Hybrid x Heart Magias Academy Ataraxia

Chapter 5 – Connective Hybrid(Connection Remodeling)Part 1

Chapter 5 – Connective Hybrid(Connection Remodeling)Part 1

“Aa― I’m tired. I want to quickly enter the aroma bath―”

Yuris.h.i.+a that returned back from the scouting of Okinawa arrived in the lab.

The current location of Ataraxia was far distanced from Okinawa, it was hard to scout using unmanned drones. There, they made use of Cross’s swift speed and Yuris.h.i.+a was directed for scouting. She went until Okinawa in the afternoon where the visibility was good, then she returned back when it became evening.

“So, Yuris.h.i.+a, what about the situation at Okinawa?”

Kizuna stood up from his chair after waiting long for Yuris.h.i.+a.

“Geez―, in times like this, it’s no good unless you first express your grat.i.tude you know?”

Yuris.h.i.+a pouted and complained.

“Sorry. Err―, it really helped that Yuris.h.i.+a went there for us.”

“Myy, then you have to give me a reward then. Can you wash my back in the bath for me?”

“Tha……that’s for some other time, please give your report.”

“My, that’s a promise then★”

Yuris.h.i.+a winked at Kizuna and began her report.

“The enemy fleet that is stationed at Okinawa are two s.h.i.+ps of five hundred meter-cla.s.s and one s.h.i.+p of thousand meter-cla.s.s. For magic weapons, a total of twenty Albatrosses and around ten Vikings.”

Kizuna made a taken aback face.

“That’s all? Is this certain?”

“Yes, there is no mistake.”

If there was only that many enemy forces, it didn’t seem hard to take back Okinawa but…….

“Also, there is an atmosphere of people living there. Well, perhaps it’s just the AU people though.”

Reiri crossed her arms and pondered.

“Where we concerned, we also cannot use a simple brute force approach……good work. Go home and rest.”

Yuris.h.i.+a lightly saluted and headed to the entrance.

“Ah, I’ll add something just in case, the thousand meter-cla.s.s is the one that Gravel boarded. Surely those two are in Okinawa.”

Leaving those words behind, Yuris.h.i.+a left from the lab.

Silence ruled the s.p.a.ce between Reiri, Kei, and Kizuna who were left behind.

And then, the sound of Kei’s keyboard tapping began to be audible reservedly.

{While the prospect of Connective Hybrid is unclear like this, the chance of victory even if we fight them again is slim. We should avoid conflict.}

Reiri nodded towards the line of letters streaming in the window before her eyes.

“I want information of AU but……the risk is high.”

“No, wait a second.”

Kizuna put a halt when the atmosphere was going to be ruled by resignation.

“Those guys’ objective was Aine. Even if we escape from here, they will surely come to attack us again. The next time we receive their attack, there is no doubt that Ataraxia will receive damage even more than before.”

“……Do you have some kind of idea, Kizuna?”

“We have to launch a surprise attack from our side. Also we have to do it as early as possible. For example, sometime like tomorrow.”


Before Reiri could protest, Kizuna continued his story.

“Ataraxia will stay here. Only Amaterasu and Masters will go. If we do that, we won’t be noticed by the enemy, we also should be able to stop the damage towards the city and people at the minimum.”

{However, there is also the possibility that a large force is hiding at the other side of the Entrance.}

“Certainly there is such possibility. That’s why only the Heart Hybrid Gears will secretly infiltrate to seal the Entrance first. Only after that we will crush the magic weapons and the battles.h.i.+p.”

“Certainly if the connection with the AU is severed, there will be no worry of enemy reinforcements, and they will also be unable to replenish the magic power for the fleet here. We can deal with the fleet and magic weapons like that, what are you going to do about Gravel and Aldea then?”

Kizuna was at a loss for words.

He had no confidence.


The faces of Yuris.h.i.+a and Scarlet emerged in his head. And then also the figures of those two when they were still in good relations which Kizuna hadn’t ever seen before.

“Do we know what kind of Corruption Armament Yuris.h.i.+a has?”

{We can mostly predict it. If we calculate the power up from Climax Hybrid in addition with the Connective Hybrid, most likely even the gunsword of Gravel and Aldea’s Labyrinth Cube can be destroyed.}

Kizuna resolved himself.

“I will do something about the Connective Hybrid.”

“Do you have any chance?”

Honestly, none.

However, if he could realize it,

He could protect Aine.

And then, he would be able to make Yuris.h.i.+a and Scarlet talk to each other with a smile.

“I have.”

Reiri grinned broadly.

“Then, just try it.”

“Yeah. But, I have one request for that.”

{We will do whatever we can. Say anything you want.}

“That is――”Part 2


Scarlet rushed to him while waving her hand from the other side of the street. She looked cute wearing white s.h.i.+rt and jean miniskirt. She was also wearing a summer cardigan.

Kizuna lightly raised his hand in response. Kizuna was wearing a white T-s.h.i.+rt and jeans. He was putting on half-sleeve black dress s.h.i.+rt over it.

Today was a weekday, but a special day off was given to Amaterasu and Masters. That was why they could brazenly relax while the school was going on. Last night, Kizuna invited her to go playing together through the phone and arranged to meet at the nearest station from the dormitory.

“Sorry, I made you wa――”

Scarlet’s expression clouded. That was because she could see, that a woman wearing sungla.s.ses was standing behind Kizuna. She was wearing a top that was like a swimsuit with low-rise & tightly fitted hot-pants. The dynamite body was displayed even s.e.xier.

“――Hey, wait! Why is Yuris.h.i.+a here!?”

Taking off her sungla.s.ses, Yuris.h.i.+a directed a displeased gaze at Scarlet.

“That’s my line. Kizuna, what in the world are you planning with this?”

Kizuna talked to Yuris.h.i.+a and Scarlet at the same time.

“I’m thinking for us three to go play like before this. See, before this there was Gravel’s attack in the middle and it got interrupted right?”

“Don’t make a joke! I’ll beg your pardon if I have to be together with Yuris.h.i.+a. I’m going home!”

Scarlet turned her back and she was going to return through the path she came from.

‘――You think I’m going to let you go home here!’

“Aah, it can’t be helped. Then, Yuris.h.i.+a. How about we go on a date with the two of us? Your Hybrid Count is also reduced, so we also need to do Heart Hybrid.”


Scarlet’s legs stopped.

“Myy, I’m really happy to be invited by Kizuna.”

Yuris.h.i.+a got close to Kizuna’s body until her breast almost touched.

