the market who could play this role.

– It’s not a plan, it really is not interested in the city, – repeated Akari. – I tried to find out the cause.

– And?

– The city has quite a long time there was no host. After the war, the new governor was appointed to it.

That explained the order in the city – if it is a long time without rulers, then it has already managed to develop self-government, and the lack of interest of the ruler of the city they did not stop.

– But there is a rumor that the new ruler … Dominic Skoda, personally destroyed a lot of the residents in the village, where the rules before.

– …

– …

Thor and The Seagull at each other.

If the information is deemed reliable Guy, this is the Skoda Dominic was a “hero”.

What a reward for his services she received after the war, a new land with the city, not at all surprised. But the phrase that she at some point kill a lot of people from the old village, the story abruptly darkened.

– Brother, – said Akari, squinting – No need to just looking at each other. To come back to life cooped up too late.

– Yes, I’m not going! – Said the Torah and folded his arms across his chest. – But you’re right … it’s a really interesting story.

And it was not only in the destruction of rural communities. If it is not interested in the city and even to collect taxes … what does this mean that she was enough of their treasure?

For example … the remains of Emperor Gaza, has incredible magical powers?

– Whatever it was, I tried to find out where she lives. All came together with the information that told you your Ki. Her estate is located directly in the forest. By car to go somewhere half a day – said Akari, and then in turn looked at the Torah and The Seagull. – What do we do?

– It’s … it may well be a trap …

That information, which they said Guy, was completely true … but on the other hand, he never said a word about the “extermination” of Dominica Skoda.

Either he did so because it really was a groundless rumor …


– No. Doubts us here does not help – the Torah said, moving away from Svetlana. – When I buy food and everything else … go there. Let’s see, “Slayer” in the eye.

Dominic Skoda.

She was a knight, became famous during the decisive a.s.sault on the capital of the Empire Gas and as a reward for his valor received from the king a piece of land on which the Ratisun and several other towns.

Although she was a knight of the lowest rank, the area of its land could compete with those who ruled barons and viscounts. This is already enough to judge how much she excelled in combat.


– With regards to Dominica Skoda – said Akari already after “Svetlana” left the city. – They say that she is not only a knight rider … but at the dragoons.

– Rider … – Thor frowned darkly. – This is a very bad enemy.

– Really, – I agreed with him Akari.

– Bad? – It turned into a seagull sitting behind the wheel. Her face was a distinct surprise.

– No other way to describe – with a sigh, said Toru.

Well even Alberic Gillette. Though he is not the most enjoyable opponent, but at least the traditional knight. Rider on the dragoons – that’s another category of unpleasant opponents. It can without exaggeration be called the worst of all possible options.

– … – Seagull slammed lashes several times.

Her face was neither fear nor gloom.

As if she …

– So, Come wait, – the Torah, squint said. – Do not tell me I did not hear about the riders on the dragoons.

– … – Seagull blinked a few more times. – … Hee-hee.

Then she smiled sweetly with his tongue hanging out, as if trying to divert attention.

– Wow “hee-hee!” – Toru almost escaped a groan. – You can not understand so bad in the world! And anyway, you’re kind of like a magician ?!

– Confirm.

– So, do you know of who are feil?

– Confirm – Seagull nodded.

– So dragons among them … Hey, watch the road!

– Ai.

Seagull immediately looked back.

Tohru sighed, and then continued, looking at her silver hair:

– So, dragons … or rather, the dragoons of them are considered very special monsters.

In most cases known to date Feil attributed to one of the 6 types.






And … Dragoons.

Each type Feil possessed unique magical powers, but the scale and power of magic (and, consequently, and intelligence) differed from type to type.

Thus, the word “feil” only “animals can use magic” meant, because different types of Feil very different from each other.

So … while the Torah and the Seagull was able to overcome the unicorn, that did not mean that they have the strength to defeat the Kraken or dragoon. And when it comes to the topic of enemies, which they could overcome, the dragoons, in principle, regarded as the most fearsome creatures in the whole Ferbiste.

They could without exaggeration be called almost not killed.

– You’ve heard of the dragoons?

– I know. Great defense. Magic transformation.

Dragoons possessed magic that allows them to change their appearance.

Dragunov also called “armored dragons”, and the name they received because magic changed her skin, turning it into the armor. This armor is so strong that it is difficult to imagine that this is only part of a living being. He could not scratch, not only their swords and arrows, but a good half spell.

But the main thing … even if the dragoon and be managed by some miracle to hurt, their magic could close the wounds and even spliced the bone if necessary.

They were almost impossible to hurt, and received wounds they could at any time to heal.

That is, how dangerous were the dragoons.

And what’s more …

– Riders on the dragoons – people who enter into these dragons “contract”.

