I Am Supreme

Chapter 82: The Wind Hails, a Flame Rises

Chapter 82: The Wind Hails, a Flame Rises

Translator: Whatsyourissue Editor: ICheah

A ferocious wind hailed from the opposite direction. With a wail, the wind suddenly grew to its strongest, uprooting the weeds on the ground and breaking the branches on the trees.

It swirled, bellowing against the Shadow Cavalry that was hot in pursuit.

Oddly enough, Yutang’s army was not affected at all.

Tears and blood decorated Tie Zheng’s face. He stood still as a statue as his eyes stared wide in the direction of Tianxuan Cliff.

“The Nine Supremes!”

“Has Supreme Wind come at last?”

Following the wind that had reached its peak, a rising flame suddenly soared from behind Tie Zheng. The spark of the rising flame was spreading at an incredible speed towards Dongxuan’s army!

The spark had just glinted but it was already burning several hundred feet high in the air. Dongxuan’s Shadow Cavalry that had just charged through, over a thousand of them and their steeds, were engulfed in the sea of flame!

The rest of the cavalrymen who were in hot pursuit could not rein in their horses in time as they tumbled into the fire one after another with anguished cries and moans.

The flame crackled like the devil. With a sudden crash, it soared and catapulted to the prairie. Immediately, the Dongxuan army that was within a three-hundred-mile radius were all plunged into a burning sea of fire.

Amidst the spark of flame, there seemed to be a demon cackling.

“How dare little Dongxuan be unbridled before Tianxuan Cliff!”

The wind bellowed!

Flames rose to the clouds!

Supreme Wind and Flame!

Hot tears brimmed in the hundred of thousands of Yutang army’s eyes as they watched the quiet Tianxuan Cliff. All of them kneeled in unison.

“The Nine Supremes sirs!” They roared.

The voices of these patriotic men who had flirted with death were choked, hot tears rolling down their faces.

Han Sanhe looked towards the southwest where Tie Zheng had broken through and the Shadow Cavalry was hot in pursuit!

Thirty thousand Shadow Cavalry men were outflanked while another fifty thousand Shadow Cavalry tailed behind; Han Sanhe dared guarantee that Tie Zheng would not have half a chance to escape with such an overwhelming force in pursuit.

Even if it were to be him, he would never have reorganized his troops and turn the game around under such circ.u.mstances. The victory and defeat of this war had been decided!

It was finally time to reap what he had arduously sown for so long. Luckily, the Nine Supremes were no longer here. Otherwise, coupled with the Empire of Yutang’s complex topography, he did not dare make careless advances with the Nine Supremes’ existence. They would have been victims of a sneak attack at any given moment.

What was more, they would also be defeated unexpectedly.

“Marshal, Yutang has almost entirely fallen into your hands this time.” The general beside him was excited. “Only the marshal could easily attain the merit of expanding our empire land.”

Han Sanhe smiled calmly. “I’ve forcefully decimated Tie Zheng’s hundred thousand army and two hundred thousand reserve troops without a care for what it would cost our military resources. It’s still too early to talk about empire expansion. At least, the Empire of Yutang’s dominance could no longer be recovered within ten years’ time after this war.”

“The biggest return for our side should be extending our territory for another two thousand miles encroaching Yutang’s capital.”

“But it’s hard to say that all these are within our grasp.” An earnest want was deep in Han Sanhe’s eyes. “Because the two old folks in Yutang have yet to make their moves.”

“Although that Qiu Jianhan and Leng Daoyin are called the heroic duo of saber and sword, they have not been leading troops for so many years. Besides, they have aged. They are no longer how they were in those years. The marshal will definitely achieve what you want once you strike.” The general beside him was a born bootlicker.

“A big portion of Yutang’s elites have already been wiped out by the marshal in this battle. Even if Qiu Jianhan and Leng Daoyin unite as the saber and sword duo, they still can’t do anything without having any troops to be deployed!”

Han Sanhe said lightly, “Perhaps Mu Wuyun’s lack of deployable troops still makes sense but Gao Han, you have to take note of what you said about them no longer being how they were in those years… You must never look down on your enemy at any given time!”

“It is a lethal mistake, the reason behind a downfall!”

