I Am Supreme

Chapter 132: The Effort of Lifting a Hand

Chapter 132: The Effort of Lifting a Hand

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

The corners of Fang Mofei’s lips turned up into a sardonic smile.

If it had been only Yun Yang inside, he might still be worried; Yun Yang would be at a disadvantage if he had to face off against a prince.

Fang Mofei, however, was only amused by the situation at this point.

He turned around to report into the carriage, "Old sir, young master, the fourth prince’s acolyte requests for your presence."

The man in the silk clothes had his expression frosted over when he heard him utter the word "requests".


Who do you f*cking think you fellows are?

Yun Yang rolled his eyes and began to haul himself off of the carriage. "Ask him what is this all about."

The man standing before the carriage looked at the handsome youth with doubt in his eyes as he said suspiciously, "Child, can you make the decision? Ask the old man inside to come out."

Yun Yang was sorely tempted to vent his rage and have these fellows run away like whipped curs, but upon hearing what the man said, he immediately knew what he had to do. "Elder Ling, it looks like you’re the cause of this. You are still needed to step forth."

He turned and went back inside the carriage after speaking.

Ling Xiaozui looked exasperatedly at Yun Yang who had made his way back in; he poked Yun Yang’s forehead and scolded him with amus.e.m.e.nt evident in his voice, "You are indeed a wicked child!"

Yun Yang spread his arms helplessly. "Could you be more reasonable? They’re obviously looking for you, why would I want to interfere? Is this even related to me?"

Ling Xiaozui snorted in derision.

Yun Yang saw a flash before his eyes and Ling Xiaozui was already gone from the carriage. His voice then wafted in from outside, "What does your master want , looking for me?"

The man dressed in silk replied, "Old sir, it has come to our attention that you’ve been fis.h.i.+ng day and night at the Thousand Feet Lake these past few days. You’ve packed up early this afternoon; have you caught something? Rumor has it that you managed to reel in several colorful fish."

His smile was reserved. "His Highness the fourth prince has asked me to request that you share the fish with us."

Ling Xiaozui was somewhat perplexed upon hearing his words.

Wasn"t it Yun Yang who caught those fish? Why are you looking for me then?

More importantly, how did you know we caught anything? We released the whole school of them back into the water!

If you fellows had been spying on us, how could you not see it?

"Share with you?" Ling Xiaozui’s attention was rapt on this phrase. "Certainly not."

"Old thing!" The man in silk took a step forward, his expression turned menacing. "You better think this through. This is a request from His Highness the fourth prince."


n.o.body had seen Ling Xiaozui move but the man he struck was already lying several feet away, bleeding from the mouth.

The people who had accompanied the hapless fellow were all experts from the fourth prince’s residence. Seeing that this old man had the temerity to strike their charge, five shadows charged forth with loud yells.

Slap, slap, slap…

The five of them flew away as well.

There was a total of six men lying on the ground in a row; all of them could not even move a finger as if paralyzed. They looked at the old man with the fluttering robes who was standing with his arms behind his back; there was terror in their eyes and their minds were muddled.

Was this old thing… some sort of devil?

They had literally collapsed and hadn"t seen anything coming.

The leader, a seventh peak expert and the top expert in fourth prince’s residence, was especially petrified that he could not counter this old man!

Not only was he unable to counter him, he could not even see how the old man had attacked him.

Who was this old man?

Why was he so mysteriously terrifying?

Ling Xiaozui clapped his hands and made a sweeping motion with his robe; a strong wind tumbled these six men from the middle of the road to the side. He then returned to the carriage.

"Let us be on our way."

The carriage continued its slow amble.

The six men were still lying on the ground side by side, remaining still.

A very long time later, after they had finally recovered some energy and picked themselves up under the bewildered gaze of the others, they exchanged looks, their faces ashen.

"Report this back to the fourth prince."

The man in the silk dress clenched his teeth with his hand supporting his back, his face swollen. A chilling glimmer flashed across his eyes. "Have our men followed them?"

"They have."

"Find out where the old man belongs and where the carriage has gone to." The man’s expression was of menace and brutality. "As long as he’s still in Tiantang City, what can he do, even if his martial skills is alarmingly high?"

The leader’s lips moved but he stopped himself after feeling the burning sensation on his face.

He wanted to say that some proficient martial artist was really not someone a mere prince could offend; what was more, the uncle of a fourth prince!

"Old man, you’re not being virtuous at all." Yun Yang looked at Ling Xiaozui in discontent.

"Pray tell, why is that?" Ling Xiaozui was rolling his eyes as he asked the question.

"Why didn’t you eradicate all evil?" Yun Yang said in anger, "Just kill all of them then flash your name and leave. Who would then dare to make a rash move? This can add another color of myth to your reputation as a living legend. What you did provoked trouble instead; then you leave after having done absolutely nothing and have all the consequences left to me… How could you do that?"

