I Never Run Out of Mana

Chapter 33

37. Exp Continues to Rise (4)

These cute little things, finally revealing themselves.

Awakened Essences.

“I just hit level 63 right now. I only have one skill that’s over level 90.”

“Is that so? Even if you’re level 63, you don’t normally reach skill level 100?”

“Of course. That’s obvious. Mana is limited, and the experience required to level up skills is enormous.”

“Hm… Hyung. I think I found something funny to show you.”

“What"s that?”

Jong Ho"s eyes widened as he fumbled through the stones.

He opened his palm to uncover three Awakened Essences.

For over three months, I had spent at least 12 hours a day, or up to 18 hours a day, hunting without any breaks.

Even with that, I was only able to earn 2 Awakened Essences.

But with the mimic, I had just earned three.

Jong Ho did not look like he could close his mouth anytime soon.

Jong Ho said that he was able to earn an Awakened Essence through party hunting once.

But he had to share the profit between 8 members.

The records in the trading center show that since the profit was split between 9 members, it became obvious to anyone that these were low leveled players.

Jong Ho continued to speak.

“I’m continued to be surprised. Really.”

“Hyung. I’m almost scared of opening the duffle backpack.”

“Don’t you have one or two skills that are near level 100?”

“Of course. There are a few.”

‘Plenty of skills begging to be Awakened’ is the truth though.

“That’s good. You’ll need the Awakened Essences soon.”

“Still, you should take one, hyung. It doesn’t come by often. Once you get a skill to level 100, how could I let you wait?”

“I’ll say I received the skill books because they were warrior cla.s.s only. But this isn’t.”

“Should I feed it to the hounds?”

“Yeah. This is something I wouldn’t receive even if it was fed to the hounds. I’ve lived my life by reading people and keeping my pride. Don’t make me doubt anymore.”


“Yeah! Being a hyung, how can I live depending only on you? Let’s see the rest of the gear.”

Jong Ho rubbed his nose once with his finger, and began to search through the equipments buried under all the blood stones.

It’s little habits like this that make it impossible to hate him.

I also joined Jong Ho’s search.

“Looks like all the gear is useless?”

“Why? You don’t have any mana rings. Stop using that skull ring. The ring and necklace raises your mana, so you can use it.”

“Not pretty. I have a thing called preference, so I’d appreciate it if you let me stick to it.”

“Sounds like you’re very spoiled. You sure you’re not going to use it?”

“Yes. Stones and the gear are going to be sold, and I’ll give you half. If you won’t even receive this, I’m not going to meet you again.”

“You’re just like a pumpkin farmer. Thanks!”

The items we acquired through hunting with Jong Ho were amazing.

Three Awakened Essences, skill books, blood stones, and the rare t.i.tan Boots.

It wouldn’t have been possible without the mimic.

It was the first time Jong Ho had seen a mimic, and he had been Awakened for years.

I felt as though the mimic’s tongue that was sticking out would appear in my dreams for the next couple of days.

The amount summoned by ‘Devil Avatar’ had increased by two.

It was due to arriving at skill level 100.

Due to the 60 minutes cool down, it bothered me a lot.

But thankfully I didn’t only earn 1 skill experience for summoning it.

The enemies. .h.i.t by the summoned’s skills gave experience as well.

Red. Blue. Yellow. These are what they are called.

Personally, I liked Blue, since it could cast frost magic.

With one cast, there would be days when two Blues would come out.

I only had Frost Orb as far as frost magic would go, so I needed frost magic that would slow down my enemy’s movement.

The spot was being filled by Blue instead.

The 4m avatar displayed some incredible destructive force.

At level 100, they could slow down the movement of the level 18 monsters just by being near them.

Something similar to a frost aura.

Avatars didn’t only attack with magic.

Each hand held a giant sword.

The shape was something like that of table knife.

Their attacks, both physical and magic, would freeze opponents solid. How much the mobs froze depended on how many times they attacked.

The sword attacks were physical, but it had effects as though if it was enchanted.

From the sky rained icicles while the avatar swung its giant sword.

Kind of made me feel bad for the monsters.

The avatar’s weakness was that they were mortal.

