Hitsugi no Chaika

Chapter 3

Chapter 3

In any case, the Torah trying to pretend that he was surprised, and speak appropriately:

– So it’s here ..?

Though acting skills and it was no different, a little thing was too tough for even him.

They tried to depict travelers trying to go through the forest, accidentally attacked Feil and decided to go after the battle with his savior.

– What? Over time, the serenity of the place begins to like more fuss, – he said a woman named Dominique, turned and smiled pleasantly.

It looks like she did not understand that the Torah only acts out the role.

– In urban areas, too many responsibilities. They tire me.

Before a detachment of the Torah and Dominic stood mansion.

For the estate of the ruler, he seemed quite compact … or rather, even a little.

Because of the many feudal protracted war managed to build themselves houses, similar rather to the fortress. Moreover, many of them turned their city into the castle, and it appeared that the townspeople huddled between two walls, defending their ruler.

But not Dominic Skoda.

Her estates were no exterior walls, moat, internal walls. Her defenseless house just stood in the middle of the clearing in the center of the forest.

However, if you think about it … the mansion did not need protection.

Himself played the role of the forest as the outer walls and moat. And as you can tell from ortrosov attack, the army could unlucky and did not get to the manor. If you think about the fact that the home rider on Dragun shunned even feil forest, you can see how strong the invisible protection of the place.

“It hard to get, but it will be difficult to leave. It is necessary to immediately reflect on ways of retreat “- the Torah thought, looking at the dense forest around you …

– Brother, – asked him in a whisper Akari.

Thor said that it is somewhere to point the finger, and carefully looked.

The figure running in front of them in Dominica beginning to flicker.

Silver armor that covered her body, wrapped in a blue glow … magical light gradually distorting its shape, causing bizarre sparkle in the air and go with the body of Dominica. Finally, turning over, and armor turned simple bright attire.

“So it’s … magic … dragoon”

Thor had heard about it, but his eyes had never seen before.

– Servants of me either. I’m sorry, I can not provide you with a luxurious reception – Dominique said, personally I opened the door of the mansion and gesturing squad Torah inside.

But then she saw the dumbfounded Seagull continued to stand still, and the Torah is still supported grimace genuine surprise. Frowning, she asked with suspicion:

– What?

– We were just wondering – spoke in favor of the Torah.

– Except for the location, is it my house something unusual?

– No. It’s not that …

– Dumbfounded. The transformation – suddenly added Seagull, nodding.

Dominic finally realized what was happening.

– What? Ah … ah. It is clear – Dominic nodded with understanding views. – Clear. It is not good happened. I’m a little … forgotten.

Most likely, the “dressing up” for it was quite commonplace. Akin to the removal of the cloak at the entrance to the house, and not a cause for pride.

– Sorry to scare. Due to the fact that I live alone … I sometimes forget about how others perceive my magic – with a smile said Dominic.

Inside the house it was cool, and no sign of life was observed. Complete silence reigned. If there turned out to be nothing suspecting people, he would have thought that the abandoned house. It seems that Dominica has not lied when she said she had no servants, and that she lives here alone.

– We are very grateful to you for what you are not only saved us, but was allowed to stay, – said the Torah as much as possible polite.

“And yet … how to attack it?” – He thought with horror.

Maybe Dominica were “the remains”.

So, could it be that the detachment of the Torah would have to fight with her to pick them up … But given the fact that the riders to the dragoons almost indestructibility, attack, ideally, should be sudden. They need to attack her when she does not expect it, and overcome, before it starts to defend himself. Ideally, they had to attack her even before she’d learned of their existence.

But now, when they met her face to face, the options remain a bit of unexpected attacks.

“Maybe we need to play to its weaknesses? ..”

Ambush could be very different. Under sudden attack is not only an attack at an unexpected moment or in an unexpected place, but also unexpected psychological. They could try to ingratiate himself to Dominica and then suddenly kill her.

Saboteurs are not considered such tactics dishonest or despicable.

Their strength lay in the fact that they were willing to drop all his pride for the sake of achieving the goal.

– The Torah, the Torah – suddenly pulled his sleeve just in that moment, when he kept going in head variants attacks.

It was a seagull.

– Luck. Quiet sleep – she said with a cheerful view.

But the Torah back slightly (to not notice Dominica) frowned and whispered, carefree girl:

– Listen …

– M?

– I do not understand, how can you enjoy so lightly. Do you remember about your goal, Chaika Trabant? – He asked, not forgetting Dominica and trying to sound as quietly as possible.

– M …?

– I mean that this rider can be the remains! You understand that we have no way to attack her on the sly? What we ended up in the lair of the enemy?

– About … – his right fist on the left hand, nodded Seagull. – Memory. Of course, memory. Impossible to forget.

– Admit it, you’ve forgotten – said Toru, marveling at her carelessness.

In fact, he understood why the Seagull after so many days of forced march happy opportunity to sleep in a normal room. Due to the sudden appearance of Gillette squad they failed to carry out any of the previous night in the hotel of the city.

– But the Torah.

– What?

– Negotiations. Possible. You said.

– And … – I dropped the Torah.

By the way, yes. He said it himself that violence to the case may not come to that.

Perhaps the Torah is caught up in thoughts about how it “defeat such a powerful enemy” after Dominic was able to disperse the flock ortrosov without even touching his arms. Saboteurs achieved their goal by any means, and if the Torah had not considered anything other than battle, then maybe he was still room to grow.

– “Admit it, you’ve forgotten,” – he repeated his words Seagull.

– Why do you get to speak fluently only such things ?!

– It hurts, it hurts, it can not insult! – Seagull cried when the Torah began to screw her fist into her crown.

– Indeed, brother – suddenly put Akari. – Make fun of you and tolerate your abuse is allowed only to me.

– Are you talking about?

– You forgot about my sister and touching a perfect stranger – Akari said with indifference.

