I Am Supreme

Chapter 532: A Sky of Love, An Ocean of Hatred

Chapter 532: A Sky of Love, An Ocean of Hatred

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Both ladies looked at the painting in a trance, their eyes filled with tears.

Although it was only a painting yet it was so impactful like as if one was right there in it, being shaken right to the core of their soul.

For a moment, both the ladies were at a loss for words.

Their intelligence and exceptional shrewdness disappeared as all of their attention and emotions were being pulled away by this drawing.

It was only after a while, when Ji Lingxi shuddered, realizing with a start that Yun Yang was gone from within the chamber.

"Where"s Yun Yang?" Ji Lingxi asked.

Yue Rulan was woken from her trance by Ji Lingxi"s words and wiped away her tears to turn and look for the man in question. But such effort proved to be futile as well. The girls were stumped; Yun Yang was right there with them a minute ago, but where had he gone to now?

The secret chamber was not that s.p.a.cious; nothing could be hidden from a single glance around the walls. After the chamber"s door had closed earlier, it had not opened again. Where could Yun Yang have gone?

Yue Rulan was struck with a sudden thought and she quickly turned to look again at the painting once more. It was the same drawing but something seemed different than when they had looked at it just now. The ladies exchanged a glance, sharing an unspoken feeling, and remained stunned just looking at the painting.

Then, Yun Yang"s voice suddenly drifted from the painting.

"I"m here."

Both the ladies were shocked. Their eyes tried to trace the source of the sound and they soon discovered something. The painting that initially contained only eight people had suddenly changed to contain nine silhouettes now. Behind Supreme Wind Ji Lingfeng, there was another silhouette among the clouds.

It was Yun Yang!

Yun Yang had actually gone into the painting and was now meeting both the girls as a portrait in the drawing.

"You…" Ji Lingxi was dumbfounded. "How?"

Everything that was unfolding before her eyes had exceeded her knowledge of this world. How could a living person merge into a drawing? It was unimaginably absurd!

Yun Yang sighed, removing himself from the painting, and said faintly, "I am Supreme Cloud."

This single sentence was both the explanation for the current situation as well as the self-revelation of his ident.i.ty.

Paying attention to the trail that Yun Yang came from, the girls were surprised to see the spot Yun Yang was on had a human-shaped hollow. Yun Yang had stood there and had blended into the painting!

As for what Yun Yang had just uttered, they were only four words but they resonated like a thunderclap in the ladies" hearts. Both of them felt dizzy just trying to process it.

Supreme Cloud!

The think tank of the Nine Supremes!

The youngest of the Nine Supremes!

And… Ji Lingfeng"s ninth brother!

No wonder he knew about Ji Lingfeng!

"This painting… is it drawn by you?" asked Yue Rulan with reddened eyes.

Although she asked, in her heart, she already knew the answer to her question even before Yun Yang replied. Who else if not Supreme Cloud could be able to paint a painting that was so alive?

Even when their faces were covered, nothing but masks and black clothes, the individual"s unique flair was still revealed based on their aura and form. The pairs of eyes on the painting were second to none, detailing each of their characteristics without reservation and with incredible likeness!

"This is my brother…" Ji Lingxi walked forward and stroked Supreme Wind"s portrait, murmuring, "Brother, where are you? Do you not want your sister anymore?"

Yue Rulan watched the same portrait in a daze, her tears streamed freely down her face, but she did not even notice them.

There were only eight people on the painting now. The last Supreme, Supreme Cloud, was beside them. Combining this discovery with the rumors heard outside, both ladies had a sudden realization.

They dared not believe it entirely, but they were hoping for a sliver of good luck in this situation.

But despite that, their anguish from within was unstoppable, surging from the bottom of their hearts.

Yun Yang remained silent for a while but finally, he spoke, breaking the painful silence.

"Ji Lingfeng… is the Supreme Wind of the Nine Supremes." Yun Yang"s Adam"s apple bobbed as he dryly stated this, "My eighth brother."

Ji Lingxi and Yue Rulan were looking at him in a daze, their gaze sorrowful. Their eyes were already rimmed red but they refused to blink, staring at Yun Yang, stubbornly waiting for the imminent answer.

Even when both of them had long guessed the conclusion, they still wanted to hear it from Yun Yang personally before they believed it.

Nine Supremes – The Nine Supremes, it literally meant nine people – but there were only eight on the painting while there was one standing beside them.

In spite of this foreseeable deduction, a tiny sliver of hope still remained.

"Eighth brother… He… He"s already…" Yun Yang closed his eyes, his expression stoic like an emotionless statue; his parched voice sounded like thunderbolts in this silent chamber.