Ling Xiaozui rolled his eyes. "What did you say? Kill them all and leave my name? We hold different opinions on adding more to the legend but surely you can carry my name from then on and do whatever you want in Tiantang City, can"t you? This is the ending you want, isn’t it?"

Yun Yang retorted self-righteously, "Isn’t this what you should do as a friend?"

Fang Mofei, who had heard this, instantly began to sweat.

There would really be n.o.body else who could be as shameless as he was.

However, he had to admit that young master had a point as well – if I were him, I would want a support function like this as well!

A full hour later, the carriage had finally gone back to the Residence of Yun.

Men from the fourth prince’s residence who had followed them returned quietly to report to their master.

Ling Xiaozui and Fang Mofei ignored this – you can report anything you want, what can you actually do about it?

"Serve wine and make a feast tonight to treat the living legend." Yun Yang warmly invited Ling Xiaozui to stay. "We’re not going back without getting drunk first."

Ling Xiaozui looked at Yun Yang with a slightly strange gaze before he smiled and went through the door.

It feels really odd being with this child. With my status, there isn"t a single person who isn’t obsequious and courteous wherever I go, be it big clans’ masters or decision makers, even emperors of a nation, or famous schools in the martial arts world.

This child before his eyes, however, had only the most insignificant cultivation base; his status and background were completely heaven and earth in comparison as well. Yet it was this man who remained honest in front of him, at ease and true to himself.

What was worth noting and was the most important was that this fellow was not faking it; he was sincere and genuinely truthful!

This was definitely odd.

This child was collected; each step he took was calculated and cautious. His thoughts were well thought-out and his intelligence seemed to be above average. He did not seem like someone careless that would behave recklessly.

In addition, this fellow had never concealed his genuine intentions – I’m making you stay to utilize you, your martial skills, your reputation, and everything else, just to benefit myself!

Yet he did this out loud and in the open!

This aroused Ling Xiaozui’s strong curiosity towards Yun Yang.

What confidence does this child have to be able to act as my equal and be indifferent to my status?

The moon hung high in the sky as two people drank under a canopy of flowers.

One was calm and collected; another was laidback and spiritual.

Their topic of conversation was otherworldly as well.

This made Lao Mei and Fang Mofei, who were both listening while serving them, shudder.

Young master, how could you have said what you"ve just said?

You are facing the world’s peerless legend! A living legend!

Aren’t you too carefree before this mythical character?

"I actually had a lot of a.s.sumptions about you even before I met you. But after having done so, I realize that you’re very different from what I"ve heard." Yun Yang said with no hint of embarra.s.sment whatsoever.

"What have you heard, and how am I so different?" Ling Xiaozui asked while grinning after drinking a mouthful of wine; curiosity in his eyes.

"The legend says that you hate evil with pa.s.sion and are difficult to approach, something about you being lonesome at the highest peak of your cultivation. There’s also the famous tale of you being an Unrivaled Expert…" Yun Yang counted them off on his fingers and recited them from the back of his mind.

Ling Xiaozui shook his head. "Legend is only that. There will definitely be exaggeration and imagination contained within. Just say what you think after seeing me personally."

Lao Mei and Fang Mofei’s hearts hung by their throats – this was the moment of truth.

Young master, you have to answer this well.

"After seeing you…" Yun Yang began, "I mostly only think that… you’re straightforward and naively forthright, and also a little childish. You act as you wish without much reservation but you still hold on to honor. All in all, I feel like, Ling Xiaozui, these three syllables aren’t that mysterious anymore after seeing you. At least, I find it difficult to link your name to the legend."

Lao Mei and Fang Mofei broke out in cold sweat.

Straightforward is fine but naively forthright and childish… Did you use these to describe Ling Xiaozui?

Are you bored of being alive?

How can he not be linked to the legend? He’s the world acknowledged Unrivaled Expert, isn’t that what you would call a living legend?

Ling Xiaozui chortled unreservedly, his mood light and easy.

Yun Yang continued to speak thoughtfully, "If I have guessed right, Elder Ling’s main cultivation skill should be something related to… one’s temperament?"

Ling Xiaozui kept quiet for a bit but suddenly laughed in spite of himself, shaking his head. "I shall speak since I desire to. It is the Guileless Art of Cherub’s Heart. Although there were some changes later on in accommodating my physique to cultivate Water Pneuma’s Art of Supernal Rime, it’s still along the same line."

Realization finally hit Yun Yang. "I see, so this is it."

The Heart of the Cherub, forever a child at heart, acting as one wished – I shall do what I want without being restrained or tied down; my heart is forever lively and guileless.

It would only be laughable and could only come to a terrible end if you opted to play tricks and ploys on people like this.

Be nice to me if you want to play; I will leave if you try to trick me, whenever I want to.

Similarly, I shall kill if I wanted to; I shall slaughter if I wanted to.

It was all too easy for one to come to a terrible end!