I Became the Strongest With The Failure Frame【Abnormal State Skill】As I Devastated Everything

Chapter 177

Chapter 177

Sogou Ayaka POV>

The Alion Army briefly stopped in the Anti-Demon White Castle .

Our objective in this place is to restock our supplies .

Furthermore, this is also the place where we join up with Bakuos and Neia’s Army .

As soon as we finished resupplying, the three armies will leave .

Although the scale of the castle isn’t that large, there is a castle town set-up near the Anti-Demon White Castle .

It’s apparently not very lively normally, but it was really bustling today .

Even in the camps of the various countries outside the castle town, a moment of calmness is flowing everywhere .

There were more lights than usual on the white castle on the gentle hill .

This castle is also famous as a regular meeting place for the representatives of the country .

To the south of this area is the Demon Zone, but now, there are almost no monsters in the area .

Apparently, monsters used to regularly come out of the forest back then .

[This castle has been protecting Magnar from the Golden-eyed monsters for a long time . There’s also one instance where the Heroes from Another World stayed in this castle as its lord . In the time of crisis, the G.o.ddess used her power to drive away the monsters . That’s right…… This castle also had a history of defeating even that Human-Faced . ]

Heath, the frontier count who is now in charge of the castle, explained that .

Guira Heath was a stocky old man with a moustache . (T/N: ギーラ・ハイト / Giira Haito)

It is said that he came from a Lineage of Heroes .

He is said to be the descendant of a Hero from Another World who was once the lord of this castle .

As if he’s a history teller, Guira excitedly opened his mouth .

[I’m sure you’re aware that the Demon Zone is a famous danger area . But now, the area around this castle is a danger zone for monsters…… In fact, the monsters have even stopped appearing in the vicinity because of that . In addition to the fact that we are blessed with the geographical advantage, this is also a good place for the representatives of the Holy Alliance nations to gather…… Our castle has established itself as a castle of honor to welcome the representatives of each nation, rather than just a castle to prepare for the threat of monsters . ]

Guira proudly surveyed the group of faces in the Wolf Room .

For him, this castle must have been a great source of pride .

Now then—— In the most recent time when the representatives of each country gather, we have yet another group of faces appearing today .

Duke Polarie, the person entrusted with Alion’s army by the G.o.ddess when she left the Southern Army . (T/N: ポラリー / Porarii)

Bakuos Army, Bach Mingus . (T/N: バッハ・ミングース / Bahha Minguusu)

The same army, Walter Icebane . (T/N: ワルター・アイスバイン / Warutaa Aisubain)

The same army, Gus Thornfield . (T/N: ガス・ドルンフェッド / Gasu Dorunfeddo)

Bach, Walter and Gus are the people named as “The Three Dragon Warriors” .

It is said that they were the successors of the Five Dragon Warriors, who once wanted to be named as the strongest in the world .

Dissatisfied, Bach set down his cup on the table .

[This war, I thought it would be a good opportunity to show the power of the reborn Black Dragon Knights while the G.o.ddess is nearby…… Even though I understand that it was an emergency, I can’t believe they’d leave the Southern Army . Good grief, that’s really one good way to burst our bubbles . ]

Receiving Bach’s reproachful gaze, Duke Polarie’s lips pursed .

[I really can’t measure how much worth the Black Dragon Knights could be after they lost the Five Dragon Warriors but…… Having lost the Five Dragon Warriors along with your influence across the differing nations, you really are quite desperate huh?]

His veins popping on his forehead, Bach slammed his hands on the table as he stood up from his seat .

[Excuse my impoliteness, Duke Polarie! Guh…… I’ll show you that our Three Dragon Warriors certainly wouldn’t be worse in performance in this battle compared to how the Five Dragon Warriors could ever be!]

As if he’s unamused, Duke Polarie just stroked his prided moustache .

[Not worse than the Five Dragon Warriors huh, that’s quite a big step you’re trying to reach . ]

[What are you trying to say, b.a.s.t.a.r.d……! If you think that just because the G.o.ddess gave the command to you, you can look down on……!]

[Stop stop, that’s enough already, the two of you . ]

It was Agito Angoon who mediated between them .

The Four Revered Saints are also in this place .

Holding unto his shaking fist that seems like he wants to punch but couldn’t, Bach returns back to his seat .

[Jonato’s Four Siblings huh…… Hmmp, you’re too young to b.u.t.t in . ]

The castle lord Guira dusted off something on his chest as the ruckus in the room somewhat subsided .

The slender-faced, slit-eyed Three Dragon Warrior Walter swerved his gaze to the side .

His piercing gaze caught the three young men and women lined up against the wall .

