I Leveled up from Being a Parasite, But I May Have Grown Too Much

Chapter 70.1

Chapter 70.1
Chapter 70-A [Phillipe’s Departure]

70 – A,フェリペ、出立する

TL : Cnine

ED : akshaythedon

A certain magic tool shop in Laurel.

Phillipe was deeply seated on his chair while looking but not seeing at the many things such as forceps, hammer, ore and many other things that are lined up on top of the working desk of his workshop.

On top of the work desk at one end of it, a staff polished in white color is leaning against it.

But, Phillipe was looking at that with bored expression while sighing deeply.

「What the h.e.l.l is it with this work」

Phillipe stands while holding the staff in his hand and is about to test the finished product.

It was made by a request from a certain magician, the magic to lowering one’s ability similar to shamanism is sealed in the wood of the staff, he’s checking it on the front and back for its firmness.

It became improved by inserting a little saw blade. It satisfied the demanded requirement.

Another thing is that it can release magic blades via scrolls. When he tries to use that on an apple, it cut it nicely. This was also completed without any problem.

This moment, he is finishing this work.

But, there wasn’t any sense of satisfaction inside Phillipe’s heart.

Rather, what he feel was a thirst.

「It’s lacking.  This thing is lacking. The reason―― might be that huh」

The reason is something that he knew.

He received a big job sometime ago. It was the job to make a magic tool to penetrate any kind of resistance, it was made using a highly concentrated magic crystal that you won’t see but once in few years and a manticore as raw material.

The item of that level isn’t something that would come so often and Phillipe took pride in his skill.


But, because of that, he’s bored now.

High difficulty level, making use of plenty of rare raw materials, the effect of the completed magic tool must also be great, he wanted this kind of big job.

He won’t be able to get satisfaction with normal jobs if he recalls such luxury again. Though Phillipe knew that it was a luxury, it couldn’t be helped since that’s what he wanted.

「As I thought, it’s because that guy is gone」

Phillipe was pondering when that guy would bring another job again.

If it’s that guy’s power, he might be able to get rare raw materials by going to a dangerous place, thus he needed a powerful magic tool.

After he delivered the finished cheap goods to the owner, he decided to ask whether that guy had something else to work on.

After making a decision, Phillipe started moving immediately.

Wait for me, Eiji.


「Eiji-san has left, you know」


When he went to the guild, Phillipe received that news when he was asking the receptionist about Eiji’s whereabouts.

He definitely never thought that guy would leave Laurel and go to a different city.

Phillipe understood the reason why he didn’t see that guy lately.

No, there’s no way he’d consent with that. It’s on an emotional level.


「Where is he?  Where did that guy go to!?」

「Uhm, you see, he said that he’ll be going to Prowkai」

「Prowkai. I see, Prowkai huh」

Phillipe nodded so many times which jolted his red hair.

The receptionist, Wendy is grinning happily while looking at his face.

「You’re the person of that magic tool shop right, say, I heard that you had even been in the capital. If it’s okay with you, would you tell me about the capital for a meal? My job is going to

end soon」


「That’s delicious. We’ll be going together again, right Phillipe-san?」

Firmly clasping her hand when they parted, Wendy left after she said that.

Phillipe shook his head as he walked toward the opposite direction.

 It really was a waste of time.

Despite thinking that he’d get some more information about Eiji, it became a rather detailed story of reception by that one called Wendy.

 Moreover, she persistently inquired about my story, what a troublesome receptionist.

「But, I have decided on what I should do」

Phillipe returned to his workshop and began to pack things.

Maybe because he’d be leaving for a long time, to suit the occasion, he decided to deliver the ordered item since the magic tool shop would also be closed for a long time.

And then, by the next day, Phillipe boarded the coach.


As for where it headed to, naturally it’s Prowkai.

For the sake of living comfortably as a master craftman, he need to receive the request and raw material from Eiji.

He started moving immediately for that very reason.

When he was about to get on the coach, a woman was already boarding the coach.

