
Chapter 12

Girls in a day off / Homunculus / Plans and bad quality item

– Well, let’s go!

Karen got on the bus with Rebecca and Aoi after saying goodbye to Mihal. The destination of the route is a control point that is linked to the city of Sangria. Although the port of Sangria is currently being maintained as a military port, it is impossible for a mega fleet like Little Garden to dock completely in the port. It is for this reason that, instead of docking, Little Garden is anch.o.r.ed in a distant position about five kilometers from the Zwei Islands.

From there a large number of Ships, like aircraft carriers, are lined up in series forming very long bridges-commonly known as > Tree Ship, where they come and go.

Although some of the Ships are used as parking lots, after the terrorist attacks at the festival, the trips between Sangria and Little Garden have been severely restricted.

Therefore, basically the residents of Little Garden have no alternative but to come and go by bus.

– Regarding that, since she was transferred yesterday, I realized that she is not easy to approach. Even if I call her, I’m ignored … but really, there’s a big difference as far as Karen is concerned.

– Certainly she’s a mysterious person, isn"t it?

Aoi also thinks the same as Rebecca.

She is a transferred student who joined the course in the homeroom of the previous day.

– Nakri Olfred.

Even though she was introduced by her teacher saying her name, she did not say another word. Due to this, the cla.s.smates began to lose the acc.u.mulated interest, and the cla.s.s turning in complete silence.

– This, should we look for a seat then?

The teacher then broke the silence.

– There’s a free seat near the window, right? Sit there.

The available seat was behind Karen, since all other seats in the cla.s.sroom were already occupied.

– Alright guys, since there is no particular topic to talk about, the homeroom is over. As with the addition of Karen-san last week, please get along with Nakri-san.

Needless to say, the atmosphere in the cla.s.sroom is completely different than when Karen joined.

During the homeroom, and as there was a period of rest until the first hour of cla.s.s, many cla.s.smates began to surround Karen, and although it became something serious, no person was placed around Nakri.

Perhaps, one of the reasons is that she emits a certain sensation, some kind of atmosphere that causes her to surround her whole body and that this prevents her from approaching her. Meanwhile, Rebecca, who with her cheerful way of being was not able to read the environment, tried many times to talk and greet Nakri, but in all of them, she was ignored.

In fact, Karen seems to understand why it would be the reason she is upset. Speaking of Karen, that time, she thought Nakri was a mysterious girl.

But last night, she knew from Kirishima Sakura that she- No, not only her, but also about the boy who was transferred to the cla.s.s next door, Krovahn, and the girl who entered the martial arts department , Nesat, who they were.

All this was really unexpected.

Immediately after talking about Nakri during her phone call with Sakura, the tone she had suddenly changed to a somber one.

[Those people are the same as me, they are artificial Variant, because we were injected into the body with Vitaly’s Variant Virus]

– … Eh?

Karen could not believe what her ears heard, it was something she could never have imagined.

[Even so, these people were the henchman of Vitaly. It was these guys who attacked us when I was with Hayato on the bus in the Zwei Island. I had heard that Little Garden had captured them, but what did they have in mind when they allowed them to attend school? I will ask Dr. Charlotte immediately. Please wait a moment, Karen]

Then, the dial tone of the call began to ring. Sakura calls Dr. Charlotte, intending to add her to this conversation and thus keep a call between three people. Soon, Charlotte joins this communication.

[This is unusual, that you want to talk to me and add me to your call. Is something wrong?]

[It’s nothing like that. Why are Vitaly’s followers in Karen’s cla.s.s?!]

[Haa, it’s about that. There is nothing to worry about. They have already been released from the hands of Vitaly and their Variant Virus has been stabilized. In addition, it no longer reacts to a specific frequency. As long as you do it normally, something like getting out of control should not happen, do not you think?]

– If that’s the case…

[Are you worried?]

[That’s obvious!]

[In case something happens, we will act as quickly as possible. And Chris will be in Kisaragi Karen’s room]

[Chris, is not that the guy who is always next to the president, right? He is a student member of the Student Council, but he is an a.n.a.lyst and not a Slayer. What can he do?]

[There is an exception with the members of the Student Council, where they are allowed to use weapons that are capable of stopping the movement of their target. Let’s say it is a measure of last resort. The moment a problem arises, he should be able to choose the best action to take. Of course we also have a guard who has perfectly joined the cla.s.s next door where Krovahn-kun is. As for Nesat-kun, who is in the martial arts department, all his comrades are located behind her head, therefore, practically everyone is like her vigilantes]

Saying that, Charlotte laughed in a very compulsive way.

[Okay, but, preferably, and without neglecting to make friends, don"t you think it’s the best thing to have them attend school so they can lead a normal lifestyle, thinking that until now they haven"t had a decent life at all? Because you had the desire to do so, you also started to appear more often in Little Garden. It is for that reason that, those who were given the surname Olfred, we will allow them to attend school]

[Okay okay, I understood, I understood! Certainly, it may be as you are saying, Okay!]

[Hahaha, apparently, you really could understand]

[There is no alternative but to pay attention to what you have said, h.e.l.l…]

[Oh, now that I remember. Karen-kun, I’ll ask you to please keep this information secret from your cla.s.smates.]

Karen now knows about the three people, which what was said in the conversation that happened recently. However, for one reason or another, she understands all the problems and bitter circ.u.mstances that they had to go through, in order to get where they are now.

– Uhm, Rebecca…

– What is it?

– Nakri-san must have a lot of reasons, and that is why, it is not that she is really a cruel person, could you not pay her so much attention for a while? If Karen had not accepted wanting to talk with Rebecca, I would have been very nervous, and I would have been alone forever, that I could not have adapted to the cla.s.s at all….

– What are you saying, this is the > Little Little Witch!

– Mou, please do not keep calling me that way! It is very shameful.

– Hahaha sorry excuse me. If Karen says it, I will not call you anymore like that..

– Yes, thank you very much!

Once the bus reached the control point, they had to descend from it. After that, a tall young man with blond hair and wearing the uniform of the martial arts department spoke to Karen.

– Oh, isn"t she Hayato’s younger sister?

Behind him, there was a girl who was about the same height as Karen and who also wore the uniform of the martial arts department.

(Surely they are Fritz Grantz and Latia Saint-Émilion, if I’m not mistaken)

Both are cla.s.smates of his older brother, Kisaragi Hayato. They have met many times so far and very recently they were together in the beach.

– Yup.

When Karen tilted her head, Fritz looked at the two girls at her side.

