I Never Run Out of Mana

Chapter 171

Publishedat 21st of April 2020 08:03:44 AM
Chapter 171

171 . Reentering the Unknown Dungeon

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“Have you two been well?”

The first to greet me when I arrived in the demonic realm were my summoned creatures .

Each let out a deafening howl and looked at me .

As if having sensed my magical energy signature, Belkoseu hurriedly ran towards me .

His expression was filled with shock .

“Ah… . What reason brings you here… . . ”

“Ah, sorry, Belkoseu . I didn’t make the promise to do something like this . ”

“Even in human time, a day hasn’t even pa.s.sed yet! But why… . . ”

“Hey, I said I’m sorry . Forgive me this time . I really won’t be even near the demonic realm after this . But what is all that over there?”

“I shall trust you again once more . But are you asking what that is? It’s the stones I’ll be sending to Earth . ”

“You think I’m really asking that because I’m not aware? What I’m asking is, how did you manage to gather so much in such a short time, or as you put it, less than a day in human time . ”

“Kuhuhu . I’ve informed you already . I’m pretty much the Demon King . ”

Belkoseu’s competence surprised me .

He had carried out my task perfectly as instructed by piling a mound of bloodstones near the Gate .

Similar to a mound of sand you’d see at a construction site, the amount of stones were insane .

Thinking about it, I realized that he would’ve used his Authority to do so .

After all, he had lured monsters with high ranking such as the Lich King before .

Out of the Authorities he possessed, it was likely that one of them would allow him to control monsters weaker than him .

“Did you use an Authority to do this? Is it an ability that allows you to bring monsters to you?”

“Yes, that is correct, Mighty Human . As you are aware, I have obtained a considerable amount of offensive capabilities by hunting with you, Demon King . ”

“That’s right . Originally, the plan was to have you face Jamon and Ladin . That’s why I helped you grow stronger . ”

“By using the newfound strength and my Authority, what task would be easier than this . ”

“As expected . I have quite the eye when it comes to monsters . ”

“You honor me . But for what reason have you returned to the demonic realm?”

“Ah . It’s because I have business with the Unknown Dungeon . ”

“Huh? The Unknown Dungeon… . . What is that… . . ”

“Ah, you monsters don’t call it that, right? Well, a week will do . So don’t worry about it and just keep doing what you were doing before . I won’t be bothering you . ”

“I understand . ”

“Wait . You should follow me . ”


“If you come and work through some hardship for a couple of days, you’ll get enough stones to play for awhile . Let’s go together . ”

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“Ah… . . I understand . ”

“Hey, you three! Let’s also go together . You’ve done it before, right? Treasure hunting . ”


Leaving behind only King Suwoo at the Gate, Belkoseu and the 3 Devil Avatars followed me to the search for the Unknown Dungeon .

Since the Avatars could be shrunk down in size, I put them in my pocket, and since Belkoseu could move quite quickly, movement wasn’t an issue .

Karin had said that the location I’m searching for, which was the starting point of all monsters, was impossible to arrive at, no matter the method .

Technically, I could arrive at this place by sacrificing dozens of lives in the dungeons within portals that were now gone to open a gateway to the Unknown Dungeon .

However, that method was not only difficult, but nearly impossible .

However, when I became the Demon King, I learned that Karin was wrong .

I didn’t know if the other Demon Kings before me knew how to do so .

The one thing I was sure of was that I, who was able to use all of the powers of a Demon King, knew how to do so .

Since I had hunted by traveling through all of the demonic realm, I had been pretty much everywhere here .

Despite the ma.s.sive size of the demonic realm, I could use Warp to travel it far easier than I could Earth .

“It’s not far from here . You can read my magical energy signature, right?”

“It’s doable . ”

“Right . Since you can’t go through the Warp, you need to run here . ”


“Hurry up . See you then . ”

“Yes, yes… . . ”

The edge of the demonic realm .

There was a deep cave that I could not see the end of .

This edge was where the entrance of the Unknown Dungeon was .

Without a single moment of hesitation, I ran towards the edge .


“d.a.m.n . I still have difficulty controlling my strength . ”

As soon as I kicked off the ground, I arrived at the edge .

To be honest, because I wasn’t experienced with my newfound strength, I had landed with a ma.s.sive crash .

It was a ma.s.sive crash, but the entrance to the Unknown Dungeon didn’t budge, let alone even splinter .

Did I need to yell open sesame or something?

However, there was a much easier way to do so .

I just had to forcefully open the entrance using my strength .

However, I had to refrain from using any of my human’s strength, and instead had to rely completely on my magical energy .

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“Since I’ve not done this before, I’m not sure if it’ll work… . . ”


“Whew… . It’s not as difficult as I thought it would be . ”

Almost as if I had temporarily become part of the demonic race, my entire body was covered in magical energy .

After that, I posed as if I was tearing apart the very air .

Only after I did so did light come from what I had thought was the end of the tunnel .

Below me, I could see countless monsters waiting .

It was as if I was looking down at the Unknown Dungeon from an aerial vantage point .

“Was the one who dropped the King’s Marbles named Allos? Well, it won’t matter if I just kill em all . ”

Throwing my body in, I went into the dungeon .

Since the floor was muddy like a swamp, falling from that height made me sink all the way down to my knees .

“Ah… . . How uncomfortable . I had forgotten this . ”

Before beginning the hunt, I returned the Avatars in my pocket back to their original size .

I didn’t need to move myself .

It was enough with just these summoned creatures alone to turn this entire place into a wasteland .