“Come to think of it, I also haven’t done Climax Hybrid with Yuris.h.i.+a until now. I think it won’t be bad even if we try to test it. If we succeed, your shot down score will surely also increase a lot.”

“Fufu-, the only one that I want to shoot down is just Kizuna you know?”

“Kuh! I, I’m going too!”

“My? It’s better for a kid to not come along you know? From here on is the time for adults after all.”

“I’m sixteen years old! I’m not a child anymore. You yourself don’t look like a high schooler. Aren’t you actually 27 years old?”

“Now now, anyway let’s ride the underground train first to move to the commercial facility.”

“Subway? Rather than using that, I’ll call a car right now.”

Yuris.h.i.+a tried to call a taxi and took out her smartphone from her bag.

“Aah no……can we not use a taxi for today?”

Kizuna stopped Yuris.h.i.+a with a troubled face.

Scarlet took the hand of such Kizuna and began to go down the stair toward the subway.

“No way, just no, this is why the rich is so annoying. Let’s go with just us using the train.”

“What’s with you. Even though I just want to travel comfortably.”

Yuris.h.i.+a also got down the stairs while complaining. Twenty meters underground, they arrived at the subway platform.

“It’s really empty isn’t it? There is no one here aside from us.”

It was exactly as Scarlet said, there was not a single soul on the platform.

“This is the afternoon on a weekday. Isn’t this only usual?”

“I guess, even we usually are in cla.s.s at this kind of time.”

While they were talking, the underground train slid into the platform. They also couldn’t see anyone inside the train.

“For some reason, this feels like a pointless waste of energy.”

Scarlet talked in amazement and boarded the subway.

This train was in belt line that ran along the outer circ.u.mference of Ataraxia. It was supposed to be crowded when it was the time for commuting to work and school, but right now it was completely empty.

“It’s like we have reserved it.”

Yuris.h.i.+a sat at the left side of Kizuna and she naturally put her hand on Kizuna’s knee.


“Hm? Something the matter?”

She smiled at Kizuna who was narrowing his eyes. Even during such exchange, Yuris.h.i.+a’s right hand was stroking Kizuna’s thigh. Her hand was crawling around affectionately, from above his thigh until the inner part. Her hand was going up little by little, doing a fairly dangerous near-miss.

“Wa, wait! What indecent things are you doing in a public place like this!”

Scarlet yelled angrily with a face red from anger and embarra.s.sment.

“Isn’t it fine? There is no one anywhere, this public people you are talking about.”

As far as the eye could see, there was no shadow of a person even on the other train.

“That, that might be true but……wait, I’m right here!”

“Your face becomes really red. If you’re like that, then it’s impossible to do Heart Hybrid you know?”

“You don’t know anything of that! Listen? Next time that woman Gravel comes again, I will be the one who defeats her. I will take revenge for my comrades, so you don’t interfere. After all you have s.n.a.t.c.hed a lot of accomplishments from us already!”

Yuris.h.i.+a was smiling composedly as always. But, for Kizuna, her expression looked slightly clouded.

“For you……that’s impossible. Next time I will also equip Corruption Armament, so just leave the enemy’s magic armor to me.”

“That att.i.tude of yours, looking down on other people like that, I――!?”


The subway suddenly halted. Their bodies collapsed towards the train’s travelling direction while they were still sitting. Yuris.h.i.+a’s body leaned on top of Kizuna due to the law of inertia. Scarlet’s balance crumbled and she fell to the floor, and like that she kept sliding on the floor.

And then there was a smacking sound, before the lighting vanished. The inside of the train was enveloped in darkness.

“This is……not a normal thing isn’t it?”

Yuris.h.i.+a whispered with a calm voice.

The red light for emergency use inside the train turned on. At the same time, the electronic papers that were hung up for advertis.e.m.e.nt changed into warning displays all at once.

{Announcement of aerial attack warning. The train is now stopped en route. This place now becomes a shelter so it is safe. Please act calmly.}

Text flowed onto the electronic paper and they could hear the announcer’s synthetic voice from the speaker.

Ringtone from Kizuna’s smartphone rang out.

{Kizuna, can you hear me?}

“Nee-chan! What in the world is going on?”

{Gravel is coming to attack again. Unfortunately, the initiative is taken from us.}

Yuris.h.i.+a brought her body closer to Kizuna and talked to the smartphone.

“Commander, we are locked inside the subway. My apologies but, I will destroy the train. Depending on the situation, I also might open a hole in the ceiling.”

{Wait, Yuris.h.i.+a, you are together now with Kizuna?}

“Yes. Also, Scarlet is here too.”

{What? I see……is this what they call fate……you guys, move to the coach in the rearmost of the train right now.}

Kizuna’s face scowled.

“Haa? There is no time to be carefree right now! We have to――”

{Don’t make me tell you the same thing twice!}

Kizuna and others reluctantly moved from coach to coach and reached until the rearmost connection part. Different with other coaches, the door was made from solid steel and there was also no window.

Kizuna faced his smartphone and asked.

“What is this? Is this not a normal train coach?”

{This is new equipment that Ataraxia’s R&D Department developed in absolute secrecy. It is a special train in order to send it to the lab, but due to some blunder you guys are riding the train too.}

“Aah, that’s why there is no one else riding this train! No wonder I thought something was strange.”

Scarlet spoke in understanding.

{It’s a coincidence, but this proves fortunate instead. I’m opening the door from here right now.}

At the same time with Reiri finished speaking,  the light of the lock part s.h.i.+ned and the door began to slide open.

Yuris.h.i.+a put her fingers on her lips and knitted her eyebrows.

“New equipment you say, I wonder if it’s a powerful heavy weapon or something?”

“Or else a new option for Heart Hybrid Gear? Well, anything is fine! I’ll be the one to use it! Because I’m the ace of Masters……after……all?”

“Wha……what’s, this?”

Based from what they saw, there was nothing that seemed to be a weapon inside the special coach.

“Is this an experiment room or something? Where is the new equipment?”

The three entered the coach and ascertained the inside.

The room only appeared like an experiment room or a medical facility. It had white walls and floor. Parts that looked like device with control panel attached were installed here and there, several cables were connected to each device.

At the center, there was something like a capsule with its upper part cut away. It had softly curved silhouette, there was also steam rising from the liquid poured inside it, it also looked like a bathtub depending on how one saw it. The size was large with length that a person entering it could lie down comfortably in it, the width also made it possible for one to spread both their arms.

A cus.h.i.+on was spread in front of it. When he tried to touch it, the surface was slick and easy to slide on, it seemed its inside was filled with air.

