Hopes and Fears

Chapter 97

And at the first possible moment, Mervyn, Maria, and the Maltese were off through the open window. Robert asked what Phoebe thought of Mervyn.

She said he was much stronger, but the doctor was not satisfied that the mischief was removed, and feared that a little want of care or any excitement might bring on another attack. She dreaded the morrow on his account.

"Yes," said the elder sister, "I don"t wonder! A most atrocious attempt!

I declare I could hardly make up my mind to sleep in the house! Mind you swear to them all, my dear."

"I only saw Smithson clearly."

"Oh, never mind; if they have not done that, they have done something quite as bad; and I should never sleep a night again in peace if they got off. Was it true that they had packed up all the liqueurs?"

Phoebe exonerated them from this aggravated guilt.

"I say, my dear, would you tell the butler to bring up some of the claret that was bought at Mr. Rollestone"s auction. I told Sir Nicholas that he should taste it, and I don"t like to mention it to poor Mervyn, as he must not drink wine."

"There is some up," said Phoebe; "Mervyn fancies that Bertha liked it."

"My dear, you don"t give Bertha that claret! you don"t know what poor papa gave for it."

"If Bertha would only enjoy anything, Mervyn would be overjoyed."

"Yes, it is as Juliana says; it is nothing but spoiling that ails her,"

said Augusta. "Did you say she was in the garden? I may as well go and see her."

This Phoebe withstood with entreating looks, and representations that Bertha had as yet seen no fresh face, and was easily startled; but her sister insisted that she was no stranger, and could do no harm, till Phoebe had no choice but to run on and announce her, in the hope that surprise might lessen the period of agitation.

In the sunniest and most sheltered walk was a wheeled chair over which Miss Fennimore held a parasol, while Mervyn and Maria were anxiously trying to win some token of pleasure from the languid, inanimate occupant to whom they were displaying the little dog. As the velvet-bordered silk, crimson shawl, and purple bonnet neared the dark group, a nervous tremor shot through the sick girl"s frame, and partly starting up, she made a gesture of scared entreaty; but Lady Bannerman"s portly embrace and kind inquiries were not to be averted. She a.s.sured the patient that all was well since she could get out of doors, the air would give her a famous appet.i.te, and if she was able to drink claret, she would be strong enough in a day or two to come up to Juliana in London, where change and variety would set her up at once.

Bertha scarcely answered, but made an imperious sign to be drawn to the west wing, and as Phoebe succeeded in turning Augusta"s attention to the hothouses Mervyn beckoned to Robert, rather injudiciously, for his patient was still tremulous from the first greeting. Her face had still the strangely old appearance, her complexion was nearly white, her hair thin and scanty, the almost imperceptible cast of the eye which had formerly only served to give character to her arch expression, had increased to a decided blemish; and her figure which had shot up to woman"s height, seemed to bend like a reed as Mervyn supported her to the sofa in the school-room. With nervous fright she retained his hand, speaking with such long, helpless hesitation that Robert caught only the words "Juliana--never--"

"Never, never," answered Mervyn; "don"t fear! We"ll prevent that, Robert; tell her that she shall not fall into Juliana"s hands--no, nor do anything against her will."

Only after repeated a.s.surances from both brothers that Augusta should not carry her off in her present state, did she rest tranquilly on the sofa, while Mervyn after waiting on her a.s.siduously, with touching tenderness, as if constantly imploring her to be pleased, applied himself to playing with the dog, watching her face for some vestige of interest, and with so much gratification at the slightest sign of amus.e.m.e.nt as to show how melancholy must have been the state compared with which this was improvement.

