I Became the Strongest With The Failure Frame【Abnormal State Skill】As I Devastated Everything

Chapter 363 - Start of War

Chapter 363 - Start of War

My apologies, it has been a very long time since I updated……

The main reason for the interval between updates is that…… while I was struggling to write the continuation of the previous update, I’ve become busier with my other writing tasks, leaving me fully occupied. Incidentally, my physical condition hasn’t been a problem this time (although it can be said that my physical condition has been affected in the sense that my other tasks were delayed due to falling ill this summer).

I’ve been having other problems and things have been unstable, but the situation has gradually calmed down, so I’m hoping to resume updating (At the very least, the next chapter is scheduled to be updated by the end of next month. Ideally, I’m aiming to post it by the first half of December).

(Also, we have received one new review. Thank you very much.)

As the t.i.tle of this chapter suggests, the war has finally begun.

We hope you enjoy the second part of the final arc as much as we did.

The Sacraments aren’t riding on horseback.

However, they held the impression of being quite fast on their feet.


The squirming White Army can already be seen in the distance.

[That seems to be so. If you think about it, the Sacraments being able to equip armors is a matter of course.]

“It seems that the number of armed Sacraments is considerably higher than those present during the a.s.sault on the Imperial Capital by the Exiled Emperor.”

That was the impression expressed by the Mad Emperor.

[The Exiled Emperor is just a Divine Servant who received a share of Vysis’ power after all. It should be that his ability to create Sacraments was inferior to the original Vysis.]

Saying this, Loqierra continued.

[Also, if one wants to strengthen their Divine Servant, it will take quite a bit of time to do. That Exiled Emperor seems to be a human from at most 100 to 200 years ago, so from the perspective of us Deities, he could be considered as just someone “recent”. That’s why, even if he’s technically considered a Divine Servant, wouldn’t that Exiled Emperor probably be less capable than the other Divine Servants?]

So that means———-

[Those three Divine Servants are almost certainly better than the Exiled Emperor huh.]

[At the very least…… It’s better to consider Wormungandr as a troublesome opponent. Even back in the past, he had always been someone who we had no idea what was on his mind. He’s an aloof guy who had never been outright angry at anyone, but when he actually does, he does it pretty harshly———— He’s that kind of person.]

[What about the other two?]

[I don’t know much about them either…… It’s just, both of them had this ambiance whose nature can’t be grasped. Good grief, Vysis has created us quite the troublesome enemies……]

The White Army continued to approach us from a distance.

[This battle right in front of us…… How do you see it?]

 Lolierra ponders.

……It doesn’t really matter.

But perhaps, because of her current appearance, her gestures are really mascot-like.

[We’ll have to see the battle to actually find out. My guess is that the Divine Servants might show up, but I don’t think Vysis will be among them……]


Whether or not the Divine Servants are among them……

Whether or not Vysis would come out to the frontline or not……

Both of these are currently unknown.

Perhaps, Erika isn’t in a state where she can move her familiars.


Contacts from Mira’s spies who remained in Alion’s Royal Capital have been cut off.

At the time of the escape of Nyantan and her group……

Not all the spies in Mira left the Royal Capital Enoh have been with them.

Some remained behind to continue reporting about the situation in Enoh.

The Mad Emperor a.n.a.lyzed the situation in this way.

“Contact from Enoh has completely ceased. Due to the incident where that former disciple of Vysis escaped, the spies in the Royal Capital were exposed…… so they might have already been dealt with.”

If that’s the case……

We have no way of knowing the most recent movements in Enoh.

In other words, we don’t know if Vysis or the Divine Servants have departed Enoh.

[Whatever the case———– Preparations have been made just in case the Divine Servants or Vysis comes this way.]

[Whoa!? That surprised me.]

Pigimaru’s sudden cry from my bosom made Loqierra jump up.

I should have already explained Pigimaru’s existence to her though.


[No, no, I’m sorry, I was just slightly surprised…… I- It’s alright! It’s alright, Pigimaru-chan!]


Loqierra also created a pocket in my bosom, where she could hide in.

I guess you could say they have become bosom buddies.

In any case———- We, the Fly King Squadron, and the Heroes will also take part in this battle.


[If you Heroes defeat the gold eyes, you will also benefit from the enhanced blessings through Soul Absorption.]

The archers then drew their arrows and pointed them diagonally upwards.

As Chester ascertains the perfect opportunity……


The arrows powerfully held back, just like countless birds in flight, were released into the sky.

The sound of the wind was like a series of small bullets ripping through the air.