Apparently, she was angry at him, but because of her inability to show emotion on her face to catch anything was very difficult.

– This is the supreme humiliation. My sister pride badly wounded. I demand an apology and compensation.

– I do not understand your pride. And yet for an apology and compensation?

– More specifically, you have to whisper to me, “I was such a fool, Akari, you’re more important to me than anything else” – and then we’ll have to thoroughly cuddle, cuddle and tickle.

Perhaps she uttered these words seriously, but because of what they said in a tone that seemed to read out a boring textbook, it sounded horrible phrase.

– It does not pull any apology or compensation, – said Thor, looking at her sister narrowed eyes.

And then, as if in response to the whole conversation …

– By the way … who are you? – I asked them to Dominica.

– …

Troop Torah exchanged glances.

– You do not look like the merchants … In any case, traders are so deep in the woods do not wander.

Due to the fact that the meeting with Dominika turned a sudden, they have not had time to discuss their “justification”, which was supposed to explain their appearance. Rather, the path of the Torah had to come up with a few options, but it was not possible to tell about them Akari and Seagull.

“What should we do?..”

No excuses not to do – random person would not have been in the depths of the forest, of the danger which knew all the locals. Excuses in the spirit of “well, we just pa.s.sed by,” or “we lost” would hardly have acted on it. To explain the presence of weapons is easy – many travelers, goes on a long journey, taking them with him for self-defense, so it should not have to worry about, but …

– You know … – suddenly turned to Dominica Akari.

Catching on his own, as always serious, face goggle Thor, she quietly continued:

– We are with him – brother and sister.

– … Well, this I already knew.

Given the fact that when the Torah named Akari “brother”, she did not even try to speak more quietly, this part of the story, and it could be deleted.

But then, Akari …

– And it was necessary to happen that we, summary brother and sister, had fallen into the abyss of forbidden love.

… Said these crazy words from the most serious type.

– Hey ?!

Completely ignoring the face changed brother Akari same tone continued:

– But though our cherished love does not approve of any family or relatives, they were unable to put out the flame. She blushed even more.Even hotter, more tender.

Akari It was smooth, like the rhythm of the drops falling on the board. On the face of it still lacked emotion.

An unexpected story about the “forbidden love of brother and sister” made goggle even Seagull, but Akari all went on to say:

– We were so desperate that even come together to commit suicide, but instead decided to commit suicide to try to join hands and run away.Hoping to fend off pursuers of our family, we tried to go through the forest, regardless of the danger.

– Wow ….

Dominic stopped.

Before that she was talking to them over his shoulder, now he turned to face them.

Her eyes looked as if she was trying to see through them.

“What the h.e.l.l are you to her incantations, an idiot ?!” – said Toru Akari, trying not to move his lips.

“Sounded convincing,” – said Akari.

It seems that for some reason she sincerely proud of her story.

“Lovers fleeing from persecution, it can be dangerous to wander in the woods.”

“Why is that?! And in general, how you managed all this nonsense in the same breath give ?! “

“This is actually a fragment of a love story, which I write in my spare time.”

“What time?!”

Thor had no idea what Akari so fond of.

“I’ve managed to thoroughly think about 30 volumes.”

“How many?! No matter Ugh. We will now accurately suspect! “

Not only is it was hard to ambush, but if the enemy began their guard against, the situation would be even more unfavorable. Torah has already started to come up with a justification in the style of “I’m sorry, she has a very vivid imagination”, when suddenly …

– Clear. All clear – Dominique said, and nodded knowingly.

– … Eh? – Toru stood with bulging eyes.

In response Dominica several times nodded sympathetically and then continued:

– It is hard to you, probably, had …

– No. We…

– Never worry about anything. I’m not a prude and do not intend to interfere with your love.

Despite all the concerns Torah, Dominica seem completely bought into crazy story Akari.

She just did not doubt it for a second – she even began to talk as if he was trying to cheer them up.

– You can hide here, until your pursuers will not lose track of.

– Oh good. Thank you, – said the Torah and bowed.

Although Akari delirium he still did not like, he had no choice but to play along with her.

But then …

– However, in that case … – Dominic looked at Seagull that the only one not yet entered the role, according to her astonished face. – Who is this girl?

– And … you know … – Thor said with a half smile, pushing Akari side.

“And as we now imagine Seagull?”

Seagull has become a serious problem.

Despite the resistance of the Torah, he was ready to agree to enter into the role of his brother, who left his native village, family and relatives, and escaped with his beloved sister … but Seagull in the story did not fit. Naturally, the explanation in the spirit “is also my sister” would have been here did not help.

“Hmm. Poor “- Akari frowned. – “My story is only of frivolous scenes involving his brother and sister, for anybody other place there was not.”

“Stupid in your history” – he snapped Torah barely noticeable movement of the lips, then turned to Dominica and said:

– I ask you to sign in our position. It … also ran out of his house.

Toru decided that in such a situation it would be better not to invent a lie tangled on the go, and tell the truth.

And as much as possible to limit ourselves to the most important pieces of this truth.

– We were lucky to meet, and now we are traveling together.

– Clear … – Dominic said after a tour of The Seagull and its precious casket, and then nodded. – We all have secrets … and often it is difficult for them so easy to talk to a stranger.

– We are very grateful to you for your understanding, – said the Torah and bowed.

Even without further questioning, it was clear that the girl, walked around with a coffin on his back, an extraordinary story. It seems like Dominic decided that she had a difficult and confusing situation, which is not easy, and embarra.s.sing to say out loud. Perhaps it helped and what Akari told her blank for his imaginary novel, awakening her imagination.

Whatever it was … it seems that as soon as they could only play performance “in love with each other and ran away from home brother and sister, plus one person.”

“Brother” – a surprisingly firm voice said Akari.

“What else?”

“What I said is called a statement of fact.”

“Yes, leave me alone already,” – retorted the Torah, wishing that he could not shout louder.

On board the machine “April”, heading towards Ratisuna, there were 6 people.

