
Chapter 66

5-1 Four People, Four Cultural Festivals[]

048 - ♣16

WANTED!As the 42nd Kanya Festival draws to its conclusion, the various clubs have held their activities in an orderly manner. However, as ourdear readers would no doubt be aware already, that there exists those who would disrupt such order with blatant disregard. Indeed, it isnone other than the thief known as "Juumoji".This thief would leave a message behind of the clubs which he has stolen from. Besides that, he (this writer is not yet certain as to thegender of the thief) has also left behind something else, for fear of inspiring copycat crimes, as a socially responsible publication,we have" decided not to disclose what it is.In any case, seven clubs have been targeted to date. As mentioned in our 4pm edition yesterday, the clubs that have been hit include theA Capella Club, the Go Club, and the Magic Club as well as how they were targeted. And as our previous report mentions, "Juumoji" isstill on course to stealing ten items.The Wall Newspaper Club would now like to make an appeal to our beloved readers, the students of Kamiyama High School. Are you going tosit by and let this "Juumoji" get away with his crimes? Can you possibly sit by and let him, most likely a student himself, thinkwe"re inferior to him?This cannot be allowed to happen!The Wall Newspaper Club would thus like to seek out detectives willing to catch the phantom thief "Juumoji" in his act, and reveal histrue ident.i.ty to all. We have great expectations of such a person, and their wisdom in defeating such trickery shall be publishedin a special edition for all to see.

Now that sure was quite a bl.u.s.terous article, though I don"t particularly dislike such style.

I didn"t really learn much from the part about how the clubs like the A Capella Club and Go Club were targeted. The A Capella Club"s cooler box had been placed outside the courtyard from the beginning of their performance, while the Go Club left their Go stones inside their club room the day before the Cultural Festival started without locking the door. In other words, the suspect could have been anyone.

I was probably reading the article posted on the billboard by the entrance with a smiling face. While I hardly know the people from the Wall Newspaper Club, I do get a sort of closeness with them by just reading such an article.

Besides, what moved me was the timing of this special edition. As they were supposed to release a special edition once every two hours (come to think of it, that coincides with the time taken for "Juumoji" to commit his crimes) starting from 8am. But right now it"s only a little past 7. They must have pasted this first thing upon arriving at school. They sure got some spirit.

As I too was full of spirits to begin with, there"s no way I could lose to them, as I too had arrived at school by 7. To be precise, I was already here when the gates opened at 6. And I was thinking there wouldn"t be anyone at this time of day, but there turned out to be quite a number of people. Guess common sense doesn"t work during the Kamiyama High School Cultural Festival.

Now, for the main target.

There were two clubs that begin with [KU]: the Quiz Study Club ([KU]IZU KEN クイズ研) and the Global Act Club ([GU]RO-BARU AKUTO KURABU グローバルアクトクラブ). While the [KU] in Quiz Study Club lacked a diacritic ( and would seem like the obvious choice, their activities were already completed by the first day, not to mention they did not book any cla.s.sroom for use (as a member of the General Committee, I guarantee this to be true). On the other hand, the Global Act Club would be holding a panel exhibition, which was quite rare for the clubs here, which means the door to their room would be open at all times. So by process of elimination, the best way to catch "Juumoji" on his act would be here.

I climbed the stairs and headed to the cla.s.sroom of Cla.s.s 3-E, where the Global Act Club would have their exhibition. Before leaving school yesterday, I went to check if they had anything stolen or if any note was left behind, but could find nothing. So by making a stakeout here first thing in the morning before "Juumoji" could act, I was sure of my success in catching him.

Even so......

There was already someone else in the Cla.s.s 3-E cla.s.sroom.

"Hey, f.u.kube, you"re late."

It"s Tani-kun, and it wasn"t just him.

"Hmm? You"re with the Cla.s.sics Club...... Thanks for the help last time. So, you"re into this case as well?"

It was Haba Tomohiro-sempai from the second year. I met him during the "Empress Incident" during the summer vacation, he"s from the Detective Fiction Study Club if I remember correctly. Once this becomes public, it"ll attract a great deal of attention. Looks like Tani-kun"s prediction was correct. Does that mean I too have been attracted to it as well? Well, I don"t deny it though.

Besides these two, there was another student I didn"t know standing some distance from us. As this is the last day, it"s not like the clubs would need to prepare for anything extra, so I presume he too is a detective-wannabe. That makes four of us. This is bad, though we may now have more eyes present, it would also mean security has become too tight for "Juumoji" to make his move.

Hiding such anxiety, I spoke cheerfully to Tani-kun,

"Hey, morning. For you to stakeout here, you sure must have some spirits, huh?"

"Same goes for you."

"So? Has it begun?"

With his thumb, Tani-kun pointed to the centre of the cla.s.sroom,

"As if I"d show any kindness to an expected worthy rival. Go investigate yourself."

He must have not found anything yet, as if the crime has been committed, these three detective-wannabes wouldn"t still be here. So I shrugged my shoulders.

The clock had just moved past 7. As we would need to be by the Gymnasium by 8.30 to have our attendances taken, if "Juumoji" were to appear, he too would choose this moment to strike. I, and most likely the other three as well, would be focusing on whoever has come here before then. If the crime had happened during this time frame, we would be able to narrow down the suspects.

Silently, I moved away from Tani-kun and Haba-sempai and leaned on one of the walls by the corridor. If I were a hard-boiled detective, I would have taken out a cigarette and smoked it while I waited. Unfortunately, this is a high school, so I took out some chewing gum instead.

049 - ♥11

The final day has at last arrived.

As it"s a Sat.u.r.day, there were more visitors from outside of school than usual. Today is also the day where the "Juumoji Incident" must come to an end. It"s a make-or-break moment, no matter how one looks at it. To get things started, I first headed to the nearest billboard to have a look at the newest edition of the "Kami High Monthly".

There was already someone else present when I arrived.

Crossing her arms and nodding her head, this person didn"t seem like a high school student. She"s most likely in college. Dressed in an orange shirt, she had rather tanned arms. Even though autumn had already arrived, she still wore short jeans that still give out the scent of summer. Standing with her legs slightly apart, she gently tapped the ground rhythmically with one of her feet. It looked as though she was enjoying herself.

And right now this person was reading the wall newspaper, moving her gaze up and down many times, before long a smile appeared on her face,

"I see..."

I heard her whisper. Unfolding her arms, she turned around, neither in a hurry nor sluggishly, and disappeared through the entrance as her guest slippers squeaked against the floor.

I wonder where I have met her before? A lively looking college student...... I just can"t figure out where. But I"m sure I"ve seen her face before. I was quite confident in memorizing people"s faces and names, after all.


I guess I just can"t quite remember. It must have been my imagination.

050 - ♠13

As usual, hardly anyone came to the Geology Room. That said, we still managed to sell up to thirty copies so far, so not that we have anything to complain about.