However, as you know, artifacts only dropped if the monsters lost their lives by a human .

If these Avatars, which are categorized as monsters, roamed around the dungeon, the marbles wouldn’t drop no matter how hard they tried .

To each of the Avatars that were roaring, I took out one of the King’s Marbles that was stored in my armor and showed it to them .

“Remember the treasure hunt we did before?”


“Right . What you searched for last time were jewels, but now you’ll be searching for these . Understood?”

“Kururu! Kwuhul!”

“Right . The two of you find the marbles, and blue, you take care of the jewels and stones . Everyone, to your places . ”

“Mighty Human!”

“You’ve arrived pretty quick . Come down . ”

“Understood . ”

-glop .

“Ugh… . . ”

“Ah, I forgot to tell you about that . Either way, I’ll be leading the charge and taking them down . You just need to follow me and pick up the bloodstones . Easy, right?”

“Yes . But how will I be able to pick up all the stones that these monsters drop… . . ”

“Don’t worry about that . ”

Mana flowed out from my hand and inflated like a balloon .

It didn’t take long for me to make a giant mana bag .

Originally, it was meant to be a shield made from mana, but right now, it was just a sack .

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Since I could increase or decrease the size as I willed, this bag should be able to store as much as I needed .

It felt as though I had obtained Karin’s dimension pocket .

“You can just put them all here . ”

“Yes . Then please relax as you rest elsewhere while I take care of this . ”

“It sounds like to me that you to want help? Let’s begin . ”

“Yes, Mighty Human!”

“Jong Ho, where did the young master go?”

“Dunno… . . After coming back to Earth and leaving with the commander, I’ve not seen him either . ”

“Aren’t you worried at all? It’s been a week, you know?”

“What? Worry? So-Hyeon, you should worry about those that need worrying . You chose the wrong person to do so . If you have the time to do that, you should worry about your future husband . ”

“Mother must be worried… . ”

“Hoho . Look how kindhearted my daughter-in-law is . ”

“See? Even mother isn’t worried at all . ”

“The day that he left, he visited me early before dawn . ”

“The young master?”

“Yes . It hasn’t been that long since he came back, but he told me that he needed to leave again for a bit once more . ”

“Didn’t he say where he was going?”

“I didn’t even ask . He’ll be back soon . I can tell from just the look in his eyes . It won’t be long till you also understand what I mean by that . ”

“It’s so strange… . Karin . ”

“Kel! You called, Ms . So-Hyeon?”

The look that Karin gave So-Hyeon was that of fear .

On his first day on Earth, due to him blabbering at her without much thought, Karin had to go through a great amount of humiliation .

After all, what followed his blabbering were swearing and threats at which he had never heard or seen before in his hundreds of years of being alive .

He even thought that he would really die .

Without exaggeration, in Karin’s eyes, So-Hyeon was the equivalent of Jamon .

Hearing Karin’s disciplined response, Se-Hyeon spoke .

“You said that you are a monster, right?”

“Yes! That is correct!”

“And the young master is a Demon King, right?”

“That’s correct! Keruruk!”

“Where is the young master? Find him now . ”

“Kehel… . Right now, it is difficult . ”

“Whew… Be thankful that you’re here with mother right now . Tsk!”

“Keruk! After my body was changed to that of a human, it’s very troublesome for me to use that Authority . ”

“Hey hey, So-Hyeon, you’re going to scare the kid to death . Please stop asking him . ”

“I did nothing of the sort . I’m just worried about the young master is all . ”

“Don’t worry and wait just a bit longer . I’m sure that he’ll open the door to his room at any given moment while yawning, as if nothing was wrong . ”

“Even so… . . ”

-click .

“Haahm . Sleep well, everyone?”

“Mother, please forgive just how disrespectfully I’ll be acting right now . It seems that my little brother can’t be a gentleman . ”

“Hoho . Son, had a good trip?”

“Yes, I’m back . But what’s going on that’s got you all excited from the morning?”

“Young master, are you okay?”

“Yes . As you can see… . Karin, why is your expression like that?”

“Keruu… . Min-Cheol… . I think I should go back to the demonic realm . Keruk . It’s too scary here . ”

“Pfft . Min-Cheol, he’s just kidding so pretend you didn’t hear him . Either way, where were you fighting all this time before coming back here?”

“I had some business to take care of in the demonic realm… . ”


“My baby… . Did you… . ”

“Ah… . No, mother . It’s because I suddenly smelled something foul . ”

“Darling, why are you suddenly… . Ugh! Hey, you! Kim Min-Cheol, wash yourself right now, you hear? Were you rolling in a field of manure for a week? Whew . Karin, let’s open the window . ”

“Kehel! I smell the scent of corpses on Min-Cheol’s body! Hurry and wash yourself!”

“Why all the ruckus . I don’t smell… Ugh!”

The horrendous smell had been so imprinted on my body for the past week that no matter how much I washed myself, it wouldn’t come off .

After bathing sever times, I returned to Jong Ho and spoke .

“Hyung-nim, can you call for either the commander or Ho Jin hyung-nim?”


“It’s because I brought some bloodstones when I visited the demonic realm . ”

“Why are you troubling yourself with all that when you can have Belkoseu do it instead . ”

“Using cars to collect all of it will be a struggle, so please hurry . ”

“Right . Honey, where is my phone?”

“It should be in the young master’s room? You said that you’ll be charging it and left it there . ”

“Right . ”

-click .

“Holy s.h.i.t! What… . What is all… What is all this!”

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