– Are they your friends from the school?? I am Fritz Grantz, the cla.s.smate of Karen-chan’s older brother.

– I am Latia Saint-Émilion, nice to meet you!

Aoi and Rebecca, who received the introduction from two members of the martial arts department, decided to continue presenting as well.

– M- my name is Umino Aoi, Karen-chan’s cla.s.smate … and her friend

– I’m Rebecca Martin! Like Aoi, I’m Karen’s cla.s.smate and friend!

– I see, Karen has already been able to make friends. That is a very good thing.

With an *Uh huh*, Latia nodded.

– So you are going to Sangria now?

It was Fritz who asked.

– That"s right..

Karen replied.

– I see, it seems fine.

Saying that, Latia breathed deeply.

– Haaa… I also really want to go and entertain myself in Sangria, but this guard job is on my way. Unfortunately, it seems I can"t leave this part of the ship for a while…

– Enjoy in our name!

– Hey, don"t pat my head!

Karen responded while giving a smile as she watched that interaction she has seen countless times between those two people.

– Yes, understood.

– We’ll have a lot of fun!

It was Rebecca who responded very enthusiastically.

– Do you know the procedure with which you must enter and leave the ship? Do not forget to take enough money.

After being guided by Latia, Karen and company proceeded to leave the ship, withdrew money from the ATM, crossed through the inspection area and got on the bus again.

After about fifteen minutes, they finally reached the downtown area of ​​Sangria.

– Fuaa, it’s amazing. Even though I see things from inside the bus, but the streets are very big and the buildings are pretty tall…

When getting off the bus, Karen let out a breath of admiration.

– Hey hey, perhaps Yamato doesn"t have buildings like that?

It was Rebecca who asked that with the intention of annoying.

– Uhm, I don"t think it means that. There were some tall ones and others very large, but in the neighborhood of the inst.i.tution where Karen lived, there weren"t much of those buildings. If we add to that that the view while standing is quite different than seeing it while in a wheelchair, in some way or another it deeply moves you.

– I see, it"s nice that it is to your liking. If that is the case, then it was totally worth it to have come with you in this way.

– Yes, thank you very much, Rebecca-san!

– Hehehe…

Rebecca, who received the emotional words of Karen, breathed embarra.s.singly through her nose.

– Ook then, let’s get there as fast as possible. I will guide you.

– Rebecca, what is that building?

Aoi asks Rebecca, who points to a large building which is hanging a poster where a female model appears.

– That building is called ‘Sangria Center’, it’s a giant shopping center. It has many shops and is totally entertaining!

– Rebecca, you do know a lot … by chance, did you look for information?

– Nonono, that’s wrong, Aoi. In fact, I lived in the port town that is a bit distant from Sangria, but I have come to this location a lot of times.

– Oh, I see.

It seems that it is the first time that Aoi finds out about this.

Of course Karen also listens to that for the first time.

– Therefore, leave the role of being the guide to me. To begin, let’s go to the toy store that is inside Sangria Center!

Rebecca walked leading the way, while taking the hands of Karen and Aoi.

On the s.p.a.cious floor of the toy store, on the level where the computers were sold, and looking everywhere, inside the Sangria Center, were Karen and the others.

– Hey, Karen! Take a look at that.

When they moved to the next floor, Rebecca suddenly raised her voice.

That music that was in the background on the floor was—

– Oh, it’s that…

Aoi looked in the direction where Rebecca was pointing with her finger and opened wide her eyes in surprise.

– Uwawawawawa…

The face of Karen who also turned to look at the place turned red in an instant. It was due to an electronic poster that was installed in that wall, and that contained publicity on the new songs of Sakura and Karen that flowed in it. The sample song was the one that she sung at the festival.

– Karen, you’re awesome! You really are a celebrity!

– Calm down Rebecca, you’re talking very loudly!

Karen quickly blocked her mouth, but it was too late.

– Isn"t that girl the >? Little Little Witch?

– Will Kirishima Sakura also be around here?

– Give me an autograph.

And Karen quickly became the center of attention.

– …What do we do now?

Asked Aoi, being very scared.

– In these moments, you have to do what you always do.

In a heartbeat, Rebecca took the hands of Karen and Aoi again.

– Run!

– Oh, they’re escaping!

– Wait a minute!

– An autograph!

Karen and the girls jumped to the elevator that was about to close, and they freed from all those people who chased them.

– Somehow, we managed to escape…

Breathing hard as if she were running out of air, Karen stammered.

– Karen, don"t you think it’s better if you wear

– No, I’m not Sakura-san, I do not think it’s necessary to be so extreme to do that…

First of all, if Rebecca had not said something so unnecessary, then n.o.body would have recognized her.

Despite this, they went to the department where they sold accessories and saw some (but ultimately did not buy them), saw many trinkets, then ate an ice cream in the food court located on the top floor of the mall, when the sky had become considerably dark.

When they look at the clock, it indicates that it is 7:00 p.m.

The > Tree Ship closes at 22:00 hours, which is why they decide that it is time that they should return to Little Garden. Karen and the others leave the Sangria Center and walk towards the nearest bus stop.

– We should get there faster if we go down this road.

Rebecca is the one who leads the way. Follow her behind Karen and Aoi.

It is a dark road, and quite spooky.

Even so they did not say anything to Rebecca, Karen and Aoi simply followed her.

– Hey, you, could you talk to me for a moment?

Who suddenly appears in front of them is the figure of a person.

(Huh? Where did this person come from?)

On both sides of the road, there are buildings whose minimum height is three stories.

It doesn"t look like he could have arrived by jumping from one of them.

Again Karen looks at the boy. He was a teenager wearing a jacket with a black hat. He had nice features, but for some reason the muscles in her back froze.

(What does this person want…?)

I cannot stop this feeling in my chest.

I have a bad feeling.

– Who are you? A stalker? Sorry, but we must return to Little Garden, don"t bother us.

Rebecca stepped in to protect Karen and Aoi and stared at the boy.

– Little Garden? So you want to say that you are Slayers and you belong to Little Garden? Then—

Pulling out his tongue and licking his own lips, the boy turned his gaze to Karen.

– You have a very good aroma, you look very delicious.

– A good aroma…

Somehow disgusting, Karen tensed the cheeks of her face.

– At that, Karen and we are high school students, not Slayers…

Karen responds with a trembling voice.

– Is that true? Are you sure you’re not lying?

– Huh…?

And, in an instant.

A blade appeared in the boy’s hand.

(That of now, Is that a weapon deployment?)

The boy who quickly kicked the floor and approached Karen, shook the blade and threw it down.

