I Am Supreme

Chapter 667: Everybody Is Helping

Chapter 667: Everybody Is Helping

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

"Brothers, I have been truly wronged here... where do I begin to explain?"

Dong Tianleng"s face was full of mucus and tears. "How could I have known that it"d be such a treasure? That a.s.shole sprawled over me and caused me to be bathed in blood... while I was still drinking! How could I even continue? That"s disgusting, don"t you know that?"

Everybody gave him an irritated glance. Drinking? Disgusting? Your drinking abilities, compared with the dragonhide treasure map? You could be completely grossed out to death by it, but you should still have protected the treasure at all costs, undeterred by any obstacles should you encounter them!

"Also – those were just sc.r.a.ps of hide! Who would"ve known they would be so precious! There"s even a bit of a stench on them, probably the rotting stench of an animal corpse..."

Dong Tianleng continued to snivel and sob. "Think about it... if you were in my shoes, do question yourselves... I-If I didn"t throw it out, I couldn"t have taken it home myself now, could I? It"s so filthy! Hah!"

Everybody gave him another incredulous glance. Of course, you have to take it home! You must take it home! Filthy? If it had been me, I would have taken it home, even if it was a million times filthier than that! You good-for-nothing prodigal!

This prodigal with uncountable records of similar blunders was indeed a clumsy and shallow idiot.

Why was it him who was drinking and not me at that moment?

Clearly, wealth entices even the strongest of will. Everybody"s minds seemed to be bereft of reason - when faced with such a huge temptation, reason didn"t stand a chance at all!

"Within the boundaries of Tiantang City, the forces of our brotherhood is the greatest... hence, Dong Tianleng hereby humbly requests for everybody"s help..." Dong Tianleng declared sorrowfully. "Help me... do help me recover the item..."

Everybody inhaled a deep, long breath. Clearly, they did not expect that this would be Dong Tianleng"s request!

After listening to Dong Tianleng"s long-winded complaint, everybody initially thought he was just trying to gain sympathy, probably to have a whole crowd of witnesses to acknowledge that the secret treasure was indeed not with him. He was just making all forms of preparations - it was a move to guarantee his own safety

Thus, the chap"s request was utterly unexpected.

How would you even dare to open your mouth?

Recover it?

Why, it must be found, of course!

Recover it for you, though?

"I am already plagued with so many things on my mind... there was really no better way I could think of. I still have to face the wrath of my family as well, after stirring up such a huge mess... my only hope now lies in the whole brotherhood seated before me."

Everybody sneered secretly in their hearts; this idiot just committed the world"s stupidest act again! You would still have a sliver of hope if you attempted to find it privately. However, plagued with a flurry of thoughts, you just told everybody your huge secret. It seems that fate has determined that you"ll never find it!

However, it"s not entirely impossible that it will not be found by me, is it? If I found it, it would belong to me, would it not? That treasure is mine! If the G.o.ds would bestow such a good opportunity on me, how could I just let it go?

Dong Tianleng took a deep bow. "Please, brothers, lend me a hand! I, Dong Tianleng, will be incredibly grateful for this! From today onwards, if there are future a.s.signments from you, I am ready to risk my life and limbs to help out, or die trying!"

A look of genuine sincerity was etched upon his face as he raised his cup. "Those who are present today have truly shown me respect – real brothers whom I could rely on, indeed! Let us raise our cups now, everybody! May our friends.h.i.+p be eternal, until the end of time; our bond shall never break!"

Everybody followed by raising their cups at the same time. "Since Brother Dong speaks as such, we are obliged, naturally, to carry out our duty! We will march for Brother Dong, be it through a mountain of blades, or a sea of fire! We shall spend every last bit of our efforts to recover that item! This kins.h.i.+p we share – may it last until the end of time, may it remain eternally unchanged!"

"Precisely! We must find the missing item! Let"s help Brother Dong through his troubles!"

"Come, come, let us drink to it! Let"s drink up together, may our friends.h.i.+p last forever!"

"Our friends.h.i.+p shall have no end, our kins.h.i.+p shall never be forgotten!" Everybody raised their cups in celebration.