On paper knight Alberic Gillette was the commander of his unit – in other words, “Kleeman” agency gave him the right to decide on their own how the squad will perform the tasks. What kind of tactics he chose to perform the job – it did not matter. All the other members of his unit had to listen to his orders without question.

However, Alberic did not want his men depended on individual decisions.

Of course, there were times when there was a need to give direct orders to force someone to do something … But normally Alberic discuss strategy together with other operatives in the meetings, which were collected each time, when the situation changed dramatically. He knew that by all accounts is still young and inexperienced, and therefore preferred to listen to the views of its versatile heterogeneous group.

Initially, because of this policy Alberico had to endure accusations of “lack of leadership” (led critics Vivi), but now the dissent in his squad already left.

– So … – I handed the deputy commander of the detachment Nicholas, looking round lying at the round table the doc.u.ments.

He still has not recovered from the wounds received a few days ago in a battle with the saboteur. His muscular arm was wrapped in a thick white bandage, because of which seemed even larger.

– What do we have this time different?

The detachment was sitting at a round table in the following order (clockwise): Alberic, Vivi, Zita, Nicholas and Leonardo. Matthews was driving to “April” did not stand still, but everyone could hear and partic.i.p.ate in the meeting itself.

– As usual, a lot of uncertain – Alberic said. – Our task – to grab a forgotten legacy of the d.a.m.ned Emperor Arthur Strip named Seagull Gas, as well as to find the remains of the Emperor of the d.a.m.ned, which it is trying to collect. But…

Alberic have to lay on the table the doc.u.ments recently obtained by the agency, “Kliman.”

– About Seagull Gas is almost no information.

If we compare it with the day when Alberic detachment proceeded to the task, the stack of doc.u.ments has grown steadily … but almost all of the new materials described the capture of the self-styled Gulls and on this they knew about as much as before.

– But why do these false Gulls so much?

– Good question … – I handed Alberic.

– Yeah. I was about it, and thought – Nikolai nodded with understanding.

Indeed, in a sense, to introduce Chaika Gas, talk about plans for the revival of the empire and ask for money – nice template for a scam. The very existence of such impostors are not surprised. But there were too many. Before you begin the hunt for the current Seagull Gas Alberic squad caught two daughters self-proclaimed Emperor of the d.a.m.ned.

Simple crooks who want to earn money, should not love this name.

Introducing Chaika gas so dangerous, it was not worth the benefits.

– May play a role is the lack of information, – said Vivi girl with magnificent wavy hair.

Despite the fact that outwardly she looked like a well-bred girl notable by profession Vivi was a.s.sa.s.sin. She never talked about her life before the squad was in Gillette …

– I – Seagull Gas – suddenly she said, putting on his head knows where to get a wig with silver hair.

Then she folded her hands in front of him, as if in prayer, and continued:

– I do my best to restore the Empire Gas and continue the work of his father. Uncle, give me some money.

– Ba-ha-ha-ha-ha!

– A-ha-ha-ha-ha!

Nicholas and Zita laughed, pointing at Vivi. Leonardo and Alberic limited embarra.s.sed smile.

– Just kidding, just kidding – Vivi took off the wig and then mocking tongue out. – Because no one even knows whether it is a real character, dress up in her easy. Take “srebrovlasuyu girl” and all – you can go to deceive people.

Acting skills and the ability to wear a variety of outfits were necessary a.s.sa.s.sin skills. Most likely, Vivi and the truth could easily deceive people by impersonating Seagull gas, if it wanted to.

– It may be so, – Alberic said. – But on the other hand … there are among the gulls and the people who do not pull on the scam, and one for which we now hunt, one of them.

– Is not that simple “characters” of the movement Revanchists Empire? – Nicholas asked, wiping the tears of laughter after remaining.

– Yes, among them there are those who fit this description – Alberic said, raising his papers from the table.

In fact, the first page was a list of the currently known “Gulls”.

There were more than 30. More than two-thirds had already been caught. Most caught Gulls were only miserable fraud, which we just talked … but there were three other “Seagulls Gas”, which did not belong to him.

These 3 have committed suicide after they were caught.

Matheus was a magician who specialized in the management of consciousness Feil. There were magicians who could do the same with people … and they could extract from fallen under the control of people with any information. Most likely, the three “Seagull” committed suicide for fear of exactly that.

In any case, they were the secrets that they were going to protect even at the cost of his own life.

Troop Alberic thought it was about revenge-seekers Empire.

Actually, Alberic detachment from the outset was sent to hunt for the “Seagull” precisely in order to nip in the bud potential riots, insurrection and random murder for the purpose of loosening the society organized revanchists. Although at first glance it might seem that “losers” do not pose a threat, they might win over the Nordic countries, who would have the strength to capture the small kingdom.

And detachment Alberic understood that make it much easier, if the motion is a “symbol” and “jewels” in the form of the remains of the emperor.

That’s just …

– Matheus.

– Yes? – Matheus shuddered how suddenly turned to him.

– You do some time stalking her … did you see that it is in contact at least with someone, like a revenge-seekers?

– No. That did not happen, – Matheus said, scratching his beard.

Alberic asked about his observations of the Chaika gas with which they are confronted in Delsorante. In fact, they tracked down her only 3 days, but the squad Gillette has never had to watch the movements of the target for so long.

– As I watched her, she always acted alone.

– And then for some reason hired spies, – said Nikolay dully.

According to the results of their investigation, after the gas was in the Seagull Delsorante, she went to the local guild and hired Torah and Akari, brother and sister, with whose help attacked the house of Count Abarth. Apparently, the young man with whom he fought Nikolai, was thus the Torah.

But … if it is really a “symbol” revenge-seekers, then it surprisingly turned casually. It is not clear how to “symbol” to leave a completely unattended and with complete freedom of action. It must protect, for it must follow … in other words, next to her one way or another should be the people.