Scarlet curiously advanced inside the coach. The other side of the capsule became a step higher, a pure white bed was installed there.

“There is even a bed inside……I got it! This is a sleeper train. This is really high cla.s.s.”

Reiri’s voice resounded from the smartphone as if to interrupt Scarlet’s voice.

{Wrong. This coach is a newly developed new equipment, the [moving type provisional special bathroom, the second model].}


The three weighed the meaning of Reiri’s words.

“Wha…..err, bathroom? Wait, you mean bathroom?” (TL: The second words are said in English)


“So, Nee-chan. How can this equipment be useful in the current situation?”

{This is a facility for the sake of carrying out Connective Hybrid.}

Yuris.h.i.+a’s expression increasingly became confused of what she meant.

“Commander……why is a bathroom created for the sake of doing Connective Hybrid I wonder?”

{There are a lot of unknown variables in Connective Hybrid. In order to raise the success rate even for a little, the result of all the methods we have investigated is this moving type provisional special bathroom, the second model.}

“So, what are you telling us to do right here?”

{Manual is prepared at each device, so just follow the content. Until you finished the Connective Hybrid, the other Amaterasu and Masters will buy you time. During that time, you guys have to make success the Connective Hybrid. Escape from the coach right after you succeed. Then exterminate the enemy!}

The transmission was severed at that ending. A floating window popped up inside the train coach in exchange. The procedure of Connective Hybrid was written there.

“What, what? Step 1, enter the exclusive pod and warm the body, improving the blood flow? In other words, it’s telling us to enter inside this liquid?”

Kizuna pointed at the capsule that was filled with hot water.

Yuris.h.i.+a took the medicine lined up on the shelf and read the window floating in front of it.

“There is the step 2 here. Get rid of the excess waste products on the body surface……so it’s telling us to wash our body. In the case that you haven’t succeed until this point, move to step 3, so it says.”

Scarlet glared at the window floating above the air mat.

“Step 3. Rub the special medicine on the body, giving pleasure at each other mutually. This medicine has the function to mix with more than two kinds of light particles generated in the cases of Heart Hybrid and Climax Hybrid, and then seeps into the body.”

Scarlet paused in her words for a moment and knitted her eyebrows.

“Err―, the specific method of each step is, to become……stark naked, using each other’s, bo-, body, stimulating the other party……obtaining pleasure is, preferable……WHAT THE h.e.l.lLLLLL!?”

Scarlet shrieked.

“Indecent! I-impossible! There is no way something like this could be done!”

Yuris.h.i.+a breathed out a single sigh as if resolving herself, then she began to take off her hot pants.

“Wai-! Why are you taking off your clothes!?”

“You yourself, what are you saying? This is an order from the commander. We are told to succeed in Connective Hybrid and annihilate the enemy. This is not a game you know?”


Scarlet’s mouth opened wide for a while without closing.

“Bri, bring it on! Let’s do this!”

She took off her summer cardigan heatedly. Kizuna gulped his saliva from witnessing the scene of two beautiful girls taking off their clothes. Yuris.h.i.+a who had taken off her hot pants was turning her back on him, just like that she also lowered down her black underwear. Thereupon, her white and big a.s.s appeared.

“Kizuna too, don’t get fascinated like that. You too have to begin stripping. In j.a.pan, it’s no good to enter the bath while wearing underwear right?”

Yuris.h.i.+a took off the swimsuit bra that she wore in place of western clothes. And then, she entered her hand into the pod while showing her back to Kizuna and stirred.

“Looks like it’s just hot water. Though perhaps there is some additional agents mixed in.”

Yuris.h.i.+a dipped her toes into the hot water, then she continued entering her leg into the pod. Before long she sat inside the pod and soaked in the hot water until her shoulders, she then turned back to Kizuna.

“My♥ The hot water is really good. Come on, Kizuna too, come here.”

Yuris.h.i.+a hid her breast with her left hand and reached out her right hand to Kizuna in invitation.


Kizuna was going to take Yuris.h.i.+a’s hand.

“Are you planning to go in with your clothes on?”


He looked at Scarlet’s direction with a feeling of looking for a comrade.

“Wa! Uwawawawa-, do, don’t lookkk!”

“So-!? Sorry-“

Scarlet already took off her underwear. She hid her breast with one hand and her other hand was pressed between her crotch while she twisted her body.

“Fufufuu, it’s no good for you to get overtaken even by Scarlet you knoww”

Yuris.h.i.+a laughed teasingly.

But, certainly it was just like she said. This was for the sake of realizing Connective Hybrid. He mustn’t hold them back.

Kizuna began to take off his clothes. And then his hand touched the last piece, his briefs.

‘……It feels like I’m really attracting attention.’

Yuris.h.i.+a and Scarlet’s eyes were s.h.i.+ning, focusing fixedly on Kizuna.

‘s.h.i.+t, it’s super embarra.s.sing getting stared like this! But, nothing is going to start unless I take it off!’

He took off his briefs with all his might. He then entered his leg into the pod while nonchalantly hiding his crotch.

Scarlet was hiding her face with her hands. But, her fingers were opened, so it was meaningless. Her face was half opened with bright red face.

“Ce, certainly, this is a good hot water.”

He talked with an intentionally faked calmness. However there was no reply from the female camp. In exchange, he could hear a small voice that might be Scarlet’s.

“I saw……I saw it, a, a boy’s, is, is like that, eh? Eeeh?”

It seemed that she fell into panic for some reason. On the other hand Yuris.h.i.+a was――,

“Geez, Kizuna is bad you know? Even I am a girl. Against a boy’s thing……there is no way I can win.”

She was sidling down into the water with intoxicated eyes.

“O, oi, Yuris.h.i.+a. Your eyes look dangerous for some reason, calm down!”

There was no place to escape inside the pod. He tried to stand up, but his shoulders were firmly grasped.

“Aahn, Kizunaaa-“

Yuris.h.i.+a embraced him in deep emotion. The hot water rippled fiercely and overflowed from the pod. Scarlet rushed to the pod.

“Wait! That’s not what is written in the manual! Get away from him.”

“My, you are still here?”

“Wha-!? ……Ugununu, never mind that just move away! I will get in too!”

“Myy, I’m sorry. This pod is only for two peoplee.”

‘No no, what are you saying?’

“Scarlet, you enter here too. Warming the body first is one of the procedures after all.”


‘It’s fine to get shy, but can you please stop staring hard at my crotch?’

“Go, got it. This is a mission until the end right? We are not doing anything strange.”

