I Became the Strongest With The Failure Frame【Abnormal State Skill】As I Devastated Everything

Chapter 299: The Deepest, yet Shallowest Evil

Chapter 299: The Deepest, yet Shallowest Evil

After I posted the last update, I wondered whether or not to rewrite the previous chapter, but I decided to proceed as I originally planned, taking into account that there are various ways how people perceive the story and its characters.

In addition, we have stopped accepting comments once  I started considering whether to rewrite the chapter or not, but in the future, we may accept feedbacks, including reviews, when the chapter is completed, and stop accepting them when the next chapter is started (which at that time, we will open up the feedback section again). However, I feel sad that I will only be able to read the comments of those who like "Hazure Waku" at the completion of the chapter, so I have decided to leave the comments section open for the time being. (I also received a review after the last chapter was updated. Thank you very much.)

I don"t know if I will be able to weave a story that meets your expectations, but I will do my best to write it, and I would be very grateful if you would warmly watch over the future of this story.

……Ah, I"m sorry that I"ve been rather stiff with writing all these…… We hope that you will read it at your leisure and enjoy it as much as possible.

I reflexively found myself coming out of concealment.

However, if I didn"t get out at that moment, Hawk would definitely have been killed.

I lightly bit my lip.

There was too little shielding for me to take advantage of and get close to where the opponent was.

He"s currently 20 raeters away.

If I had appeared from my original position, I would have been in sight immediately.

So, while he was talking to himself, I tried to quietly move about behind or to his side———

(I never thought he would try to kill a hostage he recognized as valuable right then and there……)

There was not enough time to go around and sneak up on him.

In that situation, I had no choice but to call out and stop him.

I couldn"t think of anything else.

Even though I was confused by Oyamada"s sudden change in actions……

Was there some kind of more skillful way in going about here?

When the unexpected happens———– I can"t do things like "he" does.

I can"t just come up with another plan immediately.

And standing here, I could keenly feel it.

Oyamada———– as if she"s licking me, looked at me from top to bottom.

[Oh…… Ohhh! Drenched in the rain, isn"t this just erotic…… Seriously erotic…… Hah!? Rather, why are you here? You"re in that little fly gang, aren"t you?]

I mustn"t let him kill him.

Within this situation, the means to bring him down……

[I will answer your question when you release him.]

[That so? Then, if you listen to me, I"ll let him go! First thing"s first, you b.r.e.a.s.t.s! Let"s pop them beauties out!]


I had already a.s.sumed such a thing would occur.

However, I still felt my face suddenly heat up upon his words.

Was it shame?


Either way, I reflexively moved my free hand to cover up my chest.

Moreover——— I could tell he was lying.

He had no intention of letting Hawk go.

[……Don"t you have…… any shame or dignity as a Hero……]

[Gyahaha! What are you blushing for!? You some virgin or something!? Huh? Shame? Dignity? Men who don"t follow the will of their d.i.c.ks are the liars! If people don"t f.u.c.k, then children won"t pop out! The preservation of humanity is a righteous act, right? That"s what"s right in this world, right? For you to feel shame about that…… Shame on you, Seras Ashrain! Gyahaha! I mean, with your ears pointed, that makes you an Elf!? Does being an erotic beauty make you an Elf!?]

Slightly grazing upon the core of my body right now was fear.

Yes, Touka had already mentioned that he was this kind of person.

However, this may be the first time I"ve felt a person being so vile.

Somehow, it"s even indescribably eerie.

Even though it looked so trivial———- It was deeply, deeply evil.

Putting that aside……

[Hawk-dono? ……Is Hawk-dono alive?]

If he were dead, he would be meaningless as a hostage.

And the meaning of me showing myself here along with it.

[Ahh, he"s weakened, but yeah, he"s alive.]


He isn"t lying.

[However, what you gonna do with it? If you don"t strip, we"re not going to get anywhere,are we? You gonna do it or not…… You have 20 seconds to decide…… tick-tock…… tick-tock…… Come on, don"t do it and I"ll kill him, you know? ……Come on, out with those b.r.e.a.s.t.s.]

Saying this, Oyamada puts his fist on Hawk"s forehead.


[You"ve got 15 seconds left…… Tick-tock…… Oiii, do you not feel like doing it? Heehhh…… You think your pride is more important than this guy"s life huh…… Well, that"s the correct decision. And yet, the way you look as if you"re saying "I"m a respectable human" is seriously hilarious! Ah, you"re not human, you"re an elf, right!? Don"t really know much about it, but ain"t Demi-Humans low-cla.s.s species!? They"re just creatures we can do what we want with! Ptui!]