After slowly attaining her present amount of convalescence, she had there stopped short, without progress in strength or spirits, and alarms constantly varying for her head, spine, and lungs, as if the slightest accidental cause might fix permanent disease in either quarter; and to those who daily watched her, and knew the miserable effects produced by the merest trifles, it was terrible to think that her destination was in the hands of a comparative stranger, urged on by the dull Augusta and the acid Juliana. Mervyn needed no severer penalty for having forfeited his right to protect his sisters; attached to them and devoted to Bertha as the anxieties of the spring had rendered him. The sight of Bertha had so far modified Lady Bannerman"s scheme, that she proposed herself to conduct the three to Brighton, and there remain till the London season, when the two younger could be disposed of in some boarding-school, and Phoebe conducted to Albury-street. Mr. Crabbe did not appear averse to this offer, and there was a correctness about it which rendered it appalling to those who had not Phoebe"s quiet trust that no part of it would be allowed to happen unless it were good for them. And she found her eldest brother so much subdued and less vituperative, that she thought him quite obliged by her experienced counsel on his housekeeping and cookery, breaking up his present establishment and letting the house for a year, during which she promised him all facilities for meeting a young widow, the wealth of whose stockbroking husband would be exactly what his business and estate required, and would pay off all his debts.

Phoebe saw indications on Mervyn"s countenance which made it no surprise that he was in such a condition in the morning that only copious loss of blood and the most absolute rest to the last moment enabled him to go to W--- for the trial. Miss Charlecote had undertaken the care of Bertha, that Miss Fennimore might take charge of Maria, who was exceedingly eager to see her brother and sister give evidence.

There is no need to dwell on the proceedings. It was to Phoebe on a larger scale what she had previously gone through. She was too much occupied with the act before G.o.d and her neighbour to be self-conscious, or to think of the mult.i.tudes eagerly watching her young simple face, or listening to her grave clear tones. A dim perception crossed Lady Bannerman"s mind that there really might be something in little Phoebe when she found the sheriff"s wife, the _grande dame_ of the hunting field, actually shedding tears of emotion.

As soon as Mervyn"s own evidence had been given he had been obliged to go to the inn and lie down; and Phoebe wished to join him there and go home at once. Both Robert and Sir John Raymond were waiting for her at the door of the witness-box, and the latter begged to introduce the sheriff, who pressed her to let him take her back into court to Lady Bannerman, his wife wished so much to see her there and at luncheon. And when Phoebe declared that she must return to her brother, she was told that it had been settled that she was to come with Sir Nicholas and Lady Bannerman to dine and sleep at the sheriff"s next day, after the a.s.size was over, to meet the judges.

Phoebe was almost desperate in her refusals, and was so little believed after all, that she charged Robert--when the sheriff had taken leave--to a.s.sure Augusta of the impossibility of her accepting the invitation. Sir John smiled, saying, "Lady Caroline scarcely deserved her," and added, "Here is another who wishes to shake hands with you, and this time I promise that you shall not be persecuted--my brother."

He was a thin, spare man, who might have been taken for the elder brother, with a gentle, dreamy expression and soft, tender voice, such as she could not imagine being able to cope with pupils. He asked after her brother"s health, and she offered to ascertain whether Mervyn felt well enough to see him, but he thanked her, saying it was better not.

"It could not have been his doing," thought Phoebe, as she went up-stairs. "How strong-minded Cecily must be! I wonder whether she would have done Bertha good."

"Whose voice was that?" exclaimed Mervyn, at his door above.

"Sir John Raymond and his brother."

"Are they coming in?"

"No; they thought it might disturb you."

Phoebe was glad that these answers fell to the share of the unconscious Robert. Mervyn sat down, and did not revert to the Raymonds through all the homeward journey. Indeed, he seemed unequal to speaking at all, went to his room immediately, and did not appear again when the others came home, bringing tidings that the verdict was guilty, and the sentence penal servitude. Lady Bannerman had further made a positive engagement with the sheriff"s lady, and was at first incredulous, then highly displeased, at Phoebe"s refusal to be included in it. She was sure it was only that Phoebe was bent on her own way, and thought she should get it when left at home with her guardian and her brothers.