"Already… pa.s.sed!"

"The battle in Tianxuan Cliff… all brothers fell." Yun Yang"s voice was devoid of emotion. "Only… I"m left… alone…"

His heart felt like it was torn apart.

This was the first time he spoke about this aloud in person – "my brothers have pa.s.sed."

To say it personally, it meant that he had admitted the reality of it, yet it was this truth that Yun Yang was trying to deny with all his might. He did not want to acknowledge it, he was not willing to accept it!

Today, however, whilst facing his eighth brother"s younger sister and fiancée, he had to tear his wound apart once more. No matter how heart-wrenching it was, no matter how agonizing, he had to say it!

Yue Rulan trembled, trying her hardest not to let her tears drop. Her tearful eyes watched Yun Yang, her voice shaking as she asked, "Then?"

"My brother… my older brother… is gone?" Ji Lingxi murmured with quivering lips, her gaze was empty as she collapsed on the inside.

Yun Yang sucked in a deep breath and said, "Our ident.i.ties are unusual. Even when we"re brothers, no one knows each other"s real ident.i.ty and original appearance. Hence, the eldest had asked each of us to prepare our will long ago before going on our mission in preparation for the worst."

"This is also for those who are still alive among us so that we can still have a memory to hold on to."

"Will?" Yue Rulan"s eyes brightened; she was trembling but she straightened up and asked, "Where is it?"

"I"ve destroyed it." Yun Yang replied numbly, "Eighth brother"s will – the Supreme Wind"s will, I dare not keep it. The revelation is too much, I dare not bet on what-ifs. No matter how reluctant I am, I must make sure nothing goes wrong."

Tears started falling again from Yue Rulan"s eyes. Was the last trace of what her love left in this world gone too?

"The letter isn"t here anymore but I"ve memorized all the content. Every sentence, every word, I remember them all!"

Yun Yang bit his lips, his voice a little shaky. But he swiftly suppressed his sadness.

"You remember?"

Yue Rulan and Ji Lingxi looked at Yun Yang, their faces full of antic.i.p.ation and they did not speak. With bated breaths, both of waited for Yun Yang to speak. They knew that Yun Yang would definitely recite Supreme Wind"s will since he had mentioned it. Even when they could not see the letter left by their loved one with their own eyes, it would mean the world to them if they could just know its contents.

Yun Yang breathed in deeply before he recited Supreme Wind"s will word for word.

Yun Yang did not boast. Truthfully, he could recite every one of the Nine Supremes brother"s wills that he had read; the contents of each will had seared itself onto his heart. He could recite each word, each phrase, and even each punctuation, like the back of his hand.

Yun Yang believed that he would never forget them even after a hundred years had pa.s.sed. Any content or minor detail would not be missed.

"… I have a young sister, she"s my only family… My sister"s name is Ji Lingxi. It"s a nice name, right…"

Listening to Yun Yang, Ji Lingxi concentrated even more when it came to this part. Her ears perked up as she listened attentively, although accompanied by soft sobs, she did not miss out any word from her brother"s last loving concern as she etched them all onto her heart.

As the will unfolded, Ji Lingfeng recounted the hard times he and his younger sister went through when they were younger and the various hards.h.i.+ps he encountered in the Ji Family. Although the content was written in a joking and playful manner, Ji Lingxi"s tears streamed down her cheeks.

Thinking about all that her brother had done for her throughout the many years, her grief escalated. Ji Lingxi felt her heart wrenched to an unbearable extent as she wept and sobbed hard.

Ji Lingxi"s eyes were teary when she refocused her gaze at the painting, on the free silhouette of Supreme Wind, murmuring, "Brother… your sister who you loves most… you"ve left her without another glance… why did you leave just like this…"

"My sister is my treasured baby. Anything good must be given to her first, she must be protected and cared for lovingly. My sister likes to scrunch up her nose when she"s angry; whoever lets my sister scrunch up her nose, I"ll climb out from my coffin and beat them to death!"

Hearing this, Ji Lingxi could not suppress her grief any longer, letting out a loud sob before she fainted on the spot.

Yue Rulan picked up Ji Lingxi into her embrace. She was also weeping but her eyes remained trained on Yun Yang, listening quietly to the remainder of the will. She was waiting – waiting for the part that belonged to her, but her gaze was already dripping with disappointment and distress.

She refused to believe that she was not mentioned in the will, she, the fiancée!

"The second one… is for my fiancée!"

