I Am Supreme

Chapter 97: Prison Break

Chapter 97: Prison Break

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

A column of black smoke billowed up. Shui Yuehan’s gaze never left Yun Yang"s eyes as his entire body trembled; his flesh and blood crumbled into dust with a soft sigh, leaving only a desiccated mummy on the floor.

The man’s life, soul, blood, flesh, and skeleton had all condensed into a pile of decayed bones.

Yun Yang sighed softly, waving his hand as a breeze blew past, turning what remained of Shui Yuehan into dust.

When Yun Yang had cast his first glance at Shui Yuehan, he knew that it was destined that he would gain no reprieve this time.

This man was too calm. Overly so, truth be told. This was a person who had looked at death in the eyes and had no fear.

When he had exclaimed "Supreme Cloud", he had known that he was doomed. It was then that he knew death was imminent. When Yun Yang had mentioned the Four Seasons Tower and disregarded his denial, he had already made up his mind to utter these four words and die with dignity.

He was so calm and collected, prepared to face the end of his life; Yun Yang didn"t even have to torment him in the slightest.

Yun Yang even felt that perhaps this Shui Yuehan was genuinely what it meant to be one of the pillars of strength for the Four Seasons Tower.

Zhao Binglong and whoever else before this could not even be considered as anything of substance; even Chu Tianleng was at most, only an outsourced hand, a weakling for hire. These two were probably replaceable at any time. While Li Changqiu’s camouflage was intelligently done, he was also only a spy. He was a member of the Four Seasons Tower, but he was never as important as Shui Yuehan!

Yun Yang sighed, extending his hand to grasp the thin air, the traceless smoke condensing into his palm slowly. With a wave of his sleeve, the floor was clean again.

He then turned into a cloud of fog and drifted out.

His only hope now was that Fu Guansan would not die as easily.

Otherwise, other than killing two people confirmed to be from the Four Seasons Tower, he would have gained nothing else.

On the other side of the prison, Fu Guansan was already sleeping soundly on his bed, not noticing anything amiss. For his muscular build, the bed seemed a little too tiny for him.

Although the size did not fit, his feet dangling off the bed, Fu Guansan was snoring as he pa.s.sed the time in sound slumber.

Immortals’ Odium was very convenient to use; it only required one to sprinkle it on the target. As long as the target still needed to breathe, there would be no way he or she could escape. Fu Guansan’s cultivation base was turned into thin air without any difficulty.

This time around, Yun Yang did not even turn into a cloud. He sat by the bed, perfectly visible, but the man was still snoring in his sleep; even though he had been there for a while, he had not been alerted in the slightest.

"As a martial artist, he has absolutely no sense of alertness." Yun Yang stroked his chin and looked at this Keeper Fu as if he was watching a strange beast.

"My favorite people are those like this; people whose resolutions have all been corroded by their comfortable lives." Yun Yang exclaimed.

In the middle of the night, right at the stroke of midnight, to be exact, a thunderous boom suddenly erupted in the otherwise quiet prison of the Board of Justice.

The loud crash was deafening; it resounded in the silence and inactivity.

All the guards immediately woke up from the sound, those sleeping soundly fell right off their beds, frightened by the thunderous roar. All of them stood up blearily, sleep still clouding their minds; they had no idea what was happening.

"Over there at the prison cells!" Someone shouted.

"Someone is trying to break out!"

With a clamor, everyone dashed over in the same direction.

That swift moment saw Shui Yuehan’s cell door crumble into dust with a loud thud as a tall silhouette charged out like a lightning strike. He decimated the door to Fu Guansan’s cell with a single blow as he shouted, "Follow me, quickly!"

The voice was low and rushed but it belonged to none other than Shui Yuehan.

The three great young masters in three cells by the side were all shocked from the noise, springing up from their respective beds.

Their doors were also crushed as hidden weapons like b.a.l.l.s of ox hair enclosed the tiny cell. A strange-sounding laughter resounded.

"Little rascals, even if your lives can’t be taken, all of you should at least suffer a little!"

A thick fog then erupted with a puff as two silhouettes flew out with a swoop like a long, sinuous dragon.

Just one long leap and they were already on top of the fifty-foot tall wall encircling the Board of Justice. With a stomp, both of them sprung like rocs and disappeared into the darkness.

Plow, plow, plow.

The officials who were there just in time to stop them were swept off the wall like falling dumplings.

"Shui Yuehan has escaped!"

"Shui Yuehan has escaped with a prison break!"

"He has brought Fu Guansan along too!"

"He has wounded the guards!"

"He has even wounded the three young masters from Chun, Xia, and Dong Family… Guards, quick! The three young masters are covered in thin needles all over now, they resemble three porcupines!"

The entire Board of Justice was in chaos. A quarter hour later, the entire Tiantang City followed suit.

How many years had it been since something like this had happened?

The suspect had actually caused a ruckus in the prison cell of the Board of Justice and escaped in the wake of violence.

The Board of Justice was in utter turmoil.