– … tsu!

Karen felt it instantaneously and tried to take a step backwards and succeeds, but the tip of the blade managed to touch the clothes at chest height.

The clothes are cut, and a Hundred that hangs at neck level is exposed. The boy stared at it, and smiled with a wicked smile.

– So in the end, you weren"t a Slayer?

– B- b- but what’s wrong with you? Why do you suddenly want to kill Karen!?

Shouted Rebecca.

Tears are starting to come from the edge of her eyes.

Aoi was paralyzed sitting on the floor, wrapped in fear, tried to speak but her voice was imperceptible.

(… What should I do…?)

This is not the time to doubt.

(If we come to this, there is no other option, right?)

Charlotte told me that it did not bring any good to deploy the Hundred in a reckless way, and that achieving a deployment of the Hundred in this state, which was to use it without the Variable Suit was a bet that had never before been seen.

I have no confidence in my ability as Slayer. But the enemy is a Slayer. I do not think I can get out of it without deploying my armament.

– Finally I could have my first friends―I will definitely protect them!

After deciding what to do, Karen removes the Hundred from the neck, takes it firmly and screams.

– < deploy="" sacred="" amulet!="">> HUNDRED ON!

The Hundred shines in a light purple color and transforms into a thin object, into a card.

She throws it into the air and then Karen screams again.

– I beg you, Card-san! Please, let us escape from this place!

The shape of the Hundred, which was a regular octahedron, was drawn in the center of the card and then changed shape according to the design, which was a weapon. Then the card shone again and its shape changed to that of a gun.

– Eh eh…?

Until now, it had changed it into up to six giant cards, but because Karen did not have her Variable Suit, this time it was different. It simply became a weapon.

Certainly the cause must be because she is not wearing her Variable Suit.

Karen, who was confused by this change just happened, the boy said.

– Really, are you going to shoot me with that? It is impossible for you to defeat me with such a lame gun that you have there.

The boy is getting closer and closer with a smile from ear to ear.

(Oh dear, what is the best thing to do?)

Karen has never fired a weapon before. Of course, there was also some uncertainty when shooting at humans.

While she was doubtful as to what she should do, a voice sounded in her head.

―― Shoot please.

(This voice…)

During the festival, a girl who was naked appeared to me in front of the live stage. And again, the voice echoed in my head.

―― Do not worry. That existence that seems to be a human, is not a human as such. He will not die with the shots of your weapon. Therefore, in that way you can escape.

– I"ll do it.

Answers Karen.

Now I have no other choice but to trust her.

– Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeii!

Karen presses the trigger of her weapon. And at the same time, she looks completely surprised.

– …What?

Karen had imagined that the beam that would be fired from her weapon would be like one of Claire’s floating weapons, something like a low-caliber bullet that was fired. But the thing that came out of the mouth was a thick and gigantic bullet that emitted a light as bright as the sun, making everything around it shine, causing an explosion that resonated throughout the sector.

It created a tremendous explosion.

Karen was surprised that everything around her was covered in a cloud of dust, and again she heard the voice.

―― Now it’s time to run away.

– Escape, in what way…

―― You should be able to change your armament.

– Oh…

That was true.

Karen cancels her armament, to become a card and again screams.

– Card-san, please allow me to fly through the skies!

The card again begins to transform into particles, wrapping Karen’s body to create the armament. The next mark was >―The letter glowed in particles, manifesting on Karen’s back, looking like the armament of > Thrusters appeared at waist height.

– You two, hold tight.


– Done!

Under Karen’s instruction, both Rebecca and Aoi get hold as much as possible from the left and right.

– Here we go!

Karen held the two and along with her wings flew using Thrusters, with that she moved to the roof of the nearest building. In the same way, one, then two, Karen is moving from one place to another.

(Will it be okay for it to have escaped up to this distance?)

She advanced like this to the fifth rooftop and then turned to look back.

The figure of the boy was not visible.

– What will you do now?

It was Rebecca who asked.

– Now, I’m looking for Little Garden.

So far I have started blindly. Not necessarily going in the direction of Little Garden.

Karen walks around looking around, looking for the place to take her home.

– I found it…!

There were no vestiges of being able to advance on foot until the inspection on Sangria’s side, so she once again injected energy into the Thrusters, but doing that was easier to reach.

– Karen, there!

When Aoi shouted, she turned his gaze in the indicated direction, and could see that something flew into the building on his own, realizing that it was the boy’s appearance.

– Hold tight you two!

Karen ran to the edge of the roof, running her legs over the railing. Again, she injected energy into the Thrusters and flew high into the night sky.

– You will not escape!

The boy who reached the ceiling where Karen was a moment ago, creates a sparkling spear in his hand and throws it at Karen.

– —- Kyaaaa!?

That spear hits the right wing directly, which was the armament that was on Karen’s back. As a result, Karen loses her balance, but does not fall to the ground because of it.

(If we have arrived at this, would I let an easy prey escape to Little Garden…? Maybe I should go there …?)

Karen injects more energy to the Thrusters. The boy sits on the railing with his legs in the forward direction and says.

– d.a.m.n, I lost them.

There is no more land to walk to there.

– What a waste, I did not want to retire and give up today, but there are issues that I have to worry about and it will be really a problem if I do more things that attract attention. I think that’s enough for tonight. In addition, the main objective, Liza Harvey, is there.

The boy was muttering as he looked at Little Garden, which was where Karen was heading.


– … Kisaragi-san, Kisaragi Hayato-san…

– N… aa…

– Please wake up, Kisaragi-san.

– N, Emilia, why are you here…

The moment he tried to lift his body, Hayato felt a sensation in his right hand, and one that he remembers.

(No, do not tell me it’s ‘that’?)

(By any chance, did I grab Emilia’s breast?)

(But, her b.r.e.a.s.t.s were that big?)

As far as I can remember, the size of Emilia’s b.r.e.a.s.t.s gave the impression that they were from the palm of my hand.

In contrast to these b.r.e.a.s.t.s, they are so big that they do not fit in the palm of my hand.

Hayato involuntarily rubs with his hand and moves it.

(As I thought, this chest is quite big…)

It can be even bigger than of the president’s. It has a lot of elasticity, and it is very soft.

Also, this protrusion that feels in the center of the palm of my hand…

(B-, but what am I doing!)

Because he was half asleep, he accidentally rubbed it.

– Nn… n, Kisaragi-san, that’s a bit embarra.s.sing…

With that voice, I returned to my senses and could barely open my eyes.

– …Ah…

A woman reflected in his eyes.