While I"m grateful for not needing to work hard, upon seeing those boxes, even I could feel myself getting anxious. Right now those generic looking boxes look quite intimidating to me.

Inside those boxes are printed words that will never be read by a single soul. Besides, by staying sealed inside those boxes, the books would slowly transform, page after page of words would slowly go yellow. As though they would etch itself into one"s heart upon being read, these words are now longing to be read. Sealed away in a damp place never to see the light of day, they would continue to ferment and go mouldy while chanting "Read me!" in eerie way. But still they will never be read, all the way until they rot away, or get burnt completely......

Guess I really have too much free time to be making such imagination. With 141 copies to go, not even entrusting 20 copies to Irisu could guarantee we would ever sell out. So I was pretty much prepared for the worst. There"s just no point in keeping up to a hundred copies of a single anthology. If we end up with a large number of copies remaining, the only fate that awaits them would be for them to rot away in some storage, or be disposed as recyclable paper.

I looked at the cover drawn by Ibara, of a rabbit and dog biting each other, as well as the book binding, glued together by polypropylene.


Hmm. It wouldn"t be so bad even if she had cut corners with it.

Well, at any rate, there"s nothing much I could do. Resting my chin on my hands, I listened to the gentle sound of musical instruments being played from the Gymnasium. Looking across the courtyard at the General Block, I noticed one of the cla.s.sroom windows being covered in black curtains, resembling a broken tooth.

I switched the hand on which my chin rested.

...... I did not dislike the idea of using the "Juumoji Incident" in order to draw visitors over to the Cla.s.sics Club, much like how zoos would covet a panda to raise attendance. If the Wall Newspaper mentions the Cla.s.sics Club as being the last target, that"ll surely attract people"s attention.

Yet I was going along a different train of thought, namely the selling of Hyouka. Just attracting visitors was no guarantee of improving sales......

There were no visitors now, though we do have lots of time. And so I began to think, slowly progressing with my thoughts.


051 - ♣17

The Global Act Club, as its name suggests, is involved in global current affairs, thus its exhibition panels include stuff like the flood in Bangladesh, or the internal unrest in Indonesia. Unfortunately, I wasn"t particularly interested in such topics so I can"t say whether this stuff is fascinating.

Wait a minute, what have we here? A panel reads "A Mexican cornbread you can make", another says "How to make Bulgarian yogurt using ordinary dairy products". They"ve got all sorts of ethnic dishes introduced here. Feeling interested, I decided to have a chat with their president, who replied with a bitter looking expression,

"We"re not exactly a cooking club. This is a global affairs volunteer club, after all. Though we also dress in various ethnic clothing, but we thought ethnic dishes was more interesting. Actually we would be making some of those dishes ourselves...... though it doesn"t look like anyone was interested in how it"s made."

Indeed. Whether it"s thanks to the Wall Newspaper Club, or by word of mouth, as time pa.s.sed, the number of detective-wannabes seemed to have increased, and the Cla.s.s 3-E cla.s.sroom gradually became rather crowded. As I did not hear this from the Executive Committee, it seems the Global Act Club intends to make cornbread on the spot and give them out to visitors. In less than an hour after student attendance was taken in the Gymnasium, all the cornbread had been consumed by these detective wannabes. I can totally understand the president"s lamentations. Yet if such a crowd were to appear at the Cla.s.sics Club, we would probably be sighing and crying out in joy at the same time.

"...... Nothing"s happening so far."

A bored sounding whisper entered my ear, it was Tani-kun. He was already saying that even though there was still an hour to go. Yet I find myself agreeing with him. My watch showed the time was approaching ten soon. If "Juumoji" were to release a note every two hours, he would have to strike soon (as Kami High"s lessons begin at eight). Still, no matter how many eyes were present, no suspicious movement was spotted.

Could it be? A doubt arose in my head. Could it be that "Juumoji" really targeted the Quiz Club instead? No, it can"t be. Their activity was long finished, and their members would surely be scattered around the school enjoying the Cultural Festival. How is a thief going to steal from them in such conditions?

But if I consider the question of what could be stolen, then the Global Act Club would seem like an odd target. For example, the Magic Club had "candle" ([KI]YANDORU キャンドル) that begins with [KI], but I can"t find anything in the Global Act Club that begins with [KU]. Since all students would be wearing indoor shoes ([KU]TSU 靴) inside Kami High, could it be that he would be stealing those? I can"t really imagine him leaving a message the reads "Hey I"ve stolen your shoes, mwahahaha." (That said, the shoes from the cosplay costumes in the Manga Club and other fashion clubs don"t count.) If the phantom thief "Juumoji" can twist "water" as "Aquarius" ([A]KUERIASU アクエリアス), then there"s got to be something here. Could it be that he"s given up because he couldn"t figure out what matches his sequence as well?

Amongst the detective-wannabes,

"This is getting boring, I"m off."

Said one.

"Text me if something happens."

Said another. Even Haba-sempai had disappeared, apparently off for some club errand. The only people that were here since the beginning were probably me and Tani-kun.

What"s wrong with you "Juumoji"? You can"t simply be scared just because there"s many of us! I don"t believe this, it"s nearly ten now!

...... Suddenly, Tani-kun placed his hand in his pocket and took out his cell. He seemed to have received a text as he turned on the display.

It was then when Tani-kun raised his voice,

"...... WHAT?!"

Huh? What happened?

Tani-kun closed his cell phone and placed it back into his pocket, and appeared to dash off. Before he does, I decided to calmly ask him what had happened,

"Did something happen?"

Tani-kun bit his lips, as though gesturing it"s got nothing to do with me. The way he"s remaining silent means it"s something to do with "Juumoji".

I decided to push his b.u.t.tons a bit,

"I don"t get as many friends like you, Tani-kun, so please do tell me what just happened."

Things sure proceed smoothly if you"re willing to lower yourself. Tani-kun snorted,

"Hmph, this "Juumoji" had set up a decoy for us to fall into."

"A decoy? Could it be that he went for the Quiz Club?"

He shook his head and smirked,


"Then who?"

Making sure the other detective-wannabes couldn"t hear him, Tani-kun lowered his voice,

"It"s the Light Music Club ([KE]IONBU 軽音部). Their guitar strings ([GE]N 弦) were stolen."

The Light Music Club??

In contrast to Tani-kun, I raised my voice without thinking,

"You"re kidding me, right?!"

Tani-kun"s face quickly went sullen,

"If you don"t believe me you can go confirm it for yourself. I"ll be off then,"

He said and dashed out of the Cla.s.s 3-E cla.s.sroom. I thought of chasing after him, but quickly abandoned the thought, as I knew it"d be pointless.

