I Am Supreme

Chapter 608: Ji Lingxi’s Strange Dream

Chapter 608: Ji Lingxi’s Strange Dream

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Lao Mei scrambled out in panic. "Young master, what has happened? Was there an ambush?"

Yun Yang stood up with a hiss and answered, "No worries. I can still manage."

Lao Mei pursed his lips and very discreetly rolled his eyes.

Ji Lingxi could be seen charging out of Yun Yang"s yard and striding back to her room; with a bang, she slammed her door closed with an earth-shattering crash.

Yun Yang heaved a long sigh and spread his arms, speaking helplessly, "Lao Mei, not finding a wife in this lifetime has been your most brilliant decision! I"m telling you, the hardest ones to serve in this world are none other than women!"

Lao Mei"s lips moved, finally summing up all that was on his mind into a long sigh, and said, "Young master… have I ever told you that, it"s not that I don"t want to find a wife, but I"m waiting for someone?"

"Lao Mei, I never knew that you were such a womanizer!" Yun Yang replied in shock.

Lao Mei was speechless.

"I f*cking want to flip a table now! I"ve been single for most of my life and now I"m a f*cking womanizer?"

"Young master, does your family know how well-spoken you are? Does your father know?"

Ji Lingxi, who had returned to her room, was flushed with anger. Her chest was heaving fiercely while as she cursed in a low, resentful, voice, "Satyr! Filthy! Despicable! Unscrupulous! Low! I"m so angry!"

Despite her majestic rage, Ji Lingxi was also very curious. The man was still like a pedantic scholar who refused to be engaged in any human affairs just a few days ago; how could he act like a rogue now? What had happened within this duration?

She did not know that Yun Yang could not be blamed.

The reason – perhaps the entire crux of the matter - was her air and aura. The sudden and ma.s.sive change had caused the temptation to be indescribably intense. In addition, a certain someone had confessed to Yun Yang a few days ago, inducing ripples in Yun Yang"s otherwise calm heart; how could he stay cool now? Naturally, the psychological change of whether he wanted to find a wife would occur.

Once the switch was turned on, the rest would follow without a doubt. It would only develop rapidly towards one direction – he should really find a wife!

Of course, the other equally important key was… it was still Ji Lingxi. This referred to the red beam of light on Ji Lingxi. It gave so much hope to Yun Yang; his elder brothers could not have died with such masterly experts guarding them.

This was far too crucial to Yun Yang. It was due to this thought that Yun Yang"s mind had changed; perhaps, it could be said that, from then on, Yun Yang"s entire life had changed.

The oppressed emotions and guilt that had acc.u.mulated within him were mostly gone within that night. If he still harbored some initial negative feelings, Yun Yang, whose heart was dead, would only put up a front of foolishness. He would never have taken the initiative, regardless of how moved he was no and matter how ethereal and alluring Ji Lingxi was as well.

Nonetheless, such a detailed plot twist was something that Ji Lingxi found difficult to digest. Even when Yun Yang"s hundred and eighty degree transformation was due to her and the mystery was on her as well, it was the same.

Ji Lingxi sat on a chair and rested her face in her hands. She could not help thinking about the strange dream she had been having for these few nights.

"How can I have the same dream for a few days straight? This is… It"s absurd."

"What"s going on? Is it… a reminder to me? Is destiny trying to hint something to me?"

"However, everything is so inexplicable and more of it is vague and blurry… what is that image? Why do I feel so close to it?"

Ji Lingxi was in a trance, trying to recall her dream.

"I can only try to comprehend everything on my own. Even if Sister Yue was still here, I wouldn"t be able to ask her. What I experienced isn"t something simple words can describe. It"s only a dream at night and my cultivation base grows… Throughout these four to five consecutive nights, my cultivation base has shot from beginner heaven realm to ninth heaven! If tonight is the same, I will be ascending to the Dao realm…"

Ji Lingxi looked within herself again to check her cultivation base progress. She was bewildered and somewhat in disbelief.

"This feeling… even a dream doesn"t feel as dreamy. It"s broad daylight now, but I still feel like I"m in a dream. Everything feels so unreal… If I have the same dream every night, I won"t stop at the Dao realm; I wouldn"t be surprised if I were to turn into an immortal!"

"What"s wrong with my body? How can it change so strangely!"

Ji Lingxi repeatedly inspected her body, meridians, and every other aspect she could think of.

"Everything is fine, there isn"t any flaw… Well, if a particular change must be mentioned, it seems like… my chest has grown larger recently…" Ji Lingxi held the said parts in her hands; she could not help blus.h.i.+ng, her gaze reflecting her fantasized thoughts.

It was quiet throughout the night.

The next morning came, and when Ji Lingxi opened her eyes there was intense doubt and shock in them.

"I"ve truly ascended to the Dao realm and it"s the pinnacle of the first level in Dao as well! But why is the dream this time blurrier? A strange dream where I can"t even see anything clearly, then my cultivation base got boosted. What is happening to me?"

Ji Lingxi lay on her bed with a confused gaze, honestly seeing only question marks before her eyes.

She had never heard of such a peculiar occurrence since the beginning of time! Sleep, dream, then one"s cultivation base escalated, one level after another! This was defying nature. If one could do this, why would anyone want to practice and cultivate? Why would one need any treasured resources? Everyone could just sleep in every day!

Even a novel would not dare write about such rapid growth of cultivation base for it simply had no logic and precedent. There was no possibility of such a thing happening. Yet, such an unreal situation had happened to her in reality. What could she do?

Ji Lingxi got up from her bed to wash up and dress appropriately. She was suddenly aware of something important.

"My cultivation base now seems to be higher than that of Yun Yang…"

In front of Yun Yang"s room was someone who had cultivated for the entire night; he had felt his cultivation base improve and he was only a step away from the ninth heaven.

"The cultivation base progress within this past few days is excellent. I believe that such an improvement can allow me to triumph in this decade without anyone being parallel to me…"

Yun Yang, who was proud of himself was deep in thought as he opened the door, "It"s great that my cultivation base is growing so quickly, but I can"t be blindly arrogant. Let"s follow my initial plan. I shall go to Sir Bi and probe to see if there"ll be other encounters…"

Just as the youth opened the door, he saw a well-dressed Ji Lingxi standing there, showered in the morning rays with a medium-length staff in her hand. Yun Yang, who experienced an unprecedented sense of shock, instinctively covered a certain portion of his physique that stood tall and angry in the morning.

"What do you want to do?"

In truth, Ji Lingxi had not noticed the protrusion. Now that the obvious cover-up had drawn her attention, she grew fl.u.s.tered and said through clenched jaws, "You – you… what are you thinking of daily?"

Yun Yang bent down like he was bowing, awkward at being caught. "I… I don"t… Not thinking about you… Actually…"

"Yun Yang!" Ji Lingxi was furious, her eyes threatening to spit fire. "How can we waste such a fine morning? Come, I shall practice with you! Let us exhaust that vigorous energy of yours."