Realizing that it was not Emilia but Serivia Notre Dame Paul III, the pontiff of > Puritaria, Hayato became completely pale.

– I- I’m sorry!

Although his gesture of removing the hand was good, in his hurry to want to get up, he failed in his attempt.

– U, uwaa!?

Hayato stumbles to the side of the bed, and his face makes its way completely between the b.r.e.a.s.t.s of Serivia, as if wanting to look furtively at her figure.

* PYON * made his face by touching that warm and elastic. Subsequently, a very pleasant aroma flowed through his nasal cavity.

– Ara, ara ara? Are you okay, Hayato-san?

Then Hayato noticed that Serivia had embraced his head. He looks like an infant in that position.

– No, I’m fine … or maybe not.

I have b.r.e.a.s.t.s in front of my eyes and in this type of situation I cannot move.

– Ara, I was very worried. Did you hit your head?

Saying that, Serivia gently strokes his head. Every time his face is pressed against her b.r.e.a.s.t.s, her softness is transmitted even more.

(Uaaaa, what is it, this …)

This has become completely absurd.

– Kisaragi-san, are you feeling better now?

– Y-yes!

At the moment when the arm separated from his head, without waiting for anything, Hayato pulled back his body and away from Serivia.

(Haa, finally …)

If this had stayed for longer, I do not know what would have happened.

Fortunately, the two followers were not in the room. They would probably have deployed their weapons and he would have been pierced by the halberds. That a vulgar person was rubbing those b.r.e.a.s.t.s was what he thought, believing that he could be stabbed by Serivia with a high probability at that moment.

– No, as it is I’m the one who regrets it.

Serivia who heard Hayato’s apology, bowed her head and said.

– … Why do you apologize? Who should apologize is my person. It’s because I entered this room without any authorization.

– Oh I see.

That’s the problem.

– Why would Pontiff-sama, come to my room with that appearance … or perhaps I should say, with what reason, would enter my room?

If you look closely, Serivia is very lightly dressed. In the upper part a bra whose adornment of pleats was beautiful and wore a negligee whose transparency allowed to see her underwear.

In contrast to Sakura and Emilia, and even different from Claire, is a soft and pleasant body, good appearance, that has that charm that moves to the color and aroma of an adult, and that is possible to feel when holding it between the arms.

Looking at it, Hayato remembered the softness he felt with his right hand when he touched his chest, then what he felt with his dizzy face, and when he remembered the sweet aroma that he suddenly inhaled from her, he ended up swallowing in a nervous and noisy way.

– This, that’s because…

Serivia points with her eyes towards the window that has a small opening. That gesture is also brilliant.

From that opening, a fresh wind came in and gently rocked her hair.

– Could it be that you have entered through there?

– Indeed.

Serivia nodded and then answered to Hayato, who was asking while being surprised.

– From outside the window of my room to the outside of this window, I made a path using Sense Energy and then I entered.

– I, I see…

That this person is capable of being something like that, is what Hayato thinks.

Pontiff-sama, is someone incredible.

– My apologies for entering impertinently. I am profoundly sorry.

He inclined his head quickly and continued.

– However, before me, I felt the presence of an intruder, it is because―

– Huh? Intruder?

– It’s the bodyguard of the third Prince of Wenz. She disappeared from the corridor, opened the lock of your room and entered, I noticed it coincidentally while I was walking. When I entered the room in this way, it was too late, she was already gone. But the most important thing is that Hayato-san is well. But―

The view of Serivia is directed towards the box that is placed on the desk.

– Hayato-san, could you please confirm the Hundred that is inside is really yours?

There is no answer to that question.

Silently, Serivia opens the box on the desk, then takes the Hundred with one hand.

– As I suspected, it was just what I thought. This Hundred, which has been created in some way, is different and has been changed with the original.

– That, don"t tell me…

– The quality of the Hundred is also bad, and I feel that the structure of its energy is in complete disorder. With this, you will not be able to fight in a battle. Hayato-san, could you try to deploy the armament for once?

While saying that, Serivia hands Hayato the Hundred in his hands.

– So far, it does not seem like they changed it…

Hayato gets out of bed, goes to a safer place, holds the Hundred firmly in his hand and then throws it.


It emitted a red light.

These particles produced an armor on Hayato’s right arm and a gigantic, thick sword.

– Then that’s your Hundred.

– Yeah, I call him > * Hien. I was able to deploy it as usual…

Both the weight and the sensation when touching it are the same as always.

– Is that so?

But, Serivia stares at > Hien.

After a few seconds―

– Can you let me touch it?

– Oh, go ahead…

She reaches out to touch the blade of Hien’s sword.

But her facial expression is not good at all.

While frowning, Serivia said.

– Hayato-san, try to concentrate the energy please.

– Oh ok. Immediately.

Hayato concentrates the energy of Hien. It is then that the pattern engraved on the blade of the sword glows red, but quickly disappears.

– Oh, how strange?

– As I supposed, this is a second-hand object. Apparently it has nothing to do with force.

When Serivia pressed with the five fingers of her right hand, the moment she held the blade, a part of it broke.

– Oh…

While Hayato was with a surprised face, and like a bubble in the hands of Serivia, the broken fragment disappears.

– Hayato-san, that’s enough. You can cancel the armament deployment now.

When told, Hayato released his armament…

– Certainly, apparently it’s like you were saying, Serivia-san.

– Although it is better than a generic one, if this happens in a battle, it would become something really serious. I think it would be best to prepare a new exclusive use Hundred for now.

– You saved me, and you’ve even taught me this.

– Not at all, I do not like suspicious activities. On the other hand, > Puritaria is in a cooperative position with Little Garden regarding the Lunaltia plan, so I would like to see your power to be even better.

Serivia let out a laugh.

– Very well then, I will go immediately to wake up Emilia and we will see what is the best we can do.

– Sounds good to me. Then, I will go to―

– Serivia-san, wait a moment please!

Hayato quickly calls Serivia, who was about to leave the room.

– What is happening?

– If we explain the two about the situation to Emilia, it would be very helpful because she would understand it better.

– But, with me being in this appearance? It could turn into a misunderstanding for Emilia-san and think something that is not.

– Oh…

Serivia automatically put her hands on her chest when she said that.

Because of that, I tried not to be as aware of it as I could, but with the overflowing charm of an adult woman, my eyes were fixed on the figure of her body.

– That’s why, I with this―

Seeing Hayato whose face turned red and laughing with nerves, Serivia put her hand on the door handle to leave the room. But, the intention of her to leave the room, could not occur, she could not leave the room.

– Ara? Ara ara?