As Yun Yang uttered this line, Yue Rulan"s breathing halted as she let out a soft sob almost like a murmur. It was like the universe stood still as she stared at Yun Yang without any change of air, waiting…

She was waiting to hear what Ji Lingfeng had left for her…

Suddenly, Yue Rulan was afraid that Yun Yang would announce that the will ended and there was no more content, nothing to do with her. If it had been so, Yue Rulan thought she would break down immediately. This heavy blow was no lighter than when she had first received the news of her love pa.s.sing away.

Luckily, Ji Lingfeng"s will had a part dedicated to her!

"He remembers me! The last trace he"s left on this world includes me!" Yue Rulan thought to herself, all sorts of emotions were running through her as she felt light and afloat like as if she was in the clouds.

"You conscienceless man, you still remember me, huh?"

"…I really like her when I grew up. Her name"s Yue Rulan, nice isn"t it? Sigh, this is also the woman I like the most and feel the sorriest for other than my sister…"

Yue Rulan shut her eyes softly, two rows of tears falling like a stream.

Ji Lingfeng – Ji dear!

Having heard your words, this lifetime of mine has been worth living!

It"s enough!

"I"ll marry her as long as I"m alive. The moment our business as the Nine Supremes comes to an end, I"ll invite all of you to my wedding."

A smile of pity hung on Yue Rulan"s face, dotted with tears, but there was also some comfort there.

I"m waiting for you to marry me.

I"ve been waiting until now.

I"ve been waiting but… you won"t come anymore.

"Of course, if I really died, go tell her that my heart has changed. I"ve married some woman and chose to live in seclusion…"

When Yun Yang recited this, Yue Rulan"s expression changed swiftly. It was first pale before it was red, then her eyes flickered dangerously as she clenched her teeth, huffing.

"This b.a.s.t.a.r.d! How dare he? How dare he!" Yue Rulan scolded out loud, but tears started flowing again.

"…a Pearl of Flood Dragon, pa.s.s this to my sister; there"s also a piece of jade, it"s Lan"er"s, you can give it back to her…"

Yun Yang opened a hidden compartment in the chamber and retrieved a Pearl of Flood Dragon and a piece of jade. Ji Lingxi who had just gained consciousness, fainted again with a moan.

Yue Rulan"s delicate fingers gripped the jade tightly, like she wanted to crush it into powder, but nonetheless, she held it carefully and gently, keeping the jade safe in her embrace.

"… I"ve left some words for Lan"er last time, "When I become the hero of the world, I shall marry you, bringing a one hundred thousand army with me!" My intention hasn"t changed to this day but if my will is being read by all of you, then that"s really the dream of a hero, a lifetime with a woman."

Yun Yang ended his narration.

About matchmaking for Yue Rulan and whatnot that followed, Yun Yang chose not to recount it. He did not want to. He knew that if he did indeed tell everything, Yue Rulan would be hurt deeply once more.

"That"s all to it," Yun Yang"s voice was hollow. "The rest are secrets among us brothers, they have nothing to do with you two, so there"s no point knowing about it."

Yue Rulan hugged Ji Lingxi and stayed in remained in a daze, without saying anything for a long time; only her tears continued to fall like streams. There was no more rage and antic.i.p.ation in her eyes, there was not even grief; the usually vibrant orbs were lifeless, dull and dead.

"Throughout the eighth brother"s life, the only two people he was most concerned about was the both of you."

Yun Yang continued in a heavy voice, "Sister Lan, Lingxi… you must be well from now on. Don"t let the eighth brother rest without peace."

Yue Rulan said emptily, "He"s Lord Supreme Wind who"s so high up there, serving the country and people his whole life – he"s a warrior filled with a sense of justice. How can he remember petty things like us? He actually wanted you to tell me he loves someone else, married a woman better than me. Heh, how comprehensive he"s thought of things!"

"Sister Lan, if I were to exchange places with the eighth brother, I"d write the same too," said Yun Yang with a sigh.

Yue Rulan sighed as well and asked softly, "You"ve written such a will too?"

"The Nine Supremes share a heart and act in unison. What the eighth brother did for his afterlife arrangement, I"ve done the same." Yun Yang nodded with a bitter smile.

Yue Rulan asked, "Then, does your will have an arrangement for the girl you like too?"

"Sister Lan"s regarding me too highly. How old am I? I have no such thought so I"ve skipped this part." Yun Yang chuckled dryly.

Yue Rulan asked again, "So you mean you still don"t have someone you like until now? Is that so?"

Yun Yang mused with a pause, hearing her words, before answering gently, "Yes, I don"t."

"Brother Yun, you ask us to be well but you must be even better. Not only for us who are alive but those who have pa.s.sed," said Yue Rulan sighing.