Poor Phoebe, she did not so much as know what her own way was! She had never so much wished for her _wise_ guardian, but in the meantime the only wisdom she could see was to wait patiently, and embrace whatever proposal would seem best for the others, though with little hope that any would not entail pain and separation from those who could spare her as ill as she could spare them.

Dr. Martyn was to come over in the course of the ensuing day to examine Bertha, and give her guardian his opinion of her state. There was little danger of its being favourable to violent changes, for Augusta made a descent on the school-room after dinner, and the morbid agitation thus occasioned obliged Miss Fennimore to sit up with the patient till one o"clock. In the morning the languor was extreme, and the cough so frequent that the fear for the lungs was in the ascendant.

But Augusta, knowing of all this, believed her visit to have been most important, and immediately after breakfast summoned Robert to a conference, that he might be convinced that there must be no delay in taking measures for breaking up the present system.

"We must hear what Dr. Martyn says."

"I never thought anything of Dr. Martyn since he advised me to leave off wine at supper. As Juliana says, a physician can always be taken in by an artful woman, and he is playing into her hands."

"Into whose?" said Robert, unable to suppose it could be Phoebe"s.

"Come, Robert, you ought not to let yourself be so blinded. I am sure it is more for your interest than my own, but I see you are as simple as ever. Juliana said any one could hoodwink you by talking of altar-cloths and Anglo-Saxons."

"Anglo-Catholics, possibly."

"Well, it is all the same! It is those nonsensical distinctions, rather than your own interests; but when you are cut out, and depend upon it, she will lose no time in his state of health--"

"Of whom or what are you talking?"

"I never thought well of her, pretending to drink nothing but water; and with that short, dry way, that I call impertinence; but I never thought she could be so lost till last night! Why, when I thought I would just go and see how the child was--there, after calling himself too ill to come in to dinner, there sat Mervyn, actually drinking tea. I promise you they looked disconcerted!"

"Well they might be! Bertha suffered half the night from that sudden visit."

"And you believe that, Robert! Well! it is a convenient blind! But if you won"t, we shall do our best to shame them, and if she dares it, we shall never visit her! That"s all!"

Her drift here becoming revealed to Robert, his uncontrollable smile caused Augusta to swell with resentment. "Aye! nothing on earth will make you own yourself mistaken, or take the advice of your elders, though you might have had enough of upholding Phoebe"s wilfulness."

"Well, what do you want me to do?"

"To join us all in seeing that Miss Fennimore leaves the house before us.

Then I will take the girls to Brighton, and you and the Actons might keep watch over him, and if he should persist in his infatuation--why, in the state of his head, it would almost come to a commission of lunacy.

Juliana said so!"

"I have no doubt of it," said Robert, gravely. "I am obliged to you both, Augusta. As you observe, I am the party chiefly concerned, therefore I have a right to request that you will leave me to defend my interests as I shall see best, and that you will confide your surmise to no one else."

Robert was not easily gainsaid when he spoke in that tone, and besides, Augusta really was uncertain whether he did not seriously adopt her advice; but though silenced towards him, she did not abstain from lamenting herself to Miss Charlecote, who had come by particular request to consult with Dr. Martyn, and enforce his opinion on Mr. Crabbe.

Honora settled the question by a laugh, and an a.s.surance that Mervyn had views in another direction; but Augusta knew of so many abortive schemes for him, and believed him to be the object of so many reports, that she treated this with disdain, and much amused Honora by her matronly superiority and London patronage.

Dr. Martyn came to luncheon, and she endeavoured to extort from him that indulgence hurt Bertha, and that Mervyn needed variety. Failing in this, she remembered his anti-supper advice, and privately warned Mr. Crabbe against him.

His advice threw a new light on the matter. He thought that in a few weeks" time, Bertha ought to be taken to Switzerland, and perhaps spend the winter in the south of France. Travelling gave the best hope of rousing her spirits or bracing her shattered const.i.tution, but the utmost caution against fatigue and excitement would be requisite; she needed to be at once humoured and controlled, and her morbid repugnance to new attendants must be respected till it should wear off of its own accord.