I Am Supreme

Chapter 33: A Fate-Sealing Dossier!

Chapter 33: A Fate-Sealing Dossier!

Translator: Editor:

Ever since the Nine Supreme’s case last year, on the ninth of the third month, Old Marshal Qiu Jianhan had virtually turned into an insomniac. Each night, his thoughts would run wild as ideas and speculations washed over him like the rising tide; he could only sigh in melancholic agony. The death of the Nine Supremes was a scheme of the highest order, so colossally large that his heart pounded with anxiety each time he thought about it.The year-long investigation, be it out in the public or privately, had only yielded a few small fish that barely qualified as an appetizer.

“There has to be a traitor, a powerful figure in the military; the same holds true for the imperial administration. As for the n.o.bles…” Each time the Old Marshal contemplated the situation, his head felt like exploding. “I’m certain there would be conspirators from the other empires as well!”

“Marshal, are you not asleep yet?” Sir w.a.n.g came in from under the moonlight.

“With matters as complicated as they are, with the internal issues going on and external forces at play, how could I possibly fall asleep?.” Qiu Jianhan gave a heavy sigh and asked abruptly, “Have you made contact with them?”

“No.” Sir w.a.n.g frowned worriedly. “Those people refused to keep in further contact. Since the rejection of our last attempt to reach out to them, they have all suddenly disappeared; vanished from the very surface of this earth.”

The Old Marshal groaned, “If we don’t obtain vengeance for the Nine Supremes, these people are highly unlikely to come out in the open.”

Sir w.a.n.g kept quiet for a few breaths before he said, “Nonetheless, there are quite a number of hints revealing that these people are still actively pursuing their course.”

“But of course. They would not forsake the revenge they seek as long as the deaths of the Nine Supremes go unsolved.” The Old Marshal was hardly surprised as he continued, “Labyrinth of Nine Heavens Intelligence – they had originally divided their territories into nine segments, each claiming one, but the death of the Nine Supremes has caused these nine heavens to merge into a single iron plate!”

“They won’t listen to anyone other than Nine Supremes!” Old Marshal continued, “Their refusal to cooperate now heralds their gradual exit from the imperial court. Slowly, they would become an underground force in the martial arts world; albeit one to be regarded highly in Tianxuan Continent. I really can’t say how this will turn out.”

Sir w.a.n.g looked as if he was about to voice his thoughts, but caught himself at the last minute.

“What does Brother w.a.n.g wish to say?” Old Marshal Qiu Jianhan asked.

“I could be wrong,” Sir w.a.n.g continued, “However, I can’t help but feel that the Labyrinth of Nine Heavens Intelligence is still taking orders from someone... still under the control of a strong and powerful force.”

“What?” The Old Marshal immediately sat upright. “What proof do you have?”

“Allow me to elaborate. When they were alive, each of the Nine Supremes had a team of their own. These teams had always only belonged to each individual and their intricate crossover was what made the Labyrinth of Nine Heavens Intelligence.” Sir w.a.n.g continued slowly, “But this Labyrinth of Nine Heavens Intelligence also chooses their own leader within each team, which also means that there are successors after the Nine Supremes.”

“If they were without a figurehead, these nine teams would definitely have crumbled and would never have merged into a single slab of iron.” Sir w.a.n.g spoke, “It is almost like nine different clans. Which clan leader would be willing to take orders from another clan leader? Yet, n.o.body in these nine teams has done anything foolish or rash. This means that there must still be a force above them that keeps them in check!” Sir w.a.n.g’s eyes shone with excitement. “They wouldn’t have avoided our attempts at contact otherwise.”

The Old Marshal’s eyes began to brighten with enthusiasm, as his body trembled. “Could it be that the Nine Supremes are not dead yet?”

“Sir, that is impossible.” Sir w.a.n.g’s words robbed the Old Marshal of his momentary hope and he collapsed back into his chair like a deflated balloon. “But there must be another arrangement, I’m absolutely sure about this.”

Sir w.a.n.g went on speaking, “The most likely explanation has to be that His Majesty the Emperor has a.s.sumed control. Yet another possibility would be that they have appointed a general leader after the Nine Supremes. I don’t believe there is any other possible explanation other than these two.”