Scarlet entered into the hot water from the opposite side of the pod in order to be as far away from Kizuna.

“Ce, certainly, this feels really good……then after this is――”

Yuris.h.i.+a leaned on Kizuna and embraced him.

“Haaa……doing things like entering the bath together with Kizuna. This is the best.”

“Yeah, but Yuris.h.i.+a. If you cling this close to me, it’s going to get dangerous in various things though.”

“You don’t have to be shy……you are really st.u.r.dy……it’s lovely.”

Yuris.h.i.+a was rubbing her abdomen to Kizuna enrapturedly.

A vein emerged on the head of the completely ignored Scarlet.


The exploded Scarlet tore apart the two. Yuris.h.i.+a pushed away into the left arm of Kizuna, while Scarlet was settled inside the right arm of Kizuna on the opposite side.

Scarlet glared at Yuris.h.i.+a across Kizuna.

“Are you listening? Connective Hybrid is performed by three people correct? There is no meaning if Yuris.h.i.+a is monopolizing this by yourself you know? Understand? It’s impossible here for you to take away all the good parts only for yourself!”

Scarlet distanced away Kizuna from Yuris.h.i.+a. Her objective was accomplished, but in exchange, Yuris.h.i.+a and Scarlet’s limbs became exposed to Kizuna’s eyes. Inside the swaying hot water, Scarlet’s slender body and red ponytail were swaying. Scarlet’s head was placed on his shoulder like an arm pillow, from there Scarlet was looking up at him anxiously.

And then at the direction of Yuris.h.i.+a was even more dangerous. There were two white large things floating on the hot water. Liberated from the gravity, the floating things were shaking at ease while being warmed by hot water, making them tinged with pink color. And then their tips were s.h.i.+ning with even darker pink.

“It’s comfortable when they are floating in hot water. My shoulders are really stiff because of this you know―”

“My bad because there is nothing that can float from me! Also, hand! Don’t pat around Kizuna’s body!”

Even while being complained like that, Yuris.h.i.+a’s hand was crawling around Kizuna’s body.

“How about Scarlet touching it too? You have never touched a naked boy before right?”

“I, I don’t really want to touch……”

Even while saying that, after feeling discord for a short while, Scarlet’s hand was stretching toward Kizuna’s chest. However Yuris.h.i.+a took Kizuna’s hand in an exquisite timing and got out from the water while slipping through Scarlet’s hand.

“Now, we are warmed up, so next is the step 2. How about we clean our body?”

Yuris.h.i.+a took a towel hanged at the side of the pod and apologetically hid her body.

“Guh, nununu Yu, Yuris.h.i.+a~-“

The left behind Scarlet also angrily got out from the hot water.

“O, oi, wait a li――”

Kizuna also imitated Yuris.h.i.+a and hid his crotch with a towel.

After crossing over the pod, there was a was.h.i.+ng spot with chair and body shop prepared.

“It’s a chair that can change shape.”

It was a chair with concavity in it. Kizuna was made to sit there and Yuris.h.i.+a sat nicely in front of him.

Kizuna was in a state where he barely put a piece of towel on his lap. As for Yuris.h.i.+a, her towel was very much wet from the hot water and it did nothing more than hanging down clingingly from her breast.

The towel looked transparent and its width also lost against the size of the breast, so various things were bulging out. Furthermore, the towel hanging down from the tips of the towel, when seen from the side, the navel and nipple behind it, then even until the deep valley under that were in plain sight, it was extremely thrilling.

“Now, I’ll wash your body for you.”

Yuris.h.i.+a’s palm took the body soap, lacquered it on Kizuna’s body, and created bubbles.

“Yuris.h.i.+a, even if you use towel or sponge……”

“No. It’s better to touch using hand if we are doing Heart Hybrid. Isn’t that true?”

“That’s, perhaps that’s true.”

Kizuna’s neck, shoulder, chest, were glided through by Yuris.h.i.+a’s warm and soft palm.

“I, I’m doing that too! Kizuna-, I’m was.h.i.+ng your back now, I’m not going to let you say no!”

“A. yeah, please.”

Being caught between two beautiful girls and being told they would wash his body, this was really an unthinkable situation.

He desperately tried to divert his attention, but it was a pointless resistance. Four soft hands were crawling around his chest and back without rest. The owners of the hands were only wearing transparent small towel on their bodies, their immodest figures were mostly naked. It was as though they were competing which one could service Kizuna, they put their utmost effort to shake Kizuna’s body at the front and back.

There was no way he could possibly resist or anything in such an extraordinary situation.

“I wonder, perhaps I should wash the rear from the front side like this?”

Yuris.h.i.+a’s hand was slipping into the gap between the concavity seat and Kizuna’s crotch that was hidden by towel. Yuris.h.i.+a’s hand pa.s.sed through under Kizuna’s groin and reached until his back. From there Yuris.h.i.+a’s hand that was fully lathered with bubbles returned back while gently touching Kizuna’s body.

“Gu, uwaa! O, over there is dangerous!”

Yuris.h.i.+a’s hand stopped still in the middle.

“Ah. Kizuna……this-……is”

Yuris.h.i.+a was feeling a sensation that she never experienced before in her palm.

Kizuna couldn’t let out any word from the pleasure of Yuris.h.i.+a’s fingertips’ stimulation. Yuris.h.i.+a who noticed the true ident.i.ty of the thing inside her hand pulled back her hand in panic.

“Ah, err, uhh! I, I’m sorry? Bu, but it also seems to make Kizuna happy so, all’s well, isn’t it-……isn’t it?”

Yuris.h.i.+a’s cheeks were tinged red, she twisted her body in order to hide her shyness.

“The, then, I wonder if it’s fine already for you to return the favor soon?”

“Return the favor?”

“Won’t you wash my body? With Kizuna’s hand okay.”

“Eh? No, but!”

“Remember the reward for the scouting before this. You promised to wash my back right?”

This was unexpected, he never thought that he would make to fulfill that kind of frivolous promise in this kind of place.

Yuris.h.i.+a turned her back to Kizuna and put the towel on the mat. In other words, Yuris.h.i.+a at this moment was literally in a figure without a single string covering her. Kizuna was making bubble with the body soap in his palm that was full to the brim with nervousness, then with that he spread it at the stainless white back of Yuris.h.i.+a.

“Ahn, even my back……really, feels it……”

Yuris.h.i.+a’s back was trembling in s.h.i.+vers matching with Kizuna’s hand movement.

“Hey……who is going to wash my body for me?”

Scarlet murmured sulkingly.

