I Have the Alchemy Emperor in My Head

Chapter 1689 - 1689 After a Month, the Inner Disciple Compet.i.tion Begins

Chapter 1689 - 1689 After a Month, the Inner Disciple Compet.i.tion Begins

1689 After a Month, the Inner Disciple Compet.i.tion Begins

Chu Yunfan found out that there were so many good prizes for the winner of this year’s inner disciple compet.i.tion. No matter which of the prizes it was, Chu Yunfan urgently needed all of them.

“Looks like w.a.n.g Yifan is determined to win the inner disciple compet.i.tion,” Chu Yunfan said.

This time, the rewards for the inner sect compet.i.tion were so generous. It should have something to do with w.a.n.g Yifan.

“Is there any precedent for such a thing in the past?” Chu Yunfan asked.

“There are some. In the past, if a true disciple had a disciple who was particularly optimistic about partic.i.p.ating in the inner disciple compet.i.tion, they would often intervene and use their influence to increase the value of the compet.i.tion prizes,” You Chuyun said.

Chu Yunfan smiled. This was interesting. From what You Chuyun said, it seemed that this had become an unspoken rule. The compet.i.tion would not attract the attention of the true disciples, and the higher-ups of the sect would only pay a little attention. They did not really care for it.

Fringe and inner disciples were the foundation of a sect and it was good to have as many as possible. But to truly be able to make the higher-ups of the sect look at him, he had to be at least an elite disciple or above. This gave the true disciples a chance to intervene.

It was not difficult for Chu Yunfan to guess that the higher-ups of the Flying Celestials turned a blind eye to this. They did not care about the true disciples blatantly cultivating their own forces. This was even part of the test. No sect leader of the Flying Celestials could be appointed alone. There must be many experts behind him.

“There even have been occasions where two or three true disciple seniors would interfere in the compet.i.tion all at once. When that happens, the compet.i.tion becomes even more intense time,” You Chuyun said, “However, there aren’t many such occasions. To the true disciples, the inner disciples are too inferior. Unless it’s someone they think highly of, they wouldn’t interfere in such a low-level compet.i.tion. After all, if they interfere wantonly, it’ll consume a lot of resources.”

Chu Yunfan immediately understood that there must be a complicated exchange of interests behind this. Otherwise, why would the higher-ups offer the Flying Celestial Fruit as a reward? There must have been some exchange of interests. w.a.n.g Yifan probably was already betting on someone to win this year’s compet.i.tion.

After listening to You Chuyun’s explanation, Chu Yunfan had a clearer understanding of the upper and lower systems of the Flying Celestials. This was a world of great strife, and there were various factions within the sect. The many true disciples and elders were small factions, which formed the huge foundation of the Flying Celestials.

“Interesting. Well then, I have to win this year.” Chu Yunfan sneered. “Do you know who w.a.n.g Yifan is optimistic about this time?”

“The person Senior w.a.n.g thinks highly of is Yuwen Xing. This person was from one batch earlier than you and entered the sect three years ago. Yuwen Xing is extremely talented, and it’s said that his cultivation was already unfathomable three years ago. This year, he’s partic.i.p.ating in the compet.i.tion and surely aiming to be the winner. I’m afraid that even ordinary peak Observer inner disciples will be no match for him. Senior w.a.n.g hasn’t been a true disciple for long, so there aren’t many talents in his pocket,” You Chuyun reported. He then asked, “Do you need me to find out about Yuwen Xing’s specific martial arts and abilities?”

Chu Yunfan shook his head. “No need. I don’t care to know about this Yuwen Xing. No matter what, I will make w.a.n.g Yifan suffer a double loss. You should just cultivate well during this period. When the time comes, you too will obtain a good result in the compet.i.tion.”

“Yes, Senior Chu,” You Chuyun said.

He calmed the excitement in his heart. Joining Chu Yunfan was a decision he had made after thinking for a long time. Although he could join others, as the saying goes, it is better to send charcoal in the snow than to add flowers to the brocade. In his opinion, Chu Yunfan was a dragon swimming in the shallow waters. It was better not to make a sound, but to amaze the world with a single brilliant feat. Therefore, he was willing to give it his all.

After You Chuyun left, Chu Yunfan continued his secluded cultivation. He was determined to win the compet.i.tion. In the eyes of others, he had offended w.a.n.g Yifan and was basically dead. Only Chu Yunfan himself knew that his real enemy was Li Qianyuan.

“I’m coming, Siyu…” Chu Yunfan clenched his fists, then relaxed them. He closed his eyes and entered seclusion.

Time pa.s.sed day by day, and in the blink of an eye, they disappeared without a trace. A month later, it was the day of the inner disciple compet.i.tion

Clang, clang, clang!

Loud bell chimes rang out one after another. A series of hurried bell chimes came from the sky. Everyone knew that the compet.i.tion was about to begin. A huge golden light appeared in the center of the sect, turning into a door. It led to a small dimensional plane. This small s.p.a.ce was the venue for the compet.i.tion.

The Flying Celestials occupied a vast area, but in reality, the sect was dozens of times or even hundreds of times larger than it looked on the outside. With the Flying Celestials’ main court as the center, many small planes were attached to it, and people traveled through them using teleportation portals. No one knew how many such dimensional planes there were in the Flying Celestials.

This time, it was the plane of the inner disciples’ compet.i.tion that was opened. Countless inner disciples who were already prepared stepped on beams of light and headed in the direction of this light door.

At the same time, a large screen appeared in the sky. On the screen was the video feed of this small plane. Through these light screens, the many disciples could watch the compet.i.tion. After all, these big battles could not be seen just anytime and anywhere, especially for fringe disciples and inner disciples who did not plan to partic.i.p.ate. They could watch and a.n.a.lyze, increasing their battle experience and understanding of battle.

Rays of light appeared in the sky, forming a curtain of light that covered the sky. It looked magnificent. Not far away from the many light screens outside, countless spectating disciples appeared.