“His Majesty the Emperor…” the Old Marshal sighed, “His Majesty has already spat blood and fainted on three separate occasions when it comes to matters concerning the Nine Supremes. Never mind, I will look for a chance to discuss this with His Majesty.”

Just as Sir w.a.n.g was about to reply, the sound of a fluttering robe suddenly whispered in the air.


A silhouette flashed across the sky above the marshal’s residence.

“Who goes there?”

“How dare you!”

The guards reacted with lightning-fast reflexes; they charged towards the sky in pursuit of the intruder. Within an instant, a large group of people was piled up on the roof.

“Too late.” Sir w.a.n.g’s expression was dark. “Whoever, it was, he got away.”

“Marshal, someone threw in a parcel.” A very burly guard made entirely of broad shoulders and a thick waist walked over with large strides. “Looks like there are papers inside.”

“Qiu Dao, open it,” Sir w.a.n.g ordered right away.

“Yes, sir.” Qiu Dao tore it open without hesitation and a heavy dossier dropped out.

“The packet isn’t poisoned, and there’s nothing else within.” Qiu Dao quickly gave it the once over.

“Bring it over to me,” said the Old Marshal.

On the dossier was a tiny symbol. Trembles ran through the Old Marshal’s entire being as he took hold of it. The symbol was comprised of nine stars dotted by ink that formed a circle. Right in their center was affixed a strange symbol that looked like a burning flame.

“Nine Heavens Dictum!” Sir w.a.n.g almost shouted, his eyes wild with excitement.

“It’s the Flame Dictum of the Nine Heavens Dictum Lords.” Old Marshal Qiu took in a deep breath. “A pity it wasn’t sent by Supreme Flame himself. If it was, the flame would be in red.” The expression on his aged face suddenly took on a razor-sharp edge. “Since the Nine Heavens have sent a dictum, there must be something of great import inside. I shall take a closer look at it.”

The dossier was simple – it was the biography of an official. The Old Marshal had only perused half the doc.u.ment before he began to fume in utter rage.

“Xie Wuyuan! Even if this varlet were to be sliced and diced a thousand times, it wouldn’t be enough to pacify the people!”

Contained within was all the information available on the Deputy Minister of Board of War, Xie Wuyuan. It went into great detail about how he had pa.s.sed the imperial examination, how he had murdered his own wife and son right after to marry the Grand Tutor’s daughter, how he had framed the innocent and kind, how he had oppressed and intimidated men and women alike and how he had tyrannized the capital. There were already more than a hundred cases of homicide in the doc.u.ment.

It went on further to explain how he had criminally appropriated and resold resources belonging to Empire of Yutang’s military and people for his own personal gain and more.There were proof and evidence, witnesses and testimonies; all detailed enough to include information on the people who had provided them.

Lastly, there were an array of cases on veterans being harmed and mistreated; at least a few dozen incidents were listed within.

“How could such a person so devoid of heart and conscience be serving in the imperial court?” Old Marshal Qiu Jianhan was in despair. “Tomorrow, I must put this varlet in his place!”

Sir w.a.n.g breathed a sigh of relief, he could see the delight in the eyes of the Old Marshal. The Nine Heavens Dictum’s initiative to contact them had given the Old Marshal immense confidence. With the righteousness of the Nine Heavens Dictum behind him, he would have gone all out to confront the vile criminal, even it was the present prime minister himself, what more a mere deputy minister of the Board of War!

During the morning a.s.sembly of the imperial court the following day, Grand Tutor Liu hopped out with a long face, his voice and expression befitting his dejected look as he complained, “Your Majesty, please restore justice for this old official.”

His Majesty the Emperor was perplexed, “What ails you, Grand Tutor?”

Grand Tutor Liu spoke sorrowfully, “The son of Marquis Yun, Yun Yang, has no regard for the law. He a.s.saulted the officials of the imperial court publicly and inflicted much harm on my son-in-law, Xie Wuyuan’s family. He even broke into the residence and wreaked havoc in the compound! The condition of the Wuyuan’s residence in the aftermath is terribly appalling.”

“Could this be true?” His Majesty the Emperor was shocked. “Could the young master of Marquis Yun be so tyrannical?”

By the side, Old Marshal Qiu Jianhan could no longer stay silent as he stepped out. “Your Majesty, this official has something to report.”