He isn"t going to let Hawk go even if I follow his instructions.

I know he"s lying.

What I should do here——— is to avoid doing something that would make me a hostage instead.

It was at that moment……

[Ahh, troublesome…… Well then, I"ll just return him. Here———]

[ ! ]

He threw him.

Oyamada threw Hawk into the air…….

Towards my direction, that is.

At the same moment, Oyamada ran towards me.

His fist at the ready, aiming towards———-


Seeing this, I also ran forward.

Trying to catch Hawk in my arms, I would then try to evade his strike.

Even if I were to be attacked a little bit, my Regalia of the Spirits would receive the attack for me.

If I further strengthen the parts that are to receive the attack with Ice Spirit and Wind Spirit, the defensive capabilities of my Regalia will increase.

Most of all, as long as the hostage is secured———–

[ < Heavy Bullet > ]

(T/N: Bludgeon Fist Strike / Heavy Bullet)


It appeared.

That red ma.s.s———-

[ ! ? ]

That ma.s.s suddenly scattered to several pieces.

With successful footwork, it seemed possible for me to evade.

However, it doesn"t seem possible to avoid him while protecting Hawk.

I don"t have any choice but to take some of those projectiles.

Sharpening my senses to its limits, I quickly grasped which parts of my body would be hit by those projectiles……

The approaching red projectiles that could severely injure me are received by my Regalia of the Spirits———–



—–but they slipped through.

Those red projectiles slipped through my Regalia of the Spirits.


Slipping through like an illusion, several of those red projectiles pierced into my body.

[What just……————–!?]

(My body…… feels heavy?)


This isn"t a weight from supporting Hawk"s weight.

My own weight has clearly been suddenly distorted.

(It was because…… I was struck by those red projectiles huh.)

I blundered.

As long as the opponent"s a Hero———– As long as I keep in mind what Touka"s abilities were like……

I should have a.s.sumed that even their simplest strikes would have some sort of other effects.

I got careless.

My mind had been too focused on saving Hawk.

Still holding Hawk with one arm, I fell down on my knees.

Further strengthening the icy edge on the sword I held in hand, I firmly glared at Oyamada.

[Ahh…… I"ve always wanted to say that. Saying that line feels good…… Well, that"s what I thought♪]

Oyamada looked at me with a grin.

[You know what? You must be one of them who spouts out things like you can"t abandon such good people, right? What an idiot…… Even in the world I was in, you hypocrites sure are the loudest. You can"t do this! You can"t do that!…… Well, they"re also an idiotic bunch who were being exploited by swindlers pretending to be hypocrites, aren"t they? Well…… That doesn"t change the fact that you hypocrites are the most annoying. What"s more hypocritical than the good you don"t do! Gyahaha! According to Takuto, if we listen to hypocrites all the time, our country will seriously weaken and decline! However, that means the country I grew up in, where only the opinions of stupid hypocrites prevail, seems to have no future! Then, isn"t this other world good!? Hey!? I mean, I can do whatever I want with this beauty who only exists over here!?]


I don"t know if it"s because of Oyamada"s ability or not……

But the fabric of my clothes soaked in rain feels awfully heavy.

However, at that moment——–


I felt it……

The nonexistence of his pulse.


I can"t feel his pulse.

His heart…… is probably not beating either.


[No way…… He"s dead……?]

[Eh? Seriously?]


Oyamada said "he is still alive".

He was just under the impression that he was still alive……

If the person in question was unaware that he was lying……

I wouldn"t be able to tell if he was telling a lie.

[What, he"s already dead!? Gyahaha! The heck you doing there! Why did you just suddenly drop dead, Hawk-saaaaaan!? How hilarious! If you do something like that…… That makes Seras-san look like an idiot! Even though he was prepared to die to protect you…… but you"re already dead!? Hyaaah, that"s just so funny! Isn"t she too nice!? Seriously, her actions are just so cute! She"s so kind! Uwoooooh, it"s making me on fire! Oraaa!]


Oyamada approached and struck me with a front kick.

[Ohh, yeah, you certainly helped me make Seras-chin weak…… but you"re a hindrance♪ now Gyahaha, oraaa!]

Letting out a guffaw, Oyamada kicked Hawk"s corpse away.


Pushing one of my hands on the ground, I tried to stand up.