“My, so you cannot wash your body by yourself, what a little child you are―”

Yuris.h.i.+a teased her cheerfully.

“You’re noisy! Fine then, I’ll do it myself.

Yuris.h.i.+a turned back and smiled kindly.

“It can’t be helped, so Kizuna. Wash her body.”

“Hee!? No, you don’t need to do that. I don’t have any such intention-“

Scarlet was greatly fl.u.s.tered when she was actually told that.

“Ohh? If you will be so reserved, then I’ll have Kizuna wash every nook  and corner of me like this then.”

“Uh! Thi, this……I got it already! Come here Kizuna, wash me!”

Scarlet was speaking grumblingly, even so she was sitting while turning her back to Kizuna. Kizuna changed the direction of his body 180° to the back while still sitting and turned his back at Yuris.h.i.+a. Doing that this time there was the white back of Scarlet in front of his eyes. Kizuna then gently caressed Scarlet’s back just like what he did to Yuris.h.i.+a.

“Aa……aa, aa. It tickles……yet, somehow……it s.h.i.+vers.”

Scarlet too looked like she was feeling good. At this rate, the preparation for the Connective Hybrid would also……!?

“――! Yu, Yuris.h.i.+a?”

An extremely soft thing was pressing at Kizuna’s back.

“My back has become clean, but the front part hasn’t been washed so……nn, like this Kizuna’s back can also get washed, this is just right isn’t it♪”

Yuris.h.i.+a used that large breast and washed Kizuna’s back. She moved her body and rubbed at Kizuna’s back with her breast drawing circles. There was no towel between them. The sensation of skin and skin touching at each other directly was wonderfully pleasant.

“No way……I, might actually feel it like this, a little. Hey, Kizuna too, wash the front of Scarlet for her.”

“Hiee? Do, don’t don’t don’t! The front is……HAAAaaaAN!”

Kizuna’s arms embraced Scarlet’s body from behind. Scarlet’s slender body was settled snugly inside Kizuna’s arms. His arms that were crossed under Scarlet’s breast were sliding up like that. The shape of her breast changed and the most sensitive part was flicked by the crossed arms. The thin towel that barely protected the body was quickly torn down. The beautifully shaped breast showed a shaking like jelly.


The body soap made it slippery, so the sliding was smooth. He moved his bubble covered arms up and down. Her b.r.e.a.s.t.s were pressed and its shape changed, but it was easy to move his arms thanks to Scarlet’s small breast.

“Hii, a, aaaaa-!”

The tips of Scarlet’s breast became bigger. The sensation on Kizuna’s back was also displayed a change. His back that was feeling nothing but soft sensation now was also feeling something firm.

“Ki, Kizuna……I, I, might be a little hopeless.”

Not only her breast, Yuris.h.i.+a glued her whole body and she tried to feel Kizuna with her whole body.

“Me, me too……somehow, aa, aa, my body feels like floating……eh?”

“What’s wrong, Scarlet?”

“Something……around my waist, a strange hard something is……”

Scarlet’s hand circled to the back carelessly and gripped at that thing.

‘――This is.’

That instant, power of imagination and pleasure mixed inside of Scarlet and exploded.


And then Yuris.h.i.+a also put some strength and rubbed her breast at Kizuna’s body.


Scarlet and Yuris.h.i.+a’s coquettish voices overlapped.



Kizuna peered at the respective faces of the exhausted pair.

Red light was swimming inside Scarlet’s eyes. And then, golden radiance was also visible inside Yuris.h.i.+a’s eyes. But, that was all.

‘No good. This is nothing more but normal Heart Hybrid.

As expected, there is still something lacking for Connective Hybrid.’

The trust between the three people, then the trust and friends.h.i.+p, the thing such as love between the fellow female would become power in Connective Hybrid. As long as Scarlet and Yuris.h.i.+a were still in conflict with each other, he couldn’t expect any result.

‘――As I thought, this cannot be avoided. From now on is the crucial moment!’

“……Yosh, next is the last, step 3. We are moving to the air mat now.”

According to the manual, they were told to use the special medicine and dissolve it to the hot water.

“I’ll do it. Err……with this, it is okay I think?”

Yuris.h.i.+a mixed the medicine with the hot water that was filled inside a wash basin. She stirred it with her hand, the sound of the mixing was changing into sticky splas.h.i.+ng sounds, and like that a viscous and sticky liquid was completed swimmingly.

“Now then, sit on the mat.”

Yuris.h.i.+a and Scarlet sat on the mat like he told them. First he dribbled the syrupy liquid at Yuris.h.i.+a.

“Kyaa, it’s warm, and terribly slimy……it feels good when it dribbled on the body perhaps.”

The dripping liquid slid down Yuris.h.i.+a’s breast. It parted into several lines and traced the shape of the breast. It pulled into strange shape from the tip part and fell on her knee.

Next he spilled the medicine from Scarlet’s shoulder.

“Uwaa, really. It has strange feeling……amazing, my body is all slick.”

“Smear this to each other’s body. It seemed it has high effect when used to the whole body.”

“Fuuhn……what to do in practice――ahn!”

Simultaneously, Kizuna’s left hands rubbed at Yuris.h.i.+a, while his right hand to Scarlet’s breast. He attentively caressed in order to instill the medicine on the b.r.e.a.s.t.s.

“Fufufu, to rub the b.r.e.a.s.t.s……uu, of both of us at the same time, haaa, Kizuna too is a meanie.”

“Sh-, shut up you. Po, pointlessly big breast like that, is just vulgar, hyann”

Unable to endure the pleasure, Scarlet twisted her body. At that moment, her body slipped and slid away. The medicine dripping down from her body was spreading on the mat, making it extremely easy to slip.


Even though she was in a sitting position, her body easily slipped and fell. The three of them now laid down on the mat on top of one another.

“Geez……Scarlet, this is because you are really lacking in attention.”

“This can’t be helped. Just look how slippery this thing is!”

Kizuna who watched that exchange interjected.

“Do both of you have this kind of rhythm since the past?”

“Eh……no, in the past…”

Scarlet knitted her eyebrows and averted her gaze.

“Oh well, generally our rhythm was like this I think? Above all, what I know about her is only when she was still a rookie that hadn’t grown her hair though.”

When Yuris.h.i.+a spoke teasingly, Scarlet’s complexion changed out of nowhere.

“Yes, you are always like this since the past. That att.i.tude which is looking down on other people. On the surface you look polite, elegant, and kind with that disguised face, but your heart is completely different. You are thinking that humans other than yourself are all incompetent. You are a terrible hypocrite.”

