I Never Run Out of Mana

Chapter 159

Publishedat 23rd of December 2019 06:07:46 AM
Chapter 159

159 . Meeting

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After parting ways with Barub, I headed through the entrance of the celestial plane .

The dimensional door was different from a Warp or Gate .

Unlike Warp, which took me to a location the moment I crossed through, I had to travel pa.s.s the entrance and through a pure white tunnel for awhile before arriving at my destination .

Due to the path being straight, I was able to find my destination easily without being lost .

At the end of the tunnel, I saw a worn wooden door .

I carefully opened the creaking door .

“What… What is this… . . ”

After opening the door, I couldn’t close my mouth from the sight I was seeing before me .

Since I was quite shocked, I had forgotten to go past the door .

The celestial plane was completely identical to Earth .

No . This was Earth . It was an Earth that had turned into a field of waste from monsters .

Corpses of both humans and monsters littered the place, and there wasn’t a single undamaged building in sight .

Perhaps due to the corpses starting to rot away, a nasty smell began to fill the air .

The blue skies had turned purple, as if this place had turned into the demonic realm .

“What is this… . . This looks completely different from what I had imagined? It’s like h.e.l.l… . . ”

It was then .


“…… . ”

I heard a voice asking a question at me .

I looked towards where I heard the voice from, and there stood a female child who seemed about six or seven years old .

Covered in blood from head to her toes, she was licking a lollipop as if nothing was wrong .

To think that she was smiling so brightly in a barren field destroyed by monsters .

Anyone seeing this situation would find this suspicious and strange .

I spoke to the child .

“What has happened here? This is Earth, right?”

“Hm hm…… Yep! The monsters turned this place like this . ”

“Where is everyone else? Where are those that survived?”

“Pfft! There aren’t any . So all those candies over there are mine . Aren’t you jealous?”

“…… . ”

“And if you go over there… . . ”

Whistling a tune, she pointed at a convenience store with her cute little hand .

After that, I didn’t even hear the child continuing to ramble on .

As time pa.s.sed, I felt greater terror in the air .

To think that the place I had thought to be the celestial plane was actually Earth . And Barub had said that the moment they had met me, time had stopped .

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Stopped for Earth and the demonic realm that is .

But Earth had become like this? This is too much even for a joke .

I looked at the child .

“Don’t even think about eating my candies! Okay? They’re all mine, hehe . But since oppa looks nice… . ”

“Are you G.o.d?”


“The one who has made that marble in the first place… . . I asked if you were the G.o.d that has guided me here . ”

“Hm? What . That’s no fun!”

“So everything I’m looking at must be an illusion? Since the moment I had entered this rift in s.p.a.ce time, all time should’ve stopped after all . ”

“Gosh… . . I guess Barub said something that they didn’t need to say . ”

Puffing out her cheeks, she pouted .

Tossing aside the lollipop she was licking with excitement, she stared at me intensely .

I stared right back at her intense gaze and asked .

“What is the point of showing me such a horrible sight? Does it have anything to do with the test you’re going to give me?”

“Hehe . Unlike the others, you’ve learned quite a lot, haven’t you?”

“…… . ”

“Barub, you little! I’ll have to punish them!”

“If you’re the so called G.o.d, then I’ll get right to the point . I have to obtain the abilities on that marble . ”

“All those who have sought after me said the same thing . But isn’t that power too great to just give it to anyone? Isn’t that so?”

“I heard that no one has pa.s.sed the test so far . Are you hoping for the impossible to begin with? Or you don’t have any desire to give the power of the marble in the first place . ”

“Hm? That’s not it . I don’t give out impossible tests . However, not everyone can pa.s.s . ”

“What is this test ? Even though time has stopped, I want that power as soon as possible . Let’s begin right away . ”

“Oho! You want to? You just need to prove me how strong you are . ”

“An absolute existence such as yourself, a G.o.d . Are you asking me to defeat you?”

“Wow… . Could you do such a thing?”

“Probably beyond my capabilities……”

“I told you already, didn’t I? It’ll be doable . There are three tests . Of course, you only get one chance . If you fail…… You’ll cease to exist . Shall we start now?”

With one wave of her hand, everything changed .

Almost as if tossing a completed puzzle on the ground, the s.p.a.ce fell apart .

The empty s.p.a.ce was filled by a pure white snowy field .

The ground stretched on beyond what I could see, all covered in snow .

In the center was a small little Gate .

“Has it begun?”

This was the test that no one had pa.s.sed .

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I wasn’t sure of the others who swallowed the Piece of Time and s.p.a.ce, but it probably wasn’t easy for them either .

I cast Mana Shield, Reflect Shield, and Spirit Armor .

After that, I waited with bated breath .

I knew that something would come out of that Gate .

The hand that gripped the Butcher’s Sword tightened .

A bit of time pa.s.sed .

“No way……”


“…… . ”

“Glad to meet you again, kid… . . ”

“Killed me . That man killed me . Hehe . I shall have my revenge . ”

“To think that a pathetic human such as yourself defeated me, one of the tribe leaders of the demonic realm… . . ”

“I shall pay you back all the shame you’ve given me!”

This was beyond what I had expected .

All of those who stepped through the Gate, I was acquainted with .

The looks they all gave me were filled with resentment .

Hatred and rage . Their eyes told me that they were starving for revenge and murder .