Fire Shock and Gravity Laser caused friendly fire damage.

I could put shields on them and freely cast magic myself.

However, taking care of it myself felt better.

In dungeons where only physical attacks work, it was obvious that they would prove useful.

Also, the summoned would attack until its life force ceased.

Which means that after I summon them, I would be able to freely cast spells with both my hands.

After summoning them for the first time and ending the hunting with them…

I had the worry of ‘How will I bring these giants around?’

With the pressure it exuded and its size, people may mistake it as a portal explosion.

But I found out that you could shrink the Devil Avatars to the point where they could fit in your pockets.

Anytime at my will.

They’ve become something like my own Pokemon.

With their size reducing to that of a finger, they looked a lot cuter than I thought they’d be.

From using the Devil Avatar, I was able to find out the potentials of a summoner.

Fast skill leveling, destructive power, survivability, and even cuteness.

I became really greedy for another high ranking summoner skill.

It’s been about half a month since I’ve hunted with Jong Ho.

I had learned ‘Iceberg’ and ‘Meteor Call’.

Both were A+ ranking skills, displaying devastating force and price.

But with the vast amounts of B ranking stones and gear earned from the mimic, I was able to ama.s.s an earning far more than what I thought I could obtain.

With all the money saved up until now, along with half a month’s worth of hunting, I purchased them.

When I first obtained the Awakened Essences, I thought to sell them so I could afford to purchase more skills.

While this method would speed up my growth immediately, it would be a heavy lost if you considered the future.

I would only be earning more and more money, to the point where I’d be sick of it.

But no matter how much money you had, you couldn’t obtain Awakened Essences.

You’d know it just by looking at Yoon Jong-sun, who worked under Ilseong.

I used one of the essences on Reflect Shield.

Compared to the other shields, the Reflect Shield was superior.

It was a worthwhile investment since it would increase the reflect chance as well as the damage reflected back.

The other two leftovers, I was definitely going to use it on the A+ rank spells.

Originally I was planning to buy Glacial Field, as it did more damage than I thought.

It had an AoE freezing crowd control effect as well.

But I could get the freezing crowd control from the Devil Avatar.

Of course due to the summoned being random out of the three types, there was a chance that Blue won’t come out.

But to hunt faster, I needed stronger skills first. That was my choice.

Out of all the skills I’ve learned so far, none of them had a cast time.

But both Iceberg and Meteor Call had one.

At level 1, both skills needed 5 minutes to cast.

And both had a cool down of 5 minutes.

Thus, it took 10 minutes to be able to finish casting it again.

Thankfully for every 20 skill levels, the cool down would be reduced by 10%.

So if I was able to Awaken these skills and get them up to level 100 again, I could use them without any limit.

It’d only apply to me though.

From level 1, it used up 4,000 mana, and as the spell leveled, so did the cost.

Only a magician who put all his points into the mana stat until level 160 could use one of these spells once when it"s at level 1.

To a regular Awakened, forget about getting it Awakened, you couldn’t even reach level 100.

To test the destructive capabilities of these spells firsthand, I entered the dungeon after obtaining the skills.

Since I was equipping the t.i.tan Boots, my movespeed had increased more than two times.

Running to the end of the dungeon didn’t even take 5 minutes.

It was a ma.s.sive upgrade from the Boots of Haste, which took 10 minutes.

Arriving at the end of the dungeon with 10 monsters in tow, I used the skill.

From what I’ve seen at the guild pvp, both skills seemed to exist only for the purpose of complete annihilation.

First test was with the Meteor Call.

Above the rabble of monsters flew down a flaming meteor.

The poison naga was instantly decimated due to its weak defensive stats.

The corpses that were left quickly disintegrated, not even leaving ashes behind.

After the meteor falls, it continues to explode and causes damage over time.

The next skill was Iceberg.

The griffons flying above that wasn’t directly hit still flew about without any major injuries.


A ma.s.sive iceberg came forth from the earth, swallowing them whole.

Without even being able to use Final Attack, they were instantly trapped in the ice and became frozen chicken.

The insides of the iceberg continued to split apart and freeze again.