Speaking of problems, at the same time that the door opened, Emilia was standing outside the door of Hayato’s room. Apparently she was just going to try to hit, making a fist with her right hand, as she was stopped in a position where she was about to knock on the door.

– Eh … oh, this … What is Pontiff-sama doing in Hayato’s room … and more on top, what is she doing in that obscene appearance!?

Emilia pointed her index finger at Serivia, who with her watery eyes was trembling doing *Puru* *Puru*.

– He, hey Emilia, do not be impolite with Serivia-san. And why are you standing in front of my room?

– I felt Hayato’s energy, and that’s why I worried that something was happening…

– Oh, so it was something like that?

Apparently she could feel the energy that emanated from my body when I deployed the armament, and so Emilia apparently came flying dressed in her pajamas.

… Hayato. Could you explain why Pontiff-sama is here?

– Of, of course…

Hayato told her that Serivia happened to see an intruder. And he informed her that something could have happened.

He also informed her that they could recognize that there is an abnormality regarding his Hundred. Of course he did not tell her about the fact that he touched her b.r.e.a.s.t.s.

– Then it would be that girl who was like a chameleon and was next to Douglas who could have stolen the key from somewhere and invaded Hayato’s room and did something strange to his Hundred?

– It’s very likely that happened.

That’s what Serivia answered.

– The manipulation for the restructuring of molecules is not something that can be done that simple, and given that in the first place the quality of the Variable Stone that lies inside is quite poor, I think there is a high possibility that they have interchanged. Hayato-san, are you sure that you will partic.i.p.ate in the joint operation that I mentioned earlier?

– Yes, I will partic.i.p.ate.

– Then at that time the Hundred information will be forwarded to the United Nations. In that way, it will be possible to create one that looks quite similar.

– Is that possible?

– In short, with that Hundred in such a condition it is totally impossible for you to fight. Therefore, I think it is best to change it immediately.

– Thank you very much, Serivia-san.

– Thank you very much.

Following Hayato, Emilia also expressed her grat.i.tude with words.

Looking at their appearance, Serivia smiled and laughed.

– Very good then, good night.

And she left the room.

– What do we do now?

Hayato asked Emilia.

– Get Claudia out of bed at the moment. I know the location of the laboratory and the special training room, but for now we can"t go to those places.

When Emilia got in touch, Claudia, who was wearing the uniform indicated by Gudenburg’s army, arrived not entirely composed before Hayato’s room.

– Emilia-sama, there are troubles!

– Calm down, Claudia. What the h.e.l.l happened?

Emilia asks to the exalted Claudia.

– Uhmm, at first I spoke with a trusted technician for the generation of the Hundred of dedicated use for Kisaragi Hayato, but it turns out that he could not access the laboratory for the exclusive use of the Royal Guard. It seems that the pa.s.sword of the door has been changed. And there is another laboratory in the vicinity that is in the same situation.

– Undoubtedly Douglas did it, that person who looks like a chameleon, don"t you think?

– Haa, as one would expect from the people of Wenz, who enter the laboratories of the Kingdom of Gudenburg and change their access pa.s.swords.

– If that"s so, then does it mean that they have some kind of collaborator from the Gudenburg side? Wait, do not tell me―

For a moment Hayato understood who was the person that pa.s.sed through Emilia’s mind. It was Prime Minister Bratt.

– If this is the work of someone like him, there is a possibility that all laboratories in Britannia, including those in Gudenburg, can"t be used until the battle is over.

Claudia has a bitter expression leaving her teeth in sight.

That guy, of course Bratt did it.

– For now, let’s try to contact Charo. If it"s Charo, she’ll probably give us some good ideas.

Opening the Tablet PC, Emilia began to contact Charlotte as she had said.

Immediately the figure of Charlotte is shown on the screen.

[Isn"t it late at night in Gudenburg? However, what happens? You are so quiet, and with such long faces―]

– Emm, the truth is that…

Emilia began to tell the circ.u.mstances to Charlotte who was frowning as she looked at the expressions of Hayato and the others as well as the appearance of the room behind them.

[…In other words, after the Hundred was exchanged, Douglas, as soon as he made sure everything was going well, contacted Bratt to change the pa.s.swords of the access doors of the laboratories in the vicinity of the Royal Palace?]

– Certainly, that’s what we believe. Charo, what should we do?

– Hmm, I think…

Holding her arms and giving a few moans, she takes a few seconds to think deeply. Finally Charlotte starts talking.

[First, could you hear something I have to say? This is where I really doubt whether I should tell you or not, but there is a possibility that what is happening is related in some way to you. It turns out that a couple of days ago, in the city of Sangria, a Slayers Hunt has taken place]

> Slayers" Hunt? But what is that?

Those were very disturbing words.

Emilia narrowed her eyes and asked.

[There are some types of people who are looking for Slayer and steal their Hundred. Currently, there are three people from the Liberian troops who have died and yesterday, at least three Little Garden students who went to the streets of Sangria were attacked. Kisaragi Hayato-kun. Your younger sister―Kisaragi Karen]

– …!…

Hayato is very surprised, and his breathing accelerates.

– Karen, is Karen safe?!

[Maa maa, calm down]

Standing and grasping the Tablet PC while Hayato yelled at her when he said that, Charlotte continued.

[She was not hurt, she was able to escape unharmed from the enemy, she also protected her two companions she was with and they returned to Little Garden. As you can expect from your sister]

– What a relief…

Upon hearing those words, Hayato was relieved.

[The Liberian army feels embarra.s.sed to have suffered the loss of Slayers who were killed and stripped of their Hundred, and apparently they have been hiding this from Little Garden. We know about this incident, thanks to the fact that your sister has made it known to us. What’s more, as a bonus we know what the criminal’s objective is]

– Who is that criminal, what the h.e.l.l…

[As a result of consolidating what we have heard from Karen’s story and the information held in Little Garden, there is the possibility that the criminal is an

– … Homunculus?

[It is a human being that has been created by fertilizing an egg with sperm in a tube. However, in this case it is a little different. Only the necessary cells were selected from the fertilized eggs, making them multiply together with Variable Stone and the body fluids of the Savages to create the homunculus. a.s.suming that it is the culprit who has been performing the Slayers" Hunt]

– That’s…

He was about to say that it was equal to Liza. But Liza is a secret that Emilia does not know.

– What’s up Hayato?

– No, it’s nothing. I think what she is saying is really terrible.

He said that to get out of the way. Charlotte who knows about Liza probably understood it.

[Can I continue?]

Asking that, Charlotte continued.

