Hopes and Fears

Chapter 125

She saw that the worst was over when he had come to that laugh, and that the danger of a quarrel between the brothers was averted. She did not know from how much terror and self-reproach poor Cecily was suffering, nor her mult.i.tudinous resolutions against kindly interferences upon _terra incognita_.

That fit of wrath subsided, and Mervyn neither looked out for his moneyed partner, nor fulfilled his threat of bringing the united forces of the family displeasure upon his sister. Still there was a cloud overshadowing the enjoyment, though not lessening the outward harmony of those early bridal days. The long, dark drives to the county gaieties, shut up with Mervyn and Cecily, were formidable by the mere existence of a topic, never mentioned, but always secretly dwelt on. And in spite of three letters a week, Phoebe was beginning to learn that trust does not fully make up to the heart for absence, by the distance of London to estimate that of Canada, and by the weariness of one month, the tedium of seven years!

"Yet," said Bertha to Cecily, "Phoebe is so stupidly like herself now she is engaged, that it is no fun at all. n.o.body would guess her to be in love! If they cared for each other one rush, would not they have floated to bliss even on streams of gin?"

Cecily would not dispute their mutual love, but she was not one of those who could fully understand the double force of that love which is second to love of principle. Obedience, not judgment, had been her safeguard, and, like most women, she was carried along, not by the abstract idea, but by its upholder.

Intuition, rather than what had actually pa.s.sed before her, showed Phoebe more than once that Cecily was sorely perplexed by the difference between the standard of Sutton and that of Beauchamp. Strict, scrupulous, and deeply devout, the clergyman"s daughter suffered at every deviation from the practices of the parsonage, made her stand in the wrong places, and while conscientiously and painfully fretting Mervyn about petty details, would be unknowingly carried over far greater stumbling-blocks. In her ignorance she would be distressed at habits which were comparatively innocent, and then fear to put forth her influence at the right moment.

There was hearty affection on either side, and Mervyn was exceedingly improved, but more than once Phoebe saw in poor Cecily"s hara.s.sed, puzzled, wistful face, and heard in her faltering remonstrances, what it was to have loved and married without perfect esteem and trust.


Get thee an ape, and trudge the land The leader of a juggling band.--SCOTT

"Master Howen, Master Howen, you must not go up the best stairs."

"But I will go up the best stairs. I don"t like the nasty, dark, back stairs!"

"Let me take off your boots then, sir; Mrs. Stubbs said she could not have such dirty marks--"

"I don"t care for Mrs. Stubbs! I won"t take my boots off! Get off--I"ll kick you if you touch them! I shall go where I like! I"m a gentleman.

I shall ave hall the Olt for my very hown!"

"Master Howen! Oh my!"

For Flibbertigibbet"s teeth were in the crack orphan"s neck, and the foot that she had not seized kicking like a vicious colt, when a large hand seized him by the collar, and lifted him in mid-air; and the crack orphan, looking up as though the oft-invoked "ugly man" of her infancy had really come to bear off naughty children, beheld for a moment, propped against the door-post, the tall figure and bearded head hitherto only seen on the sofa.

The next instant the child had been swung into the study, and the apparition, stumbling with one hand and foot to the couch, said breathlessly to the frightened girl, "I am sorry for my little boy"s shameful behaviour! Leave him here. Owen, stay."

The child was indeed standing, as if powerless to move or even to cry, stunned by his flight in the air, and dismayed at the terrific presence in which he was for the first time left alone. Completely roused and excited, the elder Owen sat upright, speaking not loud, but in tones forcible from vehement feeling.

"Owen, you boast of being a gentleman! Do you know what we are? We are beggars! I can neither work for myself nor for you. We live on charity.

That girl earns her bread--we do not! We are beggars! Who told you otherwise?"

Instead of an answer, he only evoked a pa.s.sion of frightened tears, so piteous, that he spoke more gently, and stretched out his hand; but his son shook his frock at him in terror, and retreated out of reach, backwards into a corner, replying to his calls and a.s.surances with violent sobs, and broken entreaties to go back to "granma."

At last, in despair, Owen lowered himself to the floor, and made the whole length of his person available; but the child, in the extremity of terror at the giant crawling after him, shrieked wildly and made a rush at the door, but was caught and at once drawn within the grasp of the sweeping arm.

All was still. He was gathered up to the broad breast; the hairy cheek was gently pressed against his wet one. It was a great powerful, encircling caress that held him. There was a strange thrill in this contact between the father and son--a new sensation of intense loving pity in the one, a great but soothing awe in the other, as struggling and crying no more, he clung ever closer and closer, and drew the arm tighter round him.

"My poor little fellow!" And never had there been such sweetness in those deep full tones.

The boy responded with both arms round his neck, and face laid on his shoulder. Poor child! it was the affection that his little heart had hungered for ever since he had left his grandmother, and which he had inspired in no one.

A few more seconds, and he was sitting on the floor, resting against his father, listening without alarm to his question--"Now, Owen, what were you saying?"

"I"ll never do it again, pa--never!"

"No, never be disobedient, nor fight with girls. But what were you saying about the Holt?"

"I shall live here--I shall have it for my own."

"Who told you so?"


"Grandmamma knows nothing about it."

"Shan"t I, then?"

"Never! Listen, Owen. This is Miss Charlecote"s house as long as she lives--I trust till long after you are a man. It will be Mr. Randolf"s afterwards, and neither you nor I have anything to do with it."