"Juumoji" is more flexible than I could ever imagine. I have been bound by the suggestion of the gojuuon sequence and the release of a note every two hours, and was hoping to make a stakeout in his supposed next target, thinking he too would be bound by these rules. Yet, upon seeing the heavy security of the Global Act Club, he had opted to go straight for the Light Music Club. How could I be beaten by such a simple move like that? You can"t win against that.

This means the usual method of meeting the suspect head on would not work against him.

In that case, I should focus on finding out what his weak spot is, but I did not have the talent for that. After all, I would have already done that if I had known what his weak spot was.


I"ve been thinking since last night. In order to catch this "Juumoji" from the sea of anonymity, I thought the only way was to stakeout in his intended target. I could not figure out any other way to do so.

Yet "Juumoji" had easily evaded such a confrontation. If he could abandon such rules so easily, how am I going to catch him on the act?

This requires a rethink.

There"s got to be something else which I could do.

052 - ♠14

As expected of a Sat.u.r.day, by noon there were already more visitors than before.

Thanks to Irisu"s movie selling well, it seems the twenty copies we entrusted to her had managed to sell as well. As a result, Chitanda had came over to bring ten more copies over.

Most of the visitors that came here were those who were just visiting this part of the school grounds on a whim. Two were middle-aged women, who decided to buy a copy each as they chatted idly away. Including those two, we"ve now sold nine copies today. As long as this keeps up, this could be something to look forward to.

"Thank you very much," I said with a stiff smile as I saw them off.

...... I feel like taking a leak.

It"s times like these when being the only person in the store becomes bothersome, as I couldn"t find someone else to stand in for me while I"m away. While we"re merely selling anthologies, it doesn"t feel right to leave any interested buyers waiting. So I locked the candy box storing the money and placed it in my shoulder bag, and then took out a piece of paper and wrote: Currently away. Anthology Hyouka - 200 yen per copy. If interested, please leave money on counter.

Under my bag, I noticed something glowing. It was the heart-shaped brooch that Ibara threw at me yesterday. For some reason, I placed it beside the stack of Hyouka anthologies and wrote another note: Please feel free to exchange brooch with something of equivalent value.

Now then, nature is calling out to me.


I"m home.

Hey, I"m only gone for about five minutes and the brooch"s gone. Instead, I see 200 yen being placed on the table. Did someone buy a copy? When did they come?

I noticed someone had written on the note for the brooch exchange. Upon seeing it, my face went sour. I"ve seen that handwriting before. Reading it, I knew right away who had visited.

You shouldn"t leave the store unattended like that. You wouldn"t want this brooch, I presume? Then, I"ll have it. I"ve placed the exchange item on top of the stack of Hyoukas. This would be a good way for you to kill time...

It"s my sis. So she did come. Yet it feels bad for her to sneak in during the five minutes when I was away. On second thought, personally, it"s actually not that bad.

Starting with sis"s fountain pen, this Straw Millionaire Protocol has gone from a needle badge, a Glock pistol, weak flour, and a brooch, and now it"s gone full circle back to my sis again. So what"s this item that she had exchange? As it"s coming from her, it"s gotta be something of interest. I took a look at the stack of Hyoukas.

True enough, on top of that mountain, was an anthology-like book similar in size to Hyouka. Bound in the back with polypropylene glue, it"s quality was inferior to that of Hyouka, though it was rather thick. The cover featured an ill.u.s.tration of a girl"s face from the side. It wasn"t a live-action sketch, but a manga drawing.

At any rate, I returned the candy box to its original position and placed the 200 yen my sis left behind inside. I don"t supposed I need bother counting how many copies we have remaining. Even if it"s my sister, I just can"t see her stealing many copies of Hyouka. Resting my back on the chair, I picked up the book my sis left behind.

On the side of the cover was a vertical row of small words. Seems to be the t.i.tle. Ashes at Dusk? What a morbid t.i.tle. And besides that t.i.tle was the name of the author. "Anshinin Takuha"? Sounds like a Buddhist monk if you ask me, most likely a pen name. And I hope I got that name p.r.o.nounced properly.

Looking at the t.i.tle and author name, I wondered what my sis was thinking giving an occult book to me. Flipping to see the contents, turns out it was indeed a manga. It opens with a scene of a sailor uniformed schoolgirl exiting a train station built of wood. Whoa, this drawing is pretty good.

I see. If it"s a manga, it would indeed help me kill time. Though it feels weird for sis to show such blatant goodwill. Well, if she had brought it all the way here from home, it can"t be that bad. I might as well give her my grat.i.tude and start reading this.

Before that, I decided to see if there was any afterword by the author, and sure enough, it was on the last page.

Here it is.

How did you find Ashes at Dusk?

If you ask me, I thought it was well done, though I"m mostly in charge of the background art and didn"t really contribute much. If you had enjoyed reading this, rather than thank me, you should thank its writer and ill.u.s.trator.

Neither three of us belong to the Manga Study Club. We are simply people interested in manga who had decided to try and create a manga on our own. As a debut work, guess we shouldn"t be bragging about how good it is ourselves. That is for the readers to decide.

We do not intend to disband after just making this once. We plan on making another manga in next year"s Kanya Festival. Our writer "A" plans on writing a mystery story for it, and I am told it would be based on one or two of Agatha Christie"s most famous works. As such, the t.i.tle has already been decided.

So stay tuned for our next work, The Kudryavka Sequence...... Yeah, I know, another morbid sounding t.i.tle. (LOL)

I look forward to meeting you again in next year"s Kanya Festival.

"Anshinin Takuha"

It was written in neat handwriting.


I raised my eyebrow and read the afterword again.

Kanya Festival, this means this manga was drawn by one of Kamiyama High School"s students. There can be no mistake, this was created for the Kanya Festival.

And then there"s this "Kudryavka Sequence". While I have no idea what on earth this "Kudryavka" means, but I am intrigued by the word "Sequence". No, if it was just that word alone, I wouldn"t have been that interested. Rather, it was the mention of "Agatha Christie"s most famous works".

Moreover, this was brought over by my sis. I once again looked at the memo she wrote.

This would be a good way for you to kill time...

Why is it a good way for me? If it"s just for me to read a manga, then the way she said it was strange. This was definitely not her way of saying "Since my brother is feeling bored, I"ve brought a manga for him to read." You can bet my a.s.s that I"m right.

"What bothersome matter have you gotten me into?"

I muttered and straightened my back.

The art looks good, and the afterword said it"s enjoyable, so I might as well give it a read. While it wasn"t explicitly written, but the person who wrote the afterword seemed pretty confident of what he"s saying. Even if this was a random joke by my sis, it"ll still do as a great way to kill time.


053 - ♣18

I"ve finally organized my thoughts.

My conclusion was: There"s nothing I can personally do about it.

For better or for worse, I"m pretty good when it comes to letting go and giving up.

In other words, there was only one thing left which I could do right now. So I said calmly,

"I"m counting on you, Houtarou."

054 - ♥12

I am currently searching for a person.

