Hitsugi no Chaika

Chapter 4

Chapter 4

The air seemed strangely heavy.

Feeling the weight, Tohru looked up.

– …

During lunch they opened their goal Dominica.

After that, the Torah detachment toward the parked front of the mansion, “Svetlana”, took his equipment and returned to the room dedicated to them. “If you need them – to defeat me and take away”, ‘said Dominic answered, and after these words they could only fight the rider on the dragoons in a fair fight. And given the fact that they were going to fight against the rider, without the most careful preparation chances of winning could not be. It was not just about the outfit, which, of course, must be in perfect condition, and that it is necessary to explain to one another, who was capable of, and on this basis to develop tactics.

But right now …

– ..

He met her gaze, as if by agreement.

With seagulls.

She quickly looked away and continued to tinker with Gundo, laid out in front of her exploded view … but it looked as if she does not want to do that, if she thought somewhere in a completely different place. Although the Torah and did not understand the device Gundo, he felt that in constant connection and disconnection of the same components makes no sense.

“Well, it can be understood …”

Tohru sighed.

If you look at the situation from the perspective of the Torah … Seagulls, after he promised to entrust to her the right to a final decision, voluntarily pledged to make a decisive battle Dominica. After that she could easily feel betrayed.

However, the Torah by its very nature could not for their own benefit Gulls require it to recognize its decision, that it did not be able to choose one of the options, and that he therefore only volunteered to take the “villainous” role for themselves.

Whatever anyone says, Seagull was still a little girl.

And since before the fall of the Empire Gas it was the most real princess, she can not be expected from a sensitive understanding of the feelings and thoughts of other people. It is fundamentally different from saboteurs like the Torah, who could read the thoughts of others, and if necessary refer them to the most convenient way – they taught this mandatory.

– Listen, Seagull …

– Uh ?! – Heard his name, Seagull sharply jumped.

She slowly and hesitantly lifted her head and squinted at the Torah with their violet eyes. This view was nervous, rather, extremely cautious, like a wild animal.

And … this look a little touched the Torah.

She is in fact no need to worry so much with him.

Of course, the Torah is not opposed to do dirty work. It is his destiny as a saboteur.

But for some reason he did not want to be on the final battle, not understanding a misunderstanding Gulls.

Their opponent – rider on the dragoons. Even joining forces, the Torah and Akari would be unable to defeat it. Magical support is absolutely necessary … and to do that they need to penetrate deeply into mutual aid, or, more precisely, to get rid of a cold in the relationship.

“There is still a problem in the character Akari …” – Toru glanced toward the wall.

… She was lying on the floor, he turned to the wall, depicting a corpse.

– …

She has been in this position since their return to the room.

Because Akari was lying with his back to the Torah, he could not see her face, but knew that it would hurt. Despite its inability to convey emotions, she sometimes behaved so childishly that completely betrayed his feelings.

Thor did not know exactly what caused her displeasure, but knew that it would have then how to talk.

But now …

– I’m sorry, of course, what I am told, but …

– .. – Seagull looked at the Torah for some reason with a surprised look and blinked several times. – N … no.

Finally, she shook her head slightly.

Her pale face was somehow filled with paint, like excitement.

Perhaps this reaction Toru acted on my nerves, because he immediately felt a weight on the soul.

– But it is necessary.

– Optionally … go? – Repeated Seagull taking increasingly wary look.

Toru had the patience to slowly explain instructively:

– You’re thinking that you do not want to fight with Dominica?

– … – Seagull amazed – the question obviously caught her by surprise.

– You need remains, but as Dominic – a good man, you did not want to fight with her. You can not decide to steal the pieces and run, thinking just ask Dominic to give them to you. But if she refused, we would have lost the chance of a surprise attack, and would complicate the collection of the remains … I have correctly described your thoughts?

Interrupted, the Torah carefully studied the expression Gulls.

As he had expected … She sat stunned, with bulging eyes. She looked like she did not expect such words. It is hard to say whether she thought after these words … but her wariness disappeared. Noticing this, the Torah immediately went on to become not wait for an answer:

– I thought you’d never be able to decide in such a state.

– …

– In general, fluctuate before such a choice – it is natural for human beings. But there is a probability that we will catch up with the knight named Gillette. We can not linger long. So I crossed the event without permission. I understand at least one – I did this not because I do not respect your decisions.

– …

“I do not understand,” – these words are written on the face of seagulls have become even clearer.

She blinked a few more times, and then …

– Eh … – suddenly relaxed and sighed.

Somehow, her reaction was different from that expected Torah.

– What? Are not you mad at me for what I said to her, without asking this? – He asked, frowning.

– N … no! – Seagull immediately shook her head.

– And then what? Why do you look at me with such … hurt?

– Resentment, bitterness, no.

Once again, shook his head, Seagull looked down.

Her pale face was slightly flushed …

– I do not understand. What is it that …

– Brother – suddenly heard a voice from the back, and it was the turn Toru flinch.

He was sure that Akari all this time the corpse was lying against the wall, but at some point it appeared behind him.

– W … what is it? – Toru asked over his shoulder.

Akari body haze enveloped bloodl.u.s.t. Torah even have time to think about why it is so serious.

– I want to clarify something.

– Hmm? If you have a question about the strategy, we are now just …

– No … – Akari replied, carefully watching the Torah narrowed eyes.

It was a look not just high-pitched and finished ruthlessly in one`s body and sc.r.a.pe the insides of it. It was so terrible that if she looked at the child, he would have roared immediately.

– What then?

– Important question. Very important … – Akari bent.

Toru reflexively drew back as if he trod on her aura.

Continuing to watch him intently, Akari asked so earnestly, as if asking a question of universal importance:

– Brother, you prefer small b.r.e.a.s.t.s?

– What are you talking about ?! – She exclaimed Thor, turning to her.

However, his deadpan sister replied without a trace of embarra.s.sment:

– What do you mean “what”? I ask about your s.e.xual desires.

