I Became the Strongest With The Failure Frame【Abnormal State Skill】As I Devastated Everything

Chapter 46

Chapter 46

Exploration Stroll

When I got down to the ground floor, the innkeeper greeted me and waved his hand .

[Are you ready, Hati-sama?]

[Yeah . ]

[Then please, this way . ]

He guided me to what seems to be the washroom .

They had already prepared the clothes that I would be changing to .

It seems that I can just get these clothes as it is .

The washroom was behind the inn .

It seems that the washroom is semi-outdoors .

The day is about to end .

However, there was still a lamp on a pillar that I could use as a light .

This place also had a tarpaulin on the eaves of the roof .

I look around the washroom .

This place had the atmosphere of those self-service coin-operated laundromats .

Well, there are none of those convenient laundry machines here .

There are several clothes lines that stretched out in the room attached from one wall to the wall opposite of it .

There are already some clothes that were hanging on the clothes line .

If we’re talking about carelessness, this should be one of them .

Is it that the only people who hang their laundry here people who doesn’t mind being stolen from?

When he finished explaining several precautions towards me, the innkeeper went back inside the inn .

It will be just me in this washroom .

[Well then . ]

I arranged my laundry on the wooden table furnished in the washroom .

My robe and uniform .

My underwear .

My uniform was quite tattered already .

It was torn and shredded here and there .

[Let’s start then . ]

When I was living with my parents, I was the one who does the laundry .

I even helped out when I was leaving in my uncle’s house .

That’s why, I have some knowledge on how to wash my clothes .

Since there is no laundry machine here, as expected, it will not be the same just like back there .

I get one of the small bottles that was arranged on the shelf beside a wall .

It’s filled with a bluish liquid .

The innkeeper said that it was a liquid used for the laundry .

[Is this the laundry detergent of this world?]

I’ve gained some permission to freely use this .

Next, I remove the lid of the water tank at the corner of the room .

There are some small insects floating about in it but it can’t be helped .

I scoop out some water and put them into a bucket .

I put some of the laundry detergent and wash it off with my hands .

I don’t have that much laundry to begin with .

That’s why the laundry was over immediately .

For these clothes that I’ve just washed, I’ve received a hemp bag from the innkeeper .

I throw the washed clothes in there .

After finishing my laundry, I cleaned up the place and returned to the main building .

I turned to the innkeeper and asked .

[I want to dry what I’ve just washed in my room, but is it fine?]

The innkeeper thinks for a bit .

I gave one iron coin to the innkeeper .

After I gave him the coin, he simply gave me the permission .

I also rented a drying stand .

I thanked him as I went up the stairs and entered my room .

After leaving the laundry in my room, I left the room again .

I brought the drying stand from the storage room in the back into my room .

I quickly set up my laundry on the drying stand .

That also includes the hemp bag that had been wet after holding the laundry .


Finished with my laundry, I finally let out a deep breath .


I sat down on my bed and took some rest .

[Pii . ]

From under the bed, Pigimaru rolled out and appeared .

Did it just appeared now just to make sure that it’s me who entered the room?

[Pii, pii, pii, pii . ]

Pigimaru started to shake left and right onto the floor .

When it’s shaking weakly like this…

“Don’t worry about me~ ♪”

…Or that’s how I think it’s trying to say .

It seems that it wants to be ignored as it’s currently an object .

Did it somehow sense that I was about to start pondering again?

Then that means…

What the heck, did this slime just read too much of the air?

[…… . . ]

I put my hand over my mouth and started thinking .

It seems that I can rest and prepare for my trip in the future while I’m still here in Mills .

Next, I must decide on my objective for the future .

It seems like I don’t have to worry about my funds for my journey for the near future just yet .

The goods I’ve got from the four-person group was quite considerable .

My pocket is still quite warm that I don’t feel like I need to exchange the jewels into money .

I need to established my next objective .

My priority is to search for someone who could read the “Forbidden Archives of Spells and Curses” .

Or at least, someone who have information about a person who can read these ancient characters .

There’s that “Witch of Taboos” who’s hiding in the Golden Demon Zone .

I guess my first purpose now is to meet the Witch of Taboos .

[Let’s collect some information about that Golden Demon Zone later . Other than that—]

I also want to grasp the information about this world little by little .

It would be easier for me to safely talk to them about the world when I know their my comrade .

[After that…]

I look at Pigimaru who’s still rolling around on the floor .

Monster Enhancer .

Improving Pigimaru’s abilities .

Will there ever come a day when I can leave the vanguard to him?


I got out of the hotel and went for a stroll .

The sky is completely dark .

However, the main street was still very bright and lively .

The nights here are very different compared to when I’m in the Disposal Ruins .

There were even stalls that were setup along the street .

It seems that the security in this place is also not so bad .

I walked slowly through the streets .

So far, I haven’t felt any doubtful looks directed towards strangers like me .

Maybe it’s because there are all these traveler-like people who carries weapons around the place .

It seems that carrying weapons inside the city is allowed .

I stopped at a certain storefront,

It’s because this shop had a signboard that makes this shop noticeable .

The signboard had a sword and shield drawn on it .

With this signboard, I think I’m able to grasp what kind of store this is to some extent .

