I Am Supreme

Chapter 1011: Growing Pains

Chapter 1011: Growing Pains

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

By now, it was a scene of utter mayhem outside. Guo Nuanyang had killed many experts of the enemy in the room swiftly, but it had still taken some time, causing the safe zone earlier to turn perilous.

The battle was fully joined at this point.

There were people screaming in senseless rage, “Who are you people? Who are you? This is Blooms Park! Who are you?”

There were also low grunts and agonized moans.

Guo Nuanyang briskly walked out and scanned the ongoing battle with a hawk-like gaze. The children were all still in one-piece, but they were barely holding on; all of them had fallen into a stunned silence without exception. A few of them were even bathed in blood.

A soft cry rang out. It was Hu Xiaofan, who had not managed to dodge in time and had been struck on his right shoulder, staggering away as he retreated while spitting blood. A burst of menacing laughter pealed in front of him as a few sabers hacked towards him in unison, br.i.m.m.i.n.g with killing intent.


Seeing that her peer was in danger, Yun Xiuxin was anguished. Pure impulse filled her with the intention to charge over and provide support, but her panic threw her off her feet; she was stabbed before she could go over to her peer’s rescue. The initially stable state quickly went downhill from there.

Quicker than words could describe, a drawn-out howl and a divine blade arrived speedily to help. The menacing grins were still on the three men’s faces, but their heads had already left their bodies.

Guo Nuanyang held nothing back when he saw his sect members being hurt. He attacked in full force, the sword he brandished swirling like a dragon. From east to west and from south to north, he shuffled, killing anyone who was in his way. The three enemies who had intended to kill Hu Xiaofan were the first to face his wrath, being beheaded as a consequence of their audacity.

It was evident to Guo Nuanyang that he was unrivaled in this current battlefield. Annihilating the enemies was only a matter of time. However, it did not mean that the young children would be totally safe, even if he gave it his all; at most, the enemies would die slightly faster. Nevertheless, he could bring immense pressure to the enemies that they could not withstand if he continued his momentum.

Perhaps, such a sense of pressure could help the children to stay alive? This was already the most that Guo Nuanyang could muster for now.

Pained shrieks and moans still rang out incessantly, from the enemies and the ten young disciples. Once Guo Nuanyang heard the disciples, he would shoot over at once, overflowing with killing intent. It terrorized the remaining members of the Blooms Park, further breaking down their fighting spirit.

When the enemies began to comprehend how strong Guo Nuanyang was and how indomitable he was to them, they howled and attempted to escape by climbing across the wall. There were also people who looked hopeless and no longer held themselves back as they attacked the young opponents with all their might; they were ready to die and were willing to die as long as they could also take someone along with them.

As events unfolded, Guo Nuanyang’s dispersed rescue was still invincible but it was gradually weakening. It was not that he was tired or he had expended his mystical Qi, it was honestly simply due to a lack of manpower. How could a singular person strike in eight different directions, especially when the ten disciples were separated everywhere, not just in eight spots?

Coincidentally, there was a loud explosion that came from the inside of the mansion as flames soared into the sky. It was the fire they had started earlier that had spread slowly and had eventually reached the oil house in the mansion. A large quant.i.ty of stored kerosene was lit, and thunderous explosions followed.

By chance, Guo Nuanyang was right in front of this unexpected explosion’s path. He could only feel a powerful rush of force that was beyond his defensive capabilities catapulting towards him before he let out a shout and was flung away with a flip.

Guo Nuanyang could no longer pay attention to other things during this moment. If he forced himself to, he might very well be the first victim to die in this incident!

It was fortunate that the accident had happened so quickly and in such a short manner. Guo Nuanyang was not actually injured; he was only forced to expend a partial portion of his defensive mystical Qi, so minute that it was insignificant to his general wellbeing.

In spite of this, two disciples had cried out and succ.u.mbed to the enemy respectively within that instant.

Cheng Jiajia exclaimed in pain as well, as her thigh was pierced by the enemy’s sword. The cultivation base of Cheng Jiajia’s opponent was higher by a few notches compared to her; he had been distracted earlier, but he was now merciless upon successfully wounding her. The stained sword came once again after Cheng Jiajia’s chest.

Avoiding the lethal advances arduously, Cheng Jiajia had managed to escape the left blow but the enemy was still able to stab her right chest. Just as she felt the blade slide through her torso, Cheng Jiajia suddenly felt warmth gus.h.i.+ng from within her…

“Could death actually feel so nice?” The girl was confused before she pa.s.sed out.

It was then that the enemy’s mystical Qi contained within the attack erupted in her chest. The intention to kill was apparent, but the force was washed away by another strange form of energy.

Right after that, a swish of sword light blinked. The enraged Guo Nuanyang had already beheaded the man and kicked his corpse away.

The momentary gap had caused the battle to fully go out of hand. Disciples were injured everywhere, all of them had panicked, causing the situation to go south.

A young disciple from the Residence of Nine Supremes was suddenly hit in the head by a gourd hammer. His head was entirely crushed, the boy dying instantly.

He was yet to be at a complete loss. There was still room to fight. According to Guo Nuanyang’s estimation, he could make at least two exchanges with the opponent, dragging the battle on until the former could come to his rescue. However, the boy was in a state of panic; his gaze was bouncing off the surroundings as tears brimmed his eyes…

Even when his opponent’s combat strength had been largely reduced and they were lacking the fighting spirit, he had still seized the opportunity and killed the boy.

Flames were glowering. The Blooms Park people were either dead or in full flight.

Guo Nuanyang watched his disciples who were a.s.sembling. Not only was everyone wounded, but three of their members had also died, including Yun Yang’s second disciple, Cheng Jiajia, whom Yun Yang himself regarded rather highly.

Infuriated, Guo Nuanyang hollered, “Where could you people possibly be thinking of going?”

He sprung up and gave chase. With his cultivation base, it was easy to pursue the enemies, even if they were dispersed. Guo Nuanyang returned bathed in blood after only a moment.


“Senior Uncle, Blooms Park had forty-five people. There are thirty-seven corpses here.”

“I’ve killed the seven who escaped, so one more is missing! Search the grounds!”

Murderous intent was flaring from Guo Nuanyang, so intense that he felt like a devil.

The seven men who ran for their lives had been completely wiped out. According to the headcount, there was still one more man left.

The entrance to the bas.e.m.e.nt opened with a bang and a shadow was seen scampering anxiously on the other end.

Guo Nuanyang’s sword light flew like a meteor, the mystical Qi that was attached had shattered the person directly into pieces despite the hundreds of feet of distance.

“Tabulate our gains,” Guo Nuanyang spoke coldly.

The seven disciples who were still alive went away upon receiving the order.

Their first move was to save all the imprisoned children in the underground cells. The human trafficking organization’s target had always been only children. There was basically no adolescents who were above seventeen or eighteen years old.