Almost like mixing puzzle pieces or a rubik"s cube.

Within 5 seconds, the 4 griffons had been ripped apart to pieces until I couldn’t recognize them anymore.

Only a level 1 skill.

But the damage it caused was more than sufficient to surprise me.

Since it had a cool down and cast time, I couldn’t level it up quickly. However, I was certain that I must level them up by any means possible.

Entering the dungeon again, I casted both spells at the same time.

Both skills were of the same level.

However, both skills canceled each other out as if to remind me that they’re both polar opposites, causing zero damage to the monsters.

If I cast a ton of buffs on myself and debuff the enemies, nothing would be a match against these spells. That’s if the dungeon mobs weren’t immune to spells though.

“Does casting Meteor Call and Iceberg on each hand still raise the experience? Or doesn’t it?”

Current schedule: Once a week.

Current Queue: 12 Chapters

38. Slam, Charge

Originally, I planned to use the level 18 dungeon until somewhere around level 150 to 170.

However, I had already hit level 148.

The dungeons following are immune to magic.

Since I only had ‘Piercing Sword’ for physical attacks, I needed a plan.

‘Devil Avatar’ had a physical based basic attack, but without the magic effect, it was pretty weak.

I had two choices.

First, learn physical attack based skills to go into level 19 to 21 dungeons.

Secondly, skip them and go to the level 22 dungeon.

My cla.s.smate Taesung had said that the highest ranking dungeon that was solo cleared was level 28.

It was done by Korean ranker ‘Cheu Hyo-sun’, and no one has topped it in the world so far.

Entering the dungeon is different from an online game.

Failing to clear the dungeon in a game would just result in relogging.

But in reality, if you can’t hold out for 60 minutes, your cold corpse would disappear with the dungeon.

In 10 minutes, I was able to obtain 2,000,000 experience.

One type of monster gave 200,000 experience, and about 10 to 15 of them appeared, so technically I am actually obtaining more.

Even with the ma.s.sive amount of experience required to level up from 148, I should be able to level twice a day by focusing only on hunting.

My decision was to stay at the level 18 dungeon until an M/A ranking weapon dropped.

I’m not forsaking growth for a weapon.

And I’m not looking only at the experience and forsaking the weapon.

The boss that appears in the dungeon is a ‘hidden boss’.

What this means is that there is a higher chance for Awakened Essences to drop compared to a normal dungeon.

Also there is the guaranteed drop of a skill book.

There was no place safe like this while giving me this many benefits.

I met the magician ranker Yoon Jong-sun from the time I’ve hunted with Jong Ho once more.

This wasn’t the first time.

After the first time we met, we met in front of the level 18 dungeon 3 times.

Escorting Ilseong’s granddaughter, our eyes met only once.

The first words he spoke were…

“You, what kind of an ability do you possess?”

Even if you were an Awakened, you could not stop the ravages of time.

The portals began sp.a.w.ning 40 years ago.

Within a year, Awakened began to appear.

Those with the highest chance of Awakening were at the ages between 15 to 19.

Those that became Awakened then now are rankers in the ages of 50s to 60s.

The Awakened age just like normal people.

Of course, only their looks fade.

Their bodies however are still affected by the stats they’ve obtained.

But they are still people.

Each person had a determined lifespan.

Depending on how well you take care of yourself, there are some differences.

No matter how much ability you had, you could not avoid aging and death. Destiny is inescapable.

I had the appearance of a child, no matter how you looked at it.

And Jong Ho was in his late 20s. He did not appear old.

But with two Awakened entering a level 18 dungeon and coming out within 30 minutes with all the loot.

Yoon Jong-sun probably guessed that one of us had an incredible ability.

Especially with a kid wearing t.i.tan Boots, which not even a total of 5 people own.

It was to be expected that he would become incredibly curious.

After seeing us, he came to the dungeon every day.

Not finding Jong Ho, but seeing me enter it solo, he had come up to speak with me.

“Dunno. Is there a reason for me to tell you?”

“No… Ah. Sorry for the late introductions. My name is Yoon Jong-sun.”

Expecting other’s to know his name, he must’ve had a lot of confidence.