[Speaking of which, these greenhorns heroes who look like they’ve just stopped sucking on their mother’s t.i.ts, can they really fight?]

Only S-Rank and A-Rank Heroes were called here .

It was only me, Oyamada and Yasu .

Oyamada slammed his fist provocatively on the palm of his hand .

[Hah~? I feel like you’re looking down on me, hah!? You wanna fight!? Hah~!? How about I let you taste what happens to those who look down on me with my fi—– gugigigigigiggyiiiiii!?]

Standing next to him, Abyss pretended that she’s just crossing her arm over his shoulder as she strangled Oyamada’s neck .

[To be honest, it’s just that I’m stuck with these guys . The really dangerous Heroes have gathered there in the East . ]

[Let me… go…… You…… big… t.i.tted… woman……]

[Ooohhh, you’re having a good time pressing your face on the side of my breast, eh, Oyamada? Hmm? I can’t hear you, you know? Hey, let your voice come out from your belly!]


Oyamada crumples to his stomach as he gets punched by Abyss on his solar plexus .

[Geffuuuh!? You b*tch…… I’ll certainly f*cking kill you!]

[Hoh~ Let’s see you try that, huh? It would be better though if you can really do that before you finish your job and return to your own world, though? Hmm? I don’t if your dumb a.s.s can do it though?]

[Go to h.e.l.l……!]

The castle lord and the Three Dragon Warriors were shocked by this turn of events .

Both Bach and Walter seem to have been discouraged by this .

Then, a daring smile appeared on Banewolf’s mouth, who was also leaning his back on the wall .

[Don’t worry, the Heroes that were remaining here will be enough of a force to be reckoned with . Afterall, there were some among them which were personally taught by this Dragonslayer . ]

Bach placed his arms on the table as he looked towards Banewolf .

[……Dragonslayer huh . Judging by that enormous thing placed in the corner of the castle grounds, I guess the rumors were true . Otherwise, that large amount of soldiers wouldn’t have gone to all those trouble transporting that thing . ]

Banewolf responded vaguely with a shrug of his shoulders .

The castle lord Guira takes over the conversation in an attempt to regain the initiative .

[I’ve heard that the Heroes-dono weren’t affected by the Tyrant’s Miasma . That alone is very rea.s.suring . In Argyle, which had fallen just a few days before, I heard that even the Former Captain of the White Wolf Knights has completely lost its fangs just because of the Tyrant’s Miasma…… No, putting that aside, just the report of those “corpse banners” on Argyle’s walls reported by a soldier we sent to scout, is terrifying to even imagine……]

Bach crossed his arms and reclined on his seat .

His gaze was on the woman with a vertical roll hairstyle, sitting diagonally in front of him .

[Guira-dono, for a princess who grew up in the royal court, don’t you think that such a gruesome story might be a bit harsh?]

Walter lets out a slight grin .

Guira and Duke Polerie just looked on with curiosity .

However, Neia’s princess who was dressed in a military attire doesn’t look worried .

Cattleya Stramius had a thin smile on her lips .

[Please don’t worry about it . I’m well aware how brutal the tragedies of war can bring, even if I may have grown in a greenhouse . ]

[You can say whatever you want, but this is real war…… It’s completely different from those heart-warming stories of valor you’ve been hearing in your evening b.a.l.l.s, you know?]

Cattleya places her long mittened hands over his lips .

[You well know how our country has been invaded by Bakuos…… The evil hearts of these invaders, I’m well aware of it for we’ve firmly experienced it ourselves . ]


[Don’t get too carried away, little brat……!]

Bach suddenly banged his fist on the table .

[You seem to think that you can do more than us to regain your country…… But this discussion just happened because of the sudden death of the Five Dragon Warriors! Otherwise, you would have become a pathetic spectacle as Civit’s wife by now……! To begin with, I don’t like the fact that you’re here, pretending to represent all of Neia!]

Bach indignantly glared at Cattleya .

However, Cattleya’s expression still looked unruffled .

Incidentally, when Bach banged his fist on the table, she didn’t even flinch .

[I think Bach-sama seems to have misunderstood something though? I’ve recently lost my father and fiancé one after another…… And now, you’re speaking as if it’s just a blessing in disguise . Do you think I’m not grieving over the death of my fiancé?]

[Guh, you’re just shamelessly……]

[Besides, this discussion of bringing Neia back into the Holy Alliance, it was Vysis-sam who suggested it . If you’re that unhappy with it, I can send a magical war pigeon to tell her that “Bach-sama is disapproving Vysis-sama’s idea”—–]

[D- Don’t distort my words as you please! I- I’m not dissatisfied with Magami-dono’s suggestion…… I was merely rebuking…… Princess Cattleya’s ill-mannered att.i.tude……]

Bach’s way of speaking got worse .

