I Am Supreme

Chapter 641: I’m Hurting Inside!

Chapter 641: I’m Hurting Inside!

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Ji Lingxi was plagued by distress.

The events today were not only meant to be proof for Shangguan Lingxiu, Ji Lingxi herself needed the attempt to be made, to test out all possibilities. After all, Yun Yang had advanced so much during this time and could rival her cultivation base.

If he could have suppressed the red light, it would have been worth it even, if she had to suffer from a little injury during the strike. Although Yun Yang was still not allowed to do.. that.. and they still could not kiss or hug too frequently - as long as the red light was no longer as tyrannical, she was agreeable to award him the occasional opportunity to take things further.

Now, however, the cruel reality had utterly smashed Ji Lingxi"s girlish thoughts. What was left in her was the impulse to point a finger towards the sky and curse out loud while grinding her teeth and clenching her jaw.

"How senseless the old man must be to put a seal like this on me!"

"Why the f*ck didn"t you put this restriction on your wife instead? What a complete b.a.s.t.a.r.d!"

"Did I provoke you? Have I offended you? I can"t even go on a date now – what about in the future!"

"Yun Yang has returned my feelings; we"ve made it all clear, but this is what we have come to?"

Ji Lingxi guessed that if she were to tell Yun Yang that she liked him now, Yun Yang would shudder in fear and run away immediately. Was this the concept of romance?

The ladies" thoughts were long-winded, even longer when described in words, but the harsh reality only took the blink of an eye to process.

When Yun Yang had been flung away to end up splattered against the wall and unconscious, the girls were only momentarily stunned before they sprinted to him and carried him to his room. They laid him out on the bed and take care of him, carefully feeding him water and medicine.

Poor Yun Yang had only left the bed for less than two hours before he was lying down on it once more. The anguish was unbearable… When Yun Yang woke up again, he saw Shangguan Lingxiu looking at him worriedly while beside her, Ji Lingxi looked incredibly guilty, stealing glimpses at him sorrowfully.


The first thing Yun Yang did when he woke up was to let out a long sigh, one that would sadden and tear up anyone who heard it, making them question the vicissitudes of life.

"Oh Lingxi, Oh young sister… Oh, lady… Uh… oh, ancestor…" Yun Yang covered his forehead with the back of his hand and said weakly, "You… What were you trying to do…"

Ji Lingxi"s guilt doubled as she lowered her head like she had performed a heinous crime; her voice was as soft as a mosquito. "Sorry…"

Yun Yang let out another long sigh.

"Hmm, sorry…"

"Eighth brother, what a good sister you"ve left me with… Forget the fact that she doesn"t call me brother – that"s fine, she can call me husband if she wants. I"ll marry her, I can accept it. In fact, I quite like her… However, do you know how many more "sorry"s I"ll have to accept in this lifetime, whether I marry her or not?"

"Do you know that for every single "sorry" I hear, I"ll have to lie in bed for at least three days?"

"Do you know that?"

Yun Yang could hardly speak of the bitterness in his heart, so it all came out as one, long sigh. How tragic! It seemed that nothing like this had been heard of since the beginning of time in this whole wide world!

If news of this matter were to be spread, he wondered how much he would be teased – when Supreme Cloud had become a legend one day in the future, this anecdote of his would take the martial world by storm then.

"Hey, you know about Supreme Cloud? The Nine Supremes" Supreme Cloud?"

"Nonsense! Who doesn"t know about him? He"s the think-tank of the Nine Supremes!"

"Then you must surely know that Supreme Cloud is married, don"t you?"

"Of course! He married Supreme Wind"s biological younger sister. It"s not even a secret, why are you being so discreet?"

"Do you know that Supreme Cloud"s down again?"

"Down? Again? I beg your pardon?"

"You don"t know, do you? Come, come. Have a seat. Let me tell you a story."

"Did you know? A kiss? Three days in bed."

"Did you know? A hug? Three days in bed."

"Did you know? Sleeping in the same bed? Three days in bed."

"Intimacy? The act of love? That"s practically non-existent!"

Many years later, when Supreme Cloud pa.s.sed away…

"Did you know? Our Lord Supreme Cloud was still a virgin when he pa.s.sed on…"

"How is this possible? Isn"t Lord Supreme Cloud"s mistress…"

"I knew that wouldn"t know. According to legend, Lord Supreme Cloud was the one who died from blue b.a.l.l.s! Come, sit down. I"ll tell you the story…"

Once Yun Yang imagined these, he felt the sky collapsing on him. He felt like dying, like crying, but there were no tears in his eyes.

"I"ve already made a legend! Am I destined to create another one?"

"I"m hurting inside…"

Yun Yang was dismayed and so was Ji Lingxi. Furthermore, Ji Lingxi was even more upset than Yun Yang, a hundred times more!

Tears were already br.i.m.m.i.n.g in her eyes.

"Why is my life so tragic?"

"I would have been fine if you fellows had not brought me up after giving birth to me! Why are you being like this?"

"Lingxi, don"t be sad. I"m still here, I"ll help you the best I can!" Shangguan Lingxi hugged Ji Lingxi"s shoulders and said softly, "I think… there"ll be a day that the seal will vanish… Maybe when your cultivation base improves more… or the person who formed this seal can found… Don"t give up – hoping."

Ji Lingxi wept, "What if we can"t find them?"

"They"ll be found as long as we don"t give up!" said Shangguan Lingxiu with absolute certainty.

Ji Lingxi continued weeping.

It was fine when Yun Yang was still oblivious and things were not yet out in the open. Now, however, both of them were aware of each other"s feelings and showed signs of genuine acceptance. A happy ending was within their reach.

Yet, this issue had arrived at a juncture which should have been the sweetest. Furthermore, it just had to be one that had no solution in sight!

To Ji Lingxi, this was an extremely cruel twist of fate.

This was a man she loved with her life and everything else she had, but he did not even have the right to come near her!

Could there be a more clichéd situation in this world?

Yun Yang knew that Ji Lingxi was perturbed, so he comforted her gently, "Don"t worry. While the seal on you is powerful, the foundation of it is still a strong cultivation base. Maybe we can dissolve the restriction in a few years time, with our current cultivation base improvement rate. Then, we can still…"

Yun Yang quickly shut himself up. How could he go on? They could still do what then?

Yun Yang"s mouth hung agape as he paused there, a mortified look on his face. He was not the only one who was speechless; Shangguan Lingxiu and Ji Lingxi were both fl.u.s.tered as well.


Ji Lingxi"s face was still dotted with tears but she had turned red from embarra.s.sment The flush was alluring, easily making one"s imagination go wild.

"Shut up! What nonsense are you sprouting?"

She sighed inwardly. Yun Yang was right of course, but by looking at how tyrannical the seal was, she was afraid that they might not be able to do… anything... even when they had advanced by another dozen levels. Moreover, how long would it take to even achieve that dozen levels?

If she could maintain the speed of making a breakthrough each time she slept, perhaps she really only needed a few days. However, this seal was applied to her. It would be difficult for her to remove it on her own.

The direction of another solution was Yun Yang himself, but he did not have what she had. The dozen of levels would take him a decade or two – maybe three or five; it could even be half a lifetime!

The higher her cultivation base got, the harder it would be for Yun Yang to break the seal.

The young lady was greatly distressed, almost crying again as she thought about her plight.