[And maybe, Vitaly created that called Homunculus as her trump card—Joker. This information was spread by the three artificial Variants]

Six months before the a.s.sault on Little Garden, Vitaly was preparing to move to the base located in the mountains of Liberia.

Joker was created more than half a year ago. Vitaly who had managed to create an artificial Variant with a higher power than a normal Slayer was trying to proceed to the next stage. And that is, the creation of a Homunculus from the birth of a Variant.

But, apparently that did not turn out very well. According to what the three individuals of artificial Variant said, there was only one specimen of that generation that managed to obtain a human form by being a Homunculus—.

But, that example of success, the trump card, Joker, had enough energy to generate armaments from Hundred.

Vitaly therefore made full use of her growth drugs and sleep-learning devices, trying to quickly nourish the Joker for use as a battle weapon against Little Garden, but in the middle of a simulated battle against the three artificial Variant, his energy could not be controlled and went crazy. For that reason he ended up running out of energy and his activity went into suspension.

(Again as for that, Liza is quite similar…)

That was Hayato’s impression.

Certainly, Liza went out of control after helping Claire, consumed all her energy and that’s how she is in the present.

– Later, Vitaly could not wake up for a second time to Joker and ended up discarding him. Then again she tried to make another similar Homunculus, only this time she did not succeed.

– Wait a moment, with discarding it, what do you mean…

[In order to keep a Homunculus alive, you need Hundred, Variable Stone and Savage core. In other words, she did not have the necessary elements for it. The soul of a Homunculus is like a ma.s.s of Sense Energy. If it runs out, it’s just a piece of meat. That means that in the end it was just an empty sh.e.l.l]

Undoubtedly it was a container that could not find a single soul in one of Vitaly’s laboratories. As it were, it has been reported that many corpses of people who would be children have been found. Most likely it is the unsuccessful experiments of the Homunculus creation.

– But then, why is the Homunculus now doing the Slayers Hunt―

[That I still do not know. It is possible that someone has taken the materials that were left in Vitaly’s research laboratory and has succeeded in trying to create a Homunculus, or that Joker, who should have been discarded, for some reason has begun to move, is what I think. As for me, I think the second alternative is more viable. It means that Vitaly did not burn Joker’s container and that the appearance that Karen-kun saw is quite similar to Joker’s. It seems that it can deploy weapons without the need for a Hundred. It could be that maybe there was some energy inside the container, and with that he possibly woke up]

– In other words, Charo, do you think the anti-Slayer organization got Joker, they gave him Variable Stone and Savage"s core and with that they managed to wake him up?

[I do not think it was the anti-Slayer organization]

Charlotte then takes a very serious look and changes her speech.

[The story from this point is the most problematic question. Exactly a week ago, in one of Vitaly’s laboratories where the Homunculus research was being conducted, there was a battle between the anti-Slayer organization and the United Nations Integrated Army]

After the battle, the members of the anti-Slayer organization who were investigating the results of the investigation left by Vitaly were annihilated― Immediately after that, members of the United Nations Integrated Army searched the base where Vitaly was studying the Homunculus, but it was completely ruined.

[The Slayer troop that reported that report belonged to the Kingdom of Wenz and its commander―was Douglas]

– Does that finally mean that, Douglas is involved in the Slayers" Hunt?

– … ah…!

At that moment, what pa.s.sed through Hayato’s mind was what Douglas said in the hall when he left the palace.

– Did something happen to you, Kisaragi Hayato?

Asks Claudia, probably noticing the state of Hayato.

Hayato spoke recalling the words that Douglas used at that time.

– In that palace, Douglas was saying that Little Garden was not relevant, at the time you will understand it immediately.

– No, it can"t be…

Emilia’s eyes widened in amazement. Even her body is trembling.

– It is certainly so, Emilia-sama. Douglas ended up discarding his commitment and as a revenge changed the Hundred to avoid falling into shame when facing each other, in order to win in the duel against Kisaragi Hayato; from there employing Joker to find the whereabouts of two people in Little Garden. It is impossible to measure the damage that would be with that difference!


Charlotte quickly nodded and continued.

[That Douglas Edward Wenz, if he really did it, we should gather evidence to show that he did. Otherwise it will say that we are defaming him and will take advantage of that moment to escape. As for that, there is a strategy, but it is also necessary that Hayato can fight at a hundred percent. For that, regarding the new exclusive Hundred for Hayato, let me do it at the University of Weimar, of which I am a professor emeritus. There I have a lot of disciples]

It takes an hour and a half by plane between Weimar and Gudenburg―The time of the duel is at afternoon, so there is plenty of time.

[For now, I will send the information and start the creation of the Hundred immediately. Since I do not know how long that process will take even though we have a few hours, I will leave the topic discussed so that it is sent first thing in the morning by plane to Gudenburg]

– Really!? Thank you very much!

Hayato gave a very animated voice.

[Regarding the details of the shipment, let’s decide tomorrow morning. So far, I have compiled a good amount of different strategies. Of course, I have included ways to contain the Joker. Until then, I on my part will immediately begin to work, as for you, take it easy and rest until morning]


– Hayato, are you awake? Hayato! Something very serious has happened!


Hayato woke up by the voice of Emilia and the blows that received the thick door. There were the figures of Emilia who wore the uniform of the martial arts department of Litte Garden and Claudia in her uniform of the troops of the Slayer army of Gudenburg.

– Uff, you finally woke up!

Emilia shouted. Apparently she was really in trouble.

– Hey hey, what’s the matter? Still is not the time we would get together, right?

– Uhmm, let’s start talking inside.

Emilia who said that entered the room followed by Claudia. As soon as the door closed, she began to speak.

– There was a contact from Charo now. A scientist from Weimar who tried to bring the Hundred to Gudenburg has been arrested at the Heathoria airport by the anti-Slayer organization.

– Huh ..? What, what do you mean…?

– Charo says that, they are making false accusations, but, surely they try to collect by means of a baggage inspection the Hundred of Hayato―or even exchange it.

– Impossible, then since when the Prime Minister has been putting his hands?

– It’s very frustrating, that something like this is happening.

Claudia replied.

– I went to the airport to do some negotiation, but I did not achieve anything.

Claudia said that before becoming Prime Minister, Bratt was the president of the Privy Council.

The current president is a member of the same party as Bratt.

The Privy Council is a unit directed directly by the King, can command directly the police and public safety without having to have the approval of Congress. That’s all about it.

