I Am Supreme

Chapter 34: Of Terrifying Nights, a Kindness Repaid and an a.s.sa.s.sination Attempt

Chapter 34: Of Terrifying Nights, a Kindness Repaid and an a.s.sa.s.sination Attempt

Translator: Editor:

On that very same morning, the Board of War’s Deputy Minister Xie Wuyuan was still waiting for the justice he had asked his father-in-law to exact for him. He was in the midst of thinking how he should add insult to Yun Yang’s injuries upon his capture when his residence was surrounded by guards.

With a single order, his entire family had been sent right to prison. Other than his wife, who had been defended by Grand Tutor Liu and brought back to the Residence of Grand Tutor, the rest of them were bound and carted off to be kept under lock and key. The judgment had been declared on that very day – execution after the pa.s.sing of three days!

These developments had everyone abuzz in shock.

Shouldn’t the perpetrator be the one that was punished? Why was it the one that had been a.s.saulted that got jailed instead?

The incident had immediately become an undercurrent flowing through the families of officials in Tiantang City, its message clear, “The young master of Marquis of Heavenly Clouds is not someone to be trifled with.”

It was a terrifying thought.

Whilst all these events were taking place, Ji Ling was stomping her feet violently in Sky Room No.1 of the most luxurious tavern in Tiantang City. “Why wasn’t this obnoxious man arrested?!”

There were several other girls in the room lazing around; some of them lounged on Ji Ling’s bed, their delicate jade-like feet twitching in boredom, kicking ceaselessly against the bed. These young ladies of the city’s influential families looked peerlessly elegant and beautiful in the public’s eyes but in front of their best friends, they did not bother to maintain the image they worked so very hard convey outside.

“Oh, what’s gotten you so angry, little sister? An obnoxious man?” One of the girls asked in mock surprise. “Since when did Little Sister Ji meet such a man? How has this slipped by us?”

Ji Ling snorted, “You girls wish to know him? If you have seen him, consider him an impostor! That is if he doesn’t annoy you until you lose your appet.i.te!”

“Oh, if there’s such a person, we sisters must get to know him then.” The girl beamed brightly. “How fascinating!”

Ji Ling snorted with a pout and kept rolling her eyes. Fascinating? Just wait until he annoys you to no end. You girls will know what’s fascinating then!

Within moments, five or six of the girls threw themselves over.

“What’s his name?”

“How tall is he?”

“Is he handsome?”

“Is he good looking?”

“Is he fat?”

“Describe to us his physique!”

“How’s his family background?”

Another girl even managed to look charmed as she said, “Wow, I suddenly feel like I’m about to meet my prince!”

Ji Ling smacked her forehead. “There’s absolutely no hope for all of you!”

“Tell us! Let us go have a look.”

“Yes, maybe we could even find our other halves!”

“This little kitty doesn’t wanna share. Everyone, make her tell!”


“Help me!” Ji Ling screamed in mock indignation as the girls playfully piled on top her. It soon turned into a chaotic scene, with limbs flailing about and cheerful laughter floating on the air.

Just as Yun Yang walked out of his room, he saw Lao Mei and Fang Mofei standing by the door.

“Excuse me?” Yun Yang was surprised to find the two men hovering at his portal like silent statues.

What is going on?

It would be alright if it was only Lao Mei standing here. It’s already difficult for Fang Mofei stand, let alone wait here, upright as a pole!

“Young master, there is someone called Chen San outside the door. He has been sitting by our door since last night.” Lao Mei explained, “He has not left until now.”

Yun Yang nodded and replied, “Go on.”

Fang Mofei then spoke, “Young master, I am unable to articulate my feelings. When I was cultivating last night, I could faintly feel a number of presences in the residence.”

“They were all experts.” Fang Mofei looked downright somber as he continued. “They seemed to be looking something. Young master has to be alerted to this.”

Poor Fang Mofei had been completely terrified last night. Although he had not known the reason behind his alarmingly rapid speed of cultivation and the recovery of his deific consciousness, Fang Mofei was delighted to use it to survey his surroundings but the result was nothing like what he had imagined.

Gooseb.u.mps had erupted all over his skin as he felt the eerie presence of strangers come and go from the Residence of Yun. When one left, another one took its place, some even in groups of three of five. Furthermore, Fang Mofei could intuit that those who had come were mostly experts of the fifth or sixth peak; some of them were even more advanced than he was and there were many of them. These apparitions had come and gone at least fifty to sixty times till late into the night; if it were only one person for every visitation, then there were at least fifty to sixty experts who had traipsed through the residence!

Are they f*cking visiting the market?

Fang Mofei was drenched with sweat from the fright. He had thought that it would be safer and more peaceful in the Residence of Yun. He had no idea that this could have happened. It was even more terrifying than roaming the most dangerous locations in the martial arts world.

Yun Yang smiled faintly. “It’s alright, let them be. They can come over all they want, we have a smooth and s.p.a.cious highway here.”

His smile was impossible to decipher.

Fang Mofei blinked in confusion. He wanted to ask, “What are you smiling about? Your own home is being treated as a marketplace by others! It’s almost as if they were ready to set up a stall here and start trading!”

Four fur b.a.l.l.s followed behind Yun Yang as they rolled out of his room, playfully nipping at each other on the floor. Fang Mofei sighed a breath of relief. He could not help but smile as well.

Those people must have been here to try to locate the so-called ninth level mystical beast babies but they had missed what was right under their eyes, searching like they were in a market. He thought that the young master must have grinned due to how hilarious this would have looked. Fang Mofei returned to Yun Yang a smile of tacit understanding as well.

Fang Mofei had thought wrong, however, as Yun Yang was not smiling about this...