It is none other than the President of the Broadcast Club. Thanks to the Juumoji Incident, news of the Global Act Club receiving more visitors than usual have reached my ears from various people, and not just f.u.kube-san alone. I am very curious as to who is this "Juumoji-san", and why is he continuing with such thefts. My mind was filled only with thoughts as to why he would be doing this. Yet it"s only now that I began to think of such things. Until now we had only learned the what and the how, which was pretty frustrating.

If we could attract many visitors by using the Juumoji Incident, wouldn"t this be a great chance? Right now, I am making the most of this bold chance, or rather, I"m executing one part of a systemized plan to make this chance work. Thus, I am attempting to offer an interview on behalf of the Cla.s.sics Club with the Broadcast Club during their lunchtime broadcast.

With advice from Irisu-san, I have managed to enlist the a.s.sistance of the Wall Newspaper Club in promoting our cause, the next step would be to speak with the Broadcast Club.

However, just when I thought I would meet him at the Audio Visual Room, the president wasn"t there. A girl, whose voice I recognized as the host of the lunch time broadcast, heard my request and tilted her head,

"The Prez" is probably somewhere around here. Wonder where he went...... Well, since he"s not yet decided what to put in today"s programme yet, you might have a chance if you speak with him."

Thankfully, I knew what the president looked like, so I should be able to find him if I see him. So I began moving around the campus in search of him. And yet, I couldn"t find him.

I came to the third floor of the Special Block during my search, thinking of paying Oreki-san a visit while he watches the stall. While I did stop by before to collect another 10 anthology copies as requested by Irisu-san, but he was fast asleep.

As I climbed the stairs, I noticed a person walking towards the Geology Room. To my surprise, it was Yoshino Yasukuni-san, the president of the Broadcast Club which I was looking for. As I did not expect to see him here, I straightened my uniform scarf and chased after him,

"h.e.l.lo, Yoshino-san."

Yoshino-san stopped and turned around with widened eyes. His unpretentious hairstyle and thick eyebrows stood out,


I bowed politely,

"My name is Chitanda Eru, the president of the Cla.s.sics Club. I was looking everywhere for you, as I was hoping to request something from you."

Yet Yoshida-san did not wait for me to finish my sentence. Upon giving my name, he startled me with a yell which overshadowed the last part of my greeting.

"So you"re the Cla.s.sics Club president! What a coincidence, you came at just the right time. I was just looking for you for a favour."


I wondered what it was, and soon enough, Yoshino-san began explaining,

"Is the report by the Wall Newspaper Club true? That "Juumoji"s" final target would be the Cla.s.sics Club? "Juumoji"s" the trending topic right now, you see? So I was thinking of doing something about that for today"s lunch broadcast, otherwise we won"t have anything interesting to talk about for the rest of the afternoon. Thank goodness for this incident to happen. As for who would be our guest, that would naturally be the president of the final targeted club. So you interested? Don"t worry, all you"ll need to do is answer a few of my questions. Besides, you"ve got a pretty voice, so it"ll be just fine. How about it?"

Oh my.

I didn"t even need to apply any of Irisu-san"s negotiating skills that she taught me. Though I never expected myself to be a guest in a radio broadcast, as I was only thinking of having them simply mention us in their broadcast. But as a guest...... That would be like f.u.kube-san making his speech before the Quiz Club president in the First Day.

...... Will I be able to do this?

A long silence ensued. Yoshino-san scratched his head,

"Well, you don"t have to do this if you don"t want to, of course."

"No, wait,"

The sight of the mountains of Hyouka floated in my mind, as well as Mayaka"s expression upon realizing she made the ordering mistake. I thought of Oreki-san and f.u.kube-san"s hard work as well.

I should not be hesitant, so I bowed deeply once again,

"I"ll be most glad to do this,"

"R, really?"

Yoshino-san broke into a broad smile,

"Then, do please come to the AV Room at noon, the broadcast will begin at 12.30. You may bring your boxed-lunch. Thanks a lot, I"ll be seeing you then!"

"No, the pleasure is all mine."

I wonder if I could say I felt relieved? Instead, I felt anxious. While Yoshino-san all I needed to do was answer a few questions, I"m sure they aren"t anything private. I took a deep breath.

Oh yes, I came here in order to pay Oreki-san a visit. The Geology Room door was closed, even though it"s supposed to be left open for the whole day. I knocked and opened the door.

Inside were Oreki-san, as well as f.u.kube-san, who raised his hand to greet me,

"Hey, Chitanda-san. Irisu-sempai"s managed to sell her copies quite well, hasn"t she?"

"Yes, she"s asked for another 10 copies,"

I said while looking at Oreki-san, who seemed to be fervently reading some anthology and didn"t bother to lift his head. Could it be that he didn"t notice my presence? Noticing my gaze, f.u.kube-san shurugged his shoulders,

"He"s reading a manga. And he seems pretty obsessed with it, since he"s not even listening to what I"m saying."

His eyes fixed on the book, Oreki-san spoke,

"I heard you. The thief had skipped [KU] altogether and went for the Light Music Club, which began with [KE]."

"It"s no use just listening if you don"t get the importance of what"s happening, you know."

"Hang on, I"m about to get to the ending."

You see? f.u.kube-san gestured to me as he shrugged his shoulders again.

Upon thirty seconds after he told us to "hang on", Oreki-san finally closed the manga he was reading and sighed deeply. f.u.kube-san began to tease him,

"Who would have thought Houtarou would be so immersed into a manga? Maybe you should consider follow Mayaka as her disciple?"

What"s the difference between these doujin manga and normal manga? I"m not too familiar with such things......

As Oreki-san glared at f.u.kube-san, besides looking as lethargic as usual, I somehow felt that he looked somewhat intoxicated by something as well. Turning his eyes away with some embarra.s.sment, he muttered,

"This, is good."

"Really? Let me have look at it as well afterwards."

This was the first time I ever saw Oreki-san with such an expression, and it piqued my interest in the manga as well. Taking a closer look, the cover had a cute yet sad-looking girl drawn on it. The way the girl"s expression was drawn was amazing, and the way the fabric of her sailor uniform, which was similar to mine, was drawn was also an eye-opener. I could even sense the wind blowing from the direction she was facing as well.


As a habit, I tilted my head. f.u.kube-san saw me and asked,

"What"s wrong, Chitanda-san?"


I looked at the ill.u.s.tration once again. A pitiable yet cute looking girl. The way the fabric is drawn.

"Haven"t I seen this drawing somewhere before?"

"Must be your imagination,"

Oreki-san immediately responsed,

"I only got this manga from my sis earlier today, so there"s no way you could"ve seen it."

Is, that so?

I looked at the manga once again...... No, there"s no mistake. I"m confident of this myself,

"I"ve seen this before. This drawing, or rather, the drawing style of this manga."