“Yes. I’m aware you’re famous. I’m Kim Min-Cheol.”

“I don’t know what ability you have, but seems we’ll meet again.”

“Since people are unpredictable, suppose that could happen.”

“If that day comes, I hope we are on the same side.”


“Do take care.”

With a gruff voice that matched his looks, he turned and walked away.

I could only stare at his figure aghast.

I felt like I was shaken by something huge.

From what I heard from Jong Ho, he was the person who had stopped the second wave of destruction after the central plant center exploded.

He who had a righteous att.i.tude like that to tell me such had brought many thoughts to my mind.

Late afternoon. n.o.blesse’ guild building.

The elevator from the underground 15th floor that Park Hyun rode was slowly rising to her office floor.

“Jhin. How goes the work I asked for?”

She spoke as if knowing that he was there.


From her shadows, a dark figure rose.

Jhin. An incredibly skilled a.s.sa.s.sin who used one of the highest S ranking skill called ‘Shadow Step’.

a.s.sa.s.sins. Called a murderer more often than not, they excelled in something other than hunting.

They could deal ma.s.sive damage to a single target.

Masking their presence, they could stab into their weaknesses.

With a fake smile, Jhin spoke to Park Hyun.

“Those two? Looks like they’re dogs that cannot follow the master’s orders.”

“I already know that from the reports. No reason for him to meet Jae Hyuk and he’s drifted away from Sangmin…”

“That’s why I did something myself. Instead of those two, I spied on the kid Kim Min-cheol.”

“As expected of you.”

“You should probably go ahead with your plan a lot earlier than you think you should.”

“What do you mean?”

“From the two days I’ve been observing him, he’s been heading to the level 18 dungeon. By himself.”

“What? No matter how fast his mana regenerates, he shouldn’t be growing any further than being able to clear the succubi dungeon for now.”

“I say only what I saw. The rest is up to you.”


“How goes the underground project?”

“I was actually on my way from checking the progress of it.”

“Oho…. The result?”

“Failure… But there seems to be some progress. Hard to match the conditions.”

“The bra.s.s is waiting for good news. Then….”

The red glow from his sword reflected his eyes behind the mask.

After finishing his words, he hid himself in the shadows once more.

“The project is enough of a headache, but him too…..”

Gwidon was. .h.i.t on the head with Meteor Call.

It’s been some time since it used the barrel in its left hand.

Swinging the iron mace with its last strength, it perished from the meteor.

[500,000 exp obtained.]


Something big rose above its corpse.

I wanted to run towards it and check it immediately, but Louver came charging.

“Come forth. Come!”

The level 18 dungeon’s hidden boss and the Louver were easy as a level 1 dungeon clear.

Not even paying attention to its corpse, I turned around and headed towards Gwidon’s corpse.

The item dropped from it finally came into view.

And I yelled loudly with my eyes wide open.

I pretty much lived at this dungeon.

Everything was to obtain this item.

“It finally dropped!”

M/A ranking ‘Banwol Jincheon’ had dropped. 1

It was one of the biggest one hand swords out there.

Living up to its name, it had a crescent shape of the moon and glowed as if moonlight reflected off of it.

The handle had a small hole at the bottom of it without any decorations or patterns.

Even with the size of 1.5m, it was incredibly light.

Perhaps it was due having nearly 600 strength.

But I had about the same strength when I was using ‘Black Sword’. Something felt different about this sword.

I held the sword tightly in my hand.

Strength: [585+20+400+100] = 1105

I felt the change reflected on the status window.

Banwol Jincheon raised my strength by 400.

On top of that, it raised total strength by 10%.

I swung it through the empty air.

The large sword’s thin and sharp slashing sound filled the dungeon.

Now I had achieved half of what I wanted.

You could equip up to two of single handed weapons like Banwol Jincheon.

Even at Awakened markets, it was hard to see any warriors with this sword.

It was proof that monsters had a terribly low drop rate for weapons.

But compared to others, I could clear faster and much more than them.

And even if the sword dropped, they’d have to share the earnings between the standard 6 people in the party.

If you weren’t important in the party, you couldn’t even get the sword even if it dropped in front of you.