– You did it matter ?!

– Not all – cut Akari.

Although her face was indifferent as always, her words sounded surprisingly strong. In the end, it is in fact so serious that the Torah made to shrink.

– This is a very important question.

– I … about the size of the breast especially not think.

– So, for you the most – more cylindrical shape, which has not yet formed waist? – Said Akari, somehow looking at Seagull.

– … Once again – what did you do?

– I told you – I ask about your s.e.xual desires.

– I have no such that for me it is all about any particular detail, – reluctantly said Tohru, realizing that Akari otherwise not lag behind. – That is to say, to some extent, taken into account all.

– Hmm – Akari folded her arms and bowed her head. It might seem that it is indeed a serious thought, but … – I do not understand …

– This I do not understand you.

– So it is important for you, brother?

– I told you … – began the Torah.

And then he finally understood the meaning of the questions Akari.

– Well, wait a minute.

– Good. I’ll wait. For in order to know the truth about the preferences of my brother, I am willing to wait until then, until the earth turned into ashes.

– Not so long! – Immediately blurted out the Torah, and then, scratching his cheek, he continued, – So … you did not understand. “Very dear man,” I said so, figuratively.

– Figuratively? You’re still someone’s image in my head kept?

– No!

However, in fact, among the ordinary people with the words “very dear person” called lovers.

But the Torah, of course, put them in an entirely different meaning.


– Well, in short … – Torah coughed, then she glanced to the side as usual surprised Gulls. – Seagull … has given me a purpose in life. I, saboteur, garbage, which was destined to rot along with my useless skills. I therefore feel obliged to her. That’s all.

– Thor … – I whispered Seagull with astonished face.

It seems that even she did not realize this.

She looked at the Torah with genuine surprise.

And here…

– Declaration of love?

– You, too, learn to listen to normal! – I said in response to the Torah thoughtful and inappropriate question Gulls.

“Why are they both constantly distort the meaning of my words? Or is this age? Maybe all girls their age are you? “Of course, when the Torah ACURE lived, he saw and young diversantok and their students … but with him has always been Akari, whose image has been so strong that the Torah could not remember any other of Girl saboteurs.

– Whatever it was … – Thor took a deep breath to calm, and then continued, – Our opponent – rider on the dragoons. Although it is not visible near the dragon, Dominique, can certainly use his strength. Even without his dragon herself as a dragon … so that we not only do you need to discuss everything and be confident in their abilities, we need a correct tactic, if we want to win.

– …

Seagull audibly gulped.

After these words she had to feel the seriousness of the situation. It was a battle for life and death. Not agreeing their thoughts and plans, they would condemn themselves to death. It should be understood, even she.

– Therefore, I propose to think about strategy.

Tell each other all the possibilities. Tell each other all their ideas.

Even in this case, their chances of winning would be at most 50/50.

– … The Torah – Seagull suddenly said thoughtfully. – Do you … missed. Consider. Opportunity.

– A? I missed something? – These words from the Torah Gulls did not expect, and frowned. – And what am I missing?

– The Dragon. Maybe … there – Seagull looked around the room.

– What are you …?

– The magic of dragoon, change shape, change shape.

– Yes, I heard about it.

dragoons Magic allows them to change their bodies.

But neither Torah nor Akari not seen this magic in action – to be precise, for the first time they saw it when Dominick applied it in front of the house. And the dragoons they have seen only on pictures, and not live.

On Ferbiste there are several other types of dragons, but they were all just big lizards, and they are often referred to as “half-dragons.”

Like ortrosam, who obviously did not belong to the subspecies of dogs and wolves, dragoons, able to use magic, attributed entirely to the other categories of beings, rather than half-dragons. Some people even called them the “true dragons.”

Moreover … with the level of intelligence comparable to a human, and the ability to use a “tool”, that is, the armor, the dragoons were standing apart from everyone else, and Fail.

– If … – Seagull raised her index finger – Ability. Change of size.

– Size? Would you say that the magic of dragoons can not only change their shape, but also the size?

– M. Be great. Being small – Seagull nodded, indicating they understood it correctly.

– Then … – I mused the Torah.

To be honest, the thought in his head did not come.

When he heard the word “dragoon” and “rider”, the machine almost imagine the rider and being sized to carry it (about twice the normal horse). And moreover, those saboteurs that were returning from battles, which was attended by riders on the dragoons, was told that somewhere on this size and it is …

But, if you think they did not have any evidence that they have the magic dragon shape change is always the same size. Perhaps these creatures can be reduced to the point that fits in the palm.

– So, maybe, because of this information on the dragoons and riders so little ..?

By itself, the fact that the riders to the dragoons were secret each weapon States meant that much of the information about them is cla.s.sified … But it is possible that it is their ability to size change and led to the fact that they are often used for surprise attacks, and to the fact that even the allied forces riders called “elusive.”

For example, going to the battlefield, the dragoons could hide in a pocket or a bag of his rider, and then take his true form in the course of the battle. If they are really capable of that, then they themselves and their riders took on even greater mobility to pair with inconspicuous.There is hardly any army that could survive such an ambush.

– So, it may be hiding somewhere in the mansion?

In this case, it appeared that the very Dominic could frighten their surprise attack.

– One possibility. Another possibility – said the seagull, and held in the air with your finger in a circle, as if pointing to all around him. – Mansion. Itself.

– …What? – I was asked Torah, but just behind it … – Clear.

When he understood the meaning of these words, then, with some disgust, he looked around the room.

In fact, she was right.

Perhaps they could not only diminish, but increase.

It is difficult to say to what extent they can change their appearance. Until the bones? Or they could turn into something completely different?

Toru squad did not know “the limits” magic dragons.

“Dragoons” when the word Torah itself imagined being able to modify only the skin … but if the dragoons could change their size (probably), it is possible that they could receive and not like a dragon form.

– We do not accidentally …

“In the stomach of the dragon?”