“I guess.”

“――!? Wait, so you agreed! This liar!”

Yuris.h.i.+a showed a bitter face for an instant, but she immediately answered in defiance.

“Yes, that’s right. Because, it cannot be helped isn’t it? In reality, everyone is all incompetent.”

“What’s with your way of talking! Certainly, there was no one that could rival Yuris.h.i.+a in paper tests and also in physical tests. But even so, it doesn’t mean that it’s fine to make light of other people, much less tricking other people and using them, that’s not something anyone can do!”

“To grasp results that surpa.s.sed other people is just common sense no matter what world it is. If you are frustrated, then just pa.s.s through me.”

“Don’t make fun of me! After all, right now I’m the ace of Masters! My status is higher than someone like you. Someone like Yuris.h.i.+a is not my match anymore.”

Yuris.h.i.+a sighed from being fed up.

“Then isn’t it fine already? It’s fine even if you don’t take on someone like me.”

“Yes, I’ll do just that. Even this Connective Hybrid is unnecessary. It’s obvious that this is impossible with you who is selfish and has not even a bit of cooperativeness!”

“Fuuhn, so even how the Connective Hybrid is not going well is also my fault?”

Yuris.h.i.+a stared at Scarlet with cold eyes.

“That’s obvious! There is no way anyone can give trust or anything to someone who is thinking about nothing but using other people while considering them incompetent.”

“Is that so……I see. Certainly I don’t trust in other people’s ability. When I entrust others with a task, they will only fail that task, it can’t be helped that I give up on them. It’s not like this applies to just Scarlet. I’m sorry to Kizuna, but even Amaterasu is also like that. When I fight in a team, I constantly think like that. I was thinking [Aah, I don’t want to get hindered by these people].”

“A woman like you is just……-!!”

Scarlet glared at Yuris.h.i.+a. It was as if she was trying to kill her with her gaze.

“I’ll say it clearly, at the battle of Los Angeles, Scarlet, you were a hindrance. I couldn’t finish the mission if I was with you. That was why, I made you to go back.”

“Yuris.h.i.+a, how about you just say the truth?”

Kizuna who was lying down on the mat cut in between the two’s conversation.

“……So even Kizuna is calling me as a liar?”

“I’m not saying you are lying. But, there is something you are not saying right?”

“What matter I wonder?”

“That’s right, that thing was also Dragre wasn’t it? The one that attacked me and Yuris.h.i.+a on the unpopulated island.”

Yuris.h.i.+a was slightly agitated.

“You hid that your Hybrid Count was low and tried to save me didn’t you? You even told a lie that I’m just a hindrance that will drag you down to get me to run away. If you are really a human that is always thinking of using other people, you won’t do something like that.”

Scarlet scoffed.

“That’s not it. This woman doesn’t like to have her prey get taken by other people. How can she rise higher in the world, that’s the only thing this woman is thinking about.”

“Are you really thinking that?”


“Are you thinking that Yuris.h.i.+a is a human that is only thinking about using other people?”

“Tha, that is……Yuris.h.i.+a is a rich person, she has been raised without any discomfort from the time she was born until now, so……she is thinking that it’s only natural for other people to work for her. She just cannot take notice of someone like us who are only normal humans. On the outside she show friendly acts, but actually she is not thinking of them as the same human like her. She is thinking that everyone is an idiot and helpless.”

“That’s right. Perhaps it’s true that I think of everyone as helpless.

“Right! That’s why――”

“But, I think that’s different than hating them, or not thinking of them as human.”

“Wh-, why?”

“Yuris.h.i.+a, she wanted to save Scarlet. It was just, she couldn’t think of any idea other than resolving it by herself alone. What she said before, she doesn’t trust of other people’s ability, I think that’s a truth. Because she doesn’t believe in other people’s ability, she expected that they will die if they fight. She doesn’t want to let them die. That’s why she fights alone. That’s Yuris.h.i.+a’s reasoning.”

Scarlet knitted her eyebrows.

“But……if that’s true, then just why did she make us fight something like a category-A Dragre!?”

“Even Yuris.h.i.+a didn’t know that a Dragre would appear.”

Kizuna got down from above the air mat and took out his smartphone from his taken off clothes.

“This is the information we obtained from West USA in exchange of the information of the category-Ultra we fought the other day. This is the battlefield network data when Yuris.h.i.+a’s name was raised at the battle that occurred in Los Angeles and Arizona.”

Kizuna went until Scarlet’s position and showed her the LED screen.

The battlefield network distributed in real time the enemy number and position, furthermore the ally location and gear condition, their weapon utilization state, and then things like the geography and weather situation, all of those data to the allied information system. Based on that information, the strategy room sent instructions to the front lines, and also the ones on the front lines could possibly make the pertinent judgment that adapted to the situation using the information from the battlefield network.

Although with the obstruction of communication nearby the Entrance, it could only be used in a limited time.

Even so, the recorded information was preserved in the server, by restoring that data, it was possible to reproduce the battlefield. The data that Kizuna currently showed was the situation when the two was just parting with Yuris.h.i.+a going to Los Angeles while Scarlet was going to Arizona.

“Yes……certainly, this looks like the data at that time when Yuris.h.i.+a tricked me. Though at that time I couldn’t obtain information due to the communication interference.”

Certainly the enemy force heading to Los Angeles was approaching without changing their advancing direction. However, there was no hint of enemy in Arizona at all, there was also no particular movement in the Entrance.

“The category-A……is not displayed?”

For a moment, she thought that this might be a fake, but this was the real data no matter how she saw it. With this data, then Yuris.h.i.+a too shouldn’t be able to imagine that enemies could possibly appear at Arizona.

“When Yuris.h.i.+a made Scarlet stand by, she didn’t know anything about the magic weapon attacking. And then, there is this communication recording.”

Kizuna operated his device and began replaying a sound file.

{This is Yuris.h.i.+a, the enemy in the urban area had been exterminated. I’m returning after this.}

{Yuris.h.i.+a? You are not together with Scarlet?}

{Eh? Yes. Just a little, I’m alone――}

{Return to the base urgently. An unidentified enemy appeared from the Entrance at Arizona, it is in the middle of invading towards the base. Scarlet and the reinforcement unit from other bases are in the middle of battle, but the enemy is just too strong. We cannot even contact them, we don’t know the situation. It’s possible they might have been annihilated already. Even if it’s just you, return to the ba――oi!}

The transmission was cut there.