Gwidon dropped another skill book, and dropped a jewel with the same color as the one from Kelvacore.

It must be a jewel that raised your strength by 30.

Weapons from monsters can be embedded with a jewel as well.

However, unlike the swords made from blacksmiths, there was no spot for the jewel to be put in.

I would have to get the jewel processed and put it in the small hole at the end of the handle.

The number of jewel I could have processed into the weapon was only one.

It wasn’t like the smith’s weapon that could have two embedded, but I couldn’t do anything about it.

The processed jewels couldn’t even be recovered.

But this weapon was going to be with me for a while.

Until I get an M/S ranking weapon that is.

I took all the drops from Gwidon.

Without a thought, I headed towards the center of the dungeon.

But then I felt something was wrong.

Felt like I forgot something important.

There was plenty of time until the dungeon desp.a.w.ned.

“Louver….. Did I check its drops?”

With a doubt in mind, I went back.

Since I was so hyped over Banwol Jincheon, I hadn’t even glanced at Louver.

With the ma.s.sive movespeed gained from the t.i.tan Boots, it didn’t take long for me to arrive.

I was shocked as soon as I arrived.

There was a single ring above Louver’s corpse.

“What in the world…”

With one clear, I was able to obtain both Banwol Jincheon and Louver’s ring.

I had ran this dungeon hundreds of times, but it felt like I ran it thousands of times.

All the items dropped had been basic stuff.

Of course, there was the mimic.

But now that these dropped, I felt like all the hard work wasn’t a waste.

Now I had two pieces from the Louver set.

I was glad that the ring that had incredible synergy with the bracelet had dropped first.

Louver’s ring absorbs mana and feeds it to the bracelets.

There were no monsters in the dungeon currently that used magic attacks.

However, the dungeons after and possible attacks from other Awakened could use magic attacks. I could absorb their attacks and use an empowered skill in return.

I put on the ring on my finger.

No stat gains.

However, the ring and the bracelet reacted to one another with a blue glow.

If I was able to obtain the necklace as well, I should have no need to cast shields within the dungeon.

A sword. And Louver’s necklace.

If I was able to obtain these, I should be able to rise to greater heights.

I felt strength come to my legs as I headed over to the dungeon once more.

“Let’s get to work.”

Current schedule: Once a week.

Current Queue: 12 Chapters

Half-moon of Jincheon.

39. Slam, Charge (2)

The daily repet.i.tive hunting and selling drops.

And the ma.s.sive amount of earnings matching it.

I was preparing to enter the dungeon at my usual time.


I felt a ma.s.sive crash and vibration that shook me.

My shield had a crack in it as if a bullet was embedded in bullet proof gla.s.s.

“What! Who’s the little s.h.i.t!”

My sights came on a few Awakened a.s.sembled at the entrance.

My shield had recovered at an incredible rate, regenerating thanks to my endless mana.

A situation where it looked like I swore loudly to myself.

To my yelling, everyone looked at me as if I was a weirdo.

But I definitely saw. And felt.

After leaving the guild, I made it a habit to always think of the shield cool down and constantly cast it to make sure it stays up.

A possibility that made me uneasy, I guess.

But now. Someone had attacked me on my way to the dungeon.

If my shield level was low, it was an attack that was lethal.

A sharp and precise attack that aimed for my vitals.

I tried to predict where the swift attack came from.

I quickly looked around but couldn’t find anyone.

Someone accidentally casted a spell? No way.

Incredible power. Stealthing swiftly. Someone had targeted me.

And an incredibly skilled one at that…..

I forced myself to calm down and acted as if nothing happened.

If I let myself get controlled by emotions, I would only reveal more weaknesses.

My composure only lasted for a moment though.

I felt someone looking at me from the roof of a building.

It wasn’t a distance where you could clearly make out a face, but it felt like he was smiling at me.

No, I was sure. He was laughing at me.


I ground my teeth.

He turned around as if to say he did what he came to do.

Looking at that, I wanted immediately land a meteor where he was at.

Who could it be.

There was a couple that I had in mind.

But suddenly like this?

And after attacking, appearing atop the roof as if wanting me to see him.