– In short, she has no friends, on which it can rely on? Or rather, is not it?

– But if so – Alberic tapped the doc.u.ments. – So who is she? This Seagull Gas? Or…

– Do not fraud, not vindictive, and Seagull another faction? – Thoughtfully said Zita.

– True or not – is not as important as it is, what its purpose is – Leonardo said. – But … if it is true, then perhaps just going to bury the remains.

– I will not deny such a possibility – Alberic said, remembering the girl he had seen in Delsorante.

She seemed very fragile.

In her mind quite impossible to say that she was planning something big. Of course, it could be a skillful winning back the role …

– But we must not forget that it can be another goal. Or … she manipulated without her knowledge. And if so, what those who use it for their own purposes, must be punished. For the fact that they use such a charming girl …

– …

– To implement their plans … Hmm? What are you silent?

On Alberic I did not look only Mateus, and it’s because watching the road. Of course, he was the commander, and they are subordinate, so there is nothing surprising in the fact that they listened to him carefully when he spoke …

But at the same time these views are somewhat different from those he was used to seeing.

– Well. How to say so, – Nikolay scratched his cheek. – We have never to such a degree … not addicted pursued “Chaika”.

– Is interested? M … maybe – Alberic c.o.c.ked his head thoughtfully.

He really felt that this Seagull Gas is not like the previous samozvanok.

But … it was not all.

– Vivi? – Alberic anxiously turned to his subordinates, who for some reason start to stick a needle in srebrovlasy wig who recently wore. – What happened?

– Nothing, – said sulkily Vivi, and then threw the wig.

It is unlikely that she was aiming at anyone in particular, but the wig flew in Mateus, and he gasped out loud – apparently, the needle p.r.i.c.ked him.

– You know, Mr. Gillette …

– Vivi’s just jealous …

Nicholas and Zita tried to say something, but then …

– Shut up, – he said the girl suddenly-a.s.sa.s.sin, at some point, move them behind his back and put a needle in the head.

– Got it. Silent.

– Good. Silent.

Nicholas and Zita had uttered these words with his hand raised, as if reading out the oath.

– Something I do not understand …

– It’s nothing, Mr. Gillette. You are always so – with a grin said Leonardo confusing Alberico.

“Basis of military craft – knowledge of the terrain,” – said in ACURE.

Also, there were taught that the man was in a quandary, forget the simplest things. But if you do not get lost and see what is happening on a sober look, you can find unexpected ways out of the situation.

Remembering what he had been taught the Torah decided to walk through the mansion and look around.

Nothing unusual about it is not found in its structure.

Many n.o.ble people built their houses on the principle of “closed outside open inside.” It is in this house, and was Dominica – outside of this rectangular building looked like an impregnable wall, but inside was even a yard.

– The estate is too ascetic, – whispered the Torah, voicing their impressions.

Because before becoming governor, Dominique was a warrior, the lack of frills can understand … but her house did not have any decorations. It would seem that a military man needs to place in the corridors of armor and weapons to hang out, but even that was missing.

Moreover, the house was not exactly a well-kept.

It has acc.u.mulated so much dust that is sweeping the floor of the Torah leaves a trail. Because of this feeling that he was walking through the ruins, only intensified … like feeling deserted.

– That even we, of course, pleased history – with a sigh whispered Torah, continuing to go down the hall.

As he had already said Chaika, if it comes to power options weaning “remains”, then no battle with Dominica Skoda, rider on the dragoons, it is impossible to manage. However, the Torah does not have any confidence in the fact that some 2 saboteur and mage can at least something to oppose rider on the dragoons.

– I never thought I would have to fight against the rider …

Riders on the dragoons fundamentally different from ordinary knights and warriors.

If they can, and with someone to compare with is half-breeds.

Evil tongues have described them as “people who have sold their souls and honor Fail” or simply as “included in the ranks of the monsters.”Some and does not consider them human beings.

Rider and dragoon me a part of their bodies, and in the course of this exchange, the knight himself became “part dragon.”

The same exchange made Feil-dragoon knight regarded as “part of his body”, and the effect of it was completely similar to that of Knight.

– Dragoon …

On Ferbiste existed creatures that relate to dragons, but they were not to fail. All sorts of Wyvern and the Wyrm did not know how to use magic, and are not very intelligent. Some people consider them “just huge lizards.” Flock wyrms lived near ACURE and Thor knew them firsthand.

But … Dragoons Dragoons were Feil.

They knew magic, possessed high intelligence … and because of that covered themselves with armor.

More precisely, they have the ability to strengthen your skin, enhancing the protection of an order of magnitude. In other words, they were subservient transformation magic.

They are not there just was not hurt.

Even if they got a very deep wound, they could cure it immediately.

And … exactly the same skills possessed and rider.

Under the terms “contract” this magic could act on the rider, even if it was at a considerable distance from the dragon.

In other words, the rider can neither disarm nor seriously hurt. He could in no time to fully restore his armor, and even make it a new sword, or spear. In addition, they can heal all their wounds, with the exception of the most deadly – in the head or heart.

That is why the riders so frightened even by themselves.

But in practice, to all the above, it was necessary to add and power of the dragon.

Large bodies of these creatures are able to easily lift into the air a cow or a horse, much stronger in comparison with men. Any of their impact – paw, tail, wing, anything – could easily destroy a house or a breach in the wall.

You should not have to think that if the dragoons did not have combat magic, it makes them weak.

– That would have been some weak spot …

In fact, the Torah almost nothing is known about the life of dragoons.

Not only that, they are not so much, each country considered their riders on the secret weapon of the dragoons and strictly followed to ensure that no information about it will not leak out. Thor himself heard about them only from the stories of returning to the job saboteurs, he has never dragoons seen.

Moreover, do these dragons were really elusive … and so often the case, they were placed in the same camp as the rider, but the rider even comrades did not notice the dragon before the battle begins … Despite their size, they are still scared and the ability to act quickly.