Let’s try to find other stores and check out their signboards .

I found several signboards in my stroll .

A shop that looks like it handles armors .

A shop that looks like it handles utensils .

A shop that looks like it handles clothes .

A shop that looks like it handles food .

A signboard for what looks like a tavern .

Other than them, there are all sorts of signboards with whatever they imagined scribbled on it .

[There seem to be a lot of shops with the image of what I could usually find in cities… It’s just that, that one is…]

A crest that looks like a cane .

Is it a shop that sells magic tools?

The building itself looks quite eccentric .

It kind of reminds me of those dubious western-styled houses .

[Next is…]

A signboard of what looks like Mark notes .

It’s on a pretty good building .

Is this the place where they issue the bonds or notes?

Or is this a government office?

As far as I can see, there are travelers and warrior-like people who are coming and going through their door .

This may be the so-called “adventurer’s guild” if they exist in this world .

Other than that, I have also seen a small temple-like building .

………… .

I pray to G.o.d that they don’t believe in that f*cking G.o.ddess .

[And that place…]

Is that area the so-called “red-light district”?

I can somehow understand what that place is for based on the atmosphere around that place .

I have no business in that place .

I went back to the street near the inn .

[I guess I can somehow know about this city a bit . ]

I’m getting hungry .

I guess I should return to the inn for the night .


The problem with the transfer function of the leather bag is the trash that remains after I’ve eaten what’s in it .

I have to carefully handle how to dispose them because these were made with modern packaging .

Though, I have already decided on how to handle this situation .

I once came up with this method when I was back in the woods .

Can’t Pigimaru just melt those trash?

I also tried it before in hopes that it would succeed but— it was impossible .

The sauce that had been sticking to the trash had been thoroughly melted (Did you eat them, Pigimaru?) .

However, it seems that the vinyl and paper can’t be melted .

There seems to be some kind of cla.s.sification on which things can be melted and which can’t be melted .

Well, if Pigimaru could just melt everything, I can endlessly dispose of the trash .

I wish it would be that convenient though .

Anyway, it seems that slimes were deeper than I had expected .

It seems that my perception that this monster was just one of those weak guys who appeared in the early stages of games need to be revised .

Holding the wooden spoon in my hand, I was thinking about Pigimaru’s abilities .

I am now eating on the ground floor of the inn .

This inn also had a tavern on the ground floor .

Though, it seems that the area is shared with the restaurant

I was sitting alone at a table near the center of the room .

It’s meaningful for me to eat in the restaurant .

First of all, I wanted to experience a bit of how this world’s cuisine looks like .

Today’s meal is…

A meat main dish with a stew as the soup .

A dish that looks like it’s made of long rice grains sauteed with herbs .

Then there’s this rye bread (or that’s what I think this is) .

The bread was cut up into slices .

It’s kind of like those rusk breads .

I scoop out some of the soup with my spoon .

Sipping it slowly…


It’s delicious .

It’s a bit spicy .

The flavors and the spiciness of the vegetables seems to have melded together with the soup perfectly .

The stinging spicy taste of the soup and the fattiness of the meat seems to work in harmony when eaten together .

Is this perhaps pepper that I felt in my tongue?

Even these leafy vegetables that were thoroughly soaked in the soup was delicious .

[Speaking of which…]


I picked up a slice of bread and soaked it in the soup .

I bite on the soaked bread .


As I thought .

This combination is really delicious .

I was a bit worried, but I was blown away by its deliciousness .

Now I understand the reason why the innkeeper has recommended for me to eat this dish with some of this bread .

I see… So that’s how it is .

Next, I scooped out some stir-fried rice and herbs into my mouth with my spoon .

Yeah, this works too…

I’m kind of reminded of those paellas from back in my world .

The saltiness of the herb accentuates the dish really well .

It seems that there were also some minced meat that were added when they cooked this .

Different world cuisine .

It seems that I can’t underestimate their civilization based on this .

The accommodation was just a bonus, the meal is the true main of this place .

Certainly, the price for these dishes were a bit high .

However, if this is the case, it seems that the innkeeper had quite a strategy when it comes to making money .

I’m a bit thirsty .

I picked up the ceramic cup nearby .

There’s clean water inside the cup .

It’s apparently a drink called Arama Water .

I gulped the contents of the cup down to into my mouth .

It tastes slightly like mint .

It made my mouth really refreshed .

Compared to the food from my previous world, the taste of their food is somewhat rough .

No, can I even say that it’s rough?

I mean, I was able to fully enjoy the delicious taste of the food .

In terms of the unity with the delicacy and flavors of the food, the food from my modern world seems to be better since it pa.s.sed through multiple stratagems just to make it better .

However, I’d put that aside for now .

After all, I think that the pork miso soup that I had eaten at the ruins was tastier . Even though it had just light flavor, I think that was really tasty .

There are still half of the food remaining .

Let’s eat the rest of the food slowly .

There was also that intention to check out the cuisine of this world .

However, collecting information is still my main reason why I’m eating here .

There are many customers that came here for their meals .

There must be some information I can obtain in this place .

In case that the situation needs it, I could also sit with them and drink alcohol together with them .

My body looks like it’s just quietly enjoying my meal, but I was making sure that I listen to all information I could get .