‘It’s not over. Just the beginning.’ – Is the message he was trying to send.

I didn’t worry for long however.

‘Hm….. Is it happening like Jong Ho-hyung predicted?’

The face that appeared on my mind!

n.o.blesse’s guild master Park Hyun.

It’s been a couple months since I quit the guild, about the time that I’d let my guard down thinking I was safe.

If my thinking is correct, it was definitely her fox-like crafty self who was behind this.

Her words that I didn’t understand and skipped over.

‘If you do not need a guild, do as you wish. But you don’t know how life will turn out. If we do meet again and you return to us, I hope that you’ll be with us.’

Thinking about the current situation, I could understand the meaning behind her words now.

She has already predicted my ability to a certain degree.

Otherwise she wouldn’t have offered such an enticing contract for me to join.

But I do not think she knows that I am wary of her.

If she knew, she wouldn’t say that as I quit and there would be no attacks like this.

Otherwise, after quitting, I’d disappear without a word.

I could also guess what she wants from me.

Instead of the constant danger, come over to the safe fenced side.

The image of me that reflected off her fox-like eyes was an 18 year old child.

‘You’ll soon understand thoroughly that I’m not such a weak opponent.’

I stared at where he stood for a while.

Seems it was time for me to make an important decision.

I’m sure the two goons and the midget hates me.

However. Hiring someone of that skill just because of revenge?

No matter how much money was involved, the chances were low.

And if they really did try getting at me, they’d attack until I was gravely wounded.

Also they would make sure that their ident.i.ty would be exposed.

It was the first time I was attacked by an Awakened instead of monsters.

I could almost feel the ma.s.sive shaking even now.

The call from Jong Ho came.

Just in case more issues would arise, I talked within the dungeon.

Of course I cleared out the dungeon first, and used the leftover time before the dungeon expired.

“How about it? Pretty sure?”

“Hm… No matter how I look at it, it’s done by n.o.blesse.”

“Hyung. There was nothing stuck to the shield. What skill was that?”

“Probably a.s.sa.s.sin Weapon Throw, and an Awakened version at that.”

“That’s something a.s.sa.s.sins use, right?”

“Yeah. It’s a skill to throw a small weapon toward a single target with perfect precision, but once you Awaken it, you can pressurize air and make it invisible.”

“Not a ranged attack, but a single target skill. A skill like that is incredibly hard to level up, but on top of that he Awakened it?”

“Definitely high skilled.”

“Guess it starts now?”

“What are you planning to do?”

“….. If I can buy more time, I could crush them. But looks like they caught on and are trying to take care of me quickly? Instead of just waiting and doing nothing, it’s probably better to strike first.”

“You’re saying you’re going to charge n.o.blesse first by yourself?”

“Solo? I have a hyung.”


Jong Ho’s eyes were filled with worry.

But I had a plan in mind.

Even if I go in without a plan, I probably wouldn’t lose.

Level 200s and 300s would only have 5 skills maxed at most.

n.o.blesse’s guild master Park Hyun was only early level 200.

But I had gained 150 levels in 4 months.

And all skills obtained were at master level.

I was already raising Awakened skills at the moment.

The one thing that I could improve on was the lack of shields to protect myself.

The only shields I currently have are Reflect Shield, Frozen Shield, and Spirit Armor.

The Reflect Shield was Awakened for reflecting purposes.

The other two skills had their duration and damage absorbed increased drastically as their level rose. However, they still had a cool down.

In the fight ahead, I would have to block a huge amount of damage with my shields.

If my shields broke faster than I planned, the results would be obvious.

I sorted out my thoughts and spoke to Jong Ho.

“Hyung. Does the a.s.sociation vendor Mana Shield?”

“Mana Shield? Even at the a.s.sociation, it would be hard to buy.”

“Is that so? Like Hold and Bind, there are just none on the market?”

“Mhm. It would be difficult to get one by using legal means.”

“I see. Then I’ll have to rely on the small fry.”

“Hm? Small fry? What do you mean?”

“Don’t worry about it. I’ll go first.”

“Okay. If something happens, contact me. Don’t ask rashly!”

“Don’t worry about a thing.”