One can not help thinking that they could have a comfortable bed body creepy creatures Torah grimaced.

And here…

– M-mu!

The next moment Akari suddenly hit the floor pointed end of the hammer.

The wooden floor with a crash formed the pit.

– Uh ?!

Toru reflexively grabbed his blades and prepared for battle.

It is next to him jumped Seagull on the ground and froze with fright.

– Y-you what you are doing ?!

– Oh. If this house is a dragon, I thought he was somehow react if I harmed a wall or floor, – said Akari, without any modesty. – But, apparently, I was wrong.

– … Do you even warns. My heart skipped a beat – Thor looked at the gap in the floor.

He still seemed to be made of the usual wood. No traces of blood were not.

And the wall is not suddenly began to stand out vserazedayuschy gastric juice.

– The heart skipped a beat? Brother, you have the heart beat faster?

– Well yes.

– Clear. By the way, I once taught one psychological acceptance, “the effect of a suspension bridge.” If I continue to haunt your heart, you can learn to manage it.

– Such techniques do not work when you are claiming them aloud, – said Thor.

As already mentioned, saboteurs sometimes had to stir up conflicts and to organize revolts, and for this they were taught psychology. “The effect of the suspension bridge”, which said Akari, lay in the fact that because of the instability of such bridges on them quickens the heartbeat.If this turned out to be a bridge boy and a girl, they might mistakenly take it for love and s.e.xual desire, and this effect can be used for their own purposes.

The effect lasts for so long and has been used to create a “precedent”, which can then be used for blackmail. In other words, it was one of the techniques of seduction man for its subsequent use as an informant.

– I was so blind that he always felt as though this effect – just a way to turn an enemy into an informant. But no wonder they say that in order to lure the enemy, you first need to entice ally.

– There is no such sayings.

– I’m going to prepare surprises for the night and early morning attacks, brother.

– I then die of a heart attack!

Torah in the hearts punched the wall.

His arm felt normal wooden wall with wallpaper.

When she came out into the courtyard, then, as always, I saw it fragile girl lit by moonlight.

The girl quietly and somewhat embarra.s.sed smile.

And in the rain. And in the wind. And in the afternoon. And at night.

The pa.s.sage of time has stopped for her forever. The door is closed in the future 5 years ago. She literally has become an illusion.

And yet … when people were alone, they clung to the memories of bygone days.

Trying to extend the life of a little involuntary dimming memories, trying to drag them along, people revived them with the images and things late.

But this is not nostalgia.

It’s just humanity.

This is how people should behave.


– What? – Dominic asked, not taking his eyes off the illusion Lyusie Skoda. – The fight will take place tomorrow at noon. Or you are going to attack, while I sleep?

– … If we could just kill you, I would have done it, – I answered her young saboteur named Thor. – I do not understand a couple of things.

– …You do not understand? – Looking up, finally, from the illusion, Dominic glanced at the two men standing behind her.

Near the Torah was srebrovlasaya Seagull, something reminds Lyusie. Sisters of the Torah, Akari, could not see, and therefore, they are either going to attack her or something prepared.

– You did was a special unit, which fought directly with the emperor Gas Empire?

– Yes. AND? – Dominic replied, trying to look suspicious.

“Why did this young man suddenly asks me about it?”

– Do not you know her? – He pointed to the Torah standing beside him Seagull.

– Learn? What are you? – Squinting, Dominic got accustomed to the Seagull.

At the same time Thor gazed at Dominica.

It was the look of a man searching, trying to thoroughly understand what is happening.

– Clear … – suddenly he nodded Torah like to understand something.

– I do not understand anything, but okay, that’s it?

– Yes. So far, yes.

With these words, the Torah went forward and stood next to Dominica.

To his belt fastened two stylet, but he did not try to grab hold of them. He behaved as if he had no intention to fight. It seems that the Torah did not come to it, to break the promise to make a decisive battle tomorrow and attack right now.

– You’re a rider on the dragoons, right? – Thor looked around. – You really ready to fight without his dragon?

– You want me to encouraged it? Your chances of winning and without ghost.

– That may be so … – Tohru walked and went to Dominic Lyusie illusion.

– Hey.

– What? – Toru turned. He stood close to Lucia, on the side of it.

– Stay away from my sister. Do not touch it.

– It’s not your sister. It’s just an illusion – quietly replied Thor.

He does not sympathize. He is not mocked. This voice is just stating a fact.

Illusion. Track. She knew it. She knew what it meant.

But still…

– The dead can no longer die. Dead can not hurt. They simply dissolve and disappear.

– …

– Like that.

And as soon as he said it, his hand flashed in the air.

There was a quiet sway.

On the field, the sound would mean approaching the boom, but now …

– What?!

The next moment there was a thud, and the girls the illusion disappeared.

From her literally nothing left.

– What did you do?!

Dominic immediately went up to the Torah, and grabbed him by the collar.

Most likely, this young man brought the projector down, having thrown something at him.

– Are you worried if next to you is not your sister? – I asked the Torah, calmly looking at the fierce anger of Dominica eyes. – Is that all that you feel toward her?

– What you said?

– You’re not the one you lost a dear person. I also went through it – defiantly said Toru.

– …So what?

As correctly observed the Torah, so many people have lost their families and parents in the course of that long war. And, apparently, that’s why it need not be repeated.

– In my memory it is imprinted forever.

– …What?

– I could not forget this man, even if he wanted. It is necessary to close his eyes as memories come immediately. They come without permission and repeatedly scrolled in the head, filling the whole consciousness.

– You … – handed Dominic. – Are you saying that my memories of her are weak?

– Maybe – Thor continued to stare at Dominic icy stare. – Acquisition of the images of the deceased. Taking care of things late. Many so doing. But when someone sets the illusion in the yard so that it could be seen from every window, and keep it switched on at any time and in any weather, you begin to think about what makes him so to do.

– …

Dominic was not found with the answer.

The fact that part of it recognized the correctness of the words the Torah.