– If a large dragoons, you can try to force him to fight inside the house … but if he caught up the building to the ground, we will bury under the rubble alive.

“If it comes to the battle, Dominique Skoda need to lure deep into the mansion – so we will be able to protect themselves at least from the dragon” – the Torah thought, opening the door to the courtyard …

– …?!

And he saw that there was a young girl.

Find in this manor girl was like that in the middle of the desert to find a flower meadow.

In the courtyard stood forlornly rare flower beds, flowers which have long given way to weeds. Lovely, neat-looking girl stood silently beside them, as if trying to fix his view landscape of the abandoned yard.

– Who is this? .. – Whispered Torah worried voice.

All this time he did not feel her presence.

“Maybe it’s a friend Guy?”

Even when he looked straight at her, he almost did not feel anything.

In appearance she was about 15, about how Seagull. Perhaps her junior year or two.

She was wearing a pink dress and her long hair was tied with a red ornaments. The girl was very pretty, but it did not seem repulsive bright.She gave the impression of a fragile, innocent young lady.

– …Excuse me? – I tried to contact her Torah.

But she did not answer.

“… Who is this?”. Thor did not feel in a family house anyone except Dominica, neither before, nor now. Of course, there were tricks to completely escape from the feelings of the enemy … but it is unlikely they could make the Torah doubt the existence of the girl as she stood before him exactly.

– What’s this…

Toru began to approach the girl, watching her closely.

She still did not pay any attention to him.

She continued to just stare into the void.

Like …

– Hmm …

Toru bent down and picked up a stone lying on the ground. Clicking fingers, he ran it in for a Woman. Stone flew just to her and …

– I thought so.

… I went through it.

She was a vision, a mirage … or rather, a projection.

Toru heard of the device that allows to project the image of a disembodied, resembles a real person. This might seem like magic, but as far as he knew the Torah, for it from the beginning to the end of the answer machine. However, the illusion of an illusion. Changes in temperature, humidity or light forced the image to blur and given its nature.

– It’s a portrait of a replacement? – Thor muttered, frowning.

The image was so clear and so detailed that it seemed as if this girl can touch. Torah purely out of curiosity reached for her …

– Do not touch it, – he suddenly heard a quiet voice.

– …

Thor turned.

Naturally, he has already managed to feel that no one in the yard …

– And … I … just … – but I tried to portray the true surprise.

At the edge of the yard was Dominic.

– I’m sorry … – Dominic shook her head as if she was embarra.s.sed for his words. – Even if you tried to touch her, I would not have you.

– No, I apologize – Torah bowed, trying to follow all the rules of decency. – Just she was so beautiful …

– Beautiful, you say? .. – Dominique said, having closed eyelids and half-thinking about something.

Then she looked back at the Torah and smiled weakly.

– Thank you.

– …Who is it? Your cousin? – Asked the Torah, has already started to build up a picture of what is happening in my head.

Ghost girl … something reminiscent of Dominica. You would have thought that it was she herself at a young age, but the similarities are not so many, and most importantly – the girl produced a completely different impression than she. Unlikely though Dominic was once so fragile and delicate, like a wind flying on a petal. It can be likened to a tree rather that hard to keep the roots of the earth.

– … Lyusie Skoda. My younger sister – Dominique said after a short pause, as if she had time to decide on the words.

– Clearly, – Thor nodded and then looked back at the picture Lyusie.

Torah for some reason it seemed that it resembles tea. But if asked, he would and he could not say what exactly. Perhaps this played a role goodwill that Dominic has demonstrated towards them.

– …

– …

Torah and Dominica for a while in silence.

They continued to look at the ghost Lyusie, and then …

– Are not you going to ask? – Dominic suddenly said, as if tired of the silence.

She has managed to tell them that one lives in a mansion. Sensations Torah fully confirmed these words. That meant … that Sister Dominica did not live with her.

She made the illusion of his sister and put her decorate the yard.

The options explanations for this … it was not so much. And if we remember that it is a reflex told him not to touch her, she forgot that this is just a projection … that this image could only express deep affection towards her.

In relation to the man she would never see again.

In other words…

– She died?

– Yes … – Dominique said in a tone as if mocked him. It seemed that from this issue it became a little easier. Sighing, she continued, – At the time I was in the war.

– …

Once the Torah around and told Seagull story about a girl named Hasumin.

Perhaps Dominica just wanted someone listened to her story … even if it is a complete stranger. Perhaps that is why it is not limited to just rescue squad Torah, and invited them to his house. Perhaps it was the fact that from Akari invented stories she felt sick at heart, and she decided to change them to your secret to balance the situation.

– She was so dear to me. But she died. I could not protect her.

– My condolences – Toru replied without any frills.

Thor knew insincere consolation may hurt the feelings of the grieving person. The dead can not return any words. And if so, it is better to honor her memory in silence.

– I became a rider on the dragoons, because I wanted to see my sister lived in security and prosperity. After our parents died, we had two sisters were forced to survive side by side … – On the face of Dominica appeared self-deprecating smile. – How ironic. I became a rider for the sake of his sister, but because of what has become a horsewoman, was unable to protect her.

Riders on the dragoons had enormous power.

Especially magnificent was their protection, and that is why they are so good looking in the first rows.

The loss of a single rider dramatically decreases the chance to win not only his unit, but the whole army. Perhaps no circ.u.mstances would not allow her to return from the war ahead of time – it was too many people did not die in battle because of it. No matter how fond of her sister, she could not just leave their comrades to die.

“Perhaps … now it just because lives recluse?”

After she lost the most precious thing she had just been, it is perhaps no longer necessary nor in the power of any rider t.i.tle at the dragoons.

– Skoda … that ravaged the knightly family – Dominic continued his unhurried story. – My father did not return from the front, his mother died from an illness … our estate was small, money for servants, too, was not. The family is on the verge of death. After my sister and I were left alone, the inhabitants of our land no longer take us seriously. They began to delay the payment of taxes … and our life became very difficult.