– Contract? – Seagull c.o.c.ked her head in surprise, and then pointed her finger first at the Torah and then on himself.

– I told you, watch the road! No, it’s not such a contract. Perhaps it is better called the “oath”. It is given in a festive atmosphere.

– Oath … – Seagull repeated the word as if it struck her as odd.

– Details of the ceremony – the secret behind seven seals. I have nothing more to say I can not.

– The Torah. Clueless – Chaika said, as if in revenge for the recent words.

– From goofy hear! – Snapped the Torah, and then sighed. – But it is not so important. What do we do with this rider? ..

The rider who has signed a “contract” with the dragoon, one might say, ceased to be a man, mingling with his partner into a single unit.Anyway, call it a creation of man is not turned the language. If you try to make a rating on all existing types Ferbiste warriors by how effective they are in themselves, the riders in the dragoons definitely would have taken it in the top spot.

However, this force was another side to the coin – the traditional knights and warriors hated them. Many riders had to regularly hear, as they were called “heretics” and “monsters.”

– We can not just decide everything in the battle, as we did in Delsorante …

– You can not?

– Our chances are infinitely close to zero, – confirmed the Torah.

He was never interested in the battle one on one and trying to figure out who gets stronger.

Since the state of affairs greatly influenced the people real fights “on equal terms” were practically impossible. Victory over the enemy today is not guaranteed a victory over him tomorrow, and vice versa … That’s why saboteurs from childhood were taught that we should not consider ourselves stronger or weaker than anyone.

Saboteurs proud of the fact that the results sought.

They did not care how they achieved them. They are not binding principles. The battle for the Torah and Akari just one of many methods to achieve his … And let this method is often the most simple, it is very unreliable, so they tried to avoid him as much as possible. These thoughts Torah exactly match the image saboteurs thinking.

– I was thinking … Seagull, we can not somehow convince her to give us remains without blood?

– .. – Seagull amazement turned.

– The road to follow!

– M, – and then turned back.

– In short … Before we move on to the power options – robbery, theft, and so on, maybe it’s worth to try something else? You get the main thing remains?

– Confirm.

– We, saboteurs do not hesitate any methods, – said Thor with languid smile. – We are always ready to put aside honor in order to achieve the goal. That’s why we are so hated. But … if you ask me, I, on the contrary, do not understand the knights and the like, for whom war is an end in itself.

Among the knights were many who believed that the victory in the Battle of dishonest equivalent to defeat.

From the perspective of the Torah it was for them more important than the goal itself, and the method … in fact, aims and methods they are often interchanged.

– Whatever it was, we, saboteurs, thought much more flexible than they have. For example … – Tohru remembered example that once heard from his teacher. – Let’s have a house … so be feudal. Our task – to somehow get a huge pot that it is. Let me remind you, this is just an example.

– I see.

Silver Seagulls hair swung. Apparently, she nodded.

– But the pot is too big, and quietly make it not work. Someone is sure to see how you’re trying to steal it, and what’s more, it alone can not carry – too heavy. That is theft excluded.

– M.

– What to do?

– … – Seagull bowed her head.

Thor did not see her face, but knew that she furrowed her brow.

– … Explosion?

– Extreme in your methods.

– Noticed. But it does not matter.

– Oh … you mean a diversion? Yes, it is also possible, – Toru smiled and continued, – However, there is the risk of accidental explosion destroyed the right pot and spoil everything.

– Um …

– In this case, first to steal a lot of pots is less.

– M …?

– I told you – do not look back – the Torah Seagull grabbed his head and turned her back and went on to say – I know what you’re thinking.Then we have all these pots sell and get money. Then we ask the lord to sell us the right pot.

– …

Seagull shrugged. Apparently, she was trying to tilt your head … but Thor was still holding it with his hand, and it did not work.

– In other words … hammering it into his head that the thing you need to steal, we limit ourselves. If our goal – to get it, you can try some other method.

In the case of such a fragile thing as a pot, a fair purchase much more appropriate option than a risky theft.

– …Agree.

– But … – Thor released Gulls head, then looked up at the night sky and said sullenly, – I doubt that she would give them to us, even if we ask politely.

“Svetlana” is already off the road and moved by that same forest, in the depths of which had to live that same ruler. The car caught on whether for hidden under leaves a stone, or a log, and pa.s.sengers with a bang jolted.

Of course, there was no one with them. And the road too.

Since the “Svetlana” was a military machine, it could, in theory, to break even could not through the thickets of the forest … while richly decorated cars n.o.bles would call so far.

“Perhaps,” Svetlana “is better somewhere to leave and go on foot” – the Torah thought, when suddenly …

– The Torah.