Forming those words with their lips, their hearts were filled with an incredibly absurd and preposterous sentiment.

Do you b.l.o.o.d.y expected us to stand by you perpetually, just with this cup of wine? Shall our bonds never be forgotten? Who do you think you are?

Who the h.e.l.l are you?

"Thank you, my beloved brothers, for your tremendous empathy and support!" Dong Tianleng exclaimed with immense grat.i.tude. "Do eat and drink to your heart"s content, and remember to enjoy yourselves – everything is on my tab tonight!"

"To loyalty!"


"No one shall leave sober! Let"s get thoroughly drunk!"

"Come on, let us go and find the map after drinking to this! The earlier we find it, the earlier we can save Brother Dong from his misery!"

"It shall be recovered, no matter what!"

Everybody drank as they merrily exchanged prosperous slogans, but at the same time, their hearts were awhirl with wild desires.

If I was the one who found those two treasure maps... heh heh heh…

Me, practice my abilities?


Or maybe it was…


This was truly the world"s biggest temptation!

With that thought, everyone instantly felt excited and impatient to start the hunt, sitting anxiously as if there were maggots underneath their bottoms. Dismiss me, so I could go home to get ready!

That, ultimately, was the dragonhide treasure map that had the records of The Seventeenth Master of the Abyss" inheritance. Anything could happen if they were too slow, even if they were just a bit late.

At that precise moment, Yun Yang stood up.

"Now that we"re done discussing Young Master Dong"s issues, allow me to speak of another matter."

"Young Master Yun, do speak as you please. We are listening as attentively as we can, waiting to be honored with your wisdom."

"A few days ago, Marshal Tie Zheng came to me for a drink, prompting me for ideas." Yun Yang cut to the chase. "With the recent end of the huge war, too many ruins are still waiting to be rebuilt - the army, especially, does not have much allocations of funds left. There are many heroic men who died in the disaster whose compensations were not fulfilled."

The faces of all young masters present suddenly turned a pale, unhealthy shade.

Please, brother, speak no more! When your words have reached this point, we already know where you"re getting at! What else could it be, if it wasn"t to borrow some money?

"We are compa.s.sionate men, knowing that we are all brothers. Hence, I would like to use this opportunity to request everyone to donate a sum." Yun Yang smiled slightly. "Brothers aside, I know that everyone here is a good, understanding man, and rich to boot…"

Well, we wouldn"t mind not being rich men; in truth, we are very poor…


That would be even worse than borrowing!

"As a considerate man, I shall understandably reveal a piece of undisclosed news to all of you. If things come to worst and there aren"t any more funds to be used, Marshal Tie might just take extreme measures..." Yun Yang flashed another smile. "For example... ransacking homes to fill up the national treasury...that sort of thing."

Bodies froze, one by one.

Is this even possible?

"Nonetheless, this is really an extreme measure, only to be carried out if there was no other way! It will not be possible to execute this now." Yun Yang smiled even more warmly. "In view of this, I already promised Marshal Tie that all of us will donate ten million taels each… then, all will be well. Yes, this applies to a few specific households - those who are listed on this name list shall donate ten billion taels each. Everyone here is an understanding man - no one will make unintelligible decisions, am I right?"

Ten million?

How about you go kill yourself?

What list? What do you mean, those who are listed?

F*ck... this surely has to be circulated from the higher-ups. It was like getting nailed in the head – there was no room to even turn around!

"To those who are not well-off enough to do so, I could help relay your inconvenience to Marshal Tie. I believe he would empathize with your situation – at most, he might just pay you a visit or two..."

Pay me a visit?

Pay a visit, my a.s.s!

That fellow should never be allowed to appear near my doorstep, no matter what.

"Besides the names highlighted in my list who are to donate ten million silver taels per household, the rest would only need to donate around the amount of two million taels. Cough, I am, too, troubled by such a favor to ask. I know everybody may not be blessed with riches, and it is a tough thing to ask from you... but it should be quite possible to squeeze out two million taels, right?"