The mult.i.tude of arrows soaring through the sky were making that sound.

The Sacraments with a shield in their hands don’t slow down though, raising their shield diagonally upwards.

As the fierce blizzard-like wave of arrows traced arcs in the sky————

It rained down like rain on the crowd of Sacraments.

The bodies pierced by arrows shed white blood.

If the information we got was correct, just like humans, they should bleed to death if they lose too much blood.

[Second squad———— FIIIIIIIIRE!]

The second line prepared behind the first group of archers.

With the same movement, they released their arrows.

A continuous hail of arrows strikes the Sacraments and pierces their white bodies.

The movement at the forefront of the wave was slightly hindered, diminishing their momentum.

However, it doesn’t manage to hold back the momentum of the entire wave.

The less-armed following Sacraments began to strip weapons from the fallen and equipped themselves.

Thereupon, trampling on the fallen Sacraments———- they continued charging forward.

Yes, something like that happening doesn’t stop them.

The white herd moves on, not derailing from their objective and snapping arrows stuck in the ground like twigs.


However———— the Sacraments aren’t immortal soldiers either.

It’s easy to confirm whether they’re alive or dead.

Of course, it should also be a.s.sumed that they’d lay traps by pretending to be dead but……

In any case.

They aren’t beings who “can’t be fought” by soldiers of this world.

[Attack technique units, fire at once!]

Following the arrows, attack techniques are now launched into the sky.

Their crystal-tipped staves are pointed diagonally upwards with coordinated movements.

At the tip of their staves, sharp pieces of ice are formed.

The ice, now the size of a spear tip blade, is released with the same movements as the arrows.

The ice arrows turned into a surging hail, striking the Sacraments from above.

The soldiers silently skewered the Sacraments.

As if they were hurriedly doing a simple task that had a time limit.

White blood splatters on their shields.

The sound of wings sprouting here and there rises continuously.

The Sacraments gradually ran out of strength.

In the meantime, the archers and the attack technique users started to retreat.

[Shielders, retreat!]

Chester ordered.

Hearing this, the shielders split to the left and right, retreating.

Just like that, they continued to fall back diagonally.

Moving as if to clear the way to something……

Thereupon, Chester on horseback draws his sword and points it at the Sacraments.


The armored horses roared in response to the rousing of their riders.

While the tactician remained where he was, Chester took the lead forward.

Horseshoes powerfully stomped on the hard ground.

Chester’s horse sprints.

Following behind him were the cavalry, gaining momentum as they charged.

The sound of the cavalry’s hoof beats become raging ground tremors.

Their hooves beat the earth like war drums.

And then, with the retreat of the shielders, at the end of their open field of vision———— were a cl.u.s.ter of Sacraments.

The cavalry crashed into them like an avalanche.

They were chased by Sacraments with the lower half of its body shaped like a horse————

They were apparently called Half-Horse Sacraments.

How should I say this……

They might be Sacraments that Qir and the other Centaurs wouldn’t like to see.

The enemy spears fly in.

Some of the soldiers defended against it, while those with high skill levels struck it down but———–


Some of the Mira soldiers were pierced by spears and fell from their horses.

Among those pierced by the Sacraments’ spears were also their fellow Sacraments.

From what I observed———— It seems like they don’t mind hitting their own allies.

In the case of humans, there normally is this consciousness born where one avoids. .h.i.tting allies with their attacks.

However, there seems to be a lack of that consciousness among the Sacraments.

[Among the Half-Horse Sacraments, there are a few large ones among them.

Upon my words, Loqierra, on my shoulder, spoke.

[However, Mira’s cavalry is doing well.]

Indeed, Mira’s cavalry are holding their ground.


[It’s coming———– The second wave.]

The second wave of the enemy infantry-type Sacraments.

They are catching up to the frontline where both sides clashed.

On our side as well, it’s now the infantry’s turn to play their role here.

One of the Mira generals gives a command.

[We’re going too! Charge!]

The infantry units, now in formation, run forward in unison.

At that moment, as if weaving between the infantries———

Black shadows sprinted past like bullets.

The infantry seemed momentarily startled by them.

However, the black shadows slipped past the infantries without b.u.mping into them.

Their speed is visibly faster than that of the infantries.


The ten or so people in the lead might even be faster than the cavalry.

The black shadows move swiftly through the ranks of bewildered infantries, advancing with a low posture————-

——–were the black Leopardkin warriors of the Faraway Country.

Under the lead of Gio Shadowblade, the Leopard Light Army set out for battle.

T/N: Like my translations? Consider supporting me through kofi.