The two great black eyes looked up in inquiring, disappointed intelligence. Then he said, in a satisfied tone--

"We ain"t beggars--we don"t carry rabbit-skins and lucifers!"

"We do nothing so useful or profitable," sighed poor Owen, striving to pull himself up by the table, but desisting on finding that it was more likely to overbalance than to be a support. "My poor boy, you will have to work for me!" and he sadly stroked down the light hair.

"Shall I?" said the little fellow. "May I have some white mice? I"ll bring you all the halfpence, pa!"

"Bring me a footstool, first of all. There--at this rate I shall be able to hop about on one leg, and be a more taking spectacle," said Owen, as, dragging himself up by the force of hand and arm, he resettled himself on his couch, as much pleased as amazed at his first personal act of locomotion after seven months, and at the discovery of recovered strength in the sound limbs. Although, with the reserve of convalescence, he kept his exploit secret, his spirits visibly rose; and whenever he was left alone, or only with his little boy, he repeated his experiments, launching himself from one piece of furniture to another; and in spite of the continued deadness of the left side, feeling life, vigour, and hope returning on him.

His morbid shyness of his child had given way to genuine affection, and Owen soon found that he liked to be left to the society of Flibbertigibbet, or as he called him for short, Giblets, exacting in return the t.i.tle of father, instead of the terrible "pa." Little Owen thought this a preparation for the itinerant white-mouse exhibition, which he was permitted to believe was only delayed till the daily gymnastic exertions should have resulted in the use of crutches, and till he could safely p.r.o.nounce the names of the future mice, Hannibal and Annabella, and other traps for aspirates! Nay, his father was going to set up an exhibition of his own, as it appeared; for after a vast amount of meditation, he begged for pen and paper, ruler and compa.s.ses, drew, wrote, and figured, and finally took to cardboard and penknife, begging the aid of Miss Charlecote, greatly to the distress of the little boy, who had thought the whole affair private and confidential, and looked forward to a secret departure early in the morning, with crutches, mice, and model.

Miss Charlecote did her best with needle and gum, but could not understand; and between her fears of trying Owen"s patience and letting him overstrain his brain, was so much distressed that he gave it up; but it preyed on him, till one day Phoebe came in, and he could not help explaining it to her, and claiming her a.s.sistance, as he saw her ready comprehension. For two afternoons she came and worked under him; and between card, wire, gum, and watch-spring, such a beauteous little model locomotive engine and train were produced, that Owen archly a.s.sured her that "she would be a fortune in herself to a rising engineer," and Honor was struck by the sudden crimson evoked by the compliment.

Little Owen thought their fortune made, and was rather disappointed at the delay, when his father, confirming his idea that their livelihood might depend on the model, insisted that it should be carried out in bra.s.s and wood, and caused his chair to be frequently wheeled down to the blacksmith"s and carpenter"s, whose comprehension so much more resembled their lady"s than that of Miss Fulmort, and who made such intolerable blunders, that he bestowed on them more vituperation than, in their opinion, "he had any call to;" and looked in a pa.s.sion of despair at the numb, nerveless fingers, once his dexterous servants.

Still his spirits were immensely improved, since resolution, hope, and independence had returned. His mental faculties had recovered their force, and with the removal of the disease, the healthfulness and elasticity of his twenty-five years were beginning to compensate for the lost powers of his limbs. As he accomplished more, he grew more enterprising and less disinclined to show off his recovered powers. He first alarmed, then delighted Honor; begged for crutches, and made such good use of them, that Dr. Martin held out fair hopes of progress, though advising a course of rubbing and sea-air at Brighton.

Perhaps Honor had never been happier than during these weeks of improvement, with her boy so completely her own, and more than she had ever known him; his dejection lessening, his health returning, his playfulness brilliant, his filial fondness most engaging. She did not know the fixed resolution that actuated him, and revived the entire man!

She did not know what was kept in reserve till confidence in his efficiency should dispose her to listen favourably. Meantime the present was so delightful to her that she trembled and watched lest she should be relapsing into the old idolatry. The test would be whether she would put Owen above or below a clear duty.

The audit of farm-accounts before going to Brighton was as unsatisfactory as the last. Though not beyond her own powers of unravelling, they made it clear that Brooks was superannuated. It was piteous to see the old man seated in the study, racking his brains to recollect the transaction with Farmer Hodnet about seed-wheat and working oxen; to explain for what the three extra labourers had been put on, and to discover his own meaning in charging twice over for the repairs of Joe Littledale"s cottage; angered and overset by his mistress"s gentle cross-examination, and enraged into absolute disrespect when that old object of dislike, Mr.

Sandbrook, looked over the books, and muttered suggestions under his moustache.

"Poor old man!" both exclaimed, as he left the room, and Honor sighed deeply over this failure of the last of the supports left her by Humfrey.

"I must pension him off," she said. "I hope it will not hurt his feelings much!" and then she turned away to her old-fashioned bureau, and applied herself to her entries in her farming-books, while Owen sat in his chair, dreamily caressing his beard, and revolving the proposition that had long been in his mind.

At last the tall, red book was shut, the pen wiped, the bureau locked, and Honor came back to her place by the table, and resumed her needlework. Still there was silence, till she began: "This settles it!

I have been thinking about it ever since you have been so much better.

Owen, what should you think of managing the property for me?"

He only answered by a quick interrogative glance.