"From long ago?"

f.u.kube-san asked, to which I shook my head,

"No, probably recently,"

But I couldn"t quite remember when! If I can"t clearly remember when I saw it, then I must have only taken a glimpse of it. Once I have seen something, I never forget it too soon.

Umm, ummmm......

"I, I..."

"Chitanda, we"ve got our hands full right now,"

Oreki-san as though chiding me. I understood it myself, we"re at a very busy period. Even when we aren"t busy, Oreki-san would frequently give a grim expression everytime I feel curious about something. It"s something I understand very well. But, I couldn"t help myself. Feeling a desire to find the answer, I ended up saying it,

"...... I"m really curious about it."

I placed my hand on my throat,

"It"s on the tip of my tongue,"

"Swallow it back,"

"I can"t do that,"

"Then do something about it,"

"Let me have a look at other pages!"

Giving a sigh, Oreki-san handed the manga over to me. Looking at the cover, I don"t remember seeing the t.i.tle Ashes at Dusk anywhere else before. Seems like it"s only the drawing that I remember seeing.

Flicking through the pages...... I came across the drawing of a boy, to which I exclaimed,


"What? You remember something?"

For some reason, Oreki-san looked as though he was disappointed, which got me somewhat curious. I nodded lightly,

"Yes, probably. The drawing of this boy, it resembled what I saw. I remember seeing it by the notice board besides the Conference Room, one of the Cultural Festival promotional posters, I think......"

I lowered my voice as I reached the end of my response. I was not very good with manga, so while it does resembled what I saw, I couldn"t say I was absolutely sure.

"That poster, huh?"

f.u.kube-san seems to know something about that poster, which made sense since he works with the Executive Committee, after all. While I was pondering all this time, his eyes were focused on something,

"...... Hmm, it does feel like that poster, but I"m not completely sure. But you might be able to figure out something if you compare the drawings,"

That"s it, that"s a wonderful idea!

"Oreki-san, can I borrow this manga for a while?"

Oreki-san leaned backwards as I made my request. Oh, looks like I moved too close to him again. Shaking his head gently, but rather than refusing my request, it was more a sense of feeling resigned,

"Sure thing. As long as you"re feeling curious about something, nothing will get done until it"s finished...... Just, make sure you return quickly, I"m not done reading it,"

"Yes, I"ll be right back!"

I said as I held Ashes at Dusk manga towards my chest.

055 - ♦11

Both f.u.ku-chan and Chi-chan were looking forward to the third day of the Cultural Festival in order to boost the sale of Hyouka, yet they"re not alone in wishing to sell all their anthologies in the final day. The same goes for the Manga Club.

Before we were even ready to begin the day, a few members were already waiting besides the opened door of the First Preparation Room in expectation of visitors. Thankfully, there were more people coming in than the previous two days. Personally I too was glad about it, with many people happily buying the character posters without even asking for the price. If we were serious, we would break even if we sell each poster at 100 yen, though it"s actually taboo to be selling merchandise during the festival as per the school rules. Even though President Yuasa was not one to make such dangerous risks, she still sold many posters to anyone who would ask for them.

We"ve ended up digging a hole for ourselves.

As we didn"t draw a lot of variations for the characters, all that"s left is just to draw the characters in differing poses. Dressed in a khaki Mao suit with many pockets alongside an army cap today, there were many people who guessed as to what I was cosplaying, yet it was Kouchi-sempai who made the correct guess,

"...... Could it be, the parakeet chasing detective?" ("Yes."

"More like the miniature version, huh?"

Ignoring the remark about my height, I noticed Kouchi-sempai was also dressed as a detective character - her character was more or less the original fighting game Chinese female warrior. ( She wore a qipao with pretty much nothing covering her thighs, I had no idea whether she made this costume herself, but I had to admit it was pretty amazing in its attention to detail, and the spikes jutting out from her gold bracelets looked quite menacing.

Re-immersing myself in my work, I quickly left many thoughts behind me, like what went through yesterday, the "Juumoji" incident, and Ashes at Dusk as well. It"s just that, if I forget it all, then I"ll just find myself feeling miserable again once I"m done drawing. Having finished drawing one poster, I put my pen aside and begun erasing up the rough patches until I"m done.

"This one"s done. Next,"

"Please draw this one for me,"

Alright, sir.

Placing the drawing paper before me, I was at a lost on what to do next. The cla.s.sroom was now pretty packed, which means business is no longer as bad as before. Zeamis seems to be selling well. Kouchi-sempai"s cosplay was quite popular with the older male visitors, and as a result with greeting them, she wasn"t able to concentrate on her poster drawings. Her followers took on the duty from her, a glance at them showed they were neither as skilled or fast as she was. While I did not get along well with Kouchi-sempai, and I was at a lost for words at the conduct of her followers, I had to admit that she was pretty skilled in her drawing.

The water cup holding the pastel pen was becoming rather muddy, so someone decided it was time to change the water. It was a first year whom I had no recollection before. Instead of crossing through the middle of the room, which was packed, she took the long way via the side of the room. As she walked past me, her expression was one of relish, as in a dragon encountering a tiger, or a cat coming across a mouse.

"Oh my,"

As though on purpose, she suddenly lost her balance and splashed a few drops of water onto my desk.

I understood at once, as she was rather inactive until now. She was hear to teach me a lesson for daring to speak up against her beloved Kouchi-sempai. She was probably content with just flicking a few drops at my way.

Yet, things did not end there. No one knew who b.u.mped into whom, including myself, but someone must have b.u.mped or tripped within the crowded room, and ended up colliding into the girl, who greatly lost her balance and yelled as she spilled the water in her cup.

The water ended up covering me all over.


On the bright side, at least the water didn"t splash on my head. A whole cup"s worth of water splattered on my chest, and as a result, the clothes from my lower right shoulder all the way to my stomach was drenched with water, water that was stained with paint and supposed to be replaced. I think I stink.

The drawing paper of which I was still thinking of what to draw on was also soaked in a grey-yellowish colour.

"I, I"m so sorry Ibara! I didn"t mean to......"

The girl looked as though she was about to cry.

I wonder why, perhaps it was the sudden splash of cold water that numbed my senses, I don"t know.

But I hardly felt angry. Taking a handkerchief out of my pocket, I wiped away the water droplets that was dripping from my shirt. The white handkerchief was quickly dyed in the same grey-yellowish colour.

Well, it is a khaki coloured shirt anyway, so the stain shouldn"t stand out too much.

Still lively only a while ago, the First Preparation Room was now stunned in silence. Well, sorry about that. I stood up from my chair, finding the President, I said to her,

"I"m sorry, President. Please take care of the rest."

Unlike Kouchi-sempai, who couldn"t possibly wear her costume outside the school premises, I was able to come to school in my costume without having to change. I was after all still quite resistant to wearing something that people would quickly a.s.sociate with cosplaying, besides, f.u.ku-chan had said it would be hard to find any spot to change at school during this period. Though more importantly right now, I haven"t got any uniform to change into as I left it at home.