However little feudal lord or to collect taxes, it must maintain its status.

He can not live worse than ordinary peasants. Because of this, they cease to respect it, as happened with the Skoda family. The feudal lord can stay afloat only through the fear and respect.

But … after Dominic went to the front, with the locals there were people who considered family Skoda, in which there was only one little girl, easy prey.

They came to their house and demanded to give up all the property in their favor.

Their house was hardly possible to call home, worthy lord, but from the point of view of the peasants he was a “luxury.” They accused the Skoda family that the people in the villages live on the poverty line, and those – in luxury, not caring about their people.

In Lyusie was no way out … she had to give them all their possessions.

Yet even she refused to give them some of the things that belonged to her family for several generations – old swords, armor and works of art donated by the royal court. It was the last thread that binds the name of Skoda with n.o.ble knightly traditions. Undoubtedly, Lyusie believed that the name and honor of the Skoda family, which until recently defended their mother, and that had been entrusted to her sister, and she must protect.

Of course, people do not understand it.

Several people in a rage attacked Lyusie and beaten her. She never recovered from this attack – it was getting worse and worse, and, in the end, she died.

– You may have heard about it in Ratisune – Dominique said, again taking self-deprecating look. – What, when I found out the truth … then he killed all who dared to raise a hand against my sister.

“Aha, so that’s where the story of the destruction came from” – knew the Torah.

On the one hand, Dominica’s actions can be seen as punishment of those who dared to touch the ruler’s family … but of any ruler, who arranged a slaughter without trial, will say that he is mad. In addition, Dominica – rider on the dragoons. Her opponents were not against it a chance.

– I was ready to incur severe punishment … but it so happened that I was in the last days of the war could seriously several times during battles to distinguish … At the whim of fate the king closed his eyes to what had happened and gave me possession of the land, where I I moved.

– Clear…

Now it becomes clear why Dominic absolutely not interested in the post of governor. It involves a lot of responsibility, and if we add to this the fact that it is because of this position, she once lost her sister, it was possible to understand why she waved her hand and let them do their lands in their course.

– I’m sorry … – ending story, Dominic shook her head helplessly. – The whole story does not concern you. I would be grateful if you sochtesh her pay for your accommodation.

– Nothing, I do not mind, – said Thor.

That’s just …

“Why do I feel … that there is something wrong?” – Suddenly the thought flashed through his mind.

Hardly Dominic lied to him. She had no reason to tell a lie.


“Maybe it’s due to the fact that it took so long?”

Dominica’s story turned out to be surprisingly calm … as if she was just a storyteller, and this story – a fairy tale. Her words did not feel the echoes of the tragedy that she experienced, that anger, that caused her to kill a few peasants … those raging emotions that were to flow over the edge.

They say that the best time of desperation helps.

If so, it turns out that over the years she had fully come to terms with the death of his sister?


“This is due to the fact that it is the rider?”

Is the magic dragon could even heal the wounds of the heart?

Or due to the fact that it is partially turned into a dragon, it lost human feelings?

– By the way – the Torah said, suddenly remembering something else. – Mrs. Skoda, you’re on the dragoon rider?

– Yes. So what? – Dominic tilted her head questioningly.

Tohru looked around the yard, and then asked the question that tormented him all day:

– I never see your dragoon. Where is he?

As already mentioned, riders are inseparable from their dragons.

“Oath rider”, his “contract” with dragoon could terminate only the death of one of them. Since this “contract” acting even at a considerable distance, the rider and the dragoons were usually together, although this does not mean that they should be there 24 hours a day.

But in this house there was not a single trace of the dragon.

Her dragon could not be dead. If this happened, Dominic could not use the magical transformation that is used for changing clothes.

– Oh … that’s it – Dominic nodded knowingly.

For a moment she seemed lost in thought about something, and then …

– By definition … because he’s not here – she explained briefly.

It seems that she was not going to talk about what exactly is this “cause”.

– But it’s probably even better.

– What do you have in mind?

– From the perspective of ordinary people dragon – is simply to fail. I do not think you would be able to sleep, if you walked near the dragon.Even during the war the other soldiers tried to sleep as far away from me.

– But I heard that the dragons – the creation of special …

Although the kraken and dragoons blithely attributed to the “Fail”, these creatures were much smarter than the rest of Fail, and this intelligence, in particular, gave them immunity to magic submission. At the same time, it opens up the possibility for new forms of mutually beneficial cooperation – they were not enslaved, they did not run with them is “contracts”.

– It does not matter – Dominic shook his head. – It is only important appearance. No one cares what he thinks the dragon. That’s because people and … well, – Dominica clearly something was trying to say … but at the last moment caught himself and shook her head. – Whatever it was, you do not have to worry about.

– … It is clear – and was able to answer only the Torah.

The words “you have nothing to worry about,” they do not help.

If it comes to that “remains” have to take away from the power of Dominica, then they will need to find out where the hidden dragoon, otherwise it may interfere with the course of the battle and confused plans.

However … the fact of whether or not in Dominica were “remains”, was still in question

– By the way, Mrs. Skoda.

– What?

– You said that excelled during the war.

– … It was the case. It was a battle for life and death.

– And you can see that it is for the battle?

– I took part in the a.s.sault on the capital of the Empire Gas – as if nothing had happened said Dominic.

She said these words with a bit of a sad view, if not proud of it, but on the contrary, a little ashamed. Most likely, again because of the sisters – they believed that unworthy to be proud of their achievements.

– The land – the award from His Majesty for the victory in that battle. But honestly, now, without Lyusie, this land is only a burden to me …

– The temporal power, fame and fortune does not appeal to you already?

– …Exactly. They are indifferent to me – it has confirmed one more guess Torah.

“And if so …”

She could already get rid of “the remains”.

Or, if she has not had time to do that, they had the opportunity to persuade her to give away or trade them.

