I Am The Legendary BOSS

Chapter 1

Translator: SumTLMan


Zhao Mo woke up from his dream again.

He opened his eyes and his body was soaked with sweat. He propped himself up and sat up from the bed.

The beautiful treehouse in front of him is still the same. It hasn"t turned into white walls, nor has the window woven with vines turned into gla.s.s windows. On the black beams overhead, there are still some tender gra.s.s and flowers. He doesn"t know whether there are any potential safety hazards… In this treehouse.

But what Zhao Mo can be sure of is that he hasn"t yet returned home and crossing worlds has become his reality.

He was sure this was a dream.

Because he has awoken up many times.

He really crossed worlds…

Zhao Mo slowly stood up, his right hand leaning on a cane full of vines, trying to prop himself up to stand smoothly. After all, he fell from a tree several dozens of meters high. Even if his predecessor was an elf, he would still be seriously injured.

What"s more, the former William Blackleaf is a young elf, who hasn"t practised battle aura or magic. He is now considered the waste of the elves.

"But crossing worlds and becoming an elf, seems to be of some value. This face, this figure, these long legs. As handsome as I used to be…" Zhao Mo looked in the mirror. He saw a handsome face, pointed ears, slender thighs. He couldn"t help sighing in his heart.

Zhao Mo didn"t want to mention his past, because he has only been in this world for half a day. There are still no signs he will be sent back. Now, all he can do is let go and forget the past. He has to settle down and start a new life while striving to live in this strange world with some joy in his heart.

What"s more, there may be G.o.ds in this world. There will be problems if he begins speaking nonsense!

Although he missed his father and mother very much and wanted to die of old age. He has read so many novels about crossing worlds and didn"t see many people returning home…

But fortunately.

He has two older brothers. Both of whom have long been married and established families of their own. It will be no problem for them to take care of their parents either.

He only hopes that as a lonely single dog who had suddenly died while playing a game, it didn"t cause too much grief for his ageing parents. If he could, he would hope they would shed fewer tears for their unfilial son. It is best for them to live long and healthy lives.

"I am William Blackleaf. Yes, I am now William!"

He walked out of the treehouse and stood on the balcony sprinkled with golden light, enjoying the sunshine. His body felt warm and full of strength.

William"s vision is staring farther and farther away, and his train of thought is moving beyond…


98, this game only costs 98 per month.

Yes, <>< all="" G.o.ds=""> > is a monthly subscription virtual reality game.

After many generations, crystal currency games and swipe and pay games have been born one after another. Today in the future, all virtual reality games have completely become monthly subscription games.

For example, the most popular games in history are <>< honor=""> >, < zero=""> >, <>< world="" of="" swords=""> >, <>< sea="" of="" stars=""> >, and <>< faith=""> >. It is these games that have laid the foundation for monthly subscription games!

As for <>< all="" G.o.ds=""> >, this game was officially released in 2333.

Because the unknown production company didn"t do much publicity in the early days, this game received a lukewarm reception in the early days. After all, isn"t it too difficult to climb to the top amongst many virtual reality games?

It wasn"t until three years later that the fire for this game completely broke out. Even reaching the highest number of players online in the history of gaming, with 230 million players simultaneously playing online at the same time!

But this is to be expected. With the advancements in science and technology, many people are left idle…

All G.o.ds, this is a world filled with battle aura and magic.

Here, you may be lucky enough to become a dragon slayer, successfully marry a princess and reach the pinnacle of life.

But similarly, it is also common for warriors to be accidentally eaten by dragons, be killed by avengers, killed by guilds, kill by tens of thousands of players and then be heavily retaliated by angry NPC forces.

And this is also a world of G.o.ds…

Every player is running towards the dream of becoming a G.o.d.

Unfortunately, William didn"t become a G.o.d. After playing for ten years in his last life, he didn"t see any G.o.ds. It"s not as though he couldn"t become a G.o.d, but he pa.s.sed away… Before his time.

He died in his game cabin.

Although in the history of the gaming. No matter whether it is a small overlord gaming machine, computer games, mobile-phone games, semi-virtual games, virtual reality games, and so on. There will always be a small number of individual "talents" who suddenly pa.s.sed away from brain damage. But this won"t cause players to fear, the game still needs to be played and their addiction cannot be stopped.

Their cards have to be swiped, and the monthly subscription has to be renewed. Is it possible to helplessly watch their money go to waste?

Of course, even before William died, he didn"t see any other players become G.o.ds or even demi-G.o.ds.

The key reason is it"s too difficult.

Whether they are professional or top guild players, the upper limit at that time all stopped at legendary. But even so, the realm of legendary wasn"t reached by too many people, and the strength of legendary was divided into three, six and nine realms.

Of course, before he died, he had just touched the fur… Of the late game.

What rank did he belong to at that time?

Naturally, he was at the pinnacle of the whole world. He belonged to the scattered players" group and was a legendary warrior!