Fortunately, my PE uniform was still here. Normally I would bring the clothes back for cleaning, but as our last PE lesson was cancelled, I didn"t get to wear it and so I left it here at school. Finding a room where the Drama Club members change into their costume, I got myself changed.

Come to think of it, I wonder how the Cla.s.sics Club is doing. f.u.ku-chan seems to be planning something, while there doesn"t seem to be much that Chi-chan could do. As the one who made the ordering mistake, I should at least help out as much as I can in the final moment.

I could describe Kami High"s PE track suit colour as "asagi-iro" (light blue), but that specific colour name would invoke memories of the legendary Shinsengumi, so I guess "water blue" would do for now. Anyway, wearing the water blue track suit, I headed towards the Geology Room. Entering the Special Block, as I slowly climbed up the stairs towards the third floor, I heard the sound of someone"s slippers running from the corridor ahead.

( ("Oh! Mayaka-san!"

It was Chi-chan, waving her hand happily. As I was about to ask why she was in such a hurry, she grabbed my wrist with her rather warm hands.

Speaking of which, we"re on the stairs, so it was pretty dangerous,

"W, whoa! Chi-chan!"

Ignoring my protests, she began to spoke,

"Thank goodness, things would be much easier with your help. I"m not confident doing it myself, you see. Will you come with me? Are you free right now?"

With my help?

"Eh, hang on, just what is it that you want me to help you with?"

While she held on to my wrist with her right hand, in her left hand was an anthology-like booklet. It wasn"t a really expensive booklet as its stapler binding was clearly visible. Anyway, I asked,

"What"s that?"

As she turned it to show me its cover, I exclaimed,

"W, why on earth would you be holding this?!"

The cover showed a familiar ill.u.s.tration of a girl looking sideways, it was none other than Ashes at Dusk!

"Well, it"s not exactly mine, but Oreki-san"s,"

Then allow me to rephrase my question. Why on earth would Oreki get his hands on this? It was only sold in last year"s Cultural Festival, in a pretty hidden corner by the corridor. While mostly unlikely, I did for a moment suspect whether Oreki had stolen the book from me. Without thinking, I stretched my hand to reach out to the book, to which Chi-chan held it to her chest and asked,

"Mayaka-san, could it be that you"ve seen this manga before?"

I withdrew my hand,

"Well...... yeah, I have,"

"Then you must know the person who made this manga, right?"

The person who drew this manga? I wasn"t sure whether to say it"s Ajimu Takuha, the author"s pen name, or Anjou Haruna, her real name. Perhaps sensing my confusion, Chi-chan rephrased her question,

"I meant the person who drew this,"

"That I don"t know,"

Thereupon she said enthusiastically,

"You see, I"m trying to find out if the person who drew the promotional poster for the Cultural Festival is the same person as the one who drew this manga! I"m very curious about it!"

I see.

Now I get it. Chi-chan would usually get curious about things and then proceed to find out the answer to it, I could never get myself as curious as she would. But now I"m beginning to understand how she feels whenever she"s curious about something. I would often see different mangas where the art style is similar and wondered whether it"s by the same author.

And now she"s saying the person who drew the promotional poster for the Cultural Festival is the same as the one who drew Ashes at Dusk?

If that"s true, then I must confirm it for myself. Once I do that, then I"ll be able to find out the ident.i.ties of both the writer and the ill.u.s.trator. While the writer Anjou Haruna has already transferred schools, if the ill.u.s.trator is still around, then it just might be possible for "Ajimu Takuha" to make a return.

Feeling excited, I raised my voice,

"Where"s this poster right now?"

Chi-chan had begun to climb down the stairs while still holding my wrist. Without letting go, she replied,

"Besides the Conference Room!"

Okay, let"s go!

The ill.u.s.tration showed a male and female student, with the caption "The 42nd Kanya Festival" written alongside the detailed schedules.

We were looking at the said poster"s design. The contrast in shading was quite clear. As Ashes at Dusk was all in black and white while this was in colour, I must be more observant.

It was actually quite difficult in trying to determine whether the ill.u.s.trations in a manga and a poster were by the same person.

Yet, this time, there wasn"t much difficulty. Though the artist did change his style in his drawing of female characters, the style for male characters remained the same. Just one glance and I"d recognize the similarities. To make sure, I took a step back to look at the whole drawing, and then stepped forward to examine the details. While Chi-chan mentioned how the clothing fabric was drawn similarly, the decisive spot was actually the ears, where they"re completely identical.

I turned to face Chi-chan,

"I"m 80-90 percent, no, I"m 99 percent sure it"s the same person,"

Upon hearing that, Chi-chan placed her hand on her chest as though looking relieved,

"I see. Thank you very much, you"ve taken a burden off my chest,"

It seems like I"ve helped her a lot, so I smiled, which was something I haven"t done in quite a while.

"Haha, you seemed really curious about it, weren"t you?"

"Yes, but I wasn"t confident in making the comparisons myself......"

"Me neither, it"s not like I have any special methods for identifying the similarities,"

Now, I might as well satisfy my own curiosity, I knocked on the door to the Conference Room besides the notice board.


A person opened the door. He looked just like the guy in the poster. A glance at his collar indicated he was a second year. He looked at us and wondered who we were.

"Greetings, Tanabe-san,"

Chi-chan said and bowed her head. This must be Tanabe, president of the Executive Committee then. He seemed like a nice guy. By the way, Chi-chan really is good with remembering people"s names. While my own memory isn"t that bad, but I can never reach Chi-chan"s levels.

Upon hearing his name, Tanabe-sempai smiled,

"Well, h.e.l.lo, umm......"

"We"re with the Cla.s.sics Club,"

"Ah, of course. How may I help you this time?"

It"s actually me that needs a favour this time. So I stepped forward in Chi-chan"s place, and as we"ve formally met before, I skipped the formalities and asked,

"Excuse me, but would you happen to know who drew the poster in that notice board over there?"

Tanabe-sempai raised his eyebrows. There were many types of posters for the Cultural Festival after all, so it was probably hard even for him to answer right away. Of course it would help immensely if he could answer, but I shouldn"t expect too much,

"Hmm, that one, right?"

"Yes, the one with the boy and girl standing together,"

After a short pause, Tanabe-sempai nodded gently many times. Did he recall something? As expected of the president of the Executive Committee. He replied briefly,

"That one would be by Kugayama,"


Chi-chan asked from behind me,

"Would it be Kugayama Muneyoshi, the Student Council President?"

"Yeah, that Kugayama,"

It was a name I didn"t expect. Even I knew who President Kugayama of the Student Council was. He gave me the impression of a sportsman-type image, but never did I expect him to be capable of drawing a manga.