The radical faction’s Park Hyun and Jin, their leaders Joker, Ghost, Dark Lady, Pierro, and even the demonic tribe leaders Berdan and Zekill were here .

All of them had lost their lives to me .

I was shocked for a brief moment at their reappearance .

I felt someone poke me at my side .

‘Wait… . They went through my shield so easily and applied physical force on me?’

The person behind that was the little child . No, it would be accurate to call them a G.o.d .

The G.o.d spoke with a curious expression on her face .

“Why are you looking so surprised? Hehe . These are are familiar faces, right?”

“Is this the first test you were mentioning before?”

“Yep! Doesn’t it seem fun?”

“… . . ”

“They’re those that lost their lives to you . You already are aware of that though, right? If we brought the total number of those that died to you, there would be a lot more, but none of them had such resentment against you as these folks here . Despite having lost everything, those here seem only intent on getting revenge against you . ”

“I told them to reflect on their behaviors and live with goodwill in their hearts in the afterlife… . . But I guess there wasn’t anywhere their wickedness could go . ”

“Hehe! Now, begin already . ”

“I just need to get rid of them all?”

“Yep! Hurry! Quickly!”

Voice filled with elevated excitement, the G.o.d sat down on the spot .

She acted as if she had found some entertainment to watch .

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Licking her lollipop, she stomped her feet .

Looking at their faces, I was somewhat relieved .

If an opponent like the Chimera had appeared, I’d fail from the very first test .

I already knew all their attack patterns .

On top of that, even if they all attacked me at once, there was no way that I’d lose .

It had been quite awhile since I had destroyed the radical faction by its roots, growing vastly stronger beyond comparison of what I once was before .

Not only that, I had defeated those two leaders of their own respective demonic tribes without much difficulty .

While looking at them as they approached me, I took out one King’s Marble from the folds of my armor and put it in my mouth .

It wasn’t likely that I’d need to swallow it, but it was good to be prepared just in case .

The cooldown on my Status Denial was over too .

All preparations were done .

They were preparing to charge me at once .

“I’m using the gifts you’ve given me well . The armor, weapons, and even stats…… However, I have no plans to return them to you . You all say that you’ve been only dreaming of revenge? None of you even have the qualifications to do that . ”


“I shall send you all to h.e.l.l!”

I poured a torrent of attacks on the group that was charging at me .

The transcended Meteors that had become dozens of times stronger than before rained down from the skies, while the powerful lightning attack In Storm followed .

A fierce barrage of magical attacks rushed forth .

In an instant, Ghost moved to the front and absorbed the spells .

“Roa’s Staff?”

Roa’s Staff was a weapon that absorbed all magical attacks until its durability ran out, and Ghost had used that to absorb my attacks .

However, it wouldn’t last that long .

With my endless mana, my attacks would come without end, and since the skill had reached maximum level, no cooldown existed for this skill .

Roaming the battlefield, I continued to pour down my skills .

It was impossible for them to catch up to my speed .

There was no need to even worry about them catching up, as they had difficulty even keeping track of my position .

It was possible due to the radical faction, since I had stolen ma.s.sive amounts of strength stats from those gathered here and their subordinates .

Other than Berdan and Zekill, the humans needed Ghost to block my attacks using his staff, and thus needed to stay grouped together with him .

This made area of effect spells the ideal choice here .

It was taking everything for them to just hold out against my attacks .

Since they could not retaliate, the only sound that came from them were all sorts of swears and curses .

I wonder how much time had pa.s.sed .

It happened when 6 meteors covering the sky were falling down on them .

-crack .

“I think I heard a rather welcoming sound?”

“Kuhu… . . ”


Before they could separate, Meteor and In Storm buried them .

I don’t think I really need to explain what happened after .

As expected, their bodies disappeared without a trace .

From the start, they did not stand a chance against me .

Sadly, due to how they had lost their lives before, I wasn’t able to obtain additional stats with my Butcher’s Sword .

The only ones left were Berdan and Zekill .

Casting buffs that increased my offensive power, I charged at them .

A noise sounding as if the air itself was being cut apart resonated, and before that sound had even stopped, my sword swings at them with Formless Sword Aura had begun .


Right now, even Formless Sword Aura’s Wild Beast had activated .

The speed at which my swords cut through their bodies increased to another level .

Not only that, but the wounds left by the sword became far deeper .

The pure white field of snow was being smeared violet by their blood .

With labored breath, life in their eyes were becoming dulled .

Unlike them, my shields weren’t taking any damage .

Not even a single chip or crack .

This meant that I wasn’t allowing even a single attack to hit me .

With my continued attack, Zekill was the first to kneel .

“Ha…… Hah ah… . . ”

A long sigh escaped from his mouth, signaling that he had taken his last breath .

As if to say that he wouldn’t let Zekill go alone, Berdan also lost his life after him .

Just like that, the fight came to an end .

The first test had ended so easily, almost making me disappointed .

Cleaning the blood on my sword, I approached G.o.d .

“Wow! Aren’t you something? Hehe!”

“Did I pa.s.s?”

“To think that you’d kill your fellow humans despite having such a kind looking face . I’m impressed!”


“Congratulations! Pa.s.sed the first test! I look forward to the next test, you know?”

“Since we don’t have time to waste, let’s get started right away . ”

“Yep! Yep!”

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