– What do we do, Hayato? Even if we ask Charo to do another Hundred again, it is very likely that the same thing will happen if it is by air. If it is by a land route, and within Europe, there will be no baggage inspection, but it will take about five hours from Weimar and it may not arrive on time before the duel begins.

Hayato suddenly realized the words he heard.

– Hey, Emilia. From the capital city of Louvre, Francois, do you know how long the trip will take by land?

Using the train at high speed, it can take two and a half hours though…

The clock shows that it is now eight in the morning.

The duel will take place just midday.

That means, they still have some time.

– Wait Hayato, don"t tell me…

Apparently Emilia has managed to understand what Hayato thinks.

– What is happening Hayato-sama, Emilia-sama?

Claudia, who tilts her hear in deliberation, Hayato talks about his idea.

– Currently, now Sakura is live in Louvre, capital city of Francois.

Although there is also, of course, her manager Souffle Clearrail. She is an engineer and at the same time one of Charlotte’s apprentices. She can create the Hundred and for that there are the connections that will allow her to use the laboratory for that purpose.

– In other words, what you mean is that the Hundred will be created in Louvre and then sent on a high-speed train?

Hayato nodded.

He does not know if they will really manage to do it, but it will be worth asking.

– For now, I’ll phone Sakura.

Hayato took out his PDA and called her number.

[Hayato-kun! Isn"t this the first time Hayato-kun calls me? Maybe you wanted to hear my voice as soon as you woke up? Or will it be love? Is it love?]

– Uhmm, I was really calling to ask you a favor…

[A favor? What? What?]

– Could I ask Soufle-san to create a Hundred exclusively for me?

– [… Eh?]

At the sudden request, Sakura was speechless.

After many seconds, she answered.

[I think it’s likely that she can do it but, what’s the problem?]

Hayato tells Sakura about the battle against Emilia’s boyfriend, and that her Hundred was exchanged while she was sleeping.

[In the case that Hayato lost, then Emilia would have to marry her fiancé, if so, I thought that they would be for each other, but it seems that this situation will not happen]

I think it’s not the best time to be telling jokes.

After all, it is possible that in this circ.u.mstance Hayato’s life is at stake.

[Okay, anyway, I’ll go wake up Souffle. Also, there’s nothing particularly planned until tonight, so I’ll deliver the Hundred. I will witness Hayato-kun’s duel live]

This is not the case, it is not the time to be saying those things.

Emilia sighed as it was inevitable.

– I get it. Please I beg you.

[Yaaay Alright then, I’ll go and tell Souffle]

After about 10 minutes, there was another communication from Sakura.

[Souffle is OK, she said she can do it. Right now I am receiving the data of Hayato from Dr. Charlotte. Once this is finished she will go to create the Hundred]

– I see…

I’m really grateful.

Continuing, Sakura said.

[As soon as it’s ready, I’ll deliver it ASAP. All right, see you, Hayato-kun ❤]


– I said it was fine, but it hurts a little….

Karen sighed loudly as she dropped her shoulders at the bus stop next to the school.

My body feels very heavy.

When she got off the bus, her feet wobbled. Today she got up at 06:30, a little earlier than usual, that because due to the circ.u.mstances she heard last night, she went to bed when the sun was changing.

Before attending school, she stayed awake until two in the morning, but since the next day she had to wake up before dawn, the situation was completely different. If she does not sleep for at least eight hours, then Karen’s body cannot bear the burden it carries.

However, today was six hours. For two hours it was not enough, and she used a lot of Sense Energy because of the boy’s attack last night in Sangria. Dr. Charlotte says that if you use a lot of energy, you will feel that your body will suffer. Although she said it was good to be able to go to school but,

– I’m fine, I’m leaving!

Karen answered during the examination in the morning.

She didn"t want Aoi or Rebecca to worry about her if she was absent so she could take a break.

(Will they be fine?)

It was quite terrifying what happened very recently.

Maybe they thought there was a possibility that I would be absent from school because my physical condition deteriorated, but―

– Yoo, Karen!

– Kyaa!?

When she tried to pa.s.s through the front door of the school, she suddenly felt a voice approaching her, and was. .h.i.t in the back. That caused Karen to collapse and fall forward.

– Ah! I am sorry. Did I hit you too hard?

– Are you okay, Karen-san!?

The two ducked completely as Karen was lying face down on the floor.

– Oh, yes, I’m fi… ne―kya!

Karen, who was getting up, her body wobbled as she said that, causing it to collapse again.

– Hey, Karen!? Don"t tell me you’ve been hurt for a while? Or are you injured because what happened yesterday…?

– No, it’s not that, it’s just that I used a lot of energy yesterday, and I feel my body a bit heavy… Beyond that, are you okay?

Karen gets up, and asks both of them.

– We are ok? Why do you ask?

– Well, it’s just that, a lot of things happened yesterday and I wanted to know if you were good…

– Yees, as you can see, I’m fine! I’m not hurt at all. How about you Aoi? You don"t have anything in particular?

– Huh? Emm, yes, I’m fine. Nothing happens.

Saying that, Aoi smiled.

Somehow Karen felt somewhat uncomfortable with that smile.

(Are, did something happen, Aoi-chan?)

While I was hesitant to hear it or not,

– Oook, let’s go to the cla.s.sroom.

And Rebecca started walking.

– Let’s go, Karen-san.

– Oh yeah.

Following Rebecca, Aoi also started walking.

For a while, things have changed as they have always been.

(Yup, It seems that everything has been my imagination…)

Going to Aoi to reach her, Karen also started walking.

When the three arrived at the cla.s.sroom, all their cla.s.smates surrounded them to the point that they could no longer get them out of their way or move around.

– Yesterday, you were attacked by the Slayers" Hunter, right?

– Are you okay?

– Do you have any wounds?

Etc., their companions ask quickly one after the other. That’s when Rebecca with a very confident att.i.tude starts answering.

– We were really in a pinch, Karen deployed her Hundred, and then flew into the skies! She saved us!

Her version had some exaggeration as if it were told by a professional narrator.

Her cla.s.smates said [Wooo], others [Unbelievable].

While they were excited and praised her, they listened to the story of Rebecca who spoke really inspired. Even though she thought it might be a bit of an exaggeration, she felt relieved that it was not she who had to interact at that moment. Finally the counter argument came from the other side.

– Karen-san, you’re just as amazing as your brother.

– Noo, that, ahahah…

She couldn"t do anything but laugh to divert attention, since she is not the incredible, but the girl who emitted the voice in her head.

Last night when they asked her the question of rigor.

Karen told about the voice to Dr. Charlotte.

– About that voice, it’s probably Liza.

What the h.e.l.l was that voice?