She had never thought about it. She told herself that people act that way … that she had to do so. You could say she did it out of duty, not of their own volition.

– You’re not it is actually not so grieve?

– What you said?!

The hand holding the Torah by the collar, stiffened involuntarily.

His feet left the ground, but the young saboteur did not show fear, and only continued to squint. Then he said in a tone that seemed to see right through Dominic:

– You hate yourself for what almost no mourning for the death of his beloved sister, and so you try to force yourself to grieve, is not it?

– You’re making fun of me …?

“Why did the young man say such things?”

Even if this is true, what is the meaning to voice her anger and Dominica? He could not believe that she was so overjoyed that knowledge that decides to thank him.

– Mad? – Toru dug even deeper.

That was his goal? Of course, infuriated the enemy could forget and make a mistake. And the dragons and their riders were not immortal.Just one missed punch could be fatal.

– … – Dominic sighed and let go of the collar of the Torah. – Would be better if you did this morning. During the night I even chill.

– Clearly, – Thor nodded and adjusted his collar.

He did not look upset. It turns out, he did not wanted to annoy her?


– Projector … – suddenly stepped cautiously voice in the conversation of Dominica and the Torah.

Perhaps at that moment, when Dominic turned in her eyes were still visible signs of anger. Momentarily startled gull hunched his shoulders, but then said firmly:

– Fix. Sorry.

It seemed that this girl really srebrovlasaya regrets.

Perhaps the Torah just took her with him, not talking about the fact that he was going to do. Or perhaps he himself, this thought came to mind spontaneously.

– Digging in the mechanisms. To be able to.

– … Well, – I have agreed to Dominica, a little thought. – Do what you want. Just do not think that I will give, in exchange for the remains of the projector.

Both the projector and the illusion Lyusie were very expensive Dominica … but they can be replaced.

– Of course. Repair. Tomorrow. During the day … before the battle, return – Chaika said, nodding at every word.

Apparently, this meant that they were not going to be used to create the illusion of Lyusie ingenious traps.

– You can not doubt – we will respond to your request for a battle, – said Thor with a shrug.

He was a saboteur. Dominic did not know, how can trust him.

– I do hope – and threw it finally turned.

Now that there was no Lyusie illusion, it had no reason to stay.

However, the time for that matter, is now Dominica did not see much difference between his room and the side of the road. She did not care where you are. She had lost the place that could be called his real home. Any house seemed to her only temporary.

That’s just …

– …

Her head was still heard the word Torah.

“You’re really not all that grief, right?”

– Not true, – Dominic tried to convince herself. – It is not true. I’m sad. I grieve. Just…

Toru was wrong.

But he was wrong not at all …

– It’s not true … – leaving quietly whispered Dominica.

After leaving the courtyard, Thor went to the “Svetlana”.

Though Akari room and examined them carefully, they still decided to play safe. Toru decided that the final preparation should be done outside the house.

– The Torah – as soon as they pa.s.sed through the gate, turned to him Seagull marching half a step behind him. – What for?..

She clutched to his chest projector, which they took out of the mansion.

On the side of the cylinder stuck throwing knife that stabbed him in the Torah. This device was so frail that he could throw a stone and … but he did not have to destroy it. On the contrary, they were going to fix the projector quickly, and therefore the Torah chose the usual hidden daggers that metal is very aptly.

About this subtlety he told Chaika only later.

Toru regretted it … but the decision it is because the emotional Seagulls could inform the enemy about his intentions and spoil venture.

– What? What do you mean “why”?

– Such. Terrible. Things.

– Ah …

Thor frowned.

Apparently, she was referring to the fact that he broke the projector and Dominica rattled a whole bunch of stinging words. Indeed, the casual observer might have thought that the Torah suddenly turned into an unscrupulous villain.

– I wanted to see if Dominic angry if she is to say, – he said, recalling her face. Yes, she was angry. But … – Seagull. Let’s …

Staying near the “Svetlana” Thor turned.

Ever since the moment he hesitated, but then decided to ask:

– Suppose someone were to say to you the same words against your father. What would you do?

– Father … Uh? – Seagull froze in a puzzled way.

Her face told that she did not understand the question Torah.

– For example, you would say that you really are not all that mourning for the death of his father.

– M .. – handed Seagull, his brow furrowed.

“That’s it. And so it happens, “- mentally whispered Torah.

After all, grief dissipated. This does not mean that one forgets. Just his mind eventually becomes accustomed to it. At some point, the person is no longer even think about it or not grieving.

Just like with the pain.

Not had time to heal the wound should not always match. Most often for the very first time the wound hurts most of all, but if it is then do not touch, the pain gradually becomes dull and disappears. Eventually, people even stop to think about whether his wound was healed, and if the pain is gone.

That is why, if the Torah was told that he “really is not so mourns the death Hasumin” he would not be angry. For a moment, he would have lost his head, then looked inward, making sure that the grief is still there, and would simply denied those words.

Is it because she was angry that she wanted to know the answer to this question?

What she was trying to force myself to grieve, but her efforts were rejected over and over again?

And if so …

– Lam. Wail. Aldeady no. But the … affliction. True.

– In-in, – Thor nodded. – But you would be angry did not, huh?

– Yeah … – Seagull nodded. – But. I did not see. Death. Father.

– So after all of Dominica and the same.

Of course, there are times when, due to the fact that you do not see the death of a person dear to you, you can not believe it. But is it a reminder of this – a reason for anger?

Whatever it was, the words and actions in the horsewoman Dragoons have caused discomfort Torah.

And besides …

“The fact that it has the remains, meaning that it is one of those who killed the Emperor of the d.a.m.ned.

Another was the ruler Delsoranta.

“It’s impossible. We killed you! “

Robert Abarth said these words.

Although they did not ask him, but the words were intended explicitly Akari. And apart from that at the moment close to Robert were only the Torah and the Seagull.

It turns out that “killed” in the words of Robert Abarth man was Chaika.

