I Kinda Came to Another World, but Where’s the Way Home?

Chapter 55

Chapter 55

I’m looking up to the sky.

Even though I was supposed to be inside the guild up till just a moment ago, somehow right now my field of vision is filled by the blue sky. Why? What happened? In instance I straighten up my body, and turn my gaze from the sky to the ground. And then, I can see…

—something white there.

To be more precise, there’s a girl, who in contrast to Leila-chan, has shining white hair, white skin, and wears a white dress, that as if made of light. Her azure eyes are as if reflecting the sky, but there’s no emotion within.

Moreover, the supposed to be just been repaired guild’s disappeared. More precisely, there’s still two-meters-high wall remains, but anything above it, either it roof nor wall, everything’s been blown away.

Rishe-chan, the adventurers, and the receptionists, everyone is lying on the ground. Seems like they aren’t dead, but they’re all fainted.

“Ah, Kitsune-kun, are you okay?”


Except one, Leila-chan, she’s staring at the standing white girl. No, she isn’t simply staring at her, I can understand it simply by looking at her face, vigilance can be clearly seen there. When we were fighting at the guild’s ground, she showed such expression once, after all.

She, who has an overwhelming prwess of S rank, is showing an expression as if facing a formidable enemy.

“Leila-chan… who is that girl?”

“I don’t know, I’m sure that she isn’t demon, but… I feel like she isn’t human either.”


After listening to her answer, I also focus my gaze on that girl. The girl is staring fixedly on us. What an unpleasant eyes, they are looking at us, but they aren’t looking at us at all. These eyes are as if peeking at inside our hearts.

After meeting that hero, I’ve decided to knock him down, but, the next one in line is this, huh… firstly Leila-chan, now this girl, why must these monsters always appear before me one after another?

“Umm… who are you?”

“…I’m surprised.”


“Even though I intended to purifiy you all in an attack… you two are unexpectedly pretty strong, aren’t you?”

What is she talking about? She says she’s surprised, but with that expressionless face of hers, it isn’t convincing at all.

Moreover, what’s that purify supposed to mean? To kill? Or perhaps to make us all fainted? And even if she says we’re strong, the strong one is only Leila-chan here, I think the reason I’m not fainted is thanks to ‘Pain nullification’ skill.

Well, for now, since I feel like she’s at least as strong as Leila-chan, let’s peek at her status first.




Name                        : Stella

Gender                     : Female

Strength                   : 28740

Stamina                    : 39500

Resistance         &n

bsp;     : 200:STOP!

Agility                       : 26800

Magic Power          : 52600


t.i.tle                           :『Apostle』

Skill                            : ???

Innate skill              : ???



I can’t see her skill and innate skill as if I’m obstructed by something, but… even simply by status, hers has surpa.s.sed Leila-chan’s by far. The genuine another level existence, someone I can’t see any chance of defeating.

And then, the one that makes me most curious is… her ‘Apostle’ t.i.tle. Leila-chan said that her smell is different that human, perhaps it’s because of this t.i.tle. Even I can uncderstand it, this girl is someone that has surpa.s.sed human limit by far.

“Hmm… you just did something, didn’t you?”


She noticed it!? I’ve never been found out when I peeked at someone’s tatus even once up until now, even Leila-chan seems like has never noticed it… this girl is really dangerous.

“You, and… you. You both are the first that I can’t defeat in one attack.”

“Ufufu, you’re also the first that give me the feeling that I might die, you know?”

“Is that so.”

Leila-chan is speaking just as she usualy does, but cold sweat is dripping on her face. I can clearly see that this isn’t a good situation. What should I do to survive this predicament? I have promises I must fulfill, I can’t afford to die here.

Or rather, why did she attack us in the first place? Moreover, was she intending to kill us?

“What’s your purpose?”

Firstly, I must ask it first or else I won’t understand anything.

“Purpose… to purify the world.”


“Currently, this world’s stability is wavering. The cause is the s.p.a.ce distortion when summoning someone from another world. I come to correct it.”


s.h.i.t, doesn’t that mean it’s because of me and that fake hero? I don’t feel like I’ll be able to run away.

I don’t know and I can’t even imagine what she would do to this so called s.p.a.ce distortion, but if what she says about correcting it is true, then there’s a high possibility that her targets would be me and that fake hero.

“…specifically speaking, how are you going do it?”

“By purifying the cause of this instability, the hero.”

“By purifying… do you mean kill?”

“I will only separate his soul from his body.”

“That’s exactly what I meant by killing!”

Seems like she hasn’t noticed that I’m also an otherworlder, but since the hero is clearly from another world so he’s clearly been targeted by her.

Aside from Finia-chan and that fake hero, no one know that I’m an otherworlder, so as long as they don’t say a word about it, she won’t be targeting me, but… either way, since she only knocked everyone here down, that means her purification target is solely the hero, huh.

“Then… what are you going to do?”

“I heard that the hero was summoned by this country. But since it seems like we’ve pa.s.sed each others… so I think I’m going to chase after him.”

“Hee, then just chase him immediately, if you go now, I’m sure you’d be able to catch up to him very soon, and with your prowess, you’d be able to kill him pretty easily.”

Chasing after the hero, then just do it quickly.

Honestly speaking, if she decides to act here, everyone would definitely get killed. Even Leila-chan is seemingly unable to match her after all.

But, the world isn’t that nice. She’s ‘Apostle’, after all.

“However… you there, you aren’t human, are you?”


“Demon, right? I’ll purify you first.”

She won’t overlook ‘demon’. That means, she’d be targeting Leila-chan.



