Hunter Quatermain's Story

Chapter 2

""Yes, he is dead."

""Did the black devil hurt thee, Mac.u.mazahn?"

""No, my poor fellow, I am not much hurt."

""Ow! I am glad."

"Then came a long silence, broken only by the sound of the air whistling through the hole in his lung as he breathed.

""Mac.u.mazahn, art thou there? I cannot feel thee."

""I am here, Mashune."

""I die, Mac.u.mazahn--the world flies round and round. I go--I go out into the dark! Surely, my father, at times in days to come--thou wilt think of Mashune who stood by thy side--when thou killest elephants, as we used--as we used----"

"They were his last words, his brave spirit pa.s.sed with him. I dragged his body to the hole under the tree, and pushed it in, placing his broad a.s.segai by him, according to the custom of his people, that he might not go defenceless on his long journey; and then, ladies--I am not ashamed to confess--I stood alone there before it, and wept like a woman."