– There is a great ma.s.s of powerful energy within you. That characteristic is very similar to that of Liza. That’s why finally now, I’ve been able to understand that even if you used a lot of energy, I could understand why you’re doing well right now.

Dr. Charlotte said.

She has not informed her in full detail of what Liza really is, but you could say that she is like the “G.o.ddess” of Little Garden.

Anyway, thanks to the power she received from Liza, she was able to survive the boy’s attack, not by her own power.

But being unconscious of that, the eyes of the companions shine, and one by one they are throwing questions without stopping.

– Karen-san, it is confirmed that you will become a Slayer and fight against the Savage in the future? Even so, you will still be mainly a singer just like Sakura-san?

– Until now, I have not thought about what to do yet…

Karen responds ambiguously. At that moment, she felt a penetrating gaze. That look was from Nakri, who was the transferred student who was sitting at her desk.

(Is she staring at me?)

But Nakri looked away when Karen’s eyes met hers.

That’s when the bell rings the tutor enters the cla.s.sroom.

– Students, let’s start with the cla.s.s.

That made Karen feel relieved to be released.

It is then when the bell rings that the homeroom teacher enters the cla.s.sroom.

What was mentioned in the tutoring was that a couple of days ago an incident occurred in which Slayers were involved in Sangria’s side and that is why the circulation between Little Garden and Sangria has been restricted. It has even been said that there has been no damage other than Slayer at that time, in addition there are notifications by the Student Council to stop the movement to Sangria as much as possible.

Fortunately, the tutoring ended without the topic of Karen from yesterday, and as usual, the first hours of began.

As always, the body feels heavy. But, by lunchtime, she felt much better―.

– Now that I think about it, I could…

As soon as the cla.s.s that started the lunch break ended, Karen looked back.

She wanted to talk to Nakri.

Apart from wanting to invite her to lunch, she wanted to ask her why she was watching her during the morning tutoring.

– … What, where…?

Realizing, she was no longer there. Leaving her books and notebooks on her desk, she indicates that apparently went somewhere.

(Has she ate already?)

She can"t find her by looking around, inside the cla.s.sroom.

– Karen, let’s go eat!

– Oh, ok!

Invited by Rebecca as usual, Karen left the cla.s.sroom in the direction of the cafeteria.

At the end of lunch time, afternoon arrived. By now, Karen’s physical strength had returned to normal. That was also due to Liza’s power.

– Hey, the homework that has been given now and must be brought tomorrow, let’s do it together if you want. I’m not good at math, so will you teach me?

At the end of the last lesson of today, Rebecca said that to Karen and Aoi.

– Oh, right. Karen doesn"t do well in math either… Aoi-chan, could you teach us?

– This, I’m sorry…! Today I have something to do!

Aoi, who had already finished preparing her things to go home, suddenly stood up carrying her bag.

– S- See you!

– Ah! Hey, wait!

Rebecca calls her out trying to make her stop, but Aoi does not stop the march of her legs. She left the cla.s.sroom quickly, just like that.

– What’s wrong with her, today she’s been weird, right? At lunck break too, it was as if she was rambling, she was also like that during the lessons, she didn"t listen to what the teacher was saying.

– Yes, I also think the same…

It is impossible for her to be the usual Aoi.

That’s why Karen and Rebecca stared at the door that led to the exit of the cla.s.sroom where Aoi had left.


– Haa, haa …

Exercise is not one of her strongest points. She practically doesn"t run, that is why she is out of practice, since she only does it in physical education lessons. Because of that, Aoi stops her feet when she arrived at the entrance after running down the stairs to reach the first floor of the school building.

While she breathed heavily, she quickly changed her shoes, while taking a look at the corridor. Making sure that Rebecca and Karen were not chasing her, and after her breathing normalized, Aoi started running again, to jump on the bus that came in front of the school.

With this, she was finally able to relax and sat with her back on a chair. Then again she stood up when it arrived at the station that was located in front of the checkpoint in the terminal of the sector that connects Little Garden with the district of Sangria.

Due to entry and exit restrictions, there are very few people unlike yesterday.

It can also be seen staff from Warslan and Little Garden, where Slayers and soldiers wear their respective uniforms, where the door leading to the bridge with many ships connected to Sangria is completely closed, like a cage.

(As I thought, it is impossible to go and look for my PDA to Sangria on my own, after all …)

Thinking that maybe she should give up and heed the call made by her teacher, a white man with blond hair, a young man who wore the uniform of Little Garden martial arts department was approaching.

The companion of Kisaragi Hayato, the older brother of Kisaragi Karen.

(If I’m not mistaken, is it Fritz-san?)

Going to Aoi’s position, Fritz approaches with confidence.

– If I remember correctly, you are yesterday’s…

– Umino Aoi.

– Oh, that’s right, that’s right. Forgetting the name of a girl, what kind of person am I. Ahahahaha

– What are you laughing about!

Latia stomps on Fritz’s foot.

– Ouch ouch, as expected, it does not work with middle school girls.

– Of course!

After screaming and exposing her fangs, Latia looked at Aoi.

– Leaving this aside, is something wrong? That we met yesterday with you was one thing, but now, you can"t go to Sangria from Little Garden.

– After all I can"t do it…

Aoi’s facial expression darkened.

– What is your reason for wanting to go?

– Well, it turns out that…

Aoi, when asked by Fritz, informs him that the PDA was lost.

– I know its location. So I will go pick it up.

– Should you ask someone to go do that, don"t you think?

– That is true, but…

– Do you have something you do not want someone else to see?

With her face flushing, Aoi nodded.

Fritz smiled at the sight in front of him.

– In other words, do you have an image of the person you love the most as a wallpaper?

– Uhm, ah! That…

– Apparently hit the mark.

It really hit the mark.

– Very well, very well, if it is for a girl in love, I will support her. I’ll let you pa.s.s.

– Really?

Aoi’s expression flashed quickly.

– Hey, Fritz! What are you saying!

– The enemy is targeting those who are Slayer, that is, those who own Hundred. It has been observed that the damage to civilians so far is zero. Aoi is not a Slayer, and she does not own a Hundred, right?

– True.

Aoi nodded in agreement to what Fritz said.

– If that’s the case, then it’s fine. You should get on the next special bus.

– … Special bus?

– Although basically the access and exit from Sangria is prohibited, some people have their business or their work from the beginning. That is why there is the departure of a special bus per hour for these people.

The departure time from the Little Garden side is at thirty minutes per hour. Fritz explains that from Sangria’s side it is at 0 minutes of each hour *.