The three young masters had really become porcupines, each of them had fine needles, not unlike ox hair, on their face, neck, chest, stomach, thigh and feet.

Luckily the needles were not poisoned nor were they aimed at fatal points, the impact had not been very strong, so all three fellows were alive and very much conscious. Obviously, Shui Yuehan had only wanted them to suffer a little and not have them killed outright. After all, if he had gone all out, he would be forging a deadly grudge with the three n.o.ble families.

However, all three young masters were moaning and groaning like pigs about to be slaughtered, especially Young Master Xia Bingchuan whose cries were the most pathetic, "Take those on my face off first… Have mercy on my handsome face!"

Young Master Dong Tianleng was enraged. "F*cking Shui Yuehan, wait till I get out! Just you wait! b.a.s.t.a.r.d! Jerk! Your father will have you caught even if your father has to mow the crown prince’s residence to a flat plane! What a f*cking jerk…"

"I shall be irreconcilable with this person!" Young Master Chun Wanfeng was the calmest of them all, gritting his teeth as he allowed the officials to pull the needles off his skin. Suddenly, he shuddered. "G.o.d, go gently… Ouch, it’s so painful... oh my G.o.d… You are doing this intentionally, aren’t you, you jerk! Can’t you wait till I finish acting tough? It’s so painful oh my G.o.d… Ouch, ouch... Oww…"

Of course, it was impossible for these three young masters to continue staying in the prison cells now that such a serious case had taken place. Guards from all the three families rushed over with the news, all their expressions hard, with anger filling their eyes.

There had to be an explanation now that our young masters were so badly injured in Tiantang City.

Where is Shui Yuehan? Hand him over quickly!

The Board of Justice is to blame as well! Our young masters were respectful and cooperated with you to ease your work. What"s your excuse now, since something so calamitous has happened?

All three young masters were taken away by their families.

The Board of Justice’s men could do nothing about it except rail in absolute anxiety.

"I’m not going back!" Dong Tianleng fumed when his guard persuaded him to return. He pointed at his face and said, "I f*cking look like I have pox now, can"t you see? How can I go back without revenge? I won’t go back even if you beat me to death! How can I be stepped on like this?"

"Exactly! Go back? Over my dead body!" Xia Bingchuan scoffed. "If I don’t have these two jerks dragged out and sliced into millions of pieces, I, Xia Bingchuan, shall never go back even if I have to die right here!"

"Of course I wouldn"t go back either." Chun Wanfeng’s face was long. "I had some seven hundred needles in me… more than seven hundred needles! Do you want me to go back after such suffering? What are you thinking? This shall never be let go!"

"Tell everyone in the family, tell my grandfather, my grandmother, my eldest grandfather, my third grandfather, my fifth grandfather, my sixth grandfather, my eldest uncle, second uncle, third uncle, fourth uncle, my sixth uncle, seventh uncle, eighth uncle, ninth uncle… fifteenth uncle… let them all avenge me! I won’t go back no matter what you say! I have suffered so much, I won"t let this go without an explanation!"

"That’s right, tell my father, my mother, my grandfather, my ancestors… I’m not going back, I’ve suffered too much loss!"

"Me too, tell…"

All six guards from the three families felt their heads throb with pain.

Three lords indeed.

They could break out of prison so recklessly in the Board of Justice, is it so dangerous now? If your little lives were lost here, this means our lives would be lost here too!

However, these three young masters were adamant on not going back, they were all mightily enraged. The guards could only send letters to the family and ask for their experts’ a.s.sistance. We can’t contain it any longer here, we genuinely have no power to do anything.

"Thinking about it…" Dong Tianleng suddenly thought out of the box, "We brothers are really in the same boat. That b.a.s.t.a.r.d, Qiu Yunsan, was just almost beaten paralyzed a few days ago and is still lying in bed now. We are also beaten down, our situation is even a little worse than his. Come to think about it, aren"t we realizing the saying, "birds of a feather suffer together"?"

"True, true." Xia Bingchuan agreed and said, "I was still teasing him then… F*cking h.e.l.l, now your father is worse off than him, turning into a smallpox patient."

"It won’t really be smallpox, these needles are so fine; perhaps we’ll be okay…" Dong Tianleng continued, "Let’s bet once more when we go out. Whoever loses has to be the one with smallpox forever; he won"t be allowed to heal the needle punctures on his face…"

"F*ck off!"

The Board of Justice had really tasted disaster, everyone was abuzz with nerves. Officials from the Board of Justice went to the crown prince’s residence anxiously to be met with the latter’s stupor.

"E-… Escape?"

"People were beaten up as well?"

"Three great young masters were injured?"

The crown prince was stupefied by the recent turn of events.

Didn"t we talk this through? Be remanded for a day, and cooperate with the investigation. You would have been released the next morning, what were you thinking of by trying to break out in the middle of the night? You could have come out by the break of dawn! What show are you putting on now?

The crown prince felt like he was slowly turning insane himself.

Why can’t I understand the minds of these martial artists?