– Why do you ask? – Dominic asked, suspiciously looking at the Torah.

It seems that he asked too many questions.

– No, just … just surprised me that a n.o.ble man like you, so … well …

– Humble House? – With a smile prompted Dominic.

– Frankly, yes. So I thought, what could be the reason.

– To be honest, I do not want anything, – said Dominic sluggish. – But still, if someone had told me that I can get everything I want, I would …

At this point, she fell silent.

Dominic stared into the void, and the eyes it was clear that she remembers the past.

– You would…? – Urged its Torah.

It has for some time did not dare to answer, and then …

– Perhaps these words will sound rash, – Dominic looked at the Torah and finished – but I’d like to be back on the battlefield.

– …

The long war ended, beginning an era of peace.

Thor believed that people like him, who spared on this, there is little … or there, but very little. He did not think that suddenly meet with a man who just dreamed that the war resumed.

And what’s more – it will be a person of that army that destroyed the Empire Gas.

But even Chaika did not want a repet.i.tion of the war …

– By the way. Regarding the food – suddenly changed the subject of Dominica.

– Uh … yes?

– To be honest, a normal meal I have. Sometimes I go hunting and smoked meat caught deer and wild boars … but no more.

– Do not worry, we’ll manage themselves. Thank you for your courtesy, – said the Torah and bowed.

In “Svetlana” was a compartment for food, which they loaded with food for the week ahead.

– Good. In this case, you can use my kitchen.

– Thank you … – Tohru nodded.


“Yes, what is it? Something … something is wrong here. “

Put into words what it was, he still could not.

But on the back of his mind now and then flashed the disembodied discomfort.

The room, which they had occupied, was located in the back of the second floor.

– And yet … why is this house so looks like?

After talking with Dominica in the courtyard of the Torah I decided to once again go through the mansion.

no architectural oddities were not in it except for a small amount. It was built by the same rules, which follow many n.o.ble families. Since the saboteurs, like the Torah, I had to deal with murder sometimes important people, sample plans mansions they knew by heart.

But … this building was one oddity.

It did not seem to have lived. Judging by the fact that the walls and columns were missing even severe scratches, the building looked very new, but the floor is carpeted just dust. The impression that this house was abandoned immediately after the construction, and it had no populated.

Perhaps … Dominic never even went beyond his room.

She said that she was not interested in fame or wealth … which means that it could well decide that as long as she has a roof over his head, which can hide it from the rain, she need not do anything.

– Something … I just can not stop thinking about this … – muttered the Torah, opening the door to their room.

Although the house was small, but it was still a home for the n.o.bility with a very s.p.a.cious guest rooms. It seemed as if this room could fit entirely those ruins, in which the Torah and lived in Delsorante Akari. Ornaments in the room was not at all, but there were beds, candles, and a desk – the minimum in order to spend the night in this room.

That’s just … just like the rest of the house, the room looked as if she was not used for several years.

For dust could not see the floor, and the air was stale. The smell of mold so cut nose that would not help even the open window.

But at the same time …

– …

Thor frowned.

it was the one and only clean place in the room – near the bed stood against the wall.

Moreover – this is the place cleaned up almost to perfection. However, the Torah knew that populate people here to celebrate the fact that he finally had the opportunity to once again spend the night in the room, paying particular attention to their sleep. But…

– Akari …

– What, brother? – She replied standing next to the bed Akari.

– Let me ask you a question.

– Of course, brother. For the sake of his beloved brother, I am ready to unabashedly tell everything – from the color of her underwear to a calendar month.

Akari some reason clenched her fists.

She obviously had some expectations.

– You think I’m going to ask you a question obscene?

– Otherwise you would not ask my permission.

– Then, why should I know the color of someone’s underwear?

– Do not you wonder, brother?

– At least the color of your underwear does not interest me.

– I understand. Not so important underwear as what is underneath.

– Yes, I did not say that!

– By the way, now I have no clothes.

– Ah-s ?!

– Just kidding, – said Akari, not changing color.

– I’m going to ask here about it, – he said with a sigh Torah and pointed to the bed.

It was the usual bed, you can imagine. She had a curtain, recalls that the room was intended for the n.o.bility, but the bed itself was so mundane that almost defied description.

– Why her two pillows?

– Because they put on it.

– Who?

– I.

– You have to fight them going?

– If you say so, then I do not mind, but the fight only two pillows are not very interesting.

– … – Tohru looked at Akari, narrowing his eyes.

But she did not even flinch, and confidently took his visual attack.

– Perhaps you’ve forgotten, brother, but we are with you – a brother and sister related by ties of forbidden love, hated his native village, pursued by parents and restless in bed, – she said didactic tone, as if instructing his stupid brother.

– … In restless I disagree.

– Just kidding.

– That I do understand.

– But in every joke …

– No there is no truth! – Abruptly interrupted Torah.

– In any case, since it is impossible to arouse suspicion in the horsewoman Dragoons, I suggested that we might need to be taken to our story about the “fallen brother and sister” with his seriousness.

Akari clearly hinted that they would have to sleep in the same room and the same bed.

– The room – ours, here we do not need to play the performances! – Said the Torah, and then looked around. – Where’s The Seagull?

– In the next room, – Akari said, pointing to the wall.

– We need to discuss a couple of things. The only question is in which room.

– It is better in this. It was calculated for two, and therefore more s.p.a.cious – immediately said Akari, evidently realizing that now the joke is not worth it. – By the way, I have carefully examined all, but in our room there was no sound-conducting tubes or any other tricks. I think they are not, and in the next room.

Studying the room before her stay in at night, it can be called a bad habit of saboteurs … but it seemed perfectly natural thing for them.Spotting hiding under the bed killer tube for eavesdropping or magical device for spying accidentally impossible – they need to look carefully.

– Well, I’ll fetch it – the Torah said, stepping into the corridor.

– Good man – Chaika said. – Dominic Skoda.