“Together… Never mind. Said it out of habit. In this serious situation, you’re able to joke? Get home quick.”

“Pfft. I’ll be going!”

I headed toward the small fry’s office.

Originally I approximately knew where to contact him, but when I moved to the safe house, I was able to find his business card.

Since there was a pile of it that I could find, he probably threw one down each time he visited.

I entered by smashing through the office door.

I only came to ask for a favor, but I remembered how he used to treat my poor door.

Of course, the pile of business cards played a part in angering me.

Their eyes widened as they stared at me blankly with jajangmyeon in their hands. 1

“Sorry. I remembered how you bashed my door down. Are you well?”

“…… So you came?”

The two goons tossed aside the bowls and hurried greeted me.

As they greeted me, I walked in front of the midget.

Looking at him dead in the eyes, I told what I came for.

“I was. .h.i.t by an a.s.sa.s.sin Weapon Throw today. I’m asking just in case. You didn’t, right?”

“Me… What… Oh! No way. That’s absurd.”

“Well, whatever. The mission this time is ‘Mana Shield’.”


“I told you I don’t like repeating the same thing twice before.”

“Ah… Yes! Mana Shield. But the price can’t be compared with the previous items…..”

“Don’t worry about the costs; you just need to obtain it.”


“3 days. It’s urgent.”

“3 days is…..  At least 1 we-”

One of the two goons spoke.

Before he could finish!

Around me were countless Banwol Jincheon"s coming out.

They should be aware of the weapon and Piercing Sword skill I have.

I casted the skill and asked.

“One week?”

Mr. Goon swallowed his words along with his food and continued.

“That’s not what I meant! 3 days. Plenty of time.”

“There’s one more thing I need to request.”

“What would it be….”

“I don’t want to do the trade face to face this time.”

“Yes. Not difficult at all.”

“Then I’ll be re-ly-ing on you.”

I said it as I stared down each of them one by one.

I never thought they could be this useful.

But there is a law in the world.

The law I’m talking about is how I get what I want and n.o.body gets hurt.

Well, not really my concern if these guys get hurt.

I left the midget’s office.

3 days. I had to get ‘Louver’s Necklace’ and another ‘Banwol Jincheon’ in 3 days.

I had the taxi change directions from the hunting grounds to the Awakened market.

If I get the right gear and weapon, I needed a physical attack skill to match it.

The skills I chose were ‘Gigantic Whirl’ and ‘Typhoon Hole’. 2

I remembered ‘Whirlwind’ back in the guild war.

Spinning their body quickly to deal ma.s.sive damage with the weapon held.

If Whirlwind had the range of 4 to 5m radius, Gigantic Whirlwind had 10m.

It was as if you Awakened the regular Whirlwind spell.

Whirlwind and Gigantic Whirlwind were both A ranking spells.

Then it would be obvious to use Gigantic Whirlwind over the other.

However both had a different rate of mana consumption.

Most warrior skills used up percentage of mana.

It would depend on the skill level, but the base was 3% for Whirlwind while 10% for Gigantic Whirlwind.

Same damage and same type of attack.

But the added range increased the mana consumed as well.

If one gets caught up in this skill, they’d be ripped apart like food in a blender.

If used with a ma.s.sive amount of strength, it would make a huge impact against many opponents.

The next skill, ‘Typhoon Hole’.

It was a skill mentioned in the additional information section of ‘Eye of the Storm’.

The explanation stated that the skills have incredible synergy.

Eye of the Storm caused all living targets around the user to spin around the user, being dragged in closer and closer.

Typhoon Hole spun the other direction that Eye of the Storm did.

However, Typhoon Hole was an attack skill that incorporated sharp knife-like rain drops.

Eye of the Storm had increased damage dealt as it leveled, while Typhoon Hole spun the other way, dealing damage over time.

If both skills were leveled up, it will be able to display an incredible synergy.

“I’m here to purchase Gigantic Whirl and Typhoon Hole.”

Current schedule: Once a week.

Current Queue: 12 Chapters

Chinese noodle dish. Also spaghetti jokes. Doesn’t translate very well, as these names were made up as the author pleased, in Korean to boot.