Now I see, so he"s the ill.u.s.trator for Ajimu Takuha. His face began to appear in my mind even though I could hardly remember him before that. Meanwhile, Tanabe-sempai seemed pretty proud as he said,

"You guys are probably thinking "Wow, so he could actually draw this well", right? He"s pretty good, isn"t he?"

"Yes! I think it"s wonderful!"

"Haha, I"m sure he"d be glad to know if he heard it,"

I"ve now learned who the author and ill.u.s.trator were, it"s as though good things were happening in quick succession now, much like how the bad things came just before. Though like a fan chasing her idol, I had wanted to ask about whether Kugayama-sempai was using any pen name, but Tanabe-sempai probably wouldn"t know. No matter, I"ll just have to ask him in person afterwards. It could be just possible that he might reunite with Anjou Haruna to bring back the dream team.

If that happens...... I"d be dying to read their new work. An expectation suddenly floated in my mind.

After bowing politely, we exited the Conference Room.

Chi-chan was now smiling from ear to ear after fulfilling her objective. We now happily raced each other up the stairs towards the Geology Room.

056 - ♠15

"We know who it is now!"

Chitanda said as she ran in. It didn"t take her that long to return, which I"m kind of grateful, but then again, she wasn"t doing it for me, but to satisfy her own curiosity.

"Really? So is it the same person?"

Satoshi raised his head to ask, but without awaiting an answer, he continued,

"Huh? Mayaka?"

Sure enough, coming in behind Chitanda was Ibara, who was wearing her tracksuit when she"s supposed to be cosplaying right now. Or could that tracksuit be part of her cosplay...... Nah, not possible. That"s the PE uniform for Kamiyama High School no matter how you look at it. She looked cheery as though looking forward to something good to happen.

"Mayaka, isn"t the Manga Club busy?"

Satoshi asked, to which she smiled gently and shook her head,

"Oh, I"ve had someone stand in for me,"

Someone to stand in for her? I"m not really familiar with the going-ons over there.

Like a spring, Chitanda moved towards me and placed the Ashes at Dusk copy on the desk,

"It"s the same person, we also found out his name,"

"Really? That"s great,"

"It"s Kugayama Muneyoshi-san! I always think of him as a dignified person, but I never would have thought he would draw so well, so it"s surprising,"

Who"s that?

I looked at Satoshi,

"Do you know him?"

Upon hearing my question, Satoshi froze,

"H, Houtarou, you"re joking, right?"

"Is he someone famous? I"m never really familiar with these strangers and freaks that you"re acquainted, you know,"

Satoshi covered his eyes as though I"m a lost cause and shook his head slowly. Standing besides him, Ibara looked at me as though I was a fool and whispered,

"He"s the Student Council President,"

The Student Council President, Kugayama Munayoshi.

"Oh, ohhhh! Of course..."

My voice trailed off as I spoke. And I thought his last name was read as "Rikuyama" all this time, not that I could tell them that. It"s not like he"s someone whom I wouldn"t have heard of, but neither is he someone whom I care a great deal about. Trying to change the subject, I picked up the Ashes at Dusk and said,

"So, Kugayama is the ill.u.s.trator for this Anshinin Takuha?"

Despite changing the subject, Satoshi continued with his "facepalm" as he covered his eyes and shook his head. Man, he"s annoying. He removed his facepalm and said,

"What"s this Anshinin you"re talking about? Some kind of temple?"

"Isn"t that how you read that?"

"Though it"s spelled that way, it"s read as "Ajimu". It"s a place in Kyushu, known for its grapes,"

"Is that a city?"

"It"s actually a town, legally speaking,"

Is that trivia supposed to be required knowledge? Besides, do the others know about this...... I looked at Chitanda with misgivings, to which she looked puzzled and said,

"There"s a small print next to the name to indicate how it"s p.r.o.nounced...... Right here,"

Huh? Oh, there, the print"s kinda small: "AJIMU TAKUHA"

Surprisingly, Ibara seemed quite sullen. Her eyes were wide, while her mouth was open as though wanting to say something. After seemingly reading the thing which Chitanda borrowed from me, she seemed kind of shocked. I wondered if it"s something to do with her specific interest in mangas.

Standing besides me, Satoshi looked at the Ashes at Dusk copy and said,

"Well, if it"s something that even Houtarou would approve, then surely this manga is something,"

"...... Ugh......"

Was it Ibara that made that strange grunt? Satoshi didn"t seem to hear it as he continued speaking cheerfully,

"But this pen name, Ajimu Takuha, how should I put it? Surely they could come up with a shorter surname, three characters (A-JI-MU 安心院) is just a bit too unrefined,"

Should you be saying something like that?

"...... T, this can"t be......"

Chitanda staggered and lost her balance, since her surname had three characters, (CHI-TAN-DA 千反田)

"I, I didn"t know my surname would be so unrefined......"

"No! That"s not what I mean!"

Satoshi panicked and waved his hands, trying to undo what he just said,

"When I said three characters, I was referring to given names! Yeah!"

Oh really?

Sensing my gaze, Satoshi moved his eyes away from him. Since my given name has three characters. (HOU-TA-ROU 奉太郎)

"Well, Houtarou"s special, you see,"

I wonder how he made that deduction. Besides, the real problem is how on earth did you not notice that I had a three character name when you made that statement?

"So, Oreki"s special, huh?"

Seems like Satoshi"s finally realized what he"s done, as tears begin to come out of his eyes. This was because Ibara"s given name had three characters as well. (MA-YA-KA 摩耶花) It"s not like three character names are rare at all, but in an attempt to cheer Chitanda up, he ended up digging his own grave. He ought to have said he was referring to pen-names instead of given names.

Letting the drama play on on its own, I returned my attention to the copy of Ashes at Dusk in my hand. It was an interesting manga, yet the afterword at the back seemed pretty relevant to what"s been going on lately.

Unexpectedly, Ibara decided to stop her scolding of Satoshi and moved towards me,

"While President Kugayama did the ill.u.s.trations, the writer is someone called Anjou Haruna,"


I said as I moved my gaze from the book,

"You familiar with this book?"

"It"s my favourite manga. I bought one from the Cultural Festival last year,"

Ibara was not someone who would easily give her approval to something she likes, but I never expect her to utter the word "favourite". Well, now that"s interesting. Looking at the book, she said without any tension,

"Hey Oreki, mind if you could lend me that?"

...... Man, this book is popular, isn"t it? First Chitanda, now Ibara wants to borrow this? Though I had wanted to lend it to them, I replied,

"Sure thing, but just hang on for a while,"

"I can wait, but how long are you going to make me wait anyway?"

I thought for a while, and soon taped on the page with the afterword on it and said,

"At least until I"ve memorized this...... Once I make a copy of this, you can have it right away,"

Ibara looked at me in puzzlement. Maybe I wasn"t good in explaining myself, to begin with, not even I was sure what purpose doing this would serve me. Maybe I should say "until I figure out whether this afterword serves any purpose or not".