– I told you, watch the road … – he said, once again turning … and then Chaika said.

As he was sitting on the driver’s seat, like a seagull, I noticed it is not the eyes. He felt only an otherworldly presence near them. But…

– Brother – Akari called his name several tense voice.

It looks like she sensed the same thing.

– I know.

Torah out of the trunk and moved to the Seagull. Behind the windshield it was still dull forest landscape, in which the depth of the lights flickered.

Eyes. Beast.

And what’s more …

– Fail … – dull said the Torah.

They were not one or two.

According to the Torah it is estimated that there were nearly 30.

– Ortrosy ..!

They were hiding in the shade of the trees, sparkling blue lightning.

It was believed that the excited feil just oozing with magic, and thus quickly learned Torah, who belonged to the eye.

They were animals, like two-headed dogs, who were called “ortrosami”.

If you try to select from 6 types Feil very unusual looking, you would have won, probably the Kraken, but ortrosy would make him a worthy compet.i.tion. Although their bodies were like a dog or a wolf, each ortrosa had 2 heads.

One of these two goals was the main, and the second – side. Rather, the second generally kept only a tangle of nerves responsible for the use of magic, and had no eyes, no nose, no mouth. However, this “empty head” were shining slits, reminiscent of the missing bodies and play the role of a mask.

– By themselves they are not very dangerous … – whispered the Torah, clutching his stilettos hanging from the belt.

Ortrosy considered relatively weak Fail … but only when it was about one ortrose.

Joining together in a flock, they were able to deliver no less trouble than the dragoons.

These feil preyed on victims using lightning. Flock ortrosov could weave a whole network of lightning, catching the prey into a trap.

And out of this network it has been extremely difficult.

– Brother. I forgot to say something, – gravely murmured Akari. – In this area there are many refugees and local try not to go here.

– Early I could not tell ?! – Angrily said Toru … but this news makes little difference. If this forest there lived a ruler, it should be pa.s.sable.

– About the fact that there are found feil, I did not speak.

– … From this we can conclude that the survivors did not exist, – said Thor.

What about the existence of dangerous creatures in the forest, no one knew, it could only mean one thing – n.o.body has been able to survive a meeting with them. These people are declared missing, and no one ever found out what happened to them.

– Seagull. Can you get? – Whispered Torah Seagull, still sitting behind the wheel.

– I’ll try. But…

– I know.

On machines, unlike the carts were many steel components.

This meant that they conduct electricity well, and were vulnerable to lightning. If during the break car electric shock, the Torah and Akari would not help protect even the trailer. And Seagull, whose nervous system was connected to the magic engine was in even greater danger.

– I count to five. During this time, Accelerate as hard as possible … and then disconnected from the engine – Thor said.

They had to get protection from electricity using heavy wool or tissue. And after Chaika to disable the car, “Svetlana” by inertia had an impressive drive away.

– Come on!

– M … um.

“Svetlana” began to accelerate sharply.

Thor looked at Akari confident gaze.

She nodded in response, stood up and pointed at his shoes.

Bottom shoes to Torah and Akari fastened resin layer absorbs the sound of footsteps. Electricity, he did not miss. So, if they were, would not holding, the electric shock on the “Svetlana” was not supposed to touch them.

So it remained only one problem …

– One, two, three, four, five … All Seagull, disconnects!

– Yeah! – Seagull immediately closed her eyes.

Most likely, the next moment she broke the magic loop formed in her mind. Following this, she grabbed the cord, stretching the shoulder and pulled him so abruptly, as if trying to break.

– Nha ?! – She dropped something remotely resembling a cry.

She cried because the Torah suddenly grabbed her from behind. Not moving his grip, he whispered in her ear:

– Hold on tight.

– … I agree – she said, surprisingly calmed down quickly. Then she smiled was looking at her with suspicion Toru and added – Just. As in the first time.

– … Exactly.

Indeed, when they met her for the first time, he just picked her up.

– Trust. Completely.

– E.

It was not flattery, and no bluff – Seagull staring at him with eyes in which there was not a drop of doubt, and the Torah felt his cheek twitched.

He felt involuntarily blushes.

“How awkward something” – Torah thought, then he raised his Seagull into the machine, and then …

In the dark blue flared network.

Ortrosy wove his lightning and threw the resulting network at the “Svetlana”.

Everywhere jumped flashes, and from the driver’s seat and the walls of sparks.

– Heck.

Torah covered head in his hands, realizing that it is time to take up stilettos.

Magic was not suitable for close combat. People needed long heavy Gundo to use it, and have even Feil is absent. They were forced to read a spell that did not allow them to attack several times.

In other words, between their magical attacks was quite a long pause.