Both generals beside him bowed at once. “This lowly general remembers.”

“Even if they have no deployable army, these two old folks can still definitely guard Yutang and expend three to five years against me.” Han Sanhe’s expression was solemn. “Because the emperor of Yutang grants unreserved trust on both these men!”

Behind him, Mu Wuyun, Gao Han, and Zhan Ge were silenced in fear. All three generals dared not speak a word.

The old marshal was incredibly meritorious that the emperor got suspicious. It was no longer a secret in the military that Dongxuan’s emperor was extremely scrupulous to the old marshal. Han Sanhe, commenting on this now, was naturally exclaiming from his thoughts.

“After this war, Dongxuan’s invincibility shall be fortified!” Han Sanhe said in solitary, “However, Yutang can be reduced, can be weakened, but it can never be conquered.”

“It is like a ferocious tiger. It is enough to break only its claws and fangs!”

“If the empire were to be annihilated, we might not be able to stand as long as Yutang.” Han Sanhe sighed. “Yutang has three renowned marshals after all, that’s why they could hold out for so long. In the top ten ranking of the continent’s most notable generals, Yutang alone has taken three spots!”

“But Tie Zheng and his trusted aides must die!” There was respect in Han Sanhe’s eyes as he said slowly, “Tie Zheng covered for his troop in the last battle.s All his generals automatically stayed back to cover for their army. They’ve already won the hearts of Yutang’s army. With time, they would definitely form the real blood of steel and soul of militant!”

“After this fight, Tie Zheng would rise to the same level as Qiu Jianhan and Leng Daoyin in Yutang’s army, if not even higher. Moreover, Tie Zheng is at his prime right now… That is the most terrifying! Therefore, anyone else can be saved from death in this battle but Tie Zheng, must die! Otherwise, he shall become our greatest downfall!”

Han Sanhe’s appraisal of Tie Zheng had increased by three whole levels after this battle!

As the southwest wind blew, the three generals felt that Han Sanhe’s thin silhouette was akin to a G.o.d at this moment.

A turn of his hand could conjure clouds; the other way, rain.

Right at this moment though, the wind seemed to have stopped suddenly.

Han Sanhe frowned and said faintly, “Why does the wind stop?”

The three generals shared a look, unable to fathom the meaning within.

“I’ve observed the night astrology. The southwest wind bellows these days as it is the time to pursue following our dominance. Our troops attack following the wind, it is the best time… why does the wind stop now?”

Just as he was speaking, the wind came again abruptly, blowing against their face strongly enough to p.r.i.c.k.

The direction of the wind had changed.

Han Sanhe was startled.

“The world shares the knowledge of the Nine Supremes’ death… Supreme Wind is not here but why did the wind suddenly take an opposite direction?” A look of uncertainty surfaced in Han Sanhe’s eyes.

It only took two spoken sentences for the wind to grow stronger and bellow right against them.

The force was so strong that the handful of people standing almost lost their footing.

“There must be something strange!” Han Sanhe’s frown was deep. “Send orders, ask the pursuing troop to… slow down!”

It was a difficult decision.

They could totally destroy Tie Zheng while pursuing his troops with their current dominance.

Once they gave this up while holding back, they would be giving Tie Zheng a breather.

It would allow a variable in this battle.

“Marshal, please think twice.” Zhan Ge said, “The death of the Nine Supremes is certain! The change in wind’s direction now is only a display of nature’s might… The enemy is near defeat, it’s impossible…”

Han Sanhe could only feel the dread in his heart growing more distinct. He was curt in his decision. “There must be a reason for this peculiarity in the battlefield! Send the order right away!”

The horn was blown. However, just as the horn blared, Han Sanhe’s expression took a turn for the worse!

Thick smoke had suddenly risen up front while fiery flames licked about!

The flame seemed to have engulfed the entire forest within the blink of an eye! Another blink seemed to witness the fire doubling in size!

The next moment saw the fire consuming everything within its reach, the flicker of flame encompa.s.sed thousands of miles as it soared into the sky!

“Supreme Wind and Flame!”

Han Sanhe was alarmed. “Retreat immediately!”

It was too late.

All his warriors who had been pursuing the enemy into the valley were swallowed up in the flaming blaze!