“She violated the order and headed towards the powerful enemy which appeared for the first time with her exhausted body. It was for the sake of rescuing Scarlet. Certainly she is self-centered and self-righteous, and she doesn’t have any faith in other people’s strength, but she is by no means a girl who can use or sacrifice other people.”

Scarlet received a shock as if she had been hit by lightning.

――That’s right.

Certainly Yuris.h.i.+a wasn’t that kind of person.

Exactly because of that, she was shocked from being betrayed.

But if that was a misunderstanding, she felt like all her resentment to Yuris.h.i.+a, then all her hard work to death until she became the ace of Masters were denied. Scarlet was imprisoned in her thought that was going around in circles and became unable to move.

Yuris.h.i.+a who stayed quiet and listened opened her mouth. Scarlet returned to her senses from that voice.

“At that time……the enemy was invading into the downtown of Los Angeles. There were also a lot of small enemies, it was obvious that Scarlet’s missiles couldn’t deal with them. Far from that, there was the risk of stray shots inflicting damage to the city and people. If there were civilians that died from Scarlet’s weapon, I thought that Scarlet won’t be able to stand back up. That was why, I went there alone.”


“But, of all things my lie that enemies appeared in Arizona for the sake of distancing Scarlet away really became the truth, I had never imagined that. But, it’s the fact that the result was that I monopolized all the achievements by myself. That’s why, all the things that Scarlet said is not mistaken. I made you into my stepping stone and grasped the seat of the super ace, that fact doesn’t change. Besides……”

With an apologetic expression, Yuris.h.i.+a looked at Kizuna’s direction.

“I’m not amazing or anything. All is just a simple coincidence. It’s also true how I am a liar.”


Yuris.h.i.+a smiled at the awkward Scarlet.

“That’s why I thought that it’s only natural for Scarlet to resent me. That’s why, I won’t make any justifications regarding that. Besides――”

Yuris.h.i.+a stared fixedly at Scarlet.

“Wha, what?”

“That spoiled Scarlet in the past has become this splendid now. There is some worth in being resented like this.”

Scarlet’s face turned red in a flash.

“Wha…..I, I wasn’t spoiled or anything! Don’t say something so irresponsible!”

“My? So you were not always sticking close behind me, going Yuris.h.i.+a-senpai, Yuris.h.i.+a-senpai every time I was speaking something?”

“Hee―……so Scarlet was like that in the past?”

“Wai-……Ki-, Kizuna! You must not believe it! Yuris.h.i.+a-sen……Yuris.h.i.+a is a liar after all!”

“My, I wonder which one is the liar? If you don’t become honest, then your b.r.e.a.s.t.s won’t grow bigger♪”

Yuris.h.i.+a grasped at Scarlet’s chest in a whoosh.

“KYAAAA, where are you touching! Pervert!”

“If you cannot do that perverted thing, give up on the Connective Hybrid.”


“That’s right. It’s just a little bit more until the Connective Hybrid succeeds. Let’s do our best.”

“Wa, what are you smirking about like that! That, it’s not like I forgive Yuris.h.i.+a after all! Wait, are you listening? Both of, kyaaaa!”

Kizuna also got on the mat again and embraced Scarlet tightly from the back.

Her nerves were heightened and she returned to her senses, but she had just gone through Heart Hybrid. He was going to drive her to climax even faster than usu――,


Dripping medicine was dribbled on his back.

“Oi, Yuris.h.i.+a. That startled me.”

When he turned around, Yuris.h.i.+a was putting the medicine on her breast. The liquid with highly transparent stickiness was flowing along the exposed breast and crawled down Yuris.h.i.+a’s body. Her state that was lacquering the viscous liquid on her body with both hands was giving off a really obscene atmosphere. The liquid coating Yuris.h.i.+a’s whole body granted glossy s.h.i.+ne on Yuris.h.i.+a’s skin, her body that was gleaming from the lighting was very lewd.

“Now Kizuna. Accept me with your whole body okay?”

With a s.e.xy look, Yuris.h.i.+a embraced Kizuna and pushed him down.

Yuris.h.i.+a’s body that was slimy with the viscous liquid was clinging tightly to Kizuna’s body that there was no gap between them. Yuris.h.i.+a’s voluptuous body that already felt soft even under normal circ.u.mstances was glued to him even closer thanks to the medicine. It even made him felt that it was as though they were connected into one.

Yuris.h.i.+a’s breast was pressed on Kizuna’s abs, sliding on top of Kizuna’s body in its crushed state. The slick liquid decreased the friction, granting him only the pleasure until it reached Kizuna’s head. The breast’s tip pa.s.sed through Kizuna’s nose. It was largely pointed, with the beauty of its glossy color enhanced thanks to the viscous liquid. From the tip that was s.h.i.+ning from light reflection, drops of liquid scattered in s.h.i.+ning splash.

Yuris.h.i.+a’s breast once more grazed Kizuna’s mouth and keep going down until his chest where it stayed there pressed on him.

That was an unbearable pleasure.

It was not simply soft, the hard bud at the center was stimulating Kizuna’s body ticklishly. And then surely Yuris.h.i.+a herself was also feeling it. She knitted her eyebrows and endured the pleasure that resounded on her breast while sliding her body up and down.

“Hey, does it feels……hnn, good?”

Yuris.h.i.+a smiled at Kizuna while also restraining her gasping voice.

“Yeah, it’s obvious that it feels good if you do something like this.”

“Kizuna, I hate it that you forget about me here.”

Scarlet hugged at Kizuna’s arm. Her body was coated with the medicine similar to Yuris.h.i.+a, she was s.h.i.+ning gleamingly. The highlight of her smooth body line was s.h.i.+ning from the light reflection. Her expression was also changed to complete obscenity, perhaps due to Yuris.h.i.+a’s influence.


She licked the back of his hand and then sucked on his fingertips from there. Then now she pressed Kizuna’s arm on her breast and she slid her body. Each time she did that, painful sigh leaked out from her mouth.

That figure of hers, a girl who still didn’t know about a woman’s happiness becoming desperate in trying to obtain pleasure, looked sweet.

‘I too have to make her feel good.’

Kizuna rubbed thoroughly at Scarlet’s breast with his hand that she hugged.

“Aaa! Tha, that’s, amazing.”

He caressed around from her breast to her lovely navel, his palm was lowering down little by little.

“Ah……don’t, more than that, is no good.”

However even when she tried to close her legs, she didn’t even try to hold him back with her hand and let him to keep doing it.