Grand Tutor Liu glared at the old man as he spoke with a frown, “Old Qiu, you should wait until I’m done with my case…”

Old Marshal Qiu Jianhan glared right back at him as he replied, “Actually, I intend to speak about this very same case as well!”

Incorrectly interpreting his intentions, Grand Tutor Liu was utterly delighted. “Old Qiu, are you also unable to stomach anymore of Yun Yang’s rebellious actions?”

“What I can’t stomach is your good ol’ son-in-law!” Qiu Jianhan stared daggers at the Grand Tutor. “Tell me, what sort of scoundrel have you taken as your son-in-law? It can’t be that n.o.body wishes for you daughter’s hand in marriage; although she’s not all that good-looking and a little fat around the edges, a lot of men in our military would be willing to overlook all that…”

“You ignorant old man!” Grand Tutor Liu exploded in anger, “Hold your tongue!”

Qiu Jianhan continued coldly, “This official wishes to submit a report on the Deputy Minister of the Board of War, Xie Wuyuan. This blackguard has remarried after murdering his wife and son, l.u.s.ted over wealth and extravagance, and is utterly devoid of heart and conscience. He has also oppressed men and women, slaughtered the innocent and kind, appropriated resources of the military and the people for personal gains and forged treasonous relations.h.i.+ps with external forces. All in all, he has committed a total of ninety-eight different crimes! Your Majesty, I beg for your judgment on this villain.”

As he spoke, he pa.s.sed the dossier over. The military and civil officials present in the imperial court spoke in hushed whispers, feathers clearly ruffled by these revelations.

The corners of Grand Tutor Liu’s lips twitched in fury as he was filled with disbelief. “Old ignorant man, all you do is spew nonsense. My son-in-law would never...”

Qiu Jianhan interrupted him coldly, “Your son-in-law’s crimes were all recorded in this doc.u.ment, complete with witnesses, evidence, and proof. You can take a look at it as well after His Majesty is done with it. If you still think that your son-in-law should be pardoned… ”

The Old Marshal’s gaze pierced Grand Tutor Liu like a sharp arrow. His underlying meaning was clear, “If you still dare to speak for him, I’ll have you in your place too!” He did not have to speak out loud though. On his throne, His Majesty the Emperor had only gone through half of the dossier before he was shaking with rage. “Read it out, listen to how well our Board of War’s Deputy Minister has performed his duties!”

All the officials listened with increasingly widening eyes as a eunuch proceed to recite all of Xie Wuyuan’s atrocities. Grand Tutor Liu himself had pa.s.sed out in a dead faint upon hearing of the first case. “Xie Wuyuan had been wedded with wife and son in his hometown. Upon pa.s.sing the imperial examination, he had secretly sent people home to murder his wife and child. The bodies were buried at… The middleman was… The witness was… Thereafter, he intentionally approached the daughter of the Grand Tutor…”

Grand Tutor Liu had been deceived by this mountebank for so many years; even his daughter had been thoroughly hoodwinked! The person whom he had helped and supported with all his might turned out to be such an ungrateful b.a.s.t.a.r.d.

His Majesty the Emperor spoke only two words in response to the heavy charges laid out.

“Familial extermination!”

He was of the same opinion as Old Marshal Qiu Jianhan; he was certain that Xie Wuyuan’s fate had been sealed once he saw the symbol of the Nine Heavens Dictum on the dossier!

Ever since the death of the Nine Supremes, this would be the first time Nine Heavens Dictum had initiated contact with the imperial court. If nothing had come out of this matter, Nine Heavens Dictum could very well vanish again without a trace. Therefore, even though it would have been prudent to verify the authenticity of the doc.u.ment, it did not even cross His Majesty’s mind to do so!

After dismissing the imperial a.s.sembly, His Majesty the Emperor beckoned to the Old Marshal. “Old Marshal.” His Majesty the Rmperor gazed at Qiu Jianhan like a hawk. “Go and meet the son of Marquis Yun.”

“Yes, this old official had intended to do just that,” Qiu Jianhan agreed right away.

“Let it be at your residence.” His Majesty spoke up again, “I wish to have a look at him myself.”

The Old Marshal frowned in consternation.