The blazing trail seemed like a flaming dragon that had a life of its own as it charged out of the valley and deluged the thousands of cavalrymen nearby! The fire was overwhelming, spreading in its wake, its speed incredibly fast!

The blessed topography of Tianxuan Cliff, the lush trees in the dense forest – all of them turned into a consuming sea of fire, at this end of summer and at this beginning of autumn.

“How could this be?” Disbelief smeared Han Sanhe’s eyes.

The Nine Supremes were dead!

This news was bona fide. Some people from his side had even witnessed the Nine Supremes’ death with their own eyes! They were involved in Nine Supremes’ death personally!

How could they still make an appearance?

Even though it was hundreds of miles away, the heatwave from the blaze still stung their faces.

All this seemed like a dream, an illusion. Yet it was happening right in front of their eyes!

A bellowing wind and a rising flame had turned approximately two hundred thousand men into naught!

What pained Han Sanhe the most was the loss of entire eighty thousand men in the Shadow Cavalry!


“Shuffle the troops!”


“Clear the loss!”

Han Sanhe gritted his teeth as he shouted his commands, “Give up the pursuit, switch to defending!”

“We have been defeated!”

“Retreat, return to defense. Guard the border, Lunar Cliff Fortress. Drop this west expansion conquest at once!”

As Han Sanhe finished speaking standing on the top of the hill, his face paled suddenly, his skinny frame about to crumble.

He could not accept the outcome of this war!

He knew that the Nine Supremes had died so he had accepted His Majesty the emperor’s appointment and led the troops forward. Who would have known that he would fall right into a vicious trap in this battle!

The Nine Supremes were not dead!

Supreme Wind and Flame’s attacks had wiped out over a hundred thousand of Dongxuan’s elites in one single encounter.

If he dared to advance under such topography, if the other Supremes were still there, then it would not be bizarre at all if all four hundred thousand men were completely annihilated!

Han Sanhe gritted his teeth, his eyes spurting sharp, killing intent.

“Who was it that supplied such ridiculously wrong intelligence? Investigate in detail once we return!”

The Nine Supremes had died, all the empires in the continent were taking breaks to recover the toll taken on their military prowess that the previous chaotic years had damaged. This was never a time to deploy troops but the empire insisted. Now, they realized that the Nine Supremes did not die!

Had they just used two hundred thousand men to perform a probing action?

Suspicion rose instinctually in Han Sanhe’s heart.

Thick smoke rose within an eight hundred mile radius in front, the radiance of fire shot high into the sky. Countless men and their steeds rolled in the flame like fireb.a.l.l.s as they cried and shouted in agony.

Some shrill cries had gradually disappeared as the bodies burned but the flame was still brightly ablaze.

Han Sanhe shut his eyes solemnly. After some time, he spat word by word, “This battle… is my humiliation for life!”

Not only did he lose the war, he might have been tricked!

The Empire of Dongxuan had called back its troops.

Tie Zheng’s side had also reached its limit. They were beyond expended and there was simply no way they could pursue them in a follow-up attack. What a joke it would be. It was already by G.o.d’s mercy that they could survive under Han Sanhe’s persistent attacks.

Besides, the Empire of Dongxuan did not really fall. Their troops were as uniform as their combat abilities were complete. If they had gone to pursue them, they might even be bitten in retaliation.

However, Yutang’s army was a scene of enthusiasm!

A bellowing wind and prairie fire had completely fended off the enemy!

This was a miracle.

What was even more thrilling was that the Nine Supremes had reappeared!

“The Nine sirs have made their presence felt…” Someone said tearfully.

“Bullsh*t!” Someone else fumed. “The sirs have never died. They’ve just gone into hiding.”

Tie Zheng took a while to catch his breath before he could stand up again; his head was dizzy and he felt like he was stepping on cotton. His wounds were still bleeding profusely.

His janissaries came forth to stop his bleeding in a rush but he seemed to not feel it, his eyes dazed. After some time, he shuddered and shouted suddenly, “Where are you, nine sirs! This lowly general, Tie Zheng, wishes to bow to the Nine Supremes sirs in grat.i.tude for your saving grace and your generous kins.h.i.+p. Please grant the permission to do so!”