“Hyaaaua……a, ah”

Kizuna’s fingertips touched her sensitive part. There he gently caressed as though treating something important. Each time Scarlet raised coquettish voice with her body convulsing. And then, Kizuna’s fingers that were drenched with the medicinal viscous liquid were replenished with a new liquid.

Scarlet half opened her mouth while looking up at the air with empty eyes. Crimson light was beginning to rise up from her body.

‘――Nice. Just a little more……uoou!?’

A fierce pleasure rushed from between his groin to his back.

“Fu-fu-fu, you will be shot down if you let your guard down★”

While he was attacking Scarlet, Yuris.h.i.+a was moving her body towards Kizuna’s legs. She embraced his foot, moved her whole body up and down and repeated movement that was stroking his leg. And then Yuris.h.i.+a’s hand was also granting similar stimulation to Kizuna himself.

‘Thi, this is bad. I’ve to fight back immediately!’

Kizuna raised his upper body and reached his hand to Yuris.h.i.+a’s breast.

“Aahn! Geez, don’t do that. Right now I’m making Kizuna feel goo…..dd-aaah!”

He pinched the pink sensitive part and lightly pulled. Yuris.h.i.+a couldn’t oppose that pleasure and her movement stopped. He switched their posture with that opening and leaned forward at Yuris.h.i.+a. He didn’t intend it, but he spread out Yuris.h.i.+a’s nether region and now he was in a posture that forced his way through between her legs.

‘This, this posture…….’

With a bewitched expression, Yuris.h.i.+a raised a desiring voice. “Kizuna……something strange in me……it’s unbearable. The inside of my body is itching, it won’t settle down. More……I want to feel Kizuna close……”

Yuris.h.i.+a lifted her waist. And then golden light overflowed with her abdomen as the center.


Scarlet came licking all over Kizuna’s side. And then her hands circled at Kizuna’s front from behind, and grasped at his important thing.

When he was attacking one person, he got attacked by the other person. Even while he was talking, the other person was giving his body pleasure mercilessly. He couldn’t see even a little bit of opening or negligence.

“O, oi, Scarle-――kuh”

“Ehehe, the weak point of a boy. I completely understand.”

Scarlet showed a smile that was like a little devil. That smile was so inflammatory that he couldn’t think of her as the same character with the girl who didn’t know anything of this just before.

Yuris.h.i.+a also raised her body and smiled obscenely. Her breathing was rough and her body was convulsing in small s.h.i.+vers.

“Hey……we too, are already at the limit……it’s unfortunate, however if we are touched by Kizuna even by just a little bit more, we are going to……come over to the other side of the limit.”

Yuris.h.i.+a and Scarlet, and then Kizuna too were generating light particles from their body. Those particles were caught on the viscous liquid, mixing the three kinds of light.

Yuris.h.i.+a and Scarlet were lining side by side in front of Kizuna.

“The last switch, to realize the Connective Hybrid……”

Yuris.h.i.+a embraced Scarlet’s shoulder. Scarlet too rubbed her body at Yuris.h.i.+a, like a dog that became emotionally attached. Yuris.h.i.+a whispered something into her ear and Scarlet nodded with an erotic smile.

Yuris.h.i.+a and Scarlet lifted their breast with both their hands and smiled.

“See. Which one will you choose? Both of them come with recommendation you know♥”

The two beauties were directing their breast at him, presenting it to him side by side.

The overwhelmingly voluptuousness and softness that granted ultimate healing of Yuris.h.i.+a. Beautiful silhouette with moderate size. The superb sensation of touching where there was the firmness inside the softness of Scarlet.

‘――There are these wonderful objects lined up before my eyes, what should I do?

Yuris.h.i.+a? Or Scarlet?

Don’t be impatient.

Think calmly.

――This is Connective Hybrid. Choice like choosing which one doesn’t exist!’


Kizuna circled his hands to the back of the two and got them closer as though to join the body of the two together. And then, the b.r.e.a.s.t.s of the two drew near and the pink summit touched each other.

Those two summits were put into his mouth at the same time, and he sucked.

Sweet numbness ran through the two bodies of Yuris.h.i.+a and Scarlet. It felt like a short circuit which would block the pleasure was going to occur at the nerves that were in the tips of the b.r.e.a.s.t.s from the intense stimulation.

Despite so, even more stimulation was granted inside Kizuna’s mouth. He bit lightly with his teeth and poked at the depression of the pointed end with his tongue. And then he crawled his tongue at the whole surface and flicked the pointed end with the tip of his tongue.

“Hah, ahaaah, a! AAAA-!”

The two’s bodies were convulsing, tears spilled down from their eyes due to too much pleasure.

Kizuna then sucked with all his might as if giving the finis.h.i.+ng blow.

And then finally, the two sensitive sense organs broke through the limit.




At the same time with that, particles of light were generated from the body of the three explosively. The surge of light overflowed inside the train coach and coiled around their bodies once again. It stirred the liquid wrapping their bodies, mixed, and then absorbed into their body. The viscous liquid that contained medicine evaporated at the same time with that happening.

Kizuna sensed the three colors of light particles mixing inside his body and fused. That was a sensation like something which had never been inside himself was now existing in his body.

“This is……Connective Hybrid.”

“Do……does it, succeed?”

Yuris.h.i.+a raised her voice looking at the light wrapping her body.

“I also…..completed it.”

Scarlet whispered dazedly.

“Aah, both of you have worked hard.”

Kizuna spread his hands and embraced Yuris.h.i.+a and Scarlet at the same time. He caressed their heads respectively with his right and left hands and slid his hands through their hair as though scooping them up. Particles of light flicked off from the tips of their hair and danced in the air.

“Yuris.h.i.+a, Scarlet, can you do it?”

“Fufu, of course. I received a lot of energy from Kizuna.”

“I’m OK anytime. I feel like that I won’t lose to anyone if it’s now!”

Kizuna stood up and took out pilot suits from the closet inside the coach.

“Both of you, wear these pilot suits.”

He handed over the pilot suits to Yuris.h.i.+a and Scarlet and then began to wear one himself.

“Ye, yes……but, they are really prepared that there is also my suit here.”

“Yeah. That’s because it had been arranged. We are going! Eros!!”

Kizuna’s body was enveloped in pink light. The light compressed and converted into black armor. A jet black armor with beautiful l.u.s.ter. A gear that contained all color, and so wasn’t of any color. The black Heart Hybrid Gear [Eros] was fixed on Kizuna’s body.

“We are also going. Cross!”

“Roger! Ares!”

On Yuris.h.i.+a’s body was blue fuselage with golden light, the Heart Hybrid Gear [Cro