Whatever he has done isn"t worse than Touka"s Paralyze.

I could still move my body.

However, it feels heavy.

Really heavy.

[Ohh, seems like you can move fairly well. Ahh, this is bad…… Your face as you squirm there really looks arousing. Ahh…… What should I do…… Should I just drag her to that house over there?]

At that moment, a certain fear ran through my mind.

More than my own personal danger……

I fear that Munin would come to rescue me.

However, I think that such a thing happening is unlikely……

I can"t say for sure that won"t happen.

That happening would be the worst-case scenario.

I have to somehow avoid that from happening.

[If you want to do it…… Get it done here……]

[……Eh? What? You want to f.u.c.k me? Seriously!? Uwaahhh, I never thought you were a s.l.u.tty elf! You were a Princess Knight!? More like a s.l.u.tty Elven Princess Knight! The heck are you inviting me for!? This is freaking hilarious!]


[Gyahaha, she said it! She freaking said that line! "Kuhh"! The f.u.c.k are you acting all embara.s.sed when you"re the s.l.u.tty one inviting me!? This guy"s freaking hilarious! I"ve never been around your type before! Well, I get ya! If you really want me that much————]

But at that moment, something rushed towards Oyamada out of nowhere.

Red eyes……

Black body……

A huge body filled with overpowering intimidation.

Two horns——–

And eight legs.

As if to say that it would never forgive the enemy, she neighed like a thunderbolt.



(T/N: Red Fist / Bullet)


A scream resounded.

And Slei was blown away, her body violently hitting the wall.


[……Is that your little fly gang"s army? What? It came to protect its beloved h.o.r.n.y elf? Gyahaha! Weak! Well, you just sit there and watch! I"m about to show you a good watch!]



With her legs shaking, Slei stood up.

She then looked at Oyamada———– prepared for battle.

[You still wanna fight……? Interesting…… Now, come…… Oi, if you move there, Imma end this guy too, Seras.]

[———-Slei-dono! Please run away!]

[Bururu…… Bururururu.]

She refused.

Hearing my words, she only flared up her fighting spirit.

As if to say "There"s no way she"d run away".

She conveyed such thoughts to me.

Slei rushed forth.

[You can"t, Slei-dono! Please———-]

Oyamada unleashed his red ma.s.s again.

Meanwhile, Slei tried to evade his attack.

However, due to the injury she just received, she was unable to avoid her.

[Please stop, Oyamada-san! Slei-san too, please stop it! I"ll be fine!]

Slei"s appearance here doesn"t suggest Munin"s presence nearby.

I can"t choose words that would make Oyamada aware of her presence.

Slei is blown away by the red ma.s.s again, crashing on the ground.

She"s coughing up blood from her mouth.

This same scene continued several times.

No matter how much I tried to stop her, Slei wouldn"t stop.

The difference in combat power between Slei and Oyamada was obvious.

And yet……

And yet……

[Bururu…… Burururu……!]

With her legs trembling……

Drenched in rain, her eyes glaring red———-

She stood up.

Once again, the Fly King"s horse looked like she was about to fight.

[Ohh, it"s still standing! This thing has more guts than I thought! Gyahaha, I mean, it looks so different that it"s creepy! What? Did this thing overcome some sort of race barrier and fell in love with this oh so innocent, h.o.r.n.y elf!? Great Master Sleeeeeei!?]


A sense of mission.

What"s radiating from the burning-eyed black horse is the will to never back down.

And I could feel that the water dripping down my face…… aren"t just the rain.

[Why——— are you going that far……]

She huffed in response.

"Leaving that aside…… I leave Seras and Munin to you."


Those words Touka and Slei exchanged before he left.

It was a promise.

He entrusted us to her.

Because he, whom she trusts more than anyone else——— entrusted such a thing to her.

Even if it"s just through willpower……

Even at the cost of her life……

She"s trying to protect me.

Even if she couldn"t do it as well as him———- Even when she was unable to do it just like him.

She still stood up.

[Slei-dono…… It"s okay…… Please don"t stand up anymore…… I"m begging you———-]

[Bururu…… ———-Burururu……!]

[Ahh, this thing"s annoying. That"s right…… Those legs…… Let"s crush all of them to a mush.]

[ ! ]

Oyamada"s words sent shivers down my spine.