Early in the morning, Yun Yang had received five calling cards and an invitation. All four great young masters of East, West, South, and West wanted to come meet Yun Yang to forge a closer relations.h.i.+p, especially Ximen Wandai, who had suffered the greatest loss before he had expressed his wish the most earnestly.

The other calling card was filled with the heady scent of fragrance; it was pink with neat and delicate writing that read, “We have long heard of Young Master Yun’s name, and we sisters have admired Young Master Yun for an inordinate span of time. Thus saying, we would like to pay a visit…”

That was the general gist of it. Yun Yang was surprised at this calling card and pondered upon its possible origins. By the looks of it, was it sisters from a brothel who wanted to come over? What did they hope to achieve by coming over? Yun Yang stroke his face, feeling aggrieved for being so attractive.

The other invitation was direct and straight to the point. Yun Yang was astonished to have received an invitation from the Residence of the Marshal. Old Marshal Qiu Jianhan had prepared a simple feast and had invited Yun Yang to partake of it tonight.

Yun Yang sighed.

“Where are these people who wanted to visit?” Yun Yang continued, “Invite them in.”

Lao Mei looked amused as he replied, “There aren’t here.”

Yun Yang was momentarily speechless. Why give a calling card if you didn’t intend to come in? You held the calling card and pa.s.sed it through the door, then you would wait outside and only enter upon the permission of the host.

That was how a calling card worked.

It had also meant that since the card was now in the host’s hands, the guest must be outside the door right now. Unfortunately, the guest was nowhere to be found!

“Don’t these fellows adhere to the common code of conduct?” Yun Yang felt somewhat irate at the lack of common courtesy. They were all elite members of influential families, how could they not know? Why did they send the calling card but did not come themselves?

Yun Yang quickly cast these thoughts aside. “I don’t care if you come or not.”

Walking out of the residence door, he stumbled upon Chen San who had been sitting upright at the side of the walkway. His face looked tired and pale, a testament to his tenacity at remaining on the doorstep throughout the entire night.

“Chen San, go home.” Yun Yang spoke gently, “It’s alright now.”

Chen San, however, was adamant on staying. “Young master’s kindness to this lowly one is higher than the heaven and wider than the earth. Young master has even gotten into dire straits for this lowly one. How can this lowly one leave just like that? This lowly one will wait right here. If the officials are here to find fault with the young master, this lowly one knows exactly what to do.”

Yun Yang replied, “The issue has been resolved. Xie Wuyuan’s entire family has been seized and placed in prison. Have you not heard of this?”

“Is this true?” Chen San got up to his feet, his eyes s.h.i.+ning with pleasure. “That wicked scoundrel who has done everything vile will eventually have his day!”

Yun Yang smiled.

“Since it has been resolved, this lowly one should return home. It will not look good for young master if I linger around here.” Chen San continued, “But for young master’s ma.s.sive kindness… if ever young master requests for anything in the future, this lowly one would risk everything, even death, to fulfill it!”

He then kneeled down to bow twice and left.

Yun Yang went after him, pushed a gold bullion into his hand and said, “Live well when you get home.” He wanted to say more but words failed him. A military man who once spilled blood on the battlefield was now handicapped and humiliated in his struggles for a living but his dedication to grat.i.tude and kins.h.i.+p had remained.

Chen San could only accept it after repeatedly failing to reject Yun Yang’s generosity. He was immensely fl.u.s.tered, his eyes s.h.i.+ning in equal parts with moisture and grat.i.tude as his voice shook with emotion. “Thank you, young master! Chen San is filled with immense grat.i.tude towards young master’s gallantry! Sigh, during those years when the Nine Supremes were still commanding the world, who in this nation dared disrespect the veterans? Such a pity that G.o.d is blind and does not bless the kind. Ever since the Nine Supremes left, us lowly ones…”

He was unable to finish his sentence as two drops of hot tears rolled down his cheeks He thanked Yun Yang once more, and turned around to leave.

Looking at Chen San’s retreating figure, Yun Yang felt a wave of emotions. “During those years when the Nine Supremes were still commanding the world, who in this nation dared disrespect the veterans?”

“We are here, still here, always here,” Yun Yang said quietly in his heart.

He returned to the courtyard in low spirits.

“Old Marshal’s invitation…” Yun Yang frowned. “It’s impossible for him to suspect my ident.i.ty. What would it be for? Was it because I a.s.saulted Xie Wuyuan yesterday?Xie Wuyuan’s case has involved the Nine Heavens Dictum. Looks like the Old Marshal is looking at me as the breakthrough?”

Yun Yang smiled grimly. Whatever the reason, he had to make this trip.

Yun Yang walked slowly inside, entertaining his thoughts with a frown when he suddenly felt a faint tingle of premonition. Acting purely on instinct, he hurled himself to the ground.

Tok! Tok! Tok!

Metallic sounds rang out as three small flying daggers stabbed deep into the plants in front of Yun Yang, like three flashes of lightning preceding the rumble of thunder.

Even as Yun Yang threw himself down, he was already moving like a spirit to the back of a tree. With a twist of his body, he vanished into thin air.

At the same time, Lao Mei catapulted out into the courtyard with an angry roar as his rapid movements left trails of shadow in the air.

It was an a.s.sa.s.sination attempt!

On the opposite rooftop, a masked man in black peered inside the Residence of Yun with shock, disbelief written in his eyes. Even with his cultivation base of mystical skill that had reached the fifth peak, he had actually failed to hit an ant that was not even at its first peak! Worst of all, he didn’t even understand how he could possibly have missed. He was only aware that his target had suddenly dropped to the ground just as he was about to make his move.The s.p.a.ce that his target had occupied was already empty when the flying daggers left his hands!

How had this happened?

The masked man in black almost cursed out loud, “Your father has been an a.s.sa.s.sin for so many years and has never yet encountered such a bewildering incident!”