How To Say I Love You

Chapter 25

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On the screen, two men fought in the dark stairwell. The slightly slim build man slammed the tall man to the ground with a gnashed expression. He asked repeatedly "Is it you?", but he kept his voice so low that it seemed hoa.r.s.e. The tall man maid on his back and said, "No it wasn"t me, believe it or not!" The two men stared apprehensively at each other.

"Take off your clothes." The slim man said as he began to undress out of his police uniform. The tall man quickly response and took off his cleaner outfit. After the tall man left in the police uniform, the slim man threw the cleaner"s uniform on the ground, and then grabbed his hair with his right hand and hit the wall hard.

After a m.u.f.fled sound, he began to shake, but gritted his teeth and refused to fall to the ground. A pair of eyes, half open and half closed, stared t the corridor tightly, and the light in his eyes slowly went out. Eventually, he lost consciousness and fell head down into the dumpster, while the stairwell was completely engulfed in darkness.

Luo Zhang Wei looked at the video and clapped, "Yes, it"s over. At last, the struggling eyes were very good. When you fell into the dumpster, it was not fake at all. How realistic was that? It"s the kind of dedication you have to have to be an actor".

Lin Le Yang breathed a sigh of relief and finally smiled. Shi Ting Heng patted him on the shoulder and said, "I thought that if you at more NG, your mentality would collapse. I didn"t expect that you could adjust so quickly. Your aura came through in your performance. Keep believing in yourself. When I first acted, I had more than 20 NGs, which is far worse compared to you."

"Thank you for your cooperation. If it wasn"t for your tolerance, I would have collapsed." Lin Le Yang expressed his sincere appreciation as he clasped his hands together. But no one knows that the one who really let him through this crisis was not Shi Ting Heng but Ji Mian who was standing not far away from here. He told himself again and again not lose face to Ji Mian which brought back his near collapsed mind back to a stable state. Ji Mian was his spiritual pillar.

At the thought of that man, Lin Le Yang hurriedly looked up to search for him but realised that he had already come over to his side. His eyes full of tenderness, "Well performed, worthy of being an artist under me. Director Luo, I have to ask you to teach him more in the future." Then he raised his hand and touched Lin Le Yang"s forehead.

"No trouble Xiao Lin is very smart and willing to learn, I have no problem teaching him".

What Luo Zhang Wei said was not just for the sake of being polite. New people like Lin Le Yang who have no acting experience, only have to NG several times, which was pretty good. Once he met a fresh newcomer who cried for an hour without end. In the end, when there were no tears to shed anymore, he could only muddle through with eyedrops. He almost hit people that day with the speaker!

Ji Mian chuckled twice, patted Lin Le Yang on the shoulder again, and finally, he relaxed his furrowed eyebrows.

Xiao Jia Shu stopped to look at the screen near Luo Zhang Wei"s side and thought to himself: How did it go? If this time also NG, Lin Le Yang would definitely cry out. This scene was not difficult. It"s just to pull, hit and finally plant self into the bin. Having said that, I haven"t eaten NG even once. What a genius! He touched his face, his eyes curved into crescent-shaped and suddenly felt cold. Turning around, he found Ji Mian staring at him.

"Ji Ge, what"s wrong?" He hesitantly spoke.

"Come here." Ji Mian reached out and pulled him aside. "Take out the mobile phone and delete the video you took."

"Why?" Xiao Jia Shu quickly hid his phone behind him.

"You didn"t sign a confidentiality agreement before you joined the crew? It"s forbidden for actors to take videos or photos with their phones and even more forbidden to leak them."

"I won"t leak it…" Xiao Jia Shu wanted to argue. Seeing Ji Mian"s face, his eyes coldly staring at him. His expression was really frightening and so he had no choice but to hand over his phone.

Ji Mian deleted the video and sighed, "I just shouldn"t care about you, but do you remember what you said to me on the opening ceremony? You said you would finish the movie well and not waste the company"s resources. Now, what are you doing? Every day dawdling, do not want to come, want to do nothing and just play games. If I knew that, I would have advised you to quit earlier so we don"t waste each other"s time."

Xiao Jia Shu was unconvinced and argued, "I"ve done a good job so far, I"ve never eaten NG before. How could I waste the company"s resources?"

Ji Mian looked at him deeply and didn"t speak. He returned his phone and left. Xiao Jia Shu mimicked a few punches at the back of the leaving Ji Mian, ridiculing: "why are you meddling about in my business!" What"s wrong with slacking off? I didn"t eat your rice!
He didn"t expect Ji Mian to suddenly turn back which caught him by surprise and he almost fell.

Ji Mian looked at the tottering youth and shook his head in disappointment.
After this episode, Luo Zhang Wei took several more scene in the police station. In the end, he raised his loudspeaker and said, "Ji Mian, Xiao Jia Shu, Zhou Fu… Go to the reception to shoot the first scene of the Apostles!" The actor who was called rushed to his destination.

The reception hall was also in the same building. In order to save money, the crew rented a spare office building in the suburb, which was arranged in different areas, including the police station, Ling"s group and international police department. Almost all the interior scene that was needed was to be shot in the building.

TN: What did you guys think of Xiao Jia Shu"s actions?