– Akari, protect Seagull! – Said the Torah and jumped out of the car.

He did not try to stay on his feet and rolled on the ground after landing, at the same time pulling komboklinki from its sheath.

– H on! – It is dropped, casting a sword in his right hand.

Stiletto flew right on target and stuck in the side nearest the head ortrosa.

The monster immediately completely dog whined and twitched on the ground. Incidental head ortrosa need only to magic, so this attack was not to kill him, but because of the large number of nerves in the head side, he must feel terrible pain.

Ortros randomly twitching like a fish thrown on the sh.o.r.e.

Thor attacked its side head is not out of pity or compa.s.sion. He did it with the hope that the sight of the fellow writhing in pain should frighten others ortrosov. Strength ortrosov of reciprocity, and if they are attacked with individually, then the Torah would be a good chance to win.

On whether the Torah was able to scare Fail fast attack during spells recharge depended their chance to break out of encirclement.

Toru exposed to a second blade, at the same time attracting the first in a steel thread, stretching from wrist.

Feeling the hand resistance of the head, which was stuck the blade, he used it to his feet and get into a fighting stance.

– Thor! – Shouted out of the window Gull “Svetlana”, brushing past the Torah by inertia.

Although Akari wrapped her in a leather coat and held in place, Seagull desperately trying to break free and run to the tomb – it seems that she wanted to get her Gundo and help him.

– Run! About me do not worry! – He shouted.

Alone, he could move much more freely. In addition, in which case he might try to escape.

Also … Gundo could play the role of lightning rod and lightning draw to itself ortrosov. Seagull in danger of not less than if you just would have remained in the driver’s seat.

– Magic is not used! Run! I’m in…

“In order,” – he was going to cry.

“Kurkerun, unzerun, korkerun, Peyia, seve!”

– …?!

Torah abruptly stiffened.

It was a spell ortrosov. Moreover – the last part of it.

But this could not happen so soon. Ortrosam it needed at least another 10 seconds to recover and read a new spell …

– …?!

No. Thor noticed that some Ortrosy really have not had time to recover.

But there were those who read the spell, as if nothing had happened …

– Oh, you b.a.s.t.a.r.ds! – Exclaimed the Torah.

It turned out that ortrosov squad trump in store.

They were divided into 2 groups. One group dealt the first blow. And for a moment before they struck it, the spell began to read the second group. This allowed them to attack 2 times in a row.

– Heck…

Toru quickly returned the swords in the scabbard, pulled his coat and covered his head with his hands.

He did not know how well this will work protection, but it’s better than nothing.

And then…

Toru enveloped whirring electric network.

– Gha-ah ?! – Exclaimed Thor, feeling his whole body ached.

Saboteurs have been, and to kill, and to die without making sounds, so this can be considered shameful cry … but at the same time, the pain was too strong, so that the Torah could maintain sanity.

All the muscles of the body fell against his will, and Thor fell to the ground, and then convulsed.

He could not control his body. Thor tried to somehow relieve cramps, but could not even put in order thoughts …

– Fx, g, g, g …

Now came the Torah already twitching on the ground, as if he ortros, he struck the first attack.

– Thor!

– Brother!

There were shouts of people leaving for “Svetlana” continues to roll forward.


– Run! .. – And could only cry out in response to the Torah.

At the same time, in spite of the raging in the minds of the pain, he tried to figure your chances of winning.

Electric ortrosov attack was strong, but not deadly. Just hunting tool (and, accordingly, should only immobilize the target) because ortrosy preferred to have their prey, especially people alive.

In other words…

“Do me they fangs.”

And most likely, within a few seconds.

If he could during this time to relieve the pain, he has, like a saboteur, specialized in close combat would have a chance to fight back. After all, without its lightning ortrosy were the most common dogs.

“Tx … d.a.m.n. Be strong, be strong! “- He tried to command my body, but it is not heard.

He could not even move his lips to utter the keywords “Zheleznokroviya” and strengthen your body. Thought not focused. On how he will be able to rectify the situation in the next few seconds, it depended on whether he would survive.

– Fx … ha …

Toru heard near a beast breathing.

Before his eyes, as if the covered red veil, flashed dog’s head …

“Poor me … eat. Alive”.

Perhaps it was one of the most horrible of deaths to humans. Of course, the Torah, as a saboteur, many years ago, mentally prepared for the fact that his death will not be easy … but he was sick at the thought that it will tear to shreds animal fangs.

Gooseb.u.mps ran back the Torah.

He felt on his cheek smelly breath.

Canines approached the neck Toru …

– Sginte, dogs.

There was no warning or anything else.

The air just heard a clear, distinct voice.

It was a woman’s voice, surprisingly calm considering all that is happe