Yun Yang nodded. "Yes. Until I avenge my brothers" death, I shall not die!"

Yue Rulan no longer replied. Grief filled the chamber that the three of them were in, any words of comfort would have been meaningless right now. Ji Lingxi was still unconscious from the extreme grief.

Until they completely left the chamber, no one spoke along the way out. It was when they were about to exit the outermost chamber"s door to the outside world that Yun Yang was surprised to hear Yue Rulan murmuring to herself.

"The moment our business as the Nine Supremes comes to an end, I"ll invite all of you to my wedding."

"When I become the hero of the world, I shall marry you, bringing with me a one hundred thousand army."

"Lingfeng, if you wanted to marry me, there"s no need for a hundred thousand army." Yue Rulan mumbled softly, "Just a word from you would have been more than enough."

Yun Yang"s heart lurched, a strong pang wrenched his heart.

At that moment, he suddenly thought of Yun Zuiyue, another elder brother"s abandoned loved one; was she not also such a devoted woman?

During the night, Yun Yang had just managed to take a breather after busy making preparations for the what was to come. He was just about to eat and then rest but Lao Mei had come to see him, wearing a strange expression.

"Young master, both ladies have invited you over for a drink."

"Drink?" Yun Yang"s eyes widened.

Even with the great Young Master Yun"s mind, he was perplexed by this invitation. Both ladies who were fresh from hearing the bad news at this time should be grieving uncontrollably, but why were they inviting him over to drink?

What was going on?

Could he not go? Obviously not. Even before he came clean about his real ident.i.ty, Yun Yang was already unable to refuse any request from the girls. What more now that they knew who he was?

Yun Yang went over, feeling confused.

The entrance of the yard that both ladies were staying on had two red lanterns hung high and based on what was being illuminated, it could be seen that the interior had also been decorated auspiciously. A blurry warm light indicated an atmosphere of celebration.

Yun Yang grew more confused, walking over to knock on the door.

The one who came to answer it was Ji Lingxi. The young lady"s eyes were still reddened with a pale face but her dressing was different from the usual. It was celebratory and she even wore a red flower on her head.

"Lingxi, you… this… you…" Yun Yang was dumbstruck.

Yun Yang was all the more speechless while taking in the sight before him. What was going on, why was it so bizarre?

Tears hung at Ji Lingxi"s eyes but she forced a smile. "It"s Sister Yue, She insists and I – I can"t stop her…"

"What is it? What are you dressing up for?" Yun Yang frowned.

Ji Lingxi did not explain but stepped aside.

When Yun Yang took a peek inside and actually saw how the yard was, he was even more stunned.

Everything that greeted his eyes baffled him speechless and his heart throbbed with an unprecedented ache.

Under the light, Yue Rulan was seen wearing a bright red bridal robe while her hair was coiled up high; she was actually wearing a bride"s dress and make-up, a soft smile lingering on her face. She was beautiful.

"Brother Yun, come in, come in. Enter and take a seat."

Yue Rulan smiled, walking over, and pulled at Yun Yang"s elbow without a care for taboo; she said smiling, "Today, this sister-in-law is inviting you to have a drink of my wedding wine. You"re not going home if you"re not drunk, you won"t be allowed to leave if you drink too little."

She seemed to choke up while speaking but regained the smile quickly as she continued with a chuckle, "Today, I should say that I invited all the brothers for a drink instead. You have to drink their parts too, okay!"

Yun Yang was rooted to the spot, the clenching pang in his heart growing stronger. For a moment, he was still at a complete loss for words.

"Brother Yun, why are you frozen? Come take a seat."

Yue Rulan looked completely at ease, flushed, as she said with a sweet smile, "Your eighth brother owes all of you a wedding reception. It"s a big deal. Since this sister-in-law is here today, of course it must be recompensed. Hmm, today is your brother"s and my big day. Brother Yun, as the only guest, and the representative of all the brothers, it"s inevitable that you"re the witness of our wedding. Come, hurry, and take your seat. Your sister-in-law will go all out today, let us stop only when we"re drunk."

Hearing Yue Rulan"s words, Yun Yang was like a statue, frozen and feeling lost, in spite of all his intelligence. He let Yue Rulan pull him into the banquet dumbfounded.

The table was already set up with an array of dishes while everywhere else was in the auspicious color red.

Yue Rulan was clad in a red bridal robe, captivating and gorgeous; although there was a veil on her face that slightly concealed her real beauty, her features were still stunning nonetheless.

Two pairs of red candles burned quietly, their red wax sliding off slowly, drop after drop.

A pot of wine was in front of them, exuding its aromatic scent.