In fact, before the meeting with Chaika … no, more precisely, before Gillette told him who she was, the Torah does not even know that the Emperor has a daughter Strip.

Moreover, it was believed that the truth about the emperor no one knew … that only the most close to him people know about his personal life.

But in any country, including the Empire Gas, emperor, king, or any other ruler he was a public figure. If it is possible only a very radical methods he has a family, then it immediately recognized all around and hide the existence of relatives.

But at the same time … the Emperor Gaza did not know not only if he had a daughter, no one knew even his wives and mistresses. Most likely, it does not even know the people of the Empire.

And that means …

“Very little is known Seagull in the face.”

Especially when it came to people from other countries.

And when you consider the words “we are killed you …”

That conclusion is clear – Robert Abarth knew how to look Seagull, because I saw her during the attack on the capital of the Empire Gas.

For example, he could see her, when he entered in the imperial apartments.

It is easy to imagine that in a situation when the lock finally stormed the emperor with relatives gathered together to discuss the escape plan.Therefore seagull might well be near Arthur Gas during the storming of the capital, and it is not surprising that Robert Abarth, a member of the a.s.sault force, knew Seagull face.

a.s.suming that the gull has lost the memory of what happened because of the shock and horror … the picture is beginning to converge.

That’s just … if so …

That, and Dominic, the former exactly the same character, should have known Seagull.

But her face was a perfect stranger Dominica. Given the beauty and singularity of Seagulls, anyone would have remembered it, he saw only once.

What does this mean?

It may be that the vanguard is not always moved together?

Of course, depending on the circ.u.mstances, it could be that Dominic did not see the face Seagulls …

For example, if it is not present at the death of the emperor Strip.

Which means …

– Anyway … – said Toru, pulling out the luggage compartment “Svetlana” wicker basket.

In it lay the equipment and tools, which they took with them when they left ACURE. During penetration of the house Abarth it was important invisibility, so much of the equipment they left behind. But an honest battle against the rider on the dragoons need to arm to the teeth.

– Something I restless.

– Unrest?

– I opposed it because I wanted to understand why, but …

– ..

Seagull bowed her head. She did not understand what was going on.

– I’ll explain later – threw the Torah, getting deeper into the basket.

Seagull some time looking at him, and then …

– Thor … – approached him a little strained voice.

– What?

– If there will be a danger to life … … running advice ….

– …

Toru briefly closed the lid of the basket and turned to the Seagull.

For a while he stared into her eyes. Then, Seagull, apparently confused and tried to look away, but he held the Torah hands, grabbed her cheeks and not let do it.

– Uh ?!

– Listen … – emphatically said Toru. – This. Care. To me. Need not.

– Torah ..?

Seagull eyes bulged.

Torah even more closely looked into her violet eyes, and continued:

– I – the saboteur. My job is not to appreciate or the lives of others or their own.

Body, soul, skill … and even his life were merely tools designed exclusively for achieving the goal.

Such is the fate of all saboteurs and their principle.

– But … – it seemed Seagull was about to cry.

Apparently, she still did not think about how it remains the task of collecting affect other people, or at least does not penetrate it.

She waited hatred. Contempt. And what’s more – the loss.

Perhaps friends will lose their lives.

She collected the remains are not simple, and the corpse of the Emperor of the d.a.m.ned. Even after his death, he continued to influence the fate of many … so many people. If she wants to get them, it should be put at stake the life.

Most likely, the Seagull was ready for what is to sacrifice their lives.

But in order to put at stake the lives of others for their own whims, need special training. Require it from a girl who wanted only to bury his father – too cruel.

It’s akin to the ability to tell the other person: “Die for my whim.”


– I beg you – Torah relaxed a little and tried to smile. – Continue to put your goals is paramount.

– Thor?

– Or at least not to abandon their desires because of fears for us. Because otherwise what was the point of hire us?

– … – In response Seagull blinked in alarm.

It seems that she still did not understand what it meant hiring saboteurs.

– I told you, my goal – to fulfill your goals. So … it’s hard when you’re making me do nothing.

– Toru … I … – barely managed a seagull.

And here…

– Ah ?!

The next moment the Torah sharply alienated Seagull and taking advantage of the momentum, bounced back.

Just flew between them something black.

It’s kind of hit the board, “Svetlana” and flew off to the side.

– So…

Thor threw out his hand and grabbed the object.

It appeared to be throwing knife, painted matt black paint absorbs light. All, without exception, were saboteurs with a few pieces, although their form is often different.

And that means …

– Akari! – Toru turned and stared at the sister, just issued from the house Skoda. – What are you doing?!

– Brother … – Akari’s eyes narrowed. – I barely had time to save you.

– From you who have saved my life! – Toru replied, returning the knife to her easy throw. – Why are you suddenly …

– Kiss in the night … it’s your style, brother.

– What are you ?!

Despite these words, the Torah knew what to talk about cancer.

Most likely, when he held a Seagull’s head and looked into her eyes, from the outside it looked like he was going to force glare at her lips. Of course, he could say that he was unjustly accused … but to bring it Akari was useless.

– About a kiss.

– Yes, I’m not going! And anyway … you are now on every petty about going to throw blades ?!

– I’m going. More like going.

– Stop it!

– When it flies, it’s too late.

– …A? – Thor was surprised, not understanding her words. – What did you say?

– Do not you know? – Akari moved to a didactic tone, as if to discover the great secret. – You can get pregnant from kissing.

– … In your knowledge of the world as many distortions.

Toru wilted or with a sudden feeling of exhaustion attack.

Sighing, he gave his thoughts in order, and asked:

– Well … how’s it going?

– All exactly as you said, brother. I went around the house … – Akari hid throwing knife in his pocket – and found the room, the most similar to the chambers of Dominica Skoda. But it seems that n.o.body uses it.

It is for this Akari and they were divided.