As for his daily work, he took it upon himself to help others.

It wasn"t limited to helping fight (rob) a BOSS. When local tyrants wanted to slap him in the face with money. He can also take the time to gain experience by completing tasks, catching pets, finding mounts and so on.

He even worked part-time as an a.s.sa.s.sin by helping kill someone or something.

After all, legendary players are always better than ordinary players.

But there was a reason he was a legendary player!

Not only crystal currency but also for survival.

Besides, how can one build equipment without money? How can one inlay gems without money? How can one strengthen weapons without money? And how can one think of surviving without money? He needs to quickly retreat and calculate…

William has always wondered that since NetEase went bankrupt, many programmers must have chosen this company. Otherwise, how could the equipment system be so strange?

A poor wretch like him, if he hadn"t started playing on the first day of the public beta for this game. His skills wouldn"t have been as good and he wouldn"t have noticed the future diversification of this game. Being in game cabin playing day and night gave him a huge advantage over the other players. While s...o...b..lling and helping others, he makes money, survives, continues to practice, makes more money, continues surviving and then step by step became a legendary player. Otherwise, he would"ve starved to death in the game cabin.

"Unfortunately, I died in the game cabin!" William Blackleaf touches his stomach and sat helplessly in a rocking chair made of vines and wood. He took a sip of wine worth 30 copper coins, which was sweet but not strong.

He feels very happy, at least he wasn"t reborn as a dog at the beginning. He is much better than his other peers.

"But after being reborn, I have to continue surviving!" He needs to think about how to use his ident.i.ty to survive!

"William Blackleaf, one of the marginal elven lords in the Southern Blackleaf Forest, nicknamed Marginal Lord. Err, it seems that I am reborn as a half-elf?" William only remembered this rare memory of inheriting the territory. He didn"t care how this poor sap fell from a tree and had such a poor fate, even dying from the fall. Instead, he felt very lucky he was reborn into a different world.

But now is not the time to consider this, he should think about how to better blend into the world.

"No, I still remember that when I was in my twenties, I seemed to have some dealings him. This is a very strong lord. Although this place is small, his ambition wasn"t. I remember taking on many tasks in this place."

"However, this guy died in a struggle after only half a year of the public release of the game. The territory was then occupied by the Duchy of Steel, which was really a bit tragic."

"His father, the former Marginal Lord, was able to survive between Blackleaf Forest and the human duchy territory. Even having the ability to make both sides gather together."

"However, his son had no future prospects, ah. Since inheriting this territory, it seems many civilians have pa.s.sed away and it was only later on that he succeeded in expanding his town."

"However, after causing many troubles, he didn"t show his loyalty to either the duchy nor did he completely hide in Blackleaf Forest."

"Although I forgot what trouble he faced, what he did in the latter period was simply seeking death." William sighed a little and began recalling the memory fragments in his mind.

The marginal territory covers a small area. It"s a very small place, but the town is very wide in both the eastern and western fronts. So he can put this to good use…

There are 3,000 people in the marginal town. Included are 1,500 half-elves, 1,000 humans and 500 elves.

As for why these people can co-exist together, it can be said that…

To make a long story short.

The marginal town is located in the gap between Blackleaf Forest and the human territory, and it"s especially suited for this group of people to meet in the middle.

Because the human beings here are basically mostly fugitives, deserters and even some refugees who have no homes left anymore.

Half-elves, on the other hand, have long been an independent camp. From beginning to end, due to bloodline issues, they have trouble fully integrating into society with pure blooded elves. But they are also unsatisfied with human society, so they can only stay in neutral camps or go to other half-elf territories.

Because in the world of All G.o.ds, as long as a person is a pure-blooded elf, it is especially important to focus on bloodlines. Otherwise, his pure-blooded elven mother wouldn"t have left him behind in this marginal town, no longer caring for him.

As for the five hundred pure-blooded elves…


In the memory fragments from his mind, they seem to be bodyguards sent to him from his mother.

These bodyguards are very strong and loyal. That means… They are also very arrogant and upset about the other half of his bloodline being human.

Even if his mother has royal elven blood, these five hundred pure-blooded elves intend on using their thousands of years of life experience to completely kill William, the half-elf, and return to Blackleaf Forest…

"Err… My ageing mother turned out to be part of the elven royal family?" William"s brain was a little confused. Suddenly, the extra memory comes back to him now.

But just when William was going to ask someone to help support him in patrolling the territory.

A sound appeared in his ear.


"Countdown to version 1.0 public beta test: 364 days, 23 hours and 59 minutes."

"…" Today"s Marginal Lord, with royal and n.o.ble elven bloodline, William Blackleaf!

His mind gradually became lost in thought. Because according to his vision, after crossing to a different world. He should go on an adventure to defeat the dragon, marry a princess, and witness the G.o.ds slaughtering one another.

But how did he become an… NPC?

"Why… Why… Why should I face these undying players?" William suddenly lost his mind.