The white girl, whose name, according to what Kitsune saw when he peeked her status, was Stella, staring at Leila, she pointed her hand forward. That stance was similar with Finia’s when she was going to unleash her magic, Kitsune immediately put himself on guard just in case something flew out from her.

However, there was nothing flew out of that pointed hand,


Along with thunderous sound of colliding lightning, a large pale lightning lance appeared there.

Along with sounds of fractive lightning, it gave a pressure of an overwhelming power. Looking closely, it could be seen that the air around the lance was a bit distorted. Seems like it was made by mixing a tremendous amont of magical energy and light around her.

“I’m going to correct the world’s instability, and our goal is to slay the G.o.d. This is my weapon to achieve tha goal, G.o.d annihiliting lance. It’s also called as ‘G.o.d slaying lightning (Blue End)’.”

Saying so, Stella pointed the pale lighning toward Leila.

Slaying G.o.d, if it was really a weapon dedicated to that purpose, then killing a demon was as easy as swinging it. She expressionlessly wielded the lance that could even destroy the world.

“We, does that mean there’s still other people than you?”

“You’re right, there are even who are stronger me… but, well, one attack destructive power-wise, I can say that I’m the strongest.”


Rotating the lance, together with her finishing her words, lightning was surging upward. Together with sounds of rumbling ground, the lightning was melting the ground with the radating heat from it.

The ground melted without any resistance, the lance, that was raised overhead, unleashed a comet-like giant lightning.

The pale lightning approached Leila, and pa.s.sed by a slight away from her face in light speed.

The pa.s.sing by beam-like lightning, suddenly flew upward leaving traces as if a comet that was returning to the sky. Scattering the clouds, in an instant the sky was dyed by pale light.


That destructive power was surrely dreadful, however the thing that surprised Kitsune more was something else entirely.

The strongest threat he ever faced thus far, ‘Red Night’, Leila Vermilion was…

…unable to react to it at all.

After the lightning pa.s.sed by her, dyed the sky in pale light, and finally the sky returned to its blue color… there Leila finally came to her sense. Perhaps the lightning grazed her face a little, there was a line of cut appeared with blood bleeding there.

“What, is that….”

“Just now I missed it on purpose… the next one, I’ll surely make it hit.”

Ignoring Leila’s b.u.mbfounded murmur, Stella flatly said so. Next one will hit… that meant, she’d kill her with the next attack.

Without any emotion in her words nor eyes, these words were unnecessarily very chill giving. It was just as a knife that was stabbed at one’s chest, and just by moving it by several millimeters, it would immediately pierce the heart.

There was nothing retraining her body and mind, but Leila was unable to move under that life and death threat.

For the first time, Leila exprerinced the threat of death.

Leila, always had a great interest and uncontrollable desire at powerful existence, however this time she was deffierent. Right now, she was simply scared at the girl before her.

“A… u….”

“Let me tell you once again… the next one, I’ll surely make it hit.”

Toward Leila who was unable to say even a word, Stella took a step forward.

The thing Leila feared wasn’t her prowess. Without any thrist of blood, emotion, nor reason, as if a machine that was made to kill, Stella herself was what frightened her the most.

And then, noticing that Stella took one step forward, Leila took one step backward.

“I have to chase after the hero, so I’ll finish it as quickly as possibile.”


Then, Stella rotated the lance again, however this time she generated a larger amount of lightning. Large enough to the point the lance couldn’t be seen clearly. Readying that lance, Stella looked at Leila with her blank azure eyes.

And then, when she brandished that lance and about to threw it… there, her movement stopped.

Thinking that she might die, Leila closed her eyes tightly, but while  wondering why she didn’t feel the supposed to be coming attack, she slowly opened her eyes.

Then, she noticed that Stella’s gaze wasn’t pointed at her. Stella’s gaze was pointed at, someone beside her. When she turned her gaze at her side following that direction, she saw it.

“You, you did something, didn’t you?”

The one Stella called out to was, someone who was standing beside her, and staring at Stella with his usual faint smile.

“Kitsune, kun….”

“Haa… just why is this world never nice to me even once, I wonder.”

Naginata Kitsune, before the threat that even Leila feared, he carefreely said so.

What did he do? The answer was simple. He simply activated ‘Eerie Const.i.tution’, averted Stella’s consciousned toward him and stopped her attack.

“…you see, I do think Leila-chan is annoying, accompanying her is also very tiring, if I should put it in word, then I’d say that I hate her.”

Saying so, Kitsune stepped forward and stood before Leila. Stella stopped her lightning, and listnened to his words. Seems like, she had no intention to kill Kitsune, also, she was curious about what Kitsune would do.

“I just lost Finia-chan and Lulu-chan, right now I’m quite depressed you know? That’s why, right now, it could be said that even Leila-chan’s existence is kind of mental support for me.”


“That’s why, if you want to take her away from me, then you’e my enemy.”

Kiusune’s soul was suffering by the gaping hole at his heart. That anguish was, perhaps the despair that might even capable of crushing him.

Nevertheless, the reason why Kitsune hadn’t been crush by it was, because there was still a hope for that stolen bonds to be kept alive, also Rishe; who always supported him; and Leila; who always acted as she pleased; who were always by his side.

That was why, to let Leila got killed, for Kitsune who just lost Finia and Lulu, that was a very unpleasant idea. That was why, Kitsune stepped up, and resisted. In spite of the heaven-and-earth disparity between their prowesses, he disregarded all of it.

Staring at Stella, Kitsune who was standing in front of Leila, along with his usual faint smile, fearlessly said.

“…what’s up, G.o.d-slayer? Here, I’m the man that, in his mind, has destroyed this world no less than 24 times already, you know?”