While the Torah and Seagull distraction Dominica conversation in the yard, Akari carefully bypa.s.sed the estate, including Dominica bedroom, which the Torah could not even find. Ideally, if Akari has found “the remains”, it would simply kidnapped them, but the Torah harbored much hope.

– I started to think about it, when we were preparing dinner.

The kitchen looked as though she did not really enjoy.

How would any man thoroughly accustomed to life on the battlefield, he hardly would prepare a meal in the fresh air in the presence of food, and certainly would not breed in the oven spiders. It was clear that the fire in the kitchen is not fanned at least one year, or maybe even more.

– There are no signs that it used the bed, no. The whole floor is covered with dust.

In other words, her room looked just like the one that went to the detachment of the Torah.

– To be precise … some trace of that in the house of Dominica Skoda someone lived, is still there. But they are not new. The room is not used for at least a year.

– Heck. I was hoping that my guess is not justified … – Toru long sigh.

– ..

Seagull puzzled looked from the Torah, then at Akari.

Looks like she did not understand any of the conversation … either that, what conclusion came the Torah.

– What do we do, brother?

Akari climbed into the luggage compartment “Svetlana” and pulled out a cart with his gear. Unlike the Torah, in its basket in addition to weapons and armor, and lay all kinds of reagents – from antiseptics and medicines to poisons and gunpowder. All of them were kept in the ranks of bottles that tinkled softly when Akari moved the cart.

– I do not think that we can overcome this enemy head-on.

– Of course, I’m not going to attack head-on, – said Thor. – Whatever it was, climb into the car, I’ll tell you what tactics invented. Then share with me your opinions.

Dominic did not give any time to sleep.

Dragoon Magic was magic transformation. This meant literally what it can fully control his body with the help of consciousness. Time and depth of sleep, too, were subject to it. She could adjust the depth so that would have slept for an hour, if I wanted to. In addition, she could sleep standing up like a horse or a cow.

And so she did not see dreams. Rather, she could not see them.

– Soon…

Through the closed window light began to break through.

Even without the hours it represented approximately what time it is.

– Well … Dominic. It is time to fight – she whispered in a voice that could be heard a slight antic.i.p.ation, and then uttered a spell.

Modest clothing disembodiment in the light, which turned into armor.

In fact, and this armor, and the dress was originally a fragment of her skin. She did not feel human shame, but before she could get used to this as clothing that continued to wear it.

One young saboteur was very surprised that it does not cast spells … but of course, it was not so. Dominic cast spells, but their throat and uttered so softly that if it is not specifically opened her mouth, and then to hear them was impossible. This ability is also endowed her full control of his body.

– Hmm ..?

When she tried to open the door of the room, that is about something b.u.mped.

Dominic gently pushed the barrier door, left the room and saw the middle of the corridor the same projector that showed the illusion Lyusie.

It seems the girl by the name of The Seagull has kept its word.

Dominic reached out was to check if it works … but caught himself and shook her head.

If all goes well, he will not need it more. Therefore, there is no need to check it.

Dominic put the projector into the bedroom and closed the door.

– I do not understand them … – she said quietly, heading down the hall to the yard.

There she must wait three.

They agreed to meet in the yard, but she left the opponents of the law of the choice of where the decisive battle will begin.

She did not care.

After she lost her whole world began to seem the same. The colors faded, lost depth, things started to look empty and false.


– Been waiting? – She asked, stepping into the yard.

– No. We’ve just come, – he said Toru armed to the teeth.

However, because of the armor he wore only shoulder pads, elbow pads knee pads yes.

Given that the torso, and particularly stomach have been exposed, in the first place it is still set mobility. Body armor protects the inner well, but heavily shackled movement.

By belt fastened two stylet – apparently, his favorite weapon. On each hand from the wrist to the elbows stretched sheath, which rested two more dagger. On his chest was a vest in which lurked a few throwing knives, a game in particular, and a protective role. Under the vest most likely hiding thin coat of mail.

Akari, by contrast, came to light.

She was carrying a hammer and probably stashed anything else, but, unlike the Torah, not wearing heavy armor. It seems that the ease and speed of movement are more important to her.

And finally …

– Clear. So you’re a mage? – Dominic said, looking round the huge Gundo in the hands of Seagulls.

Yes … it was quite reasonable.

Saboteurs, melee, going to fight under the guise of a magician, exerts fire support from afar. Rather, they were going to win it time for casting spells c.u.mbersome. Toru laid emphasis on the protection and Akari – to evade attacks precisely in order to be able to withstand any combat style. After all, how fought Dominic, they knew nothing.

Though they called them saboteurs, they are surprisingly honest stick to the basics.

So honestly, that Dominic, who had spent the battlefield for many years, I wanted to smile.

But it was not so bad.

Perhaps he chose a textbook, a fundamental tactic, precisely because he remembered the words of Dominica recognizes that she would like “to be back on the battlefield.”

But she was not going to step down to grat.i.tude.

Indulgence is no place on the battlefield.

Since Dominica is willing to return to the battlefield …

– Ready?

– Fully – said the Torah, and then immediately added, as if remembering something – the way … It may be that we overdo it and kill you.

– Hmm.

Dominic felt her lips spread out into a smile.

It looks like its opponents came to win.

And this is good. Even well. Because otherwise it would not be a battlefield. Dominica Skoda, rider on the dragoons, would not like to mock helpless opponent, does not seek to destroy it.

– In such a case arise unpleasant situation, because we do not know where the “remains”.

– Do not worry – Dominique said. – They are inside the projector.

– …

Troop Torah exchanged glances. Still, such a response should surprise them.

In fact, Dominic decided that if Seagull discovered them during repair, it would have allowed them to pick them up.

Dominica does not hate nor to Seagull … nor the Torah or Akari. She was even a little sorry that forced them to risk their lives simply in order to satisfy her whim. If they had found the remains and fled, she would have come to terms with the fact that they were just lucky.

– … We can descend to them? – Toru smiled awkwardly.

– If you still have this power, – said Dominic, putting his hand on the hilt of his sword.