Walter comes to the aid of his companion who’s situation looks like it turned for the worst .

[However, I doubt that Neia’s Army will even be considered a fighting force . We have occupied their country without even the slightest resistance when our Bakuos invaded . Even in the Holy Knights, it’s only that woman……]

The sweaty Bach shows a vulgar smile on his face .

[Speaking of which…… I wonder what happened to that shameless former Former Leader of the Holy Knights who was the first one to run away during our invasion? Right now, it seems that most of the people think that she’s already dead somewhere . ]

[Oh, you’re talking about Seras Ashrain, aren’t you?]

Duke Polarie, who had just been looking on in interest, suddenly opened his mouth .

[I also had her portrait back in my mansion . It would really be a shame if she were dead…… No, but that clothing Princess Cattleya sold to me the other day, I feel like I could still smell her sweet scent remaining in it……]

[Oh? Did Duke Polarie also buy some of her articles from Princess Cattleya?]

[Mhmm? Then, you also bought some, Guira-dono?]

[Indeed . Seras Ashrain’s articles have now begun to pa.s.s the stage where it could be traded with money . People don’t want to sell it away even when they’re presented with stacks of money . ]

[But that’s where Princess Cattley, the one closest to her comes in . That Princess Knights’ precious articles that haven’t been released into the world yet…… You have my grat.i.tude, Princess Cattleya . ]

Cattleya gracefully smiles .

[I’m glad to hear you’re pleased . ]

[If it were to come true, I would have liked to drink together with the living Seras Ashrain . It must have been tough losing her, Princess Cattleya?]

[No…… Perhaps, Seras may be happier that she died . ]


Duke Polarie tilts his head .

There was a hidden undertone to the way Cattley said it .

“Even if she were alive, maybe it would be better if they thought she died . ”

For some reason, I feel like Cattleya’s words sounded like that .

Bach glared at Cattleya again with his bloodshot eyes .

[Tsk! A little girl from a weak little country selling her boring flattery…… Anyway! Seras Ashrain, who was famous for her sword skill, ran away with her tail between her legs when faced with our Bakuos’ Army! Therefore, Guira-dono! I would like you to leave the security of the castle to our Bakuos’ elite army until our departure! I can even give you a black dragon if you want!]

[Aren’t the Bakuos’ Army tired from their long march? It would have been fine leaving the patrol to Magnar’s soldiers but……]

[What are you talking about!? Our army isn’t so meagre that they won’t be able to do that just for walking that distance!]

Leaning forward, Bach exchanged looks with Alion’s commander .

[Duke Polarie! I hope that you will report to G.o.ddess-dono about my previous application for the castle’s defense before……!]

Perhaps overwhelmed from his desperate appeal, Duke Polarie somewhat backed away from him .

[I- I understand . I’ll make sure to tell Vysis-sama about Bakuos Army’s devotion……]

Bach sat down with a triumphant look on his face .

His gaze was blatantly directed at Princess Cattleya .

A strange atmosphere suddenly swirled around the room .

“Somebody make this atmosphere change!”

—or so Guira seems to say as his gaze busily moves about .

Perhaps, out of respect for the castle lord, Cattley opened her mouth .

[For instance…… If we were able to cut through that Golden Demon Zone, we could have considerably shortened the distance of our march……]

“Fumu…” Duke Polarie mumbled as he stroked his long moustache with his fingertips .

[The long history has proven that this isn’t possible…… As long as the monsters don’t come out of that place, we’ve come to the conclusion that it’s best to leave that area alone . In the first place, it’s difficult to march in that place because a normal horse can’t even keep its sanity, and most of all, I don’t think anyone will be able to make it through there safely . Even the previous Heroes from Another World were unable to drive out the monsters that dwell in the Demon Zone . If we add those underground ruins along, there are so many of them that Vysis-sama would have no choice but to give up…… It’s also a good idea to use the monsters in the periphery as fodder for “levelling up” the Heroes, at least . ]

Guira gulps down his cup of wine .

[According to our sources, the Five Dragon Warriors Slayer and that Leopardkin fugitive…… If what they said were true, they’re idiots . It’s because they had deliberately stepped into the land where only death was promised . Even that Witch of Taboos who was said to be living in hiding must have become bones by now . ]

Bach mockingly snorts .

[Even so…… that was quite the shallow thing you said there, Princess Cattleya . ]

Folding his arms behind his head, Bach reclined his back more on his chair .

[Ramming through the Golden Demon Zone, stop rambling about something so unrealistic . Even if what you’re saying is merely hypothetical, I don’t think it’s a good idea to be talking about your pipe dreams in such a place like this…… To be honest, I’m starting to get a bit worried about your future . ]