After he spoke, everyone held their breath. Even the severely injured soldiers were gritting their teeth to keep any noise down. All of their gazes were heated as their neck raised in staring unblinkingly at Tianxuan Cliff.

How they wished that the nine mysterious masked figures would step out from the forest!

That would be the happiest thing to ever happen to Yutang’s warriors.

Countless people were puffing in their throats, feeling their hot blood about to gush all the way up to their hearts. They were all waiting, they would cheer with all their might once the Nine Supremes appeared.

The flame was still licking the sky, the wind still bellowing as the crackling sound of burning was incessant. However, other than these, there were no other sounds.

Tie Zheng refused to give up as he shouted once more, “Nine Supremes sirs! Tie Zheng wishes to meet you!”

There were still no sounds, the forest was silent.

There were no replies.

Tie Zheng sighed.

“Reorganize the troops! Check for casualties! Aid the wounded!”

“Charge back to the Fortress of Resilience with the fastest speed possible. Summon the citizens’ help to rebuild the Fortress of Resilience!”

“a.s.sistant generals, be in charge of these.”

“Send the war’s results to the capital immediately, go three thousand miles a day with a swift steed!”

“In addition, check on the Empire of Dongxuan’s activities, do not slack!”

The a.s.sistant marshal nodded in acceptance as he asked, “What about you, marshal?”

Tie Zheng sighed, “I am tired. I wish to rest here.”

The a.s.sistant marshal knew the underlying meaning. He knew the marshal’s intention. He was still insistent on meeting the Nine Supremes.

The Nine Supremes would not appear when there were so many people. Perhaps the Nine Supremes would come out when there were fewer people around.

“Also…” Tie Zheng closed his eyes, his tears streaming. “Bury the remains… of our fallen brothers…”

Before he could finish speaking, he spewed another mouthful of blood, trembling with a pang in his heart.

“Yes…” The a.s.sistant marshal kept quiet for a while and said in a low voice, “If marshal can meet the nine sirs, please greet them for this lowly general.”

He then turned to shout orders, “Janissaries to stay. The rest, depart at once!”

Tie Zheng stood by Tianxuan Cliff.

This was the Nine Supremes’ memorial that the Empire of Yutang had built. Nine statues of masked men stood on the podium in a carefree and natural manner, their gazes blithe as if insouciant of the world’s happenings.

Tie Zheng had waited for exactly three days and there had not been a single trace of news.

“Marshal,” A janissary said cautiously, “Supreme Wind sir and Supreme Flame sir’s statues… seem to have some dirt, and the charred smell of the prairie fire… Is it… really both sirs making their presence known?”

Tie Zhen wore a forlorn expression.


Compared to the other seven statues, Supreme Wind and Supreme Flame’s statues seemed to have really stepped out from their perch. Even Tie Zheng was a little suspicious.

Could it be that Supreme Wind and Flame were really just blessing them with their presence? And not that… they were still alive?

It was known that the Nine Supremes had always gone into war with all nine of them in unison. There was never a time where it was only two of them who did battle!

“Nine Supremes sirs!”

Tie Zheng kneeled down. “Thank you for helping! Your heroic souls did not leave, accept my homage!”

After Tie Zheng paid his tribute, he heaved a long sigh and descended Tianxuan Cliff.

Since the Nine sirs do not wish to meet, let me feign ignorance as well!

“Send the order… we’ll say that…” Tie Zheng was thinking deep and fast as he said softly, “The army was about to fall. In the nick of time, Wind sir and Flame sir of the Nine Supremes blessed us with their presence and annihilated the enemy; the border was then able to be preserved!”


After the war, the bellowing wind switched its direction. It became a strong wind towards the east.

Yun Yang had expended the last of his energy.

The wind howled through the air as clouds decorated the sky. They were like a mighty army that was advancing towards Yutang speedily; they were like countless heroic souls that were still in uniform formations, advancing towards their homes.

“Blades and spears, through hundreds of wars on the battlefield, it is inevitable that a general perished on the front line; the life of a man holds no regrets, why not perish for the nation and the people? Hearts of loyalty reflected in the sun and moon, patriotic bones and souls forged the borders; wind hails from the ground thousand miles away, sending faithful souls in return to Yutang!”