Longsword Dominica perfectly suited to its growth. In fact, he is also part of the armor … and part of Dominica. If the blade is damaged or broken, it would be able to restore it by magic. If he chose, she could make a new one. Disarming rider did not make sense.

– Be honest battle.

– Here’s another. I saboteur – the Torah said, stilettos extracting and preparing for battle. – And in general, what in a war of honor? The main thing – to win.

– … Yes, you’re right – Dominic smiled and stepped forward. – Begin.

At riders had two main tools, and both were a.s.sociated with the dragoons. The first – the protection, and the second – the unpredictability.

The latter was also the main force of saboteurs.

In other words…

– ..

It took just a moment.

At the beginning of the battle between the two was about 10 steps … but did not have time to blink the Torah, as the distance was reduced to zero. When he started to blink, Dominic was somewhere far away, but when he open the eyelids as he saw her beside him, began to swing his sword.

Her legs were incredibly strong.

Due to the heavy armor and an enormous sword, it might seem that it is clumsy … but Dominique was incredibly fast. Maybe she moved even quicker than the Torah and in the Akari light armor. The sight of her so deceived that Dominic could have time to cut out the skull of the enemy blade, while he would be in disarray.

– Heck!..

Thor jumped to the right (to the left when viewed from the side of Dominica).

Due to its weight of her sword he was very dangerous, but not suited for fast motions. After the start of the swing change its trajectory is almost impossible. And if the enemy turned out to be on the side opposite the leading hand, he could easily cut away, thus further weakened swordsman …

– In vain!

… But not at this time.

Thor did not expect that the sword suddenly unfold at a right angle at the time of stroke.

Moreover, at the same time Dominic opened her left hand and guided blade just right.

In this technique, there was no secret. Dominica was able to do this because it has a truly superhuman strength.

Two throwing knives, mounted on chest Torah, broke immediately. Were it not for them, or if the Torah caught the blade sideways, this first attack, perhaps, would be the last.

Despite the heavy armor, it was fast. Despite the speed, it was strong.

Typically for such protection had to sacrifice speed, but for this speed had to sacrifice the strike force … but in the case of Dominica common sense did not work.

Most likely, because the armor of Dominica made using the dragon magic, he served not only for defense. He seemed organic, as if woven from muscle tissue and has the same properties as the muscles. It is thanks to him Dominic could jump so far and so hard to beat.

– Not bad, you have protection against “fatal blow” – Dominic smiled happily, getting up again in the rack.

It was the most basic of all possible racks. She seemed a novice, just beginning to learn to fight with a sword.

But … given its truly explosive speed, it was impregnable. The fact that the front base, meant that she harbored almost limitless possibilities for practical application and change.

– “Mortal Strike”, you say … It is clear, that is, usually you kill the enemy first strike? – Quietly Torah.

Perhaps some still die before the time to understand exactly what killed them.

Dominica The attack was not only fast but also powerful.

Murder immediate and inevitable. Truly a deadly technique.

– I understand that the whole point is to catch the enemy by surprise, huh?

– You do not think it’s unfair?

– Of course not – Toru smiled fearlessly, and again jumped to the side.

He did it because Dominic again instantly cut away and swung the sword again.

Even during a conversation she did not give the enemy time to break.

There was a roar as if Dominic was operating not by the sword, and the battering ram. He hit the ground, having done it in a deep creva.s.se.

The air went up the sand, who gets in the way between Dominica and the Torah …

– M! – Dominic exclaimed.

At the same time in a cloud of dust came a ringing metallic sound.

In the air, spinning, flying batted throwing knife. Despite the veil of dust, Dominic was able to reflexively defend blade.

– Excellent, saboteur! No errors or oversights.

– Mutually.

Dust began to disperse.

There was a figure of Dominica. From her belly protruded second throwing knife, entered deeply into the seam of the armor.

Near her feet lay a few knives. Aim was impossible through the veil, and the Torah understood that spends almost knives in vain … but it would be enough to get just one. And, oddly enough, one of the blades. .h.i.t right on target.

– But this is not enough – calmly said Dominic, advancing toward the Torah.

It is unlikely that she somehow strained … but suddenly a knife gradually pushed. He fell to the feet of Dominica and bounced off the ground.

Dominic was, as if nothing had happened, and on her face there was a hint of pain. But the main thing – from the crack in the armor did not follow the blood. The average person from such injuries can, and would not have died, but just could not move …

– I see … – whispered the Torah, squinting.

His eyes saw a brief flash of blue, flashed from the wound. Magic. She turned “a wounded abdomen” in “healthy”.

– Now, if you hit me in the head … – it might seem that Dominica truly sorry.

– If you pierce the forehead, you will die?

– From a simple strike unlikely. Blades too sharp for that. If I do not make havoc brain and destroy a significant part of it, I will be able to recover.

– Got it. So I will do, – said Thor.

And in the next moment …

– Hmm, – Dominica shouldered sword on his shoulder.

She seemed totally unflappable … but this movement is just repulsed approaches the back of the head iron hammer, and he rebounded with a ringing sound. She was able to defend against an attack from behind, not even turning around.

– …

Akari did not resist the movement of his hammer and jumped with him, but turned the momentum in the blank for the next attack in the left temple with a reversal of Dominica.

Dominic, in response …

– Hmph!

He retreats.

Or rather, not so.

She pushed the attackers back at her Akari, not even bothering to turn around.

As already mentioned, Dominica legs were unusually strong. Therefore the impetus has turned much more powerful than you can imagine.

And without that light Akari came without heavy armor. strike forces enough that it flew into the house through the window.

– Gha-a -?! Akari exclaimed, struck the gla.s.s, broken frame and rolled across the floor.

– Akari! – Seagull cried.

Clutching his chest the size of a Gundo herself, she ran to Akari.

– Stop! You…

“… It is necessary to prepare a spell in spite of everything” – was going to end the Torah, but a sharp swing of the blade caused him to break off.