– Well … that’s probably true, – said Thor, folded his arms and sighed.

He has already managed to cause Seagull in the next room and tell your plan.

– Very good – Seagull added, patting the bed.

She spoke the truth – Dominica really good reacted to the order of the Torah. Of course, in part because she did not know who they really are and what is achieved. But Dominic still showed wonderful hospitality to strangers who just happened to be near her mansion. Usually, people were not allowed into their unknown house where he knew only what they told themselves.

– Perhaps it is so good for you, Seagull – Toru said.

– M?

– During the war, or after … .. In general, she had lost her younger sister. You may have noticed this thing in the courtyard? It has to be seen – the Torah pointed to the window.

Of course, by “that thing,” he meant the illusion Lyusie Skoda.

– It seems to me that the Seagull is a bit like her sister. Age you are about the same.

– … And the truth is, – confirmed Akari, looking round the courtyard.

– According to her, she blames herself for having failed to protect his little sister, because she was in the war. It seems … that’s why it is no longer interested in neither fame nor wealth, nor power. Or to blame apathy, which developed on this basis.

If she does not care at all … it really could have easily let into your house of strangers. And their real ident.i.ty in this case, it is also not interested.

– But when did you learn all this, brother? – Akari asked, moving away from the window.

– When he was only in the yard.

– Well, brother – Akari folded his arms and nodded, satisfied. – So you have a savvy by nature, able to make a woman blurt out too much.

– You have now praise or scold?

– Of course, praise. Would I blame her beloved brother? – Akari boldly shook her head … and then, as if noticing something, slapped his hands together. – Although. Wait a minute, brother. If you love to have you scolded, then worthless Akari ACURE ready to scold you are struggling as much as necessary.

– All right, shut up.

– Of course, if you want me to tie you up, beat, kicked or trampled – and I am able to do so.

– Shut up. For G.o.d’s sake, shut up – handed the Torah.

– I never thought that Dominic Skoda loves his sister.

– I told you – shut up. And Do not mix your nonsense here. Here, the usual feeling normal.

Most likely, Dominic loved Lucia just like his sister.

In any case, the Torah did not think that their love is included insults, binding, b.u.t.ting and kicking. He did not want to think so. Not that he knew all the details.

– Whatever it was – after clearing his throat, Thor tried to force the conversation back to the original track. – Perhaps Seagull absolutely right that Dominic Skoda – not a villain. We have it no mutual cooperation, but it is n.o.ble to the extent that the good to people, even if it does not bring benefits to it. But…

Thor put his finger to his nose stretched gulls.

– You remember, Seagull Gas? Most likely, this rider – one of those people who killed your father.

– …

And then abruptly frowned Seagull.

It does not matter if she had stayed “remains”, but the probability that it took part in the a.s.sault on the capital of the Empire and Gas was one of the “heroes”, skhlestnuvshihsya in battle with Arthur The gas was very high.

– …

The light in his eyes quickly Seagulls standards.

Most likely due to the fact that it poked his nose in the fact that she struggled to forget it immediately threw the gloom. She swung her head and clenched her fists in his hands lying in her lap.

– Oh, no, I mean … – I checked himself Torah.

He did not think that his words were so upset her. Yes, he wanted to put it in a sense … but now the impression as if he abused her.

– I … I did not mean that you should hate her or anything.

– …

– Oh, h.e.l.l, what, what did I say ?! – Toru looked at Akari in the hope that she give us something to help him.

– Clearly, – he said Akari with folded hands and nodded again. – So how can I cause my brother confusion. Not bad.

– This is no time to admire! – Said Toru completely at a loss.

And here…

– …Sorry. Torah – Chaika told him with an awkward smile. – The Torah. Think. Struggling. Excuse me. No.

As usual, Gull said, issuing a set of words on a continental language, and to understand it was not easy … but it seems that she had in mind, “Since the Torah struggled think instead of me, he is not guilty.” Apparently, this was her way of comfort or pity him.

– Ah … – Torah scratched his cheek, and then, to pacify the feeling of embarra.s.sment … You’re in fact still does not agree with my plan, yes, Seagull?

– Um … – helplessly handed Seagull.

– In our case, it would be the surest way to …

Toru proposed to solve the problem with poison portions.

In other words, he wanted to poison her.

Let them be able to confirm that Dominica is “the remains”.

And … they were going to do in this case? The main question is this.

Naturally, they can rely on the opinion of seagulls that it was “a good man” and try to negotiate to persuade her to give the remains.

If Dominique is really not interested in worldly power and money, and the value of the “remains” should not stop them. There was even a chance that she just give them their.

But … how would they respond to the question “why do you want to strip the remains of Emperor?”, Ask it of his?

In people’s minds firmly rooted opinion that the “Empire Gas – the root of the evil unleashed the war.” And so there was no a.s.surance that, even if retired, but rider will continue to be good to the daughter of the Emperor of the d.a.m.ned to discover who she is.

Finally, she could simply refuse to give them “the remains”.

“And if that happens, it will defeat even harder than it is now …”

Sure, Dominic would behave gently with a detachment of the Torah.

A win cautious rider is almost impossible, even with the help of an ambush.

You can try to put pressure on a weak spot … but Thor had no clue what trick could make tremble hand man lost dearest cousin and discard almost all of the mundane.

So … Thor suggested that if to take such a risk, it is better to try to strike a sure blow, while it is still not aware of them.

However, he did not know whether the poison will affect the rider.

How strong is the healing power of the dragoons, could they rebuild their bodies and nervous system? Riders were so few, and their ability to keep in such a closely guarded secret, it is difficult to tell where the stories about them the truth, and where – a lie.

Perhaps, just to be sure you need to significantly exceed the lethal dose of poison.

If you use a nerve poison, even if he did not kill her, then I had to immobilize for a while. The fact that the riders can be killed, but beheaded, meant either that the recovery of such a complex organ as the brain, time consum