With blonde hair and blue eyes, she might have been from Snori based on her appearance.

When Phillipe ponders about such things, the coach departs.

Phillipe was thinking about how much time it’ll take while looking at the flowing scenery outside.

Very little humans were walking on the highway. Hence, nature is more abundant than humanity.

After a while, currently Phillipe is currently counting the chickens before they even hatched, as to what he’ll be making this time or what kind of raw materials he’ll use and so on. But at this time, the coach suddenly halted, and then he heard the neigh of the horse.


「Hyiii! P-Please stop! DON’T KILL ME!  」


Phillipe sighed as he heard the cramped and frightened voice and the angry voice. This might turn into trouble.

「Geez, what a waste of time. Those trash」

After taking out several magic tools from his s.p.a.ce bag, he’s standing to leaving the coach.  At the same time, his female fellow pa.s.senger also decided to leave the coach.

「What are you going to do?  You should understand the situation outside, right?  」

「So what, it’s because the coach is in trouble, I’m just going to remove those obstacles. And you too, what are you going to do? 」

「Hou, so you have confidence in your skill huh. It’s same with you. This will end at twice the speed if there’s two of us. Let’s go!  」

When Phillipe left from the coach, his fellow pa.s.senger also followed after him.

Outside the coach, five bandit-looking men were standing in the way of the coach while holding weapons in their hand. The driver seemed to be already at the verge of escaping for his life, leaving the pa.s.sengers anytime now.

「Oi, don’t run. I’m going to take care of these fools right now」

Phillipe jumps down from the coach after saying so to the driver.

The highway was surrounded forest on one side and meadow on the other side, no one could be seen anywhere nearby. Maybe, it was to avoid public gaze.

One of the bandits immediately raised his voice as if to scoff at Phillipe.


「Aren’t you one yourself? The one who’s provoking a fight is the foolish one, isn’t it? 」

「Yeah, he seems so. I don’t want your life if you hand over your belonging, I’ll give you a nice beating if you wish for it! 」

The bandit wielding a curved sword rushed forward to attack Phillipe.

But, Phillipe himself possessed the magician cla.s.s. He easily defended against that attack by creating a magic shield and then invoked the scroll of ice which he held in his hand.

Several icicles shoot forward and then pierce the body of the bandit.

「GAH, WHA, YOuuu」

The bandit that was beaten down cursed him.

「YOU b.a.s.t.a.r.d!」

Another bandit rushed at him with blatant rage.

But, he couldn’t even approach Phillipe.

Phillipe used the magic tool 【Living Rope】.

That appeared as a strong and long rope which moved at his own will. It creeped on the ground like a snake and then sealed the movement of the bandit by entwining his feet.


「Shut up, small fry」

He shot magic arrow on the hand of bandit which held the weapon, he then released his weapon.

And then, the rope became even more stronger, the bandit was completely restricted.


The moment Phillipe subdued the other bandit, he suddenly noticed an anomaly.

In this situation, it was better if he heard even more abusive language but, Phillipe couldn’t hear anything.

Why, he turned to look back while thinking so.

「I am also done on my side, I’m finished since my opponent isn’t moving, you know」

His fellow pa.s.senger smiling lightly and then, the figure of three bandits who were piled up one after another got caught in Phillipe’s eyes.

Seeing that result, that woman was completely unarmed. No weapons or tools, she was not even wearing magic tools that would amplify magic power.

 “No way, did she do that barehanded?“

「Thank you very much, it seems that I’m riding on the same coach with an unexpected pa.s.senger」

「Kuku, the way you saying it is pretty cruel you know. Well, I’m glad that both of us are safe」

The woman replied while giggling to Phillipe who was clearly astonished with the situation. Phillipe asked her a question while stowing his magic tool.

「I’m Phillipe from Laurel.  What’s your name?  」

「I’m Risa Haruna from Snori.  I’m in the middle of a journey toward Prowkai, best regards, Phillipe-kun」