– Heck…

Toru reflexively threw several knives. This is usually enough to stop the enemy and eventually take its protection from attack, but …

– Are you serious?! – She exclaimed Thor, retreating.

Dominic did not stop even for a moment.

At this time, Thor threw knives at random. Every single blades flown exactly as he conceived, and dug into the joints of the armor of Dominica.

But Dominic is absolutely not care. She let herself in one`s knives.

She had not even slowed.

… This battle has no room for maneuver. There was no point in trying to immobilize an opponent who is not afraid of injuries.

– Who are you, do you think you fight? – Dominic chasing fleeing the Torah and in a voice laughing. – How did you imagined defense dragoon? Do you think it’s so cute creatures that fold up into a ball and wait until the enemy will pa.s.s?

Its power is not divided into “offensive” and “defensive”. Most of it is accounted for pinpoint strikes.

And that’s why they were so deadly.

– People have many disadvantages – Dominique said, waving a sword.

In a sense, it is simply a force waved, not trying to use at least some equipment, but even random sweeps were lethal thanks to the incredible strength. Torah only had to dodge from all forces. Try to defend it arms would break his or her hand.

– They die if to pierce the stomach. They die if cut in the chest. They die if cut off the head. It happens that die simply from blows to the head.It’s amazing how such a fragile bodies of people still dare to fight.

With these words, Dominic tossed the blade is particularly high.

“! ..”

Thor realized that she could catch up with him.

To the right was a stone garden. To the left bed.

Because of the obstacles he had not time to jump aside.

And that means …

– Heck! – Thor jumped back.

Their battle was long enough that the Torah had to get used to the length of her sword.

He was sure it would be just out of reach.

– … ?!


He fell on his left hand, throw up they almost reflexively.

And after this he felt a sharp pain and fever ….


He did not need to look in order to understand that Dominic break the sword attached to his hand a dagger. Without the Torah in chain mail on which to slide the blade, and he probably would have chopped off his hand. To reflect this attack was totally unrealistic.

– Impossible … possible.

He was sure that dodge. He even took into account the speed of Dominica and had no doubt that its blade does not make it to him …

– Uh … what ?! – She exclaimed Thor, momentarily forgetting about the pain. – But!..

– I told you – Dominique said ruefully. – Who are you, do you think you fight?

The sword in the hands of Dominica was noticeably longer than before.

Not to say that he was twice as long – it has increased by about the length of the Torah steps. That’s why he was able to cross the calculations Torah and get over it.

– This sword is also created with the help of magic dragoon. And it is also possible to “change”. He does not have to be a constant length.

– Hey … Is it possible?

– You do not become unfair to call it, is not it?

– … Something I wanted to take it back, – muttered the Torah and jumped back.

From landing on the broken left hand he ran back pain.

– Fx …

Bad. Pain knocks concentration.

And besides … on such a broad and open field of battle he could not oppose knew how to compress and stretch the sword.

Thor turned and jumped into the house.

– d.a.m.n … I did not think that this creation is so unreal – Thor mumbled under his breath, start to run down the hall.

Dominic also … continued to haunt him.

– Well, fine. Follow me, rider on the dragoons, – whispered the Torah, while continuing to run.

– I see … I decided to get into the building? – Dominic murmured, coming to your house.

In the limited s.p.a.ce of its blade was almost twice as less. Weapon Torah also stilettos were far more manoeuvrable tools. He was going to use positional advantage … again demonstrating complete textbook tactics.

Tactics, which was characteristic for ordinary soldiers, not saboteurs.

In fact Dominic is happy, but …

– You did not think, – she whispered, and the sword was gone from her hands.

And in the next moment of her wrist armor stretched curved blades, like claws.

As it has already said, the sword – a part of her armor, and therefore part of her. So, it is covered by the “transformation” dragoon. If the sword suddenly became uncomfortable, she could always replace it with a handy weapon.

From the fact that the victim crushing defeat outdoors Torah squad moved into the mansion, they would not receive benefits.

But on the other side…

– So, I need to be afraid of Seagulls.

Dominic knew why magicians do not fight in the front ranks.

In a sense, like the spell trap.

In order to get the right magic shot, many parameters must be taken into account – the location, temperature, humidity, power line, the position of the stars, and so on. In other words, in exchange for the power and variety of possible effects of the spell demanding preparations.

But if the purpose of the spell was in a confined s.p.a.ce.

The temperature and the humidity do not change substantially, and the location is changed only in small part.

And if the magician in advance into account all this information …

That he can cast a spell rather quickly.

During the night they spent in the Skoda family house, they could have time to properly review it. In other words, right now Chaika could prepare a spell quickly.

Dominic looked around, and then …

– Hmm …

At the end of a long corridor, she saw The Seagull.

She sat with decomposition Gundo and sent it exactly on Dominica.

Dominic did not know what kind of spell it prepares, but …

– Haa! – Exhaling sharply, Dominica with force pushed off the floor and ran toward her.

Given its strength, she was able to get to the Gulls for a few seconds.

– Appear … “p.r.o.nikatel”, – he said in a whisper Seagull name spells.

Immediately behind this Gundo something fired.

Small bomb, wrapped in a pale blue light, whistled softly in the air. Dominic immediately bent over and he goes, barely touching it, and then hit the wall and disappeared. By the time when it happened, Dominica has approached Seagull within striking distance.

– Indeed, in the corridor of my movements are very limited – she said, looking around Seagull downwards. – But at the same time, the direction and time of your shots become too obvious. In this situation, from magic to avoid even easier than from a thrown rock.

– Ooh …

Sweating Seagull Gundo hugged her and stepped back.

Dominic stepped forward.

Seagull again stepped back.

And then…

– I feel sorry for you, but …

“War is war.”

Dominic did not want any amusing fight. This would not make sense. The whole point of the war – in the fact that at every corner lurks death.

Dominic lifted her right claw, rather blade.

Seagull fright took another step, but behind it is a wall.