[Ahh, wouldn"t that be quite fun? If I start smashing all its legs up and make them as squishy as octopus legs, I wonder at what point will its mind break——— Wait! This thing"s crazy! Isn"t this a monster!? This thing can"t even be counted as animal cruelty, so I guess doing that wouldn"t my heart! Even like this, I"m an animal lover after all~~]

[S- Stop——- I won"t…… allow you to do such a thing!]

[Well then, why don"t you make me stop?]


[If you don"t want me to break Slei-kyun"s mind and body, if you want me to listen to what you say…… Sincerely think about what you can do now, okay? I mean, you…… barking all those things, what have you even done, Seras Onee-san? That"s right, all this time, you"ve done nothing yourself. If you want me to do you a favor, show me by your actions. Also…… You seriously think that"s the kind of att.i.tude you can have to someone you"re asking a favor to? You looking down on me or what?]

[I- I…… will……]

[Haaaaah? Can"t you please say it clearly? What- is- it- that- you- will- do-?]

[……If I undress…… Would you do it?]

[Seriously!? So you"re a freaking exhibitionist! So that"s how it is!?]


[Huh? You won"t admit it? You want me to look at you instead, right? You trying to invite me over there, right? Ahh, Hawk, watch me as I kill a horse! It"s time for some monster slaying!]

[! S- Stop ri——- Please stop. Y…… Yes……]

Bringing up my heavy hands to my collar, I looked down in shame as I pulled the fabric on my chest down.

My mouth is pursed from the disgrace of what I"m doing.

[I am…… inviting you……]

[Yes, then let"s start with an apology~~]

[Eh? Ahh…… My apologies……]

[Let"s have those clothes off while you apologize♪ Come on, can"t you look like you"re actually inviting me!? Well, looking like you really don"t wanna do this has its good points too! Come on, strip it all off already!]


At the very least, to buy some time……

Time for Munin to escape from here.

If she could just get away safely……

If she could survive and meet up with Touka……

The revenge against the G.o.ddess will be accomplished.

I also won"t let him kill Slei.

I will make sure of that.

I brought about this situation because of my failure to accomplish something well.

My failure——— is my responsibility to face.

It"s going to be okay.

As long as I"m alive……

No matter what happens here……

I"m sure……

If it"s for him……


I will survive.

No matter what happens……

No matter what humiliation I go through……

I will survive.

I won"t let Slei die either.

I will make sure of that.

Heck, I will keep my eyes open———- and see that the tables will be turned.

I"ll make it happen.

I will keep my attention for such an opportunity……

Until the very end……

That"s why……

For now……


I brought my finger———– on the clasp between my b.r.e.a.s.t.s.

[Gyahaha! Acting all like you"re not some cheap woman, but don"t you think you"re quite rushing over there, Seras-saaaan!? Ahh…… It"s troubling if someone suddenly arrives and interrupts, and this rain is starting to annoy me, so I guess let"s just bring this inside after I let out one shot first? Gyahaha! I mean, this isekai really is the best! This really is just the best! Oh! Seems like Slei-kun finally found it too hard to stand up and collapsed huh! Hey, stand up over there, I"m gonna make Seras-chan become very pretty from now on, you know? Yep, don"t care about defeating the Great Demon Emperor anymore! Besides, the people in cla.s.s had gone all nonsensical anyway! Alrighty! Let"s keep this going and f.u.c.k Ayaka and the Takaos too! Kashima and Murota could also be candidates too! However, this makes me worried~~! If I f.u.c.k the best of the best, will I ever be satisfied by anyone else!? Well, let"s leave worrying about that for the later me! I"ll just go as far as I can in this other world and do whatever I want! Gyahaha! Rather, hurry up and strip already! You just shifted your clothes a little bit! You"re too evil if you actually call that a fanservice! Alright, alright! Geez, I"ll take them off myself! Ahh, she"s so erotic when she"s all wet…… I can"t hold it in anymore! Arehh? Arara? Could it be…… you"re crying? You"re crying? Gyahaha! The Seras Ashrain is crying! Ahh, it"s funny, but to be honest here, crying women are seriously annoying. Why the heck are you even crying!? I don"t get you! Ahh, geez, I can"t take it anymore! I"ll just use my skill to make her body even heavier and make it really hard for her to move, and I"ll just do whatever I want! Gyaaahh, can"t stand it anymore! Don"t need you doing that bad strip show anymore! I"ll just do it at my own pace! Gyahahaha! I"ll make you cry even more! Of course, crying from pleasure, that is! Alright! I"ll have this all-you-can-do course for myseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee———————–!]

[Yo, Oyamada.]


——————————Crickle, crackle——————————