Chitanda suddenly clasped her hands together,

"Oh yes, I have something to tell you,"

"What is it?"

"Well, I"ve been invited by the Broadcast Club to appear in their lunchtime broadcast,"


"The program that was aired yesterday and the day before?"


Satoshi whistled,

"That"s fantastic, Chitanda-san! You did well to get the biggest media club in Kami High on board! This way we could use the "Juumoji" incident to ensure "Hyouka" gets sold!"

"Actually, it wasn"t me who made the request. It was more like I was asked to appear on their programme."

"That"s even better! Alright, as a frequent listener, allow me to teach you what kind of questions a guest like you should be antic.i.p.ating......"

Well, guess we"ll let Satoshi deal with the media stuff, I turned my gaze back to the afterword.

For some reason, I sensed some clues relating to "Juumoji" in here. Being in charge of the stall for three days, I no longer view this duty as just something I had to keep as simple as possible. For me, it"s now to ensure the improvement of sales. In order to do that, "Juumoji" must be captured somehow. How ironic that Chitanda had suppressed her own curiosity in order to see that Hyouka sells well, and yet here I am, striving for the same objective in spite of my energy-saving principles. Resting my chin on my hands, my eyes landed on the pages of Ashes at Dusk, yet I made no effort to read it.

And so I began to think.


057 - ♥13

As I listened to f.u.kube-san"s advice, I noticed Oreki-san had began to behave differently.

Mayaka-san and Oreki-san have been cla.s.smates since primary school, while f.u.kube-san was the closest male friend he had as far as I know.

And yet, why didn"t they notice this change in behaviour?

Oreki-san would stop moving like that while his gaze would lose all focus.

...... That was when he would go into deep thought.

The outcome of such thinking was that he would come up with answers which I would totally not expect. And when the facts come out afterwards, it would always match his deductions.

And so, while listening to f.u.kube-san"s words, I would keep glancing over at Oreki-san"s direction.

058 - ♠16

"...... That"s what I think, what about you, Houtarou?"


Hearing my name being called, I looked up, and saw Satoshi, Chitanda and Ibara all looking at me. I scratched my ear,

"Sorry, say that again?"

Satoshi gave a deep sigh,

"Houtarou...... We"re discussing how to deal with the radio interview that will determine the fate of the Cla.s.sics Club. This att.i.tude won"t do, man,"

Since when did we start having a discussion, and such an important one at that as well?

I then realized for some reason Chitanda was looking at me with her breath held back. Her eyes were large as always, but that"s not the point,

"W, what is it, Chitanda?"

"...... What do you think?"

"Of what?"


She sighed, though it was more natural than Satoshi"s. W, what"s going on? To have her sighing naturally at me, did I do something wrong?

Oh well, my thinking is a bit stuck at the moment. I was thinking of asking these guys for their opinion in order to formulate my thoughts......

But Chitanda would get in the way.

Waving my hand, I gestured to Satoshi,


"Hmm? You said something?"

He said while moving over. I then realized I"ve been seated here for quite some time,

"Sorry, but can you come with me?"

"Where"re we going in such a busy period?"

"It"s related to this busy period anyway, but anywhere is fine,"

Seated on the desk and swinging her legs, Ibara looked at a distance and said,

"Could it have something to do with the "Juumoji" Incident?"

Stop uttering your instincts out loud! Just as I thought, Chitanda"s eyes instantly came alive,

"Eh! Is that true, Oreki-san?! Could you have thought of something?"

"No, no, I haven"t,"

"Then, it"s not related to the "Juumoji" Incident...?"

While "misunderstandings should be dispelled right away" is more like Satoshi"s motto, after asking me so earnestly, I just couldn"t lie to her. She quickly saw through my hesitation,

"...... So, it does have something to do with it!"

"Well, no,"

Chitanda placed her palms before her chest and clutched them into fists. I wonder if she herself realized the change in her mood.

"I, I"ve been very curious to know about this...... but why are you only telling f.u.kube-san......?"

She spoke in a softer than usual voice. She leaned her face forward that her eyes were covered by her bangs. At this rate, I"ll definitely be cursed by a spell from her, I"ll end up having to beg her for forgiveness.

What do I do? As I definitely did not want Chitanda to know my thinking this time.

Guess I"ll have no choice but to think of something. I"ve never tried this trick before, I wonder if it would work. I made a serious face,

"You"re right. I was about to tell Satoshi something related to the "Juumoji" Incident, but,"

"Really? Then count me in......"

"But it concerns something very obscene. Is that OK with you?"

Oh, looks like it worked. Quite effectively.

Forgive me, Chitanda, for committing s.e.xual hara.s.sment on you just this once. I picked up the Ashes at Dusk copy besides the frozen Chitanda and walked out the room with Satoshi, who was smiling bitterly. Ibara looked at us with an icy stare that I could still feel the cold from behind.

"So, what"s this obscene matter that you"re about to tell me?"

Satoshi said after finally catching his breath from laughing too much.

The place I chose to speak with Satoshi was the roof of the connecting corridor. The reason was because there was hardly any festival-related activities up here and so was relatively quiet.

I replied with a sullen look,

"Sorry for dragging you out here,"

"Oh don"t, it was fun. To have the "Juumoji" Incident conclude at the Cla.s.sics Club is exactly what I"d wish for,"

...... That wasn"t exactly what I was thinking, though.

For a moment, Satoshi gave me a curious smile,

"Well, I have great expectations of you, Houtarou,"

Well, I"m not sure about that. I placed my hand on the handrail and said,

"It"s not something that you could expect a lot from. These are just my gut instincts at work, and I"m just working my thoughts around them,"

"Well, there"re a lot of things that one"s gut instincts can lead to, besides the biggest question of who "Juumoji" is,"

"That"s something not even my gut instinct can tell me, besides, we don"t even need to consider that at all,"

"You"ve found the missing link?"

Missing what?

Seeing my dumbstruck face, Satoshi smiled bitterly,

"The missing link. I"m asking if you have found the final piece of clue that links all the clubs targeted by "Juumoji","

Erm, that"s not what I"m trying to say. Try again.

"...... Nah, not really,"

"Then, you"ve discovered "Juumoji" have made some trivial mistakes?"

"Not that either,"

Satoshi suddenly stopped moving and looked at me intently with an unusually serious look, causing me to wince. He then spoke,

"None of those? This is a phantom thief case, a serial thief, with over a thousand suspects we"re talking about. And you"re telling me you thought of something without even considering any missing link, or mistakes made by a suspect whose ident.i.ty has not even been narrowed down?"

"Well...... yeah, that"s about it,"


For someone whose only interest in detective novels come from Sherlock Holmes, you